#things just got too stressful elsewhere... I'm a fragile baby
Do you have any other social media besides Tumblr?
Yes I do!
Do I use them?
No I don't!
Lol umm... I'm kind of only active on Tumblr right now, and I'm thinking of moving all my activity here soon. I like the atmosphere on here more and it reminds me of my old main platform on Artfol... very cozy vibes. I mainly posted OC content so it's a bit different compared to here, you can find me on Instagram, and from there you can probably find my other old acc.... it's a bunch of old art and failed dreams... it's stinky and cringe... but it exists ( ´Д` )
Also once I make another Tumblr page I'll make sure to drop the name
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cinnamonest · 4 years
Let's say that darling has been very well behaved for over a year, stockholm has long since instilled into them, and shyly asks if they can try for a baby. How would the boys react? Which ones are on board for knocking up his darling? Pls I'm so horny for breeding it's embarrassing.
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Ahh I finally finished for these! It took a while lol but I tried to cover most of it
Zhongli is the best for taking care of you. He's not super panicky, but he is subtly concerned due to seeing his darling as so fragile. Constantly running around and getting you everything you ask for and a bunch of things you didn't ask for. Making sure you virtually never get up, gets you all the food you crave and the softest things to lay on.
And he'll insist on it. Like... He won't let you do anything, even those few freedoms you had before. Will constantly be checking up on you, probably won't leave the house. You're gonna be seeing even more of him than usual.
Now, yandere wise... An escape attempt during this time... Won't go over well. As usual, he kind of deludes himself about it, attributes it to hysteria of some sort, induced by your imbalanced hormones. That's ok. You just need something to keep you controlled. Unfortunately, he can't just give you hormonal control, as it could mess you or the baby up, so most likely it means keeping you heavily sedated. Makes things much easier.
He's surprisingly really good at handling a kid, though. Very gentle and capable, not particularly nervous, but not careless. He's one you won't have to worry about.
Albedo can be... Obnoxious. Bless him. You can't eat this, there's a .0002% chance it can harm the baby. You should sleep in this position, wake up at this time, do breathing exercises, constantly check your temperature and blood pressure and... You get the idea. He's very matter of fact about it, but deep down he's a nervous boi about it all. He's worried about possibilities of something bad happening, and will feel like it's his fault if something bad did happen. He'll be overall eager to actually have a kid though.
So he'll kind of rule your every action for a while - it's better not to challenge him, really, because if you do he'll go on and on about the medical, scientific reasons why you can't do this and have to do that. He's sweet about it though, you can tell he really cares. Outside of what he's dictated as necessary or forbidden by health reasons, he'll try to get you the things you want and crave, and will try to keep you sitting down as much as possible.
He gets extra nervous when holding a kid. Very stiff, perfectly still, probably gives it back very quickly out of nervousness.
Childe is ever the smug bastard. Wants to show you off, will take you places because look at him and the cute little wife he knocked up! It's a property thing, you're his little wife and he fucked you and now you have his baby. He's very proud of it all.
And actually, he'll be a little sweeter than usual all around, he's just in such a good mood. He'll have to lay off the sadistic tendencies for the sake of your health, so you get some respite in that regard, he becomes a lot more gentle, and will even do sweet things for you. He'll still be kind of condescending, though, teasing you as usual.
On a yan level, he's... More obsessive. In the past, he might have been one to leave little windows of opportunity to leave just to chase you, gave you wiggle room to be defiant so he could get the thrill of punishing you, but that's gone now. The moment you act up he'll lay down the consequences, and make it very clear you won't be disobeying from now on.
Holding a kid, he's more gentle than usual, but will definitely be one to pull some shit like pretending like he's about to drop it just to see you panic.
Bonus, a few years down the road he's gonna be super obsessive and showoff-y. Think Maes Hughes level of proud.
Diluc is kind of hilarious because he's a nervous wreck. It's adorable. It gets annoying kinda fast, though, he's constantly panicked over every little thing you do, acts like a slight pained groan is a sign that you're dying or something. He's kind of embarrassed about his own tendency to be overly worried, and he'll cave to being teased about it. He'll be very happy initially because it fits the ideal in his head of what he wants, though.
