#theyll most likely be centered around the Garmadon family but we'll see
sarcasticsir · 4 years
No Need To Be Afraid When I'm Here With You
Okay so this fic was entirely self-indulgent. It's also my first fanfiction so that's something. This has been in my notes for a while now so fuck it, I'm posting it.
In which Garmadon and Lloyd traverse the serpentine tombs. The only problem? Lloyd's afraid of the dark.
As the serpentine and humans had only just recently become allies, someone had to go check on them to make sure they were doing okay in their new home. Lloyd had volunteered, needing something to keep his mind off of Zane, and his dad had decided to accompany him since the ninja had left the week before.
Lloyd had actually been looking forward to this trip. He was curious about the serpentines culture, and what their new home was like. Of course, he had overlooked one small (huge) detail. They're serpentine, so they live underground. Where it's cold and wet. And, more importantly, dark. Very dark. As in pitch black, can't see two metres in front of you kind of dark. The kind of dark where something could be following you, and you would never even know until it's too late.
So Lloyd may have a slight fear of the dark. Slight. He figured it probably first came from that one time the other boys locked him outside during the night in the middle of a violent storm. As a 5 year old, it was terrifying. But for a 5 year old who had already been a little afraid of the dark, it was pure torture. But that's in the past, the past is past and all that. It was fine really. He was fine. That was what he kept telling himself as they entered the new serpentine tomb.
It wasn't even that bad. It was well lit by glowing torches that lined the walls. The heat they produced chasing away some of the cold. Still, Lloyd didn't like the way the shadows lining the walls would move hauntingly as the torches flickered in a faraway breeze. He inched closer to his dad, telling himself that it was just because of the cold, not because he was scared or anything. He's the green ninja, he's fought darkness before. Ah. There was the other reason he was (not) afraid of the dark. The Overlord.
Lloyd's train of thought was thankfully cut off as they arrived at the serpentines chambers. After the usual greeting and some talking, Lloyd found himself wandering off a bit. His father seemed to have it covered anyway.
Garmadon and Scales were having the usual dad conversation, as Lloyd had decided to call it. Wait, Scales was a dad now. That was weird to think about. But Scales Jr. seemed nice enough where they played (um, did he say played? No, no, he meant- wait-) on the floor, just within Lloyd's earshot of the pair. Lloyd realised from what the two adults were saying, that their conversation seemed to be coming to a close. He considered getting up and joining them, but decided against it, choosing to continue chatting happily with Scales Jr. about the Starfarer comics he so cherished.
That was until Scales asked about where Garmadon and Lloyd were going. Lloyd noticed his dad hesitate for only a second, before answering truthfully. It was okay. They were allies now. They could be trusted. Scales was now telling Garmadon about a new tunnel that had just recently been drilled that would take them closer to where they needed to go. Oh, cool. That was nice of him. The path they had taken had been pretty far away from his dads monastery. He might even get some training in before it got too late. Lloyd came back from his thoughts to see his father waving him over. He quickly said goodbye to Scales Jr. and promised that the next time they visited, he'd bring some of his comics with him. He then turned and happily bounded (walked) his way over to his dads side. Lloyd pouted as his dad swept a hand through his hair affectionately with a bright grin on his face. Lloyd returned the grin with a small smile of his own. Maybe today was gonna be a good day.
His bubbly mood was immediately smashed into a billion tiny pieces as soon as he saw the tunnel they were taking home. Lloyd could see what Scales meant now when he said that it was recently made. The hard ground was uneven and rough, making Lloyd trip every few steps. But that wasn't even the worst part. No, the worst part was the lack of light sources. It was the unnerving darkness creeping all around him.
As Lloyd already said. He doesn't like the dark. He wasn't about to show any signs that he was scared though, of course not. He couldn't let his dad, his sensei, know. He's supposed to be the green ninja, the most powerful ninja in all of Ninjago. He shouldn't be afraid of anything. But he is. And he hates that. His dad doesn't need to know that though.
"Watch your step here son, the ground's pretty uneven up here," Garmadon says suddenly, breaking the silence, and Lloyd notices that the floor seemed to be sloping up a bit. Maybe they were almost out? He hoped so. Lloyd stumbles for what must be the 50th time since they started this treck. He barely catches himself before he falls flat on his face, silently thanking Wu for the balance exercises. Lloyd can't see his fathers face, but he can feel his gaze on him and can only imagine the look of concern he's being given.
"I know you're a rebellious teenager, but maybe listening to me now and then wouldn't hurt." Nevermind, Lloyd was wrong about his dads concern.
"Well I can't exactly listen out for all the rocks in my way, now can I?" Lloyd had always been pretty sarcastic, but it only seemed to occur more often when he aged up, much to the dismay of his family.
"That was quick" Garmadon replies, a smirk audible in his words. Lloyd doesn't answer, too preoccupied with the ever increasing pit of anxiety growing in his chest. He really didn't like the dark.
Garmadon must have sensed his son's anxiety, because he slowed down his pace to walk beside Lloyd. "What's wrong?" Lloyd could just about see Garmadons face now, his features painted with worry as he squinted down at Lloyd.
"Nothing." A lie. Great. Lloyd really doesn't want Garmadon to find out about his fear. Yes, he's admitting it, he's afraid of the dark. He just wants to get out of there and into the light, away from the shadows (and whatever could be hiding in the pitch black of the tunnel).
"Lloyd, I know you. I know something's wrong. You can tell me, it's okay," Garmadon says, tone soft and caring. Fuck. Lloyd can't tell him. What would Garmadon think of him if he found out his son, his son who he is actually proud of, is afraid of something so silly as the dark. Lloyd averts his gaze, immediately regretting that decision as all he can see is black. The pressure in his chest becomes stronger, making it hard to breathe, and Lloyd worries that he's going to start hyperventilating. He wants to cry.
