#this also brings up the fact that the amount of parallels between ruby and oz bring me to my knees on a daily basis
littlemisssquiggles · 7 years
RWBY Musings #20: I don’t want to believe that Hazel is just going to be a one off villain for this season. But perhaps Oscar will unlock his semblance to help him take the first step towards dealing with his vengeance towards Ozpin as well as his own redemption.
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Before I go more in depth with my point on Hazel and Oscar/Ozpin, let me kick this musing off by addressing the imminent fight between Ruby and Yang vs. Emerald and Mercury.
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I think a hand-to-hand combat battle may be reserved for Ruby and Yang tag teaming to fight Emerald and Mercury.
Since using Crescent Rose failed her the first time against Emerald, possibly this rematch with her would force Ruby to think carefully this time and try hand to hand combat instead.
I think Ruby utilizing her hand-to-hand training would be better suited for her sisterly battle with Yang seeing as it holds more significance as a beautiful tie back to the Yang Volume 5 Character Trailer.
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They already hinted at Yang being the one to go down into the vault to apprehend Raven and Cinder so I’m hoping that the CRWBY writers stuck to this. After all, Ruby was still very much KO’d when Nora yelled to Yang to stop Cinder, Vernal and her mom.
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So I seriously trust that the writers don’t backtrack this earlier statement and have both Yang and Ruby go down to the vault. Not only will it be a plot point inconsistency but, it’d also be really, really dumb for Ruby to tag along with Yang to face Cinder knowing very darn well that Cinder is after her.
Sending Ruby to fight Cinder would literally be like sending an innocent prey straight into the mouth of its eagerly waiting predator, ready for the feed.
So yeah, for what it’s worth, I hope Yang goes solo into the Vault of the Spring Maiden. Not only does it hold more meaning cause it’ll mean the possibility of seeing Raven fighting alongside Yang and even protecting her from Grimm Fall Maiden Cinder but also cause it’s the more sensible solution.
Seriously if they make Ruby go with Yang into the Vault of the Spring Maiden, all the obscene language and colourful cuss words in the English dictionary would not be enough to voice my anger at the sheer stupidity of how foolish that will be. So...yeah for what it’s worth, I really hope Yang ventures underground alone while Ruby remains safe (well at least safe from Cinder’s grimm-y little hands) above to offer some well-needed assistance to Oscar (who by then would’ve probably reverted back to himself since Ozpin would’ve exhausted his control over his body) fighting Hazel.
Qrow has to be down after taking such a hard lash for Ozpin/Oscar. I would not be surprised if he’s either down for the count or too wounded to keep fighting. Even with Qrow’s Aura protection being at its highest, no amount of it could safeguard him from a blow like that. So I think he’s out.
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 We all know poor Lie Ren, even with his bad ass gun blades of fury, is gonna be knocked out eventually too. Even if Nora was to suddenly break cover and rush to Ren’s defence, even she won’t be of much help. 
And with Jaune too focused on healing Weiss back to full strength, there’s no way those two would be joining the fray. Jaune can’t afford any distractions since he needs to concentrate all of his semblance on patching up Weiss.
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And even if by some struck of a miracle, Jaune manages to fully heal Weiss, I highly doubt she’ll be ready to jump back into the battle. Would she? Nah! That’d be unbelievable.
This leaves Ruby and Oscar alone to take on the Dust Juggernaut . I have a greater inclination towards this for two very good reasons.
One, personally, I want to see Ruby and Oscar fighting together for the first time to stop Dust Hazel (maybe as one, the two younglings can work up a clever strategy to take out the four dust crystals embedded in Hazel’s arms that are the source of his power. Bonus if part of their plan involves tricking Lionheart into unintentionally using his weapon to take out one of the crystals for them which backfires and ends up knocking him out of the battle too. Either that or Ruby/Ren take out Lionheart beforehand in helping Oscar).
And secondly, I want a daring moment where Ruby tries to protect Oscar from Hazel (in the same manner as Qrow from earlier) and ends up either getting injured and knocked out or placed in a tight choke hold as Hazel threatens to end her life before Oscar’s very eyes.
I want this cause I’m hoping this will either lead to Oscar unlocking his own semblance in the heat of the moment, like Jaune or revealing one of the many so-called hidden ‘tricks’ of Ozpin’s cane to put an end to Hazel’s rampage.
While I wouldn’t mind seeing more of Oz’s weapon, my money is mostly on Oscar awakening his semblance as a result of seeing Ruby hurt.
We saw how much seeing Ruby simply unconscious resulted in a very aggressive reaction from Oscar at Lionheart’s expense. So imagine what could happen if Hazel gets his hulking hands on her and does further harm.
I’m not sure whether or not the CRWBY writers plan on making Oscar the ‘new Jaune’ by prolonging the reveal of his semblance til a future season. However seeing as the topic of both Jaune and Oscar awakening their semblance was brought to light this season, this gives me hope for us getting a taste of Oscar’s semblance soon.