He's actually not particularly worse, because you're already pretty restricted. He will, however, significantly reduce the number of people that come to the winery, instead choosing to meet all of his appointments elsewhere if not cancel them entirely. He doesn't like people being close to you, even just in proximity - even if they don't know you're there, it makes him feel uneasy. He'll check on you frequently, more than usual, and insist on everything you eat, drink, and every waking moment is accounted for and approved of.
He'll hesitate to hold one because he's so nervous about dropping it or something. And he nearly does because he's so trembling. Again, it's actually really cute, and he's definitely embarrassed by it.
Kaeya is... Problematic. As I've said before, he's actually one of a few where you run the risk of jealousy. It's incredibly immature, and he's well aware of that, so he'll keep it well hidden. But it kind of irks him if he sees how much you stress over a baby. As a result, he's one of the ones who might actually be in a worse mood than he was before. He'll need a lot of reassurance, not in those exact words because he's too proud to say so directly, but reassurance that you'll always love him more. And it's in your best interest to give an affirmative answer. Pregnancy with him would probably be an accident, but if you ask he might agree to it.
Will definitely be more restrictive, and potentially a bit rougher, even. He'll still feel bad for you and do things for you, but he'll cling to you even more, and more shamelessly than usual. He'll double check the locked doors, make sure there's a guard posted to grab you if you try to bolt. If you do, it's even less pretty than usual. He'd be one that isn't afraid to threaten you, really. If you like a kid so much more than him, you wouldn't want him to take the kid away and give it to someone else once it's born, would you?
If holding it, he kinda... Calms down. A lot of those doubts and negative feelings are still there, but he can't help but feel an affection too. He'll get really quiet, but serious.
Xingqiu is a bit similar to Albedo. Very matter of fact about it all, and boy does his research. He's happy about it and gladly will knock you up, but he's very particular about everything. Like, good God, you didn't know there were so many books on pregnancy. He's a worrier, but he's got a little bratty pride and won't let you know he's a nervous wreck about it all. He makes himself out to be The Expert, but he's actually pretty worried about your health. Similarly, he'll regulate you quite a bit, insist on having his family's servants do things for you, so he doesn't have to spend a second away from your side.
He likes to spend a lot of time fantasizing, though, he's also one of those that really likes to do "child planning." He's got their education planned out, he's got lists of names, he smiles as he daydreams about doing this and that. Overall he's one of the best you can have in this regard.
He's the gentlest little thing if he's holding a child. You don't have to worry about anything, really, he's soft and gentle and probably the best of all for holding.
Razor is, and y'all saw this coming, very pleased! Generally in a very good mood, smiling and nuzzling you even more than usual. To be honest, your lifestyle doesn't change much, still consisting of sitting around all day, but he insists you sleep more, and will trade any walks you used to take with even more naps.
Likes to lay his head on your belly, generally just being extremely physically affectionate, cuddly and nuzzly even more than usual, which is saying something tbh. He's the opposite of the Albedo/Xingqiu type - he'll be asking you questions because he understands the very basic concept of fuck -> pregnant -> baby, but ???? How does it work? Why are you so moody? Why are you craving weird food? Boy did not realize how much goes into it all and it's very confusing. You can use this to your advantage, though. Tell him humans can't fuck while pregnant or it's guaranteed to harm the baby or something - he'll be devastated but reluctantly accept it. You'll just have a sore throat for a while.
Please don't let this boy carry a baby without specifically teaching him how to do so. You'll have a heart attack when he tries to pick it up by the back of the neck or by the foot or something. He's happy though, at least.
Xiao is... Difficult. He'll be actually pretty easily agreeing to it, really, he has no real reason to object even if he's uneasy. He's kind of detached from it, and really his behavior doesn't change much outside of a few comments here or there and willingness to get you certain foods. He probably would find a trusted source to teach him what he needs to know on how to take care of you, he's too proud to ask you himself. It's safe to say his knowledge on it all is virtually zero, but deep down he IS concerned for your well-being, even if he doesn't show it very well.
Xiao's already one of the most restrictive yans, so like with Razor, your lifestyle doesn't change much - you go from being locked in a room all day... To be locked in a room all day, except now you're pregnant. He'll probably be more cautious to check on you more often, though.
