#this ask made me giggle i rushed to doodle this. Holding them like stuffed animals
eddiessidegirl · 2 years
🎀The Little Things🎀
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Summary: A normal Friday evening between Eddie and his significant other
Pairing: Cargiver!Eddie x little!Reader
Warnings: Standard 18+ for my blog, this is a fluff piece, however, mentions of age regression, CGl dynamic, use of pet names. I think that’s it? (Let me know if
Word count: 794
It had been a long and gruelling week, Eddie had been busy at the record store he’d opened, and you’d been going through the motions at the office, dealing with all the sexist assholes there. All you wanted to do was go home and be with your boyfriend and relax. When the clock read 5pm you hurried your things into your purse and rushed out the door. You could feel the slip beginning, and the closer you got to Eddie’s van waiting for you in the parking lot the faster it was happening.
See, not only was Eddie your boyfriend of 4 years, he was also your Caregiver and Daddy when you regressed mentally. He took care of you, made sure you were ok and didn’t let anything bad happen to you. He could see your face morph as you reached the door, your eyes widening a little, an a childish look came across your features. Opening the door for you he allowed you to kick your shoes off in the passenger area and placed a gentle hand on the back of your head.
“You doing ok there, bun?” He called you by his pet name for you, “feeling little?” You nodded, not wanting to talk at the moment. All you wanted to do was vibe in the car and listen to the music letting your Daddy’s energy was over you. He nodded back to you and drove carefully back to your small shared apartment, which was just perfect for the both of you. Situated just on the outskirts of Hawkins, it was perfect for two people who wanted the comforts of home but the separation you both yearned for from the people who treated you like hell.
By the time his van pulled into his parking space you’d completely regressed, Eddie came around to your side and opened the door before scooping you and your purse up. “Shoes can wait” he remarked as you bounced in his arms, giggling with each step. If anyone saw you it would look simply like a young couple very much in love. And you loved that because you were, even after this long you loved him just as much as the early days. He was perfect.
Once inside he placed you gently on the bed, pulled your favourite stuffed animal out, a tiger named Doodle, and set him beside you while Eddie made his way to the kitchen to make you a dinner of chicken nuggets and fries. While he was gone you edged your way to the end of the bed and padded your feet to where the tv remote was, “wanna watch cartoons…” your eyes scanned the remote but you didn’t know what to do with it. After a couple seconds you toddled your way to the kitchen to ask for help.
“Daddy..? Can help?” Your hand held out the remote control a look of confusion and slight frustration on your pouting face, he laughed “of course babydoll, let’s get you changed into your pjs too so you can be comfortable.”
His hands gently helped you out of your clothes and he allowed you to pick out the jammies, “green ones, please” sliding them over your legs and head Eddie picked you up and turned on the television “Tiny Toons!” You yelled happily when you saw the bright colors and your favourite character, Buster on screen. Ruffling your hair once you were sufficiently distracted, Eddie went to change his clothes and finish making dinner and bring it to you. On your tray there was also a silly cup of Yoohoo, the other half of the bottle in a glass for him.
Eventually you began to get sleepy, one of the nuggets falling from your fingers as your started to drift off. Eddie carried all the dishes to the kitchen, “later…” he said to himself, heading back to the bedroom, and took you into his arms. Peppering your face with soft kisses, he tucked you, Doodle, and himself into bed.
“Love you Daddy…” you murmured, curling into his chest, holding on to his shirt and your tiger against your chest.
He smiled down at your face, more in love with you than ever, “love you too, bun” his body tucking close, he free hand grabbing his well-read copy of The Hobbit to read while you slept, soon you’d be awake and ready to tell him about your day at work. Until then he just enjoyed the moment with the love of his life.
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aquainnie · 5 years
Valentines Day with Stray Kids ♡
♡⋆⁎ Person of Interest: OT8 Stray Kids
♡⋆⁎ Genre: Tons of Fluff, Literally 0 Angst, School AU
♡⋆⁎ Requested? Y/N
♡⋆⁎ Word Count: 2207
♡⋆⁎ Additional Info: Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you’re spending it with the person/people you love, whether it’s romantic or platonic! I have a couple of notes about this reaction.
