#this doesn't even touch on how I think the modern public school system needs to be abolished and rebuilt
tittyinfinity · 6 months
I don't think that kids should be exclusively homeschooled, but I also don't think that kids should be going to a building with hundreds of people 5 days a week during a pandemic. It's one of the main reasons why it keeps spreading so rapidly and won't go away. They don't take any preventative measures at schools anymore (at least not around here). You got kids? You're getting sick. Your coworker has kids? You're getting sick.
Schools are back to counting attendance. You can't even keep your kid home long enough to recover from covid before sending them back. They literally send a "truancy" (police) officer to your house if you keep them home too often.
I feel like we could be doing something better. I'm not entirely sure what the solution is. But this isn't it.
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