#this argument of 'but thats greenwashing' is just a distraction and it's so fucking stupid to argue
youjustwaitsunshine · 2 years
small rant just because: Neither F1 nor FE are contributing to car development or to solving the major mobility problems we face in todays world in a way that justifies them jetting around the world to break carbon parts in another place every other weekend.
It's entertainment, first and foremost, the rest is gimmicks, and I'm not saying you can't enjoy it, but to act like either of the series are bringing important technological advances for the future of mobility that couldn't be made without competition on track is ridiculous.
Sure, F1 has impressively efficient hybrid engines and FE powertrain development is impressive as well as them using low-emission fuel to power their generators, but the problem we're facing with mobility today in the world as is doesn't get solved by either of that. Electric cars or modern hybrids are expensive, can often only get repaired by brand-certified specialists with the right software and the infrastructure needed to charge those cars isn't in place and there is often low interest to change that (at least where i live). And even if all this was in place, most people can't just up and decide to trash their old car and buy a brand new electric vehicle, set up a charging port at home and go on without a problem.
There's over 1.4 billion motor vehicles in the world and keeping up the longevity of those while working on sustainable fuels and new filters should utopically (is that a word) be the focus. Of course, it doesn't make money so that isn't the focus of any car manufacturer, but 'electric mobility development through racing' is as much greenwashing as is saying 'buy our electric car next, do your part for the environment'.
The actual effort in regards to environmentally friendly transportation should be made in progressing public transport infrastructure, especially in rural areas and making it affordable to use as well as limiting the power that gas, oil and (speaking from my point/country) car lobbies have over the government, which of course is not in the interest of the car lobby and will obviously not be forwarded by any car racing series where big manufacturers whose higher ups have their fingers in government pies pay entry fees.
Obviously, apart from the development argument, transportation is the same, questionable sponsors are the same, CEOs with shady government relations who always manage to just stay on the fringes of major scandals are the same.
Enjoy F1 and FE as you want, I certainly do, I have fun watching both series, but in the end both of those series are only furthering the interests of car manufacturers and contribute little to the goal of sustainable mobility for everyone and it's important not to lose sight of that for the sake of petty arguments of which tax evader has the moral high ground (spoiler alert: neither). I still watch motorsports because yes, the innovation is super cool and impressive but it's still innovation with the goal of getting money in the pockets of the car industry and not with the altruistic goal of improving the world we live in.
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