This took 3 days to write and is my longest piece of writing!
Chan and Hyunjin’s are based off of personal experiences, of course without the confession part. (I’m giving all of my friends candy this year and my school is selling wooden roses and I WOULD buy one for myself but dang the line is way too long and I need FOOD, they’re sold at lunch)
The reactions alternate from the member confessing to you confessing, so be aware of that!
Enjoy reading, and have an awesome Valentine’s Day! Please know if you're alone this year, you can still spend this holiday with your friends and family. Spread the love today!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
c h a n ♡
Chan was always aware about the observant side of you; the side that over analyzes everything to see if there’s a hidden message. That’s why, to confess to you on Valentines Day, he wanted to put your skills to the test.
Fundip: the gift Chan would be giving out to the majority of his classmates, of course, including you. Each one of them was personalized to the person getting the small pack of sugar, which helped Chan with his plan. His plan? Every single pack would have a smiley face on it, except yours, which would instead have a heart on it.
Soon after passing the candy out before class, his friend, who knew of his scheme, Changbin, nudged Chan on the shoulder.
“I think it worked, dude. She’s asking people around her something,” Changbin subtly says to Chan, who’s palms were getting sweatier by the second. You eyed Chan suspiciously, who made eye contact back. Grabbing your blue raspberry flavored pack, you raised it in the air with your two fingers and pointed at it dramatically, eyebrows raising up in exaggeration. Chan laughed silently in response, waving you off as to say, “Talk to you later after class.”
Right after class, you immediately caught Chan by the doorway, waiting for you. Before he opened his mouth to explain, obvious blush on his face, you spoke first.
“Nice candy. And yes, I’ll be your valentine.”
m i n h o ♡
Listen: it wasn’t your fault you fell in love with Minho, the “bad boy” in your class this year. I mean, his leather jacket, flirty attitude, countless pranks in class, intimidating tone...
Is that a cat airpod case?
Regardless, by now you’ve fallen head over heels with your classmate, who you’ve only spoken to once or twice due to your timid nature. But this year on Valentines Day, you aren’t missing your chance to make a move.
And you immediately started regretting making that card last night. You saw a small pile of gifts Minho got, but even though it was clear he rejected all those girls, you couldn’t help but tremble.
Deciding you couldn’t present your gift directly to him, you set the lousy folded piece of paper you ever so delicately drew inside of it on his desk, set off to the side of the other failed presents.
As soon as the bell ring, signaling the end of class, you attempted to rush out of the room, only to be stopped by Minho.
“Hey Y/N!” He called out, which you mistakenly turned around in response. You were only a few feet from the door when he started approaching you, your feet taking to the back of the wall.
“Do you make this?”
You nodded, trembling at his response. This was it, you were going to get rejected, feeling like a loser holding your textbooks tightly around your chest.
Then, Minho lit up into a bright smile.
“I love it! Those cats you drew were awesome, they even kinda resemble my own lil’ kittens! And yes, I’ll be your valentine.”
c h a n g b i n ♡
For once, you and Changbin agreed on the same thing: that your friend group made a stupid event. I mean, secret santa, valentines edition? Then again, they’re your friends, might as well play along and draw a name from the hat.
Well, at least both of you announced to the group that your gift would be very minimalistic. Then again, you had a tiny crush on him..
Might as well put a little effort into it.
Valentines Day arrives swiftly, everyone having their gifts ready in white, paper bags.
“Okay, I guess everyone can start passing out gifts!” Someone finally announces and soon, everyone was turning left and right passing out their gift.
You notice Changbin standing there silently, clutching his bag quite tightly. You approach him from the side, extending your arm holding the bag. Changbin raises his eyebrows in surprise, looking up at you before taking the bag and gently opening it.
“Snorlax?! Ah, you should see my gift for you..” He pulls out a small Snorlax pushie out of your bag as you giggle at his shock. It was your turn to be shocked however, as he gave you his bag. Inside..
