#this could've been answered in varying ways but he tried to be as elaborate and vague as possible and still sneak in a snarky remark
gemkun · 2 months
anonymous said : Ratio, do you have any thoughts on how the IPC handled the Avgin-Katican extinction event?
      ⸻       the   initial   silence   is   all   —   encompassing   ,   as   if   his   answer   were   written   in   the   absence   of   sound.   quietude   is   not   necessarily   without   weight   ,   for   his   demeanour   and   his   stance   ,   speak   volumes.   though   ,   perhaps   it   is   out   of   respect   ,   for   the   dreadful   event   that   had   occurred.   coordinated   under   meticulous   operations.
  ❝   when   the   ipc   wants   something   swept   under   the   rug   ,   their   enterprise   is   inexorable.   ❞   he   states   it   ,   matter   —   of   —   factly   ,   retaining   that   unyielding   neutrality   of   his.   if   not   for   alabaster   ,   dawn   might   exhibit   defeat   ,   were   he   to   linger   on   the   workings   any   longer.   ❝   scarce   and   limited   are   the   resources   surrounding   this   travesty.   even   the   intelligentsia   guild   ,   with   its   abundance   of   resources   and   papers   ,   has   a   conveniently   lacking   amount   of   information   regarding   the   avgin   —   katican   extinction   event.   ❞
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  he   recalls   ,   those   moments   when   he   had   sought   reports   out   of   personal   interest   —   to   fulfil   that   insatiable   urge   of   contributing   to   his   wealth   of   knowledge.   how   disappointing   to   have   been   met   with   clearly   biased   and   tampered   accounts   ,   illustrating   blatantly   ,   calculated   approaches.   with   a   flagrant   dearth   that   outlined   a   single   perspective.
  but   the   ipc   are   skilled   in   holding   tongues   ,   including   his.   for   now.
  ❝   what   i   have   gathered   ,   well   ,   regrettably   ,   i   am   not   authorised   to   comment   on   the   specifics   of   the   carnage   ,   however   ,   it   is   no   mystery   that   it   was   managed   poorly.   unfortunately   ,   reading   the   fine   print   of   the   sigonian   sovereignty   was   never   in   the   cards   for   the   avgins.   ❞   as   broadcasts   and   journalistic   endeavours   had   undertaken   ,   this   was   apparent.   thus   ,   an   announcement   without   consequence.   ❝   i   will   say   in   hindsight   ,   an   operation   led   by   someone   as   contemptuous   as   oswaldo   schneider   ,   was   expected   to   produce   this   tragic   outcome.   he   possesses   great   notoriety   ,   among   even   the   genius’   ,   for   his   turbulence   and   volatility.   ❞
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