#this au feels so self-indulgent and 'mary sue' fjdahfjd
mixelation · 1 year
ok so in the reborn AU, does Tori get fuuinjustu training from Kushina and Minato or just her sensei? what's in it for Deidara to stay in Konoha with Itachi and Tori?
gonna answer these in reverse order
tbh deidara's role isn't super fleshed out in my brain, to the point where i'm debating NOT putting him in konoha? but i really like the idea of Team Disaster and they're all about the same age, and i can't think of any other native konoha-nin i want to write about in a role that big
(the alternative is an actual twelve year old has the worst year of their life.)
i think he goes with "guess i'm in konoha now???" at first as a matter of convenience. they low-key get strong-armed into it, but he is theoretically on board with being Actual Friends with tori at this point, and tori has interest in staying. i don't think deidara would actually give much of a shit about the mysterious time travel or what to do about it (except maybe go see if sasori remembers him), but itachi is in a constant state of playing 4d chess and tori is in a constant state of ASSUMING everyone around her playing 4d chess so she has to watch five different boards at once and eat chess pieces when no one is looking. in other words if he leaves them alone they MIGHT kill each other and/or start the apocalypse. if he sticks around to watch he gets to see a spectacular shit show and maybe get some hot gossip on former coworkers. it's kind of a similar mood to homemade dynamite where he's annoyed by the loss of freedom but does like some aspects of being in a village-- a stable space to do art, a paycheck, etc. UNLIKE in homemade dynamite i think this deidara gets more chances to shine as a really elite ninja and i think he really, really likes positive attention, actually
i've kind of kicked around one or two or all of them leaving konoha eventually, but i'm not sure deidara would just fuck off without a particular catalyst. he is, after all, a very reactionary person. unlike HD!kakashi, kushina knows she has an extremely talented team and she gets to bat her eyes at the hokage and get them the cool, fun missions genin wouldn't usually get. so deidara is get fulfilling work and positive attention and he doesn't, like, hate it here?
as for tori's fuinjutsu--
yes, she starts off with kushina as her main mentor. this tori is from post-plot plasticity so kushina very rapidly goes from "i will train her in fuinjutsu--" to "ah, no, this is more of a collaborative learning experience." like there's stuff kushina CAN teach her but also there's stuff where she's like "hold on, no, you made that work HOW--" tori DOES need a lot of proper mentor-mentee training in other areas of being a ninja though.
(kushina: spar one of your teammates
tori: what if
tori: no)
as she gets older i'm thinking tori gets more face time with minato though, even if it's just like a peer review thing. i have kicked around the idea of her incorporating hiraishin into whatever the fuck her fighting style is but also this seems so self-indulgent fhdjksfhjksd. but also the point of the au is to mess around with the idea of tori being a ninja and getting to be on the same level as the rest of akatsuki :(
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