“My own Gyu? Oh, it has a pink bow on it, cute!” You smile, examining the soft plushie in your hand.
“Look at the tag..” you’re able to hear Changbin grumble out. You look up to see him scratching his ear, his cheeks a very faint red that you’re barely able to make out. You open the tag and read what’s written on it.
“Be my valentine?”
h y u n j i n ♡ 
“Man up!” They said,
“It’ll be fun!” They said,
“Yeah right,” you mumbled quietly as you clutched a dollar in your hand, waiting behind tons of people to purchase this artificial rose.
Honestly, your school is a genius for thinking about selling fake roses and giving them out at the end of the day. With relationships blossoming everyday in your grade level, they might as well double the amount of them in a single week.
Also, they’re getting tons of profit from this event, especially with you as one of their daily customers. Always a blue rose, always with your unreadable signature at the bottom of the note. It’s not like your massive crush, Hyunjin, can read it anyways, right? And you’re happy you can see him smile everytime he gets one. All because of you.
Valentines Day, you don’t feel alone carrying a single real blue rose in your hands as you scanned your grade level. Huge teddy bears, bouquets of flowers, some may say you under did it. But you know Hyunjin’s the type to not put on a show, so you shall do the same.
“Hi Hyunjin.. Here’s your last rose!” You shyly say to the boy sitting at his desk, doodling in his journal. He looks up, definitely not expecting you to be the one purchasing the blue roses.
“You’re the one who—?” You cut him off, nodding. He starts laughing at clapping, making you giggle as well. He gets up from his seat and gives you a tight hug.
“Be..my valentine?” You managed to say, still overwhelmed by what’s happening.
“Of course!”
j i s u n g ♡
Jisung was panicking. Going around the dorms left and right, asking all of his hyungs for advice (because let’s be honest, if he goes to the three maknaes of the group, he’ll become even more of a laughing stock than he already is).
“But hyung!!” Jisung waddled back and forth on Chan’s bed, arms locked around his legs.
Chan sighed once more. “Well, what does she like?”
“I already told you, I’m not sure!!”
“Then, I don’t know, get them a stuffed animal? Make them a song?” At the second suggestion, Jisung’s ears perked up.
“A song! That’s a good idea, hyung! Thanks!!” Jisung suddenly jumped out of the bed and scrambled to his room, leaving Chan wildly confused.
A week later, as the classroom was decorated with heart streams and colored paper, you sat with an empty heart for another year. Of course no one would want you as a valentine, you’re too “cold” and “quiet.” That is, until your good friend Jisung plopped into the seat in front of you.
“Listen to this,” he demanded as he placed his phone on your desk and slid it over, a song on the screen. You looked at him suspiciously, in which he smiled wider. You took the phone and held it near your ear, making sure the volume was loud enough for you to hear yet quiet enough for no one else to.
Needless to say, when the short song was finished, you were flooded with emotion as you gave the phone back to its owner.
“Yes, I’ll be your valentine.”
f e l i x ♡
With both of you as the class clowns, it was incredibly easy for you to think of a way to ask Felix to be your valentine. Really, he shows you the latest memes everyday at break, how could you not make your own and turn them into valentine cards?
“Y/N..! You never give me memes back, when will you get some for me?” Felix whines to you at break time as you roll your eyes in annoyance.
“Find me three Pewdiepie memes and I’ll give you some tomorrow,” you negotiated, clearly not getting a good response from Felix.
“I swear you like THAT Felix more than me! I’m hurt, Y/N,” Felix starts to fake cry, wiping his dry face with his finger.
“Go ahead and cry, you big baby.”
“You suck!”
The bell rings, and Felix heads back to his seat.
“Okay, do I still suck if I have some memes for you?” It was the next day, and despite that Felix didn’t bring you your Pewdiepie memes, you still wanted to give him his present.
Once you turn your phone around that you discreetly pulled out of your bag, Felix immediately starts laughing.
“Donut ever leave deez nuts1!!1!1” He says out loud, you laughing along with him too.
After you calm down, you asked him. “Do you get the joke?”