I can wait for Oz’s cane tricks (unless us fans luck out and we get to see both Ozpin really use his cane and Oscar showcase his semblance all in the same episode) as I really want to see Oscar’s semblance because I feel like it can help turn the tides of the battle with Hazel.
Those of you who have been following my musings know how much I want Oscar to have a mind semblance. I’ve been preaching this possibility since the thought of Oscar possessing his own super power separate from Ozpin from brought up in the show.
If Oscar has a mind/mental-semblance, then imagine if he’s able to project his own memories onto someone else’s mind. Like what if...using his semblance, Oscar unintentionally projects Ozpin’s memories of his time spent with Gretchen Rainart into Hazel’s mind and we get a moment of a past conversation Ozpin had with Gretchen. Remember how back in Volume 1, we got those little scenes of Ozpin having one on one talks with the main four girls? 
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For the sake of this example, let’s use Ruby. Remember how back in the very first episode of RWBY, when Ozpin first met Ruby, one of the questions he asked her was why she wanted to become a huntress.
Let’s say, we get a parallel memory of Ozpin meeting a young Gretchen Rainart for the first time and prompting her with the very same question. Why did she want to become a huntress? Hazel and his sister seemed to have shared a really close bond and I wouldn’t be surprised if their closeness was mostly due to her being the only family he had left. What if...Gretchen’s whole motive for becoming a huntress was so that she could train and become strong enough to protect the one person she loved the most in the world; her older brother who has always taken care of her and kept her safe. Since Hazel has always been there for Gretchen, it wouldn’t surprise me if she strongly desired to become strong enough to return the favour and become someone that Hazel can depend on too.
If Oscar possesses a semblance that can do this and show a scene like this to Hazel then...it can really change things up in the show. This is exactly why I want Oscar to have a mind semblance above any kind of hidden power. For the sheer purpose of using it to connect to someone’s heart and thoughts and help them through their pain with their memories.
And I think a power like that would suit Oscar perfectly because it’ll complement the type of strong-minded and caring individual he is.
Remember what I said regarding Chapter 5 and how Oscar’s conversation with Ruby was intended to help her rather than just reveal his own fears.
I still stand by my earlier point that Oscar reached out to Ruby since he noticed her depression over the loss of her friends and sincerely wanted to help her realize and overcome it.
The young farm boy possesses a strong willpower to help others overcome the pains of their past and their emotions, even if he doesn’t know the right words to say to bring it out. Oscar strikes me as being quite blunt in how he approaches others when talking to them about touchy subjects or their emotions; a heavy contrast to the shy way he approaches people in general. It can be appear upfront at first but this approach sometimes actually helps depending on the individual in question. It worked with Ruby and another example of this is recently with Hazel and Ozpin. I loved how the entire time Oscar fought Hazel, he never once struck him. The strikes came later when Ozpin took over. The irony is that Ozpin implied that he’s better suited to confront Hazel due to their history however the instant he took control, his method mostly involved retaliation.
And Ozpin fighting Hazel obviously did not help because it only served to anger him further. But did you know what actually worked for a short time and actually got Hazel to pause his rampage, even if it was only for a few ticks?
Oscar talking to him. I’m not saying that if Oscar had continued talking to Hazel, he would’ve stopped trying to kill him. As Ozpin so rightfully said, Hazel is too far gone in his vengeance that he is beyond verbal reasoning.
But the fact that the hulking man actually did stop to consider what Oscar was saying to him, even for a few seconds needs to be recognized. The entire time Oscar was in control, he spent it talking to Hazel. The boy tried his best to rationalize with the man. He tried to use only words as his weapon, not violence.
Doesn’t that remind you of another young huntsman who did the exact same thing with another irrational adult in an earlier episode?
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Oh the parallels!
Even now with Hazel, despite the fact that Ozpin warned him not to get involved, Oscar still was determined to help in his own way because he sees Ozpin as someone he wants to stick up for. Anyone else smiled when Oscar asked Ozpin why Hazel is upset with them?
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‘...Why is he so upset with us?’ is what Oscar asked Ozpin. Noticed how he said ‘us’ meaning him and Ozpin instead of ‘you’ as in Oz alone. I love how Oscar is starting to acknowledge that both he and Ozpin are a unit. This is such an interesting development from when he first started off in Volume 4 and didn’t want to have anything to do with Ozpin. Heck, there was even a point where Oscar tried ignoring Ozpin and wanted to pretend like he didn’t exist in his head.
Now look at him. Oscar’s whole demeanour towards Ozpin and overall acceptance of his profound responsibility as his incarnate has evolved so much.
