#this fucker ordered another 10 boxes of sparkling water
isthemedia · 6 years
Ao3 Link
Chapter 1 NSFW
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 NSFW
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 NSFW
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 NSFW
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 NSFW
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 NSFW
Chapter 18
(I know it’s a bit early but since no ficlet this week cause I can’t manage my time >< here you go!)
This new life was just too good.
Too good...
Mic knows all good things come to an end.
                                                        Chapter 18
“Mind if we take a little detour?” the blonde asked Emi.
“Well since I’m not U.A bound, I guess,” she grinned. “What for?”
“Just wanted to pick the kids up something...like a snack.”
“Oh! Ice cream! It’s really humid and hot!”
“Hmmmm Girly and Shining Boy are lactose intolerant...and so am I,” Mic thought for a moment. “Though popsicles could be good.”
“Dude, you’re lactose intolerant!? You poor thing!”
Mic shrugged. “It’s not that bad.”
“If I couldn’t eat my mocha ice cream it’d be...udder chaos.”
The blonde choked as hands clamped over his mouth as he laughed.
Emi watched as the blonde meticulously looked at the back of several cartons of popsicles. “I don’t think any of those have milk in them.”
“Checking for artificial sweeteners,” Mic explained as he looked over to her. “ ‘parently they can fuck with Sugar Rush’s Quirk.”
The outburst hero giggled some. How sweet! He knew things like that about Shouta’s kids. The other hero managed to reel in a keeper.
“These should do,” Mic grinned.
“To the check-out!” Emi announced as she struck a dramatic pose, enjoying that the blonde seemed to have found it amusing. She might hurt Shouta if he left this guy, he WILLING laughs at her antics.
“So you do you just do volunteer work for that, ah Purrs and Paws place?”
Mic looked to her. “Hm? Ah nah, I help at Wings of Refuge, Open Doors Open Hearts, and Empty Shelves as well. I also pop in and out minor events too, like the health and support show, Board Walk of Life and such.”
Emi grinned. People like Mic are true heroes. Giving their all, and helping those that sadly heroes just can’t get to. She asked minor questions here and there as the approached the register; how long he’s been doing volunteer work, any interesting stories, things of those matters.
The blonde eagerly answered. It was so...refreshing to have somebody actually asking about these things. As if they wanted to know more about him for what he does as Yamada and not as Mic.  It was… a nice change.
When Mic set down the packages of popsicles he could already feel a wave a of discomfort. A young man was in front of them. Possibly earlier twenties at the oldest, with a little girl in his cart. Looking at the total displayed on the screen and back to the items he had at the counter. The blonde watched as little by little he moved things off to the side in hopes of bringing the total down.
Glancing past him, he saw that the little girl, who was being a lot quieter than what would have been expected. Green eyes widened some, as he took in the little girls flushed face and she was wrapped in two sweaters.
His eyes darted back to the register and saw the pile of items still being pushed aside. “How short is he? For all of it?”
The young man, cashier, and even Emi looked to him.
“A-about 1900 yen,” the cashier stated.
Mic looked to the young man who pulled up his hood on his sweater, in attempt to hide his face...the blonde bit his lip. They man was feeling, ashamed…”I got this.”
“No wait-you don’t--”
Mic held up his hand and gave a smile to the young man. “It’s alright, just, pass the good deed along...alright?”
The young man looked to him and nodded. Mic could see the wetness gathering in his eyes.
The cashier smiled and nodded.
Emi sighed  happily. Yep, it was official. If Shouta left him, Emi would probably take Mic in exchange then.
The man thanked Mic as he headed out of the store. Mic couldn’t help but to keep smiling as he stepped up next.
“You know that was probably just a scam,” a voice asked from behind.
Mic blinked, smile falling as he looked back. An older woman, well ok maybe she was about in her thirties as well but still. She was, decently dress, and had an arfull of items, and an annoyed look on her face. “E-exsqueeze me?” Mic asked.
“You probably just got scammed out of 2000 yen,” she stated.
Oh….oh! Heaven FORBID some poeple struggle, Mic inwardwadrly thought. OF COURSE people would just scam others for juice, crackers, and veggie mix. SURE!How could he have been so--
“AHAAH!!! Good one!” Emi was holding her stomach as she laughed. As she straightened herself up she looked to the woman...and blinked. “W-wait...you’re serious? You’re, ACTUALLY, being serious?”