“Yeah, the donut and the deez nuts— Oh— oh!” He looks up at you with wide eyes, and seeing you fall back into your chair with laughter confirms his thoughts.
“Is this your way of asking me to—?” You cut him off with a nod, still bubbling with giggles.
“I— Yeah! I would’ve asked you but I’m a coward so— Woah!”
he hits the woah afterwards
s e u n g m i n ♡
Seungmin likes to think he has two personalities. There’s the “Quiet Prankster” side and the “Hopeless Romantic” side. The more Seungmin thought about it, the more he realized he probably got the second side from Day6, but that’s not the point here! He has to make his Valentine's Day gift extra special, just for you!
After using several of Minho’s post-it notes to scribble down some ideas you would like, he finally settled on two. The very original and very romantic bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. Seungmin facepalmed at his originality, but knowing you, you would like anything, so it’s better to keep it traditional.
Wrong. Oh dear god he was absolutely wrong for once.
Because when the 14th arrived and Seungmin came to school clutching his small bouquet of sunflowers and a heart shaped box of chocolates, you stared at him wide. 
“These are for me?” You asked, keeping your distance as you pointed at the gifts.
“Yeah, why? Is there something wrong?” Seungmin started to worry.
You waved him off with your frantic hands. “No, it’s fine, it’s just...”
“I’m allergic to chocolate/flowers.”
“O-Oh.” Seungmin looked down at the objects in his hand as if they were his enemy. Suddenly embarrassed, his ears grew bright red.
You laughed at his attempt, but still wanted to assure him it’s fine.
“It’s okay, Seungmin! I could give the flowers/chocolates to my friends if that’s okay with you. And I know you’re going to ask me this, so yes, I’ll be your valentine.”
j e o n g i n ♡
Scanning the kitchen surroundings, you knew this plan would fail. You never realized the stereotype of “covering the whole kitchen in powder” could actually come true, because it was right in front of you.
Simple sugar cookies for the sweetest boy in the classroom, Jeongin, right? Well, not very simple if you’re being honest. How did flour get to the top of your head? You weren’t even sure at that point.
Suddenly, your older brother, Woojin, stepped into the kitchen area looking down at his phone before retracing his steps to you.
“D-Do you need help?”
You whined loudly and nodded, Woojin chuckling a little bit before leaving to get a broom and dustpan.
While you told him who you were baking the cookies for (because thank god, he’s such a good older brother that you can literally tell him anything and he wouldn’t judge), you two sweeped up the floor and threw a new batch of cookies into the oven.
“I think I got it by now. Woo, thank you so much!”
“Yup! I’ll be in my room if you need any more help.” You two salute each other off, leaving you standing right in front of the oven waiting for the batter to cook.
With some homemade icing recipe you found online, you frosted the heart shaped cookies with cute messages. Gently tossing them into a box, you slipped it into the fridge and slept anxiously for the next day.
Before class, you nervously tapped on your crush’s shoulder as he sat in his desk, fiddling with a pencil. Jeongin whipped around to see you holding out a box of homemade cookies to him.
“Hi, uh, I’ve actually liked you for a long time and wondered if you could be my valentine?”
Jeongin beamed. “Since the gift is as sweet as the person who gifted it, of course!”
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
Baby Blues
Idol: Mina (Twice)
Prompt: Could you do a fluffy Twice MinaxReader scenario where the reader says they “hate kids” but mina notices they can’t help but smile when they see babies and little kids. Maybe end it with Mina announcing she’s pregnant? The rest is up to you :). Thank you
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: This is such a cute idea! I’ve been watching a lot of Return of Superman too so it’s kind of perfect lol. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy!
♡ Tip Jar♡
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“Ugh, kids. Who decided that kids could be here?” You wrinkled your nose and stepped closer to Mina as to avoid the two kids running around the fountain in the park, and she laughed, shaking her head.
“It’s a park, babe. Of course kids are going to be here.”
“I thought they were all in school at this time?”