"Son, please," his dad presses, and Lloyd hears his footsteps cease at the same time as a weight grips Lloyd's shoulder. In hindsight, he really should have known that it was his father's reassuring hand on his shoulder, but Lloyd was scared and it was dark and he couldn't see. He flinched rather violently backwards, losing his footing and falling on his butt on the cold, hard ground.
"Lloyd, are you okay?" Garmadon is crouching in front of Lloyd now, and Lloyd suddenly feels awful, seeing the look of concern and the warmth that he's still getting used to seeing in his fathers crimson eyes. "Please tell me what's going on, son." Lloyd takes a breath, feeling the jagged floor beneath his hands, attempting to ground himself. He lowers his head and squeezes his eyes shut tight. His dad may be disappointed in him after this, but he can't bear to lie to him when his dad's so worried about him. Well, here goes nothing. "I'm afraid of the dark," he whispers out in one breath, keeping his eyes closed, not wanting to see his fathers reaction. "Oh," his dad is just barely audible, and Lloyd can't really make out how his dad is feeling. He prepares himself for whatever is coming next.
And then the one thing Lloyd didn't prepare himself for happens. A familiar, gentle pressure cups his face. Lloyd slowly opens his eyes, meeting his dads loving gaze. His father strokes his thumb across his cheek, wiping away a tear that Lloyd hadn't even realised was there. That weight in his chest makes itself known again by rising to his throat and Lloyd finds more tears spilling onto his flushed cheeks. His father pulls him to his chest, holding him close. Lloyd burrows his face into the crook of his dads neck as his father strokes his hair comfortingly.
They stayed like that for a while, and Lloyd's sobs quieten to slight hiccups and sniffles. "Please don't leave me," Lloyd's voice is muffled where his face is still resting against the silky, lavender scented fabric on Garmadons shoulder, but judging from what Garmadon says next, Lloyd figures he heard him. "What?!" Garmadon pulls away from their hug to place both his hands on Lloyd's shoulders with a firm but comforting grip. "Why would I leave you?" Garmadon asks, bewildered. Lloyd swipes at his eyes with his sleeve, "because."
"Because why?" Garmadon pins him with a penetrating stare and Lloyd squirms under his gaze.
"Because I'm a disappointment." Lloyd feels the sting of tears again but stubbornly ignores it.
Garmadon makes some noises that Lloyd can't quite understand before taking a breath and asking with a forced calmness, "why- why are you a disappointment?"
"Because, I'm supposed to be the saviour of Ninjago, the green ninja, and I'm afraid of the dark," Lloyd mutters, picking at a hole in his sleeve and avoiding his dads eyes. Garmadon hesitates, choosing his next words wisely. He had forgotten how bad Lloyd's 'I have to constantly prove myself, even at my own peril or else everyone I love will hate me and abandon me' fears were.
"Just because you're afraid of something, does not make you weak, and it certainly does not make you a disappointment, in fact, if you weren't afraid of anything, you'd be a fool," Garmadon answers, giving Lloyd a reassuring smile when he looked up, "I love you, sweetheart, and I am very proud of you, I always will be, no matter what. It's okay to admit that you're scared, that's a very brave thing to do." Garmadon seemed to think about something for a second before saying "How about I let you in on a little secret?"
That got his sons attention. Garmadon chuckled, "you have to promise that you won't tell anyone though, okay?"
"Okay I promise," Lloyd answered, curiosity temporarily taking over what was left of his fear.
"Not even Wu."
"Okay dad, I promise I wont tell anyone."
"Or Misako."
"DAD!" The mischievous grin on Garmadons face melted into a fit of laughter.
"Okay, I'll tell you," Garmadon could see that the suspense was killing Lloyd, he was thoroughly enjoying this, but there was also a point to what he was about to tell his son, "I'm actually afraid of snakes."
"Wha- really?" asked Lloyd, wide eyed.
"Yes, really."
"But what about the serpentine?" something seemed to click in Lloyd's mind.
"I didn't want you coming alone."
"O-oh" Lloyd gazed up at his dad, a small smile forming on his lips after a few seconds, "thank you." Garmadon returned the smile, and quickly moved to ruffle Lloyd's hair, eliciting a groan from the teen and a bat at his hand.
Garmadon stood up, offering a hand and helping Lloyd to his feet. He figured they must be near the surface now, but judging from the slight shake in Lloyd's hand, his son was still scared. "Would you feel better if I held your hand the rest of the way?" offered Garmadon, hoping to somehow make his son feel safer.
Lloyd considered his father's words carefully. A part of Lloyd told him no, that that was childish, but then again, he hadn't held his dads hand since he was a child (which, in his defense, really wasn't that long ago), and he figured he was probably a little (a lot) touchstarved. So it only took him a few moments before shyly responding "yeah." Garmadon took Lloyd's smaller hand into his warm, calloused hand, briefly squeezing it before the two walked side by side through the darkness.
It didn't take them too much longer to find the exit. Lloyd felt relieved seeing the bright rays of sunlight scattered across the rocky floor. He didn't run ahead, surprisingly, instead choosing to stay by his fathers side. Garmadon still held Lloyd's hand as they walked home, and Lloyd was glad for it. The more time he spent with his dad, the more he realised that it didn't matter what he did or felt or that he was the green ninja. His dad's love was unconditional. And he showed that love through small gestures, like hair ruffles or hugs, and Lloyd was all too happy to return the gesture.
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