The tone the outburst hero was using was enough to make the other woman flush and shift her stance slightly embarrassed. And Emi just kept staring at her, as Mic proceeded with his order. The longer Emi stared the deeper the flush grew; until the woman muttered a quick ‘excuse me’ and rushed back into one of the aisles.
“Let’s go,” Mic said in a tight voice.
The green haired woman nodded as they went out. She was a bit concerned for Mic...it almost felt like was was holdin--
As soon as they were out and around the corner Mic laughed. Laughed so loud Emi thought she could feel the ground shake as he curled forward arms wrapping around himself.
“Holy shit! AHahahhhha-h-holy--ehehehaha shit!” Mic tried to speak through his laughing, he could even feel his eyes watering. “T-that was--ahahah--that was fucking amazing!” He looked to her and grinned. “She was so embarrassed! I swear she was seconds from just, ehehahha, bursting into flames!”
Emi was laughing with him before she realized it. “I-it was, ahahaha, so stupid though! I thought--ahahahah, I though she HAD to of been joking!”
Mic nodded as his laughter finally died down to snickering and he stood up. He looked to Emi who was wiping a tear from her eye. He extended a hand to her. “Yamada.”
“Ah, what?” She looked at him confused.
“Just...call me Yamada, Mic is...ah--”
“Oh! OK!” she grinned and took his hand and shook. “Yamada it is!”
Mic grinned. “Thanks for this LaughRiot.”
The blonde smiled. “I give nicknames to people I like.”
Emi blinked before she grinned. “I like it!”
Mic waved as Emi headed off after she dropped him off at the dorms. Had to admit, he kinda felt bad for judging her so fast. She was actually are really good person. He sighed as headed in. As he made his way to the kitchen area, he saw gathered in the opened common area most of the kids.
Some studying, some watching tv, some playing a card game. Even some of the 1-B kids were there too, and that one GenEd student as well.
“Yama-san!” Uraraka looked up from her book. “Everything alright? You said there was an emergency.”
Mic smiled. “Everything’s good now, special guest at the shelter,” he explained as he pulled out one of the boxes from the bag and opened them.
“Special guest--oh!” Uraraka asked and jumped a bit as he tossed her a popsicle. “Ah! Thank you Yama-san!”
“Yeah, heard about the break in at the at Open View?”
“Ah yeah it was playing all morning, Midoriya nodded and caught a popsicle tossed his way.
Mic nodded, as he continued handing out the treats. “Turns out there was an otter that was lost, or stuck somewhere, and he needed to be held up somewhere.”
Uraraka and Ashido’s eyes widened and sparkled some. “YOU GOT TO PLAY WITH AN OTTER!?”
The blonde laughed. “Not really play, more like babysit...and teach the little brat how to swim...oi PunchGirl, SteelBoy, heads up.” He tossed a popsicle to Kendo and TetsuTetsu.
“Thanks Yama-san!” TetsuTetsu grinned.
“Thank-you so much!”
“Still!” Ashido grinned. “That sounds like it was so much fun!”
Mic chuckled. “Guess it kinda was... yo MindMelt, think fast,” he answered and tossed a popsicle to Shinso, who caught it. He headed into the kitchen to put the extras away before he grabbed himself one and headed back out.
On the TV a breaking story about Shionama played and Mic couldn’t hold back his scowl. Though that almost dropped instantly when he saw that the man was under investigation.
“For fucks sake finally,” Mic huffed as he leaned over the back of the couch.
“Ah, you don’t like Shionama-san?” Midoriya asked.
“The guys a fucking snake,” Mic huffed, not noticing Uraraka was pouting, and nodding in agreement with him.
“But he’s one of the highest donors to several of the largest charities in the city with the events he put on,” Tenya stated. “Not to mention he helped with the housing issues in the center of the city.”
The blonde scoffed. “Please, those high donations? Wanna know how much of those donations from those events ACTUALLY go to the charity?”
“What?! You mean it doesn’t all go!?” Kaminari asked.
“2%,” Mic snorted. “Two fucking percent goes.”
“...which means that less than 19000 yen, according to the numbers of the last event at least,” Shinso stated under his breath.  “If you wanna example, I mean.”
“That’s awful!” Kendo stated.
“Way unmanly!” Kirishima agreed.  