“It’s a Friday, maybe they got out early. Sometimes the younger grades are like that.” You huffed, and she took your hand with a giggle. “Why do you hate kids so much?”
“They’re always so loud and disruptive. And they destroy everything. They’re basically just little tornadoes with cute faces.” You steered her away from the fountain, avoiding another set of running children as the two of you continued on your way. “See? They almost ran us over.”
“Sure,” Mina said, squeezing your hand and glancing over at you. “Whatever you say, babe.”
“Oh, are you going to take their side?” As the two of you walked, another little girl went running by, her arms full of flowers as she called for her mom with a bright smile on her face. As Mina watched, a smile came to your lips before you quickly straightened your features. She stifled a giggle and rolled her eyes as you turned to her. “See? Little Satan.”
“If you say so. Let’s go somewhere where there wont be kids, how about that? Just for you.”
“That sounds great.”
As much as you liked to say that you hated kids, Mina knew you didn’t. Although she was ready to respect your wishes to not have kids, the longer she dated you, the more she realized that you were just putting up a tough front. It amused her to watch you smile whenever a child was around doing something cute, only to quickly try to hide it. She’s seen you play with kids, and be gentle with them whenever they approached you, and it always made her laugh when you turned to her and reiterated that you were just being nice, even though she knew the truth.
It didn’t take her long to figure out why you said you didn’t like kids after she told you she knew the truth.
“I’m afraid I won’t be a good parent,” you told her as the two of you laid in bed. It had been a long time since the incident near the fountain when the two of you had just started dating. Now, years later, the two of you were in a long-term committed relationship, living together and doing everything together. “The idea of raising a kid scares me, you know? So I just started saying that I hate kids.”
“That’s understandable.” She rolled over to lay her head on your shoulder and take your hand, caressing your fingers. “Parenthood is scary. It scares me too.” You hummed in agreement, and after a moment, she leaned up to plant a quick kiss to your jaw. “Thank you for finally telling me.”
A flush spread across your cheeks and you let out a little laugh. “It’s silly so I didn’t want to admit it. Although I knew you’d already seen through me.”
“Of course. I know everything about you. You’re my love.”
“I know. I couldn’t hide anything from you.” After a moment of silence, you turned your head to lock eyes with her. “Do you want kids? I know you always said you’d respect my wishes, but....”
“I’ve always liked kids,” Mina admitted, giving you a little smile. “But I never wanted to force you to have kids with me. That’s something both of us have to decide, together. Tell me the truth, though. Do you want kids?”
“I... I do. When I’m ready.” You smiled back, reaching over to run you hands through her hair. “I think you’ll be a wonderful mom, though.”
“Oh. Thank you.” She flushed, grinning happily. “If it means anything to you, I think you’ll be a great parent too.”
“You really think so?”
“I do. I trust you with everything in me.” She squeezed your hand, just like she had all those years ago, eyes earnest. “We can take parenting classes and read books. We don’t have to decide now. And we can wait however long it takes. But there’s no one else I’d rather raise a child with than you.”
“Wow, you’re going to get me choked up,” you said, wiping at your eyes. “Thank you for believing in me like that.”
“I love you,” she said, moving up until her lips hovered over yours, and you smiled, wrapping your arms around her to pull her in close and kiss her passionately, showing your feelings to her at last.
“I love you too.”
When Mina saw the positive sign on the test, she had to sit down for a moment to process it. As she brought her hand up to cover her mouth, overwhelmed with emotions, she couldn’t help crying a bit, wondering if this was how her mother felt. She could hardly believe it. The two of you had started trying for a child months ago, and after so many tries she’d almost given up hope. But she’d taken three tests now, and they’d all been positive. She was going to be a mom.
Shakily, she stood up and washed her hands and the test, blinking back tears as the smile spread across her face, almost hurting with the force. Her heart felt like it might jump out of her chest, and when she looked at the positive sign again, she squealed, jumping a bit out of happiness.
“Mina? Lunch is ready!” Your voice echoed from the kitchen and she quickly tried to calm herself down. She wanted to tell you, but she wanted to do something special. Taking a deep breath, she slipped the test into her pocket and opened the bathroom door, hoping that her voice wouldn’t reveal anything as she headed for the bedroom to hide it.