Tbh, he's also one that might get a bit jealous, but he wouldn't know why, rather, doesn't recognize and understand his own feelings. He'll just kind of sulk a bit, even pout, it's pretty uncharacteristic and even a bit funny.
Holding a kid, you'll probably be a bit uneasy, just because he has no concept of gentleness, but he does surprisingly well if given instructions.
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lovemecharlie · 6 years
Three Months In.
This takes place after Good Luck, Charlie. We're plugging in the holes and continuing this story line, giving you the aftermath.
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The news spread like wildfire. Charlie was pregnant and now everyone in the house knew although Charlie didn't look much bigger than usual. What they didn't know, was how far long and by who.
"She can do a paternity test while you're still pregnant and we could figure all of this out together as a unit," Hennessy reasoned in favor of Charlie seeing the family physician. Charlie heard every word, but Erik's threat was louder in her ear.
“I won’t kill that nigga. Simply because if it is his baby I wouldn’t forgive myself if the kid grew up without a father. I know that hurt. If it’s mine he’s dying though.”
Those were Erik's exact words when he'd shown up at her job to bring her back. He'd accepted the possibility of the child not being his and the possible involvement of another father figure in the household, although Charlie wouldn't disrespect him like that by bringing another nigga in there on principle. However, his murderous threat was very real and Charlie worried that if the baby was his, he'd kill Trevante.
Trevante had done nothing wrong. He was a good and patient distraction during a rough point in her life. Erik should be thanking him if anything for keeping her company and laughing with her after he'd broken her heart. In Charlie's mind, Erik could blame himself.. not Trevante. She'd told him as much. He didn't want to hear it, but he listened. Since Charlie had been back, Erik's ear was open and focused on her vocal chords whether he liked what she had to say or not. Every word she spoke or even mumbled under her breath, he heard. He stayed so close to her, she started to wonder if he could read her thoughts.
"What you thinking about, Cha?" She'd felt him staring at her and now his hand landed gently on her shoulder as she sprinkled cheese on her homemade pizza crust. This was him being attentive.
If you touch Trevante, N'Jadaka, I swear on this marriage and your left testicle... Don't. Do not.
"I'm just thinking.. about this pizza," she said flippantly with no expression, but his digging eyes knew different.
"Communication is our issue, Charlie. You know every fucking thing about me. I know every fucking thing about you. Yet somehow, I can't get into this one part of your mind, it's like you got it locked away and that's that unpredictable part that will misunderstand me one day and up and leave. You won't say shit, you'll just disappear one day and then I'm a be wondering what I did wrong for the next ten years."
"Sounds familiar. I feel like I'm stepping over landmines emotionally with you sometimes, like I gotta reign myself in. I'm a heavy lover, Erik. Still waters run deep. You don't always feel me and that's what I need. I crave it like I crave sweets on my period or like you crave pussy."
"I can be that for you, you just gotta be patient with me and talk to me like you doing now. I'll get it down.. just like you need it, just work with me and don't give up." His arms wrapped around her from behind.
"I wouldn't have come back if I planned to give up. I plan to make this marriage work and communicate with you the way I've learned that I need to, so you gotta be patient with me too."
"I'm patient," he nodded with a kiss on her neck. "How's the baby?" He rubbed her stomach in her simple olive green dress and she nodded. He hadn't told her to get tested, but she wasn't dumb, she knew him like she knew herself and he wanted to know badly if he was the father. She could see the question written on his forehead, he was that transparent. She wouldn't even see a physician because then they'd know exactly how far along she was and Erik would find out the truth based on the dates, she was convinced he would.
She already knew who the father was without a doubt. Trevante knew who the father was too, she didn't have to tell him.
She walked over to the refrigerator. "I'm gonna bake this pizza from scratch since I'm back in this obscenely large mansion and it has a pizza oven. What toppings do you want this time?"
"Pepperoni. Your titties bigger..." Charlie kept her eyes on the food unsure of where he'd lead the conversation. He'd been trying to fuck since she got back, but she was scared he'd hit it a bit too well.. make her confess her secrets and her sins. "..I didn't think that was possible," he added and she knew he was still staring. "You thickening up all over. You know it's hard for Daddy too keep his hands to himself when you this thick."
