#they've toured within a relatively short distance from where i live (within a 2 hour drive which to americans is basically next door)
sylvies-kablooie · 2 months
out of curiosity whats your favorite fob album/ song and if you cant pick feel free to give like a top 3/5 not necessarily in order bc if someone asks me to rank their albums ill die trying to compare folie and stardust anyways lol long way to say tell me about fob songs/ albyms you like
amazing ask! this is what i look forward to in life. i will go by album because songs are too hard
folie was there for me in the formative years so it will always be my special number 1 due to that fact AND that there are genuinely no skips (unless you're a little too sad for what a catch donnie, which is entirely understandable)
i was going to put save rock and roll as my number 2 album but i think it will actually be placed at number 3 because i treat that album like fine china. i listened to it SO much when i was 13 that now i only break it out for special occasions as to not ruin its power.
so then i'd say stardust for number 2 because it's newer and i have lots of time to cherish it!
for 4 it's gotta be tttyg... sorry... someone said they don't associate with that album anymore but unfortunately it's perfect in almost every single way (i don't keep up with their fan base enough to verify if the statement that they don't associate with it anymore is actually TRUE, so if someone knows feel free to share)
and 5? ab/ap... i got into them during that era and that is when i saw them live. i wish i could tell you more about how that concert went to, but it was 8 years ago and the memories are a little foggy. i remember losing my mind when they busted out the piano for sr&r though. it was emo in that building. i should see if i have any old concert videos saved somewhere!
this was fun! thanks for the ask <3
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