“Where the fuck does the other 98% goes then!?” Bakugou asked, taking everyone aback. It’s not like the two blondes didn’t get along...but it was the first time anyone seen the explosion user actually respond to the voice user.
“The hell do you think? His pocket to pay for the ‘expenses’ for putting on said events,” Mic stated.
“That’s bullshit,” the explosion used huffed and chomped a large piece of the popsicle off its stick.
“And those low income housings?” Mic continued. “Fucking...MY place had better upkeep. Shit, yeah sure, some areas were bad, and didn’t look pretty but at least all the windows actually fucking opened and I didn’t have to worry about exposed wires.”
“He also doesn’t pay his construction people fully,” Uraraka huffed.
The blonde blinked and looked down.
“Uraraka-san?” Midoriya frowned.
“Uraraka-kun!” Tenya exclaimed.
“He...he pays part of it, upfront like he should…” she frowned. “B-but then, when it comes to paying the second part when they’re all done…” she trailed off. Not needing to finish.
“Tch...as if I needed another reason to hate the fucker,” Mic grumbled.
It was silent, as the news played one.
“...so…” it was Bakugou who broke it. “You fucked with him before?”
Mic couldn’t stop the grin. “Hell yeah I did...drained his account three fucking times.”
“B-but that’s stealing!” Tenya stated.
“Relax Glasses, I drain it after an event.”
“That’s worse!”
“No it ain’t,” he huffed and looked at the engine user. “I make it as an anonymous donation to the actual fucking charity.”
Midoriya was muttering to himself. “They probably think it’s from Shionama-san still, since it seems that if they know his account is regularly hack, it would make sense to have it be done through another party. Probably don’t bother to look into where it’s being donated from...then again Yama-san more than likely covers his tracks so he can’t be traced...but if that’s the case it’s what makes Shionama-san look better than he is. But Shionama-san knows something going on but can’t denying it, and if that’s the case--”
Mic just stared at the boy. “Uhhh Mini-Might, yer doin’ that thing again.”
Midoriya jumped and looked around to see everyone staring at him. “I..ah...um…”
The blonde snickered a bit. “Well that would explain why people would still think this asshole is as great as he is,” Mic sighed. “Fuck, I shoulda thought of that in the first place.”
“Next time make it from U.A,” Shinso stated as he finished his popsicle.
Mic blinked before grinned. “ I FUCKING SHOULD!”
The kids laughed--
Then a clatter had them all jump, as the mood shifted form light…
To something on edge and tense.
Mic risked looking over his shoulder...eyes catching the faint wisps of what looked to be black smoke just outside the widow.
How the hell…
“You’ve been a thorn in our sides…” that voice said.
How the HELL?
“You should have been dealt with back during the first attempt.”
Mic ran down through the hall, urging the kids to try and find their own ways to safety. Find a teacher on duty--anything!
She waved for him to join her in a supply closest. Quickly he ducked in. When he caught his breath he was able to take in account who were all in there. Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, Tenya, Midoriya, and Todoroki.
Heavy footsteps rushed down the halls. “I saw him run this way!”
Him? So was it just him they were after, Mic thought to himself.
“What are we going to do?” the creation user asked.
“You five are going to get somewhere safe,” Mic stated with as much authority as he could muster in his voice.
“B-but Yama-san!” Uraraka cried.
“Grily, no…”
They all froze when they heard footsteps outside. “Shit where did he go!?”
“He can’t disappear!”
“Fucking find him!”
“We need something to distract them,” Tenya whispered.
“Flash Bombs,” Mic answered.
“Flash Bombs?” Uraraka repeated.
Mic nodded. “Should be enough to disorient them, and let us slip out…” he looked to the kids. “I need you to promise that you five will run away from me.”
“But, Yama-san,” Midoriya started.
“I mean it...this is serious. Don’t follow.”
They were all quiet...until Yaoyorozu spoke up. “Allow me to help.”
“Think you can make ‘em?”
Yaoyorozu nodded. “I know I can.”
“You sure that you want to do this?” Tenya asked.
“...it’s me they want. Not you.”
“Yama-san,” Uraraka whispered.
“I’ll be fine...I promise.”
This was bad. This was really REALLY bad. The supply closet door shut as quietly as possible. There were several villains gathered just outside. Midoriya looked over to Mic. Yaoyorozu was finishing up making the last of the Flash Bombs he requested.