"I've just been eating," Charlie deadpanned. Erik's quick gust of silent laughter made her look up. He was leaning on the counter, smiling and it made her pause her actions and smile back. She sighed, her shoulders finally relaxing. "I did miss you, N'Jadaka." She genuinely meant it. As hurt as she was, she'd always loved him and that could never change. "..In all your stupid lil moments," she snickered turning quickly to wait on his comeback to fire.
"Mine?! What about you, Ms. Troublemaker," he yelled playfully, watching her shove the pizza into the oven.
"I have no idea what you're referring to." Her stubborn eyes gave nothing away while his twinkled with humor and she was warmed to know that no matter what they went through in their relationship, they could bounce back and still have fun just like this.
As long as he didn't kill Tre.
"Girl, you're pregnant now. You can't be eating all this junk and empty calories. You're eating for two and some things you just don't need to eat," Hennessy admonished taking Charlie's pint of Rocky Road and replacing it with a big bowl of spinach and tomato salad.
"Don't nobody want no twigs and berries," Charlie grimaced, ultimately caving and accepting the healthier option. She was just hungry.. and all the time. Hennessy had the kitchen staff restock the fridge with healthier choices removing all of the snacks to make things easier. With two pregnant women in the house, one six months along and battling with her health, they needed all the nutrients they could gather.
"I wish we could sneak in and talk to Angel," Charlie said wistfully staring at the salad on her fork. "But Erik has her under lock and key like a prisoner, afraid that anything will be too much. I mean, the girl is physically fragile right now, yes, but she's not fragile fragile. I just wanna see her.. Lay eyes. I've only seen her like once since I've been back and that was when we gave her her gifts."
"You know how stubborn that man is. Once he gets it in his mind that he's right, no one can change his mind."
"She's probably lonely... and what about the nursery? Can't we finish it?"
"No, he's contacting Kristina Rhodes, the interior designer she loves. She'll be okay, it'll be a good surprise for her."
"Yeah, that's true," Charlie agreed stuffing her mouth with more salad as she stood with the bowl. "Someone still needs to pluck that wild hair up Erik's ass though. If Angel weren't going through hell with her pregnancy, she would set him straight."
"Sounds like a mission for King Jade," Hennessy stared. Charlie thought about it. She might be okay to go if she remained in control. He wouldn't get her in his clutches.
"You know, a month ago I'd have been too tired and nauseous, but I've been feeling pretty good lately," Charlie stretched. "You might be right. It has been a while afterall.. I just have to make sure I pee first. I haven't been able to stop."
"That's normal because neither could Angel, but you should still get your check-ups. Even if you don't do the paternity test, we don't need a repeat of this drama or Erik acting any crazier than he already is because if he snaps, I'm scared we'll all be locked in this house and I'll have to hurt him."
"Pfft," Charlie grinned, "I'd poof with Poosy and get medical care elsewhere. After witnessing this bearded nut in action, I refuse."
Charlie stared at the Mischief Managed mug sitting on her desk full of honey and ginger tea. She pinched the bridge of her nose, stressed as Trevante kept insisting and insisting the same thing over and over.
"I don't care, Tre... No," she shrugged. "No, I'm not telling him... Oh well!... Not yet," she reiterated. Trevante kept pushing her to tell Erik and the rest of the kompound the truth and to see a physician to check on her and the baby's health, but Erik's threat was still fresh to her and echoing in her head.
"Stop fuckin worrying about me, Charlie, I'm good. I keep telling you, I'm a grown man and I can handle myself. That baby has a father and you know who it is. Don't make him worry too long... It's his baby too and if I were him I'd wanna know."
Always so level headed. Trevante was a gem and she'd forever be grateful for him. She smirked, picking up her mug. "So, was the pussy worth this drama?" She sipped her tea, imagining his face from her blunt question.
"..Uhhhhhhh..," he paused and she gasped, smiling at the phone. "I'm kidding, hell yeah it was worth it. I wanted you before you knew who I was... but I respect your relationship. As long as you're happy."
As long as you're happy.