“I’ll be right there!”
After lunch, you offered to wash the dishes and she went back to the room to think. Although she wanted to tell her friends and ask for their advice, she wanted you to be the first one to know, so she sat down and went over her options. She had a small box and wrapping paper, she could wrap it up like a gift. That would probably be the best way, since she didn’t really have anything else she could do on such short notice. Quickly, she jumped up and walked over to the closet to find her gift supplies. Her friends would have to wait and help with surprising her family.
After the test was wrapped up like a gift, she took a look in the mirror to calm herself down and make sure she didn’t reveal anything with her face. Then, she walked back out to the kitchen, where you were drying your hands. Your eyebrows raised when you saw the box in her hands, and you slowly put down the dishtowel, glancing from the box to her face.
“What’s this?”
“I got you a gift!” She was giddy, her heart beating loud in her chest, but she tried her best to be nonchalant as she sat at the table and handed it to you.
“Really? What’s the occasion?”
“Can I not just get you gifts because I feel like it?” At her words, you laughed and sat down at the table beside her, curiously observing the box.
“I guess you can. Do you want me to open it now?”
“Yeah, go ahead.”
Carefully, you took off the ornate ribbon on the box before unwrapping the paper. On the box, she’d doodled a few cute animals, and it made you smile when you saw them. “Awe, so cute! Are you buying us a puppy or something?”
She laughed and shook her head. “No, I just felt like doodling on it.”
“Ah, okay, makes sense.” Your eyes widened as you opened the box, and you glanced up at her again, mouth dropping open. You could only see the outline of the test beneath the paper she’d stuffed the box with, but she knew that you knew what it was. “Wait, really?”
“Unwrap it!”
You did as you were told, pulling off the paper to reveal the positive test underneath. As you saw it, you let out a squeak similar to Mina’s own and covered your mouth. “Really? Is this for real?”
“It’s for real! We’re going to be parents!” Tears welled up in your eyes and you jumped from your chair to wrap your arms around her in a tight hug that she immediately reciprocated, holding you close.
“Oh my god! I can’t believe it! Oh my- finally! I’m so proud of you, love.” When you pulled away, you were beaming, eyes glistening with tears as you looked at her, making her laugh softly and reach up to wipe at your eyes.
“Are you happy?”
“I’m beyond happy! I’m thrilled! I can’t wait to raise a child with you. You’re going to be such a great parent.”
“So are you.” She leaned up to give you a quick kiss. “I love you, so much.”
“I love you too.” You shook your head like you still couldn’t believe it. “We’re going to be parents. That’s so awesome. I can’t wait to start looking at names and picking out toys and beds and... wow we’ll have to make a nursery room, right?”
“You’re getting ahead of yourself, love,” she said with a laugh, “we’ve still got, like, eight months to go before the baby gets here.”
“Eight months. That’s still not too long.”
“Wow.” You pressed her forehead to hers, your smile contagious. “I can’t wait to tell everyone. We’re having a kid.”
“You don’t still hate kids, do you?” She joked, playfully nuzzling your nose and making you laugh.
“Well, this kid gets to slide. Because it’s ours.”
“You’re ridiculous,” she giggled and kissed you again. “Like you ever hated kids in the first place.”
“Stop exposing me,” you replied, grinning as you pulled back and stuck out your tongue at her.
“Speaking of exposing. Should we start planning how we’re going to tell everyone about our baby?”
Your eyes widened again and nodded. “Oh yeah, we should definitely start doing that. Wait here! I’m going to grab my laptop so we can look up ideas!”
As you rushed away, filled with excitement and humming a little song to yourself, Mina smiled and put her hand to her stomach, feeling her eyes fill with tears once again. You’d come so far since that day at the fountain, and she was proud of your progress. She knew you’d be an amazing parent, and as she remembered all the classes the two of you had gone through, side by side in preparation for this moment, she smiled. She truly couldn’t wait to raise this child with you.
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