#this bothers people who want me to believe whatever they say uncritically and don't like it when i read into their behavior
weed-cat · 1 month
one thing about me is that i will Consider the Implications and you can't stop me
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mistbow · 1 year
toz negativity rant
it's honestly really disingenuous to say that Z fans can never take criticism and that they always take things too personally when the loudest voices (but ultimately I believe are minority) are always about how bad it is and that the fan environment is not healthy at all when genuinely expressing even the slightest bit of positivity about it in a very unapologetically subjective manner often makes people hostile towards the Z Liker (Opinion Haver), which is far worse than people expressing annoyance at constant negativity surrounding it because at the very least it's still in their own spaces (you don't have to like/agree with everyone, and the least you could do is just leave each other alone. who the heck cares if you like that anime for example, I'm not saying it's wrong as long as you don't bother anyone else. this is actually a proper netiquette/manner in fandoms too to leave others in their spaces for their own preferences, likes/dislikes). I'm talking about unwanted attention like troll replies (both in JP and EN) or recently, something like being downvoted to hell for actually clearing up misunderstandings about Z (not even about any of the game controversies btw) objectively without arguing back (because I sure as hell am already long past convincing anyone who's hell-bent on seeing it as "bad" as actually good, we're not gonna meet eye-to-eye anyway), as if one couldn't say anything positive about it, even if it was a fact.
which is not to say that what I'm saying is a fact. I'm always putting up disclaimers (on here and anywhere else) that my opinions are very subjective. that includes interpretation, and that includes what I value or not in a game, writing, anything. I've always said that I've long accepted that what I often find "good", others often find "bad", and that's okay, but what I don't like is the insinuation that people who genuinely believe something is good must admit that it is indeed bad when you can't force feelings. and yes I say feelings because I'm honest in admitting that these are very personal, very subjective. I dunno what business do people have with me having "bad taste" because I clearly don't mind them having "good taste", just that we will never mix, and oftentimes "good taste" havers will act condescending to me (oh man I don't know how many times people, in this [Tales in general] fandom or not, have lectured me about my own cultures and languages). good for you if you have your own opinions! and I really mean this.
it's hard to put it in words but how can I say something is bad when I do feel it's fine myself? and why must I be forced to think in a way that I don't agree with? that is my actual problem with people who keep saying "Z fans are just coping and lying to themselves and others about it being Good, Actually" (which people often do despite 1) the fans can actually elaborate what they love about it, 2) the fans don't owe anyone any explanation or justification), and it's honestly no one else's business that I'm "uncritical" or whatever. what influence do I have? I barely have any followers here tbh, most are just long-time friends. bannam definitely has long decided that Z is not the way to go judging by how they keep lifting Ar and putting down Z along the way too for some reason. I'm not convincing anyone who doesn't already have Z as their favorite game, because that's pointless. and again, even if people are willing to listen to me? that's... honestly I don't even know why it's my problem tbh?
but anyway tired of people continuing misconstruing what I'm saying lol. there's an honest observation of things seemingly being lost in translation and hard to explain when it largely resonates with a group of people and not with another, but if people want to take it personally when I don't really mean anyone then okay? (though my wording might have been too passive aggressive and I genuinely apologize for that, but really, this is not anything directed/personal) this includes the execution of the narrative btw (I admittedly have really unpopular opinions on writing, judging from how I've often genuinely liked things people, to put it simply, hate). and while we're at this: despite being a part of the group, I will never speak for the entire group (long-time friends can vouch for me), because even then, values are different between each individual. being aware or even understanding doesn't always mean agreeing. the game is polarizing even in Japan after all.
people like Z for the characters, ships, potential (even what they think of wasted potential), it's fine. I personally like it most for the bigger picture of themes and messaging (this includes, yes, the execution of it) and would like to bring up that hey, maybe what you think as objectively bad isn't actually objective. you still can think of it as bad, but other perspectives exist. I happen to like the way things are even before the devs themselves had confirmed that things were intended that way, which meant I had similar perspectives and understanding to what the devs had. a lot of people don't, and that's okay, but then you have people pointing out "this is undeniably objectively bad" even though in a way they are the intended experiences and for people who enjoy it that way, it can come off as condescending too.
okay I'm trailing off because it's been a long day but maybe at this point I should start embracing being an uncritical z fan, because at the end of the day, it really still is just a videogame to me, and I'm not delusional enough to think I have enough of an impact on anyone to change their mind about z. the point is not what actual opinions I (or anyone else) have on the z itself, the point is that please just let me be for having these opinions without people making it their problem that I have these opinions. because people definitely have and are still doing it, and they're doing it when I'm talking about z only and never other games (d2 was a bit controversial when it came out because well it was a sequel lol, yet me expressing my love for what d2 did "wrong" according to people who didn't quite like it doesn't invite uncalled response), and this doesn't happen to just me.
(and yeah I will admit that I will stop caring about others' opinions as well, again I was indeed being a bit passive-aggressive and I fully own up to that. genuinely sorry if people took offense with my wording.)
but anyway back to the usual agenda lol sorry this turned out really long and not coherent at all
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babyfairy · 6 years
I can't believe that after literally years of following you I'm unfollowing bc you don't like John mulaney... some shit isn't that deep girl.... sometimes you gotta take a joke. But w/e I respect that you don't have to have my same opinion but in the most well meaning way I want to say that my life got so much better when I learned to take a joke.
this is so funny. i do know how to take jokes! but there are boundaries even in comedy. people who act like comedians can and should joke around about whatever they want and people shouldn’t be offended because ~it’s just a joke~, to me, are spineless. i don’t think a man calling his wife a bitch in any context is funny. if you’ve been following me for that long then this shouldn’t be surprising to you. some things just aren’t funny to joke about. if you’re such a big fan of john mulaney that you’re willing to consume and defend every joke he makes uncritically then that’s your business. i don’t care because i don’t know who you are. i just don’t apply those same principles to my life sis. i can be critical of things that bother me and still enjoy life and know how to take a joke.anyways you won’t be missed cuz i literally don’t know who you are! and to be honest i don’t really care to know anybody who cares this much about white comedians 😭 but stay blessed lol!
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