"I am," Charlie smiled. There weren't many people, men especially, that she trusted.. and not many people, men especially, would genuinely be happy for a person in Charlie's situation. She was very aware of that fact and she respected him more than she could ever verbally express.
"I've been keeping this big secret because I've been afraid of the fallout, but I don't know. I don't know if I should tell the truth. What do you think, Lady Tigra?" Charlie sat with her legs folded staring at the clouds moving slowly across the sky as the large Bengal and Siberian mixed tiger splashed up from her pond wetting Charlie's loose grey t-shirt and black leggings. She laughed. She wasn't soaked, it was just a splash.
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"Should I do it," Charlie asked as the large feline emerged, circling her to sit beside her before laying down. Charlie rubbed her back, the wet thick hairs a comfort. "You know, they say if you have heartburn it's because your kid has a lot of hair. I wonder if Mini Charlie will be as hairy as us.. That reminds me.. we need a name for this new bundle of joy. I'm thinking Czar if it's a boy.. or D'artagnan, something interesting. Atreyu..."
"And if she's a girl?" Erik's voice came smoothly from behind causing Charlie to look back. She wondered how much he'd heard.
"I'm not sure, I thought of Monaco," she murmured, looking up at him. He sat on her other side, watching the same sky in thoughtful silence.
"I've been thinking Jada.. pretty like her mom."
Charlie smiled, watching him from the corner of her eye. It was a peaceful scene that she wished she could stay in forever.. that moment, wedged between Erik and Tigra, her protectors.. the sun high and the clouds clear.. wind blowing a gentle breeze. She decided it was now or never.
"I like N'Jada.. It has a little bit of both her parents."
There it was. She'd dropped the bomb waiting for it to register.
Erik's eyes widened as he turned to her, his breathing suddenly faster. He searched her eyes intensely grabbing her face and waiting for her to take it back, flinging himself at her when she smiled. She fell on Tigra and rolled trying to crawl as Tigra looked on, Erik's embrace tight and his lips covering her in a barrage of excited kisses. "OKAY," Charlie yelled through tears of laughter. "Tell me you forreal. How you know," Erik rushed not letting her up.
"Condoms, Erik! Lots of condoms. You really thought I'd let some guy nut in me? I barely let you nut in me!.. Now that you know the truth, you better not bother Trevante, let's just both leave him alone."
"Girl ain't nobody thinking bout that nigga, this my kid!" He stood helping her to her feet before grabbing her up in another tight embrace that threatened to break her in half. It was the best news he'd gotten in a while. A long while. Hoisting her up into his arms, he jogged back to the house with her clinging to his torso, her legs around his waist. He burst through the door like the police, causing a ruckus as he yelled to anyone in the house who could hear.
He held Charlie to his body preventing her from jumping down as he continued his loud decree.
"What the hell is wrong with you," Davita came running with Kimora close behind.
"It's my baby," he repeated, his grin stretching from ear to ear.
"Did she get the paternity test?"
"No need, my condom game strong," Charlie sighed. "Plus, I did the math after my last period and this pitbull here was definitely in these guts. It was before I left."
"You didn't think you should say anything before.." Davita wasn't sold.
"I'm just glad it's Erik's," Kimora shrugged with a smirk.
Josephine poofed into the room in a black bra and high-waisted thong, her mouth covered in a black half-mask. "Hrrerrer," she removed the mask that blocked her speech, "What's happening down here?"
Erik finally set Charlie down wrapping his arms around her to show off her stomach. "It's my baby, I'm the father."
"YESSSS," she cheered getting as hype as he was, hugging him. He almost squeezed the life from her too. Charlie noticed Josie's eyes bulge in shock. "O-Okay, calm down!"
He chuckled separating himself and taking off toward the stairs, no doubt to locate and tell everyone else in the house the news as Charlie sighed in relief, a large weight off her shoulders.
@poosypoosy @bastioncarterstevens-udaku @hennessystevens-udaku @itsangeludaku @alyshastevens-udaku @itskimorafireudaku @allhailnjadaka @bidibidibombaclaat @blackpinup22 @destinio1 @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @leahnicole1219 @vikkidc @thehomierobbstark @trevantesbrat
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