“Promise me,” the blonde began. “You WON’T follow.”
Midoriya bit his lip. H-he knew he had to listen to him. But...but it felt wrong. It felt like, they were just going to leave him behind. It felt like Kaachan all over again!
“Mini-Might,” Mic called.
“...please kid. Just...just do this for me.”
He hesitated, and swallowed. “I...yes.”
Mic smiled some. “Thank you.”
They all took a steadying breath and prepared themselves. Mic nodded to Tenya, and the door was kicked open.
The villains all whipped their heads to the sound.
“Suprise mother fuckers!” Mic shouted and all the Flash Bombs were thrown in. The light was blinding. Mic laughed as he rushed out of the dorms, and as he hoped the villains trailed after.
They were after him.
They only WANTED him.
He ran to the school building. He had to think, had to come up with something. Lotsa room,s lotsa of floors. He had to keep on his toes. Just weave in and out. He knows he wouldn’t be able to loose them but he could at least slow them down.
Leaping down and rushing up stairwells we’re putting a toll on his body. He only had so much energy. Focus...focus...focus…
Keep calm. Keep--
“Fuck!” Mic caught himself on a slightly upturned tile. Mind too busy thinking on how to evade, he was unable to catch himself properly.
And footsteps were approaching faster.
Shit shit shit!
“I found him!”
Then there was a deafening sound...of a gun being fired.
“What the absolute fuck!?” Mic yelled and could just stare from his spot on the ground.
“Git up and git goin,” the homing hero said. “I’ll hold’em off,” Snipe insisted.
“But you--”
“Still don’t like ya...but, I’m not letting this go down like that again, alright? Now git!”
He wanted to argue but he decided against it. Without a second look back he ran off. He vaulted over the guard railing to the ground below. Tumbling to break his fall as he continued on his way, the villains following behind.
Shit shit fuck fuck! They’re REALLY after him. He was screwed!
The feeling of something wrapping around him had Mic freeze. It...it almost felt fami--
He didn’t get a chance to finish his thought because he suddenly felt himself getting pulled off his feet and thrown in the air.
Eraser! Aizawa!
He couldn’t help the laugh that left him.
His hero.
His hero...saved him.
When he felt those tight bonds release him while still airborne he twisted himself and landed. Alright, it was time to get--
“Careful now Mic,” that calm...childlike voice taunted. “We have eyes on you.”
There was a slight glint that caught Mic’s attention. Whipping his head to see what it was…
And all he could do, was just stare at the the lense that was pointed at him. Was it...was all this being broadcasted? What the hell?
“We have eyes on all of them, too,” Shigaraki said in that quiet calm voice. “They’re waiting...all you need to do is to come with us.”
Them? What? Who’s them?
“You seem to spend so much time at these places,” Mic scowled as he saw the young man scratch at his neck. The sound of it making his own skin crawl. “But do they know? About you I mean?”
Mic’s eyes widened. No…
“We could tell them...show them,” Shigaraki alluded. “Or...you come with us.”  
“Yama-san! Don’t do it!”Kirishima yelled.
Purrs and Paws...Open Doors, Open Hearts...Empty Shelves? Fuck Wings of Refuge couldn’t take another hit. It could be a lie though. But could he risk it? And what about U.A? What about the kids here? Now? Some are terrified because of what happened before. He saw Kaminari, Sero and Ashido doing their damndest to make sure Bakugou wasn’t taken again. Kirishima and TestuTestu were trying to shield Tsuyu with their bodies…
The press? Fucking--if word got out that U.A was housing villain...letting a villain NEAR these kids--Fuck their doors would be shut so fast!
Aizawa...he...he couldn’t let his hero--His Aizawa take anymore blame than what he has already.
Mic bit his lip and sighed as he raised his hands over his head. Too much..too much was at risk. Too much at stake. Too much. Too much. “Fine….I’ll fucking go.”
Shouta whipped around to the cry. He could...just only watch, as everything seemed to slow down, and his world narrow. It was like what happened at Wings of Refuge.  His entire focus shifted to the blonde.
Mic held up his hands and stepped closer to the villains.
Each step felt like an eternity to watch.
And Shouta...just couldn’t move.
His villain.
Shouta finally moved but it was too late, the warp closed. And Mic…
Mic was gone.
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