He was so reluctant at first. Now he’s willing to do everything in his power to defend Ozpin (and by extension himself) cause he has fully accepted his role to become the next ‘Ozpin’, willingly inheriting all the majesties of the magic and all the burdens of the pains that come with it. I am both scared and happy about this interesting new shift in Oscar’s character. Wished we had actually gotten to see more scenes showcasing Oscar growing into this frame of mind but I’m afraid that boat’s already sailed episodes ago. For now I’m mostly just happy and currently satisfied because I’m just so proud of my gentle freckly avocado’s character growth and this squiggle meister cannot wait to see his semblance.
Also notice how really headstrong Oscar is too. Usually stubborn characters in shows can come off as very annoying if poorly written but thus far; I quite fondly appreciate Oscar’s stubborn side.
It helps that he’s that way for the right reasons, though. But it certainly doesn’t help defend my biasness towards Oscar when he looks even more adorable when he’s being all belligerent to protect the ones he cares about.
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 How is it even possible for one animated CGI character to look so adorable even when he’s being unreasonable? Such a stubborn lil avocado but damn does he look good either way. Not sorry.
Is stubbornness always a good trait? No. Will it get Oscar in trouble from time to time? Yes.
But it suits him and having a mental/mind based power would also match that side of his personality. I have voiced my need for Oscar to have a mind semblance too many times. I’ve said time and time again this needs to be legit.
I think Oscar will be the one to aid Hazel with his redemption. I don’t want to think that Hazel is just a one off villain or even character. If there are any characters on Team WTCH who I can see being redeemed, Hazel is one of them.
Even his deep hatred towards Ozpin is justifiable because at its core, Hazel is no more than just a pained man grieving the loss of his sister and possibly only family who knows no other way to deal with it than vengeance.
I don’t know what promises Salem made to Hazel if he helped her succeed in stopping Ozpin.
As a matter of fact, now that I know why Hazel despises Ozpin, it brings his whole motive for working with Salem into question. Yeah sure, you can say that his entire reason would be cause, he hates Ozpin cause he blames him entirely for his sister’s death. Salem hates Ozpin and wants him dead so hey, we both hate the same person so why don’t we work together? When did Team WTCH become the Mean Girls of Remnant? But here’s the thing. Gretchen became a huntress. The huntsmen are warriors trained to fight the Grimm. If Gretchen died during a training mission, obviously she must’ve been killed during or as a result of a Grimm attack.
So my comment to Hazel is...you wanna kill the man who, yes, sent your sister on a mission to stop Grimm but was also training her to stop them so they wouldn’t kill other people and yet here you are, working with the very lady who literally grow the Grimm in her backyard like Chia Pets. I dare you to find the logic in that.
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Oh Hazel, your retribution had clouded your judgement and made you f***ing stupid!
Clearly Hazel is on the wrong side, given what his true motives are and I’m honestly hoping that Oscar will be the one to help him see the truth in that; if not with words then with the use of his semblance.
Really hoping for that mind-semblance with Oscar. Since brute force isn’t enough to stop the tyrannical Hazel then maybe a deep dive into his mind will. I can really see Oscar pulling a Miss Martian from Young Justice Invasion and Professor X from X-Men, ambushing Hazel’s mind as a result of his semblance.
Oscar using his semblance for the first time to put a stop to Hazel is the only sure fire way I can see this fight concluding. It has to be Oscar and no other character to stop Hazel for this season otherwise what’s the symbolism or connection if it isn’t him.
You can’t have Hazel meet Oscar, share a history with Ozpin (and Oscar by association), then have Hazel fight Oscar then Ozpin, only for their duel to end with Hazel being defeated by...Ruby or someone more irrelevant like, Sun Wukong showing up with Blake.
No! That will result in blatant plot inconsistency along with more angry obscene language from me. Why establish this connection between Hazel, Ozpin and Oscar earlier on if the intention wasn’t to have Oscar be the one to bring the hulking man to submission.
The perfect icing to his cake would be for Oscar to unlock his semblance as a result of Hazel harming someone he cares deeply about like Ruby and that’s what finally brings Hazel crumpling to his knees. For more flavour, add an earlier scene with Ozpin/Oscar showcasing one of the tricks to his cane to fight Hazel before being overpowered and relinquishing control back to Oscar.
My money’s on that. I’m actually curious to know if the CRWBY made the conclusion of Hazel and Oscar’s fight more of the focus for Chapter 13, saving the Brawl of the Maidens and the inevitable arrival of Blake and the Faunus Calvary for the epic season finale climax or at least as a teaser for either the start or the end of the thirteenth episode. I actually wouldn’t mind that as I do believe the Hazel and Oscar/Ozpin fight deserves to be an episode focus in order to give its finish that nice satisfying punch I think it deserves. Like placing a blow on a perfectly wrapped gift.   But I guess we’ll only know once Chapter 13 arrives and I can’t wait to sink my teeth into this upcoming episode.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2018)
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