#this goes in the queue. can't wait to forget about it for a few days and then be insane about it with you when it does get published
handgiven Β· 10 months
a kiss to gain control or a kiss when it's not allowed. have fun :)
fucked up kisses / @spookyagentfmulder your surprise is under the cut :) you're welcome :)
something about losing control. something about looking so deep into another's eyes, and furthermore, into another's very being and getting turned around on your way out. getting turned into someone else, something else. something about fast breaths hitching to go deeper, something about fingers drifting outside of the physical and tearing open the door to a ribcage, in order to cradle the bird within. feel it out, feel its gentle heart beat, and hold it in your hand because you know you can in that you are both allowed and capable of holding at just the right might. something about feeling the way that divine fire blazes over the inside of your mortal man, scalding him and yet through choked up throat he prays for more. something about the way he speaks your name, tastes it upon his tongue like the spoils of the mightiest battle, and you can tell that he himself is not sure where you end and he begins.
something about getting lost to yourself. within the feeling of control, and power, and might. within the gentle violence of loving someone so deeply in the only way you know how. but he is just a mortal man, and you are holy, and if you stop thinking for just a second, your hands turn white-hot and the ruggedness of them, brought on by tender contact with the soil, melts away into the harsh smoothness of pure heavenly fury. if you close your eyes, you can still see his soul and it is so bright and overwhelming you could swear he was a god, but the truth is that he still lays at your mercy, and your love might just tear him apart.
something about him knowing this. he always knows. you chose him for a reason, and that reason is the way the universe seems to pour itself through him not just in your eyes, but in the very tangible reality of the way he exists upon this earth. bright eyes that see the patterns underlying everything, that analyse the tissue of which reality shapes itself from every morning, that see all and that understand. one could hardly wish for a more apt man to play god, all-seeing, all-knowing, as far along as his human mind will allow him. as far along as you will allow him into the organic labyrinthine growth that is your own consciousness of the world.
and you have allowed him. you did it once and it would be enough for the rest of your days. he understand you. he knows the way you slip before you even have a chance to. he knows the way you let loose, because he told you you could, and he knows when to pull you back again. burning, hot, you hold him down, and your lips and fingers do map out his body, in the wounds that would be sizzling had the holy fire not sterilise and heal them straightaway. you want more simply because he is your god now and the only way you know to love a god is through worship that leaves the mortal men of the world dead.
he pulls you back, though. if there is fear in his eye, you can't tell, something of divinity slips in the very way he holds himself when he looks upon you. graceful is he in his forgiveness when he witnesses the burning thing living inside your chest and still looks upon you with love. he pulls you back and he holds your neck and forces a kiss upon those lips that spread terror over his body moments ago, and that kiss alone puts you down. he doesn't have the power you do, not really. not in a way that would burst out of his entire being the way it does for you. still, the very way in which his very ordinary human hand holds you down, the very way his mortal lips steal the breath off your lips, the way his eyes gaze upon you, firm and loving. oh, you just fall apart. mercy, oh mercy.
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straykids-gives-me-life Β· 4 months
Straykids favourite place to kiss you
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β—‡ Chan β—‡
your neck is definitely one of his favourite places.
I don't mean in a sexual way (unless you want it to be πŸ˜‰)
he will be obsessed with just wrapping his arms around you from behind and places little pecks on your neck.
Chan had just gotten home from the studio, and you were sat at your vanity, taking our your earrings when he came up behind you and hugged your shoulders. His head disappeared in the crook of your neck, and he began to place small kisses on the skin, making you giggle and pat his head.
β—‡ Minho β—‡
this man would die to be able to kiss your head.
he will kiss the top of your head anywhere he could.
Stood in a queue? Smooch. He's taken a break from dancing? Smooch. About to fall asleep? Smooch.
You and Lino were waiting in line to order your boba, and he stood behind you so that no guys could look at you in your skirt. His hands were placed on your hips, and you were turned away from him, texting someone on your phone. As the next person went forward, minho leaned closer and placed a small peck on your head.
β—‡ Changbin β—‡
one thing changbin cannot get enough of is kissing your lips.
he knows it's a little basic that that's his favourite place but he can't help it.
he just loves ur lips sm <3
will literally kiss you anywhere and in any situation.
he really couldn't care.
Changbin had been working out for nearly three hours, and you were starting to get a little worried. You know that he tends to go pretty hard when he's at the gym but never for this long. So, with that, you decided to head down to the gym and check up on him.
"Hey baby, you okay?" You'd ask, stepping up next to him by the weights.
"Oh, hey darling," he'd respondz placing a small kiss to your lips.
β—‡ Hyunjin β—‡
he definitely loves kissing your shoulders.
like we're talking about your bare shoulders.
idk why but I think he'd have a thing for that.
hyunjin would literally kill to be able to kiss the soft skin of your shoulder.
You and Hyunjin had a routine most nights where you would shower, he works get distracted by you coming out of the shower, you'd fuck, and then you'd both get a shower together afterwards. Tonight was the start of one of those nights. You had stepped out of the bathroom in nothing but your towel, your bare shoulders open for Hyunjin to see. He practically ran over to you and stood behind you, arms around your waist as he placed small pecks to your skin, going from your jaw to your shoulder and then staying there.
β—‡ Han β—‡
β€’ he is OBSESSED with forehead kisses. β€’ any opportunity he gets, this man kisses it almost immediately. β€’ I'm talking like you two could be sitting in your room, having a nice time watching a movie together and he will just attack your forehead with kisses β€’ definitely forgets that you have a lot of makeup on sometimes and ends up with some of it on his lips if it isn't set properly.
You and Han were waiting for the bus into Seoul to go dress shopping for your sister's wedding. It was a pretty chilly day so you were shivering a little, the thin fabric you had brought to keep you warm not doing its job. Han sees how cold you are and pulls you into his arms, your head now shoved into his chest. you look up at him and smile as he presses his lips to your forehead.
"That better for you, baby?"
β—‡ Felix β—‡
β€’ felix is definitely the type to love kissing you on the cheek. β€’ he loves how much you blabber about how the freckles on his cheeks are so adorable, so he feels the need to give your cheeks some love too. β€’ your face always goes bright red whenever he presses his lips to it, the blush making Felix feel better about what he has done
You and Felix were cuddled up together on the couch of the boy's dorm, everyone else had left to go to the studio for a few hours but Felix wasn't feeling too great so he decided to stay home. In hopes of making him feel better, you had gone over to join him on your day off. His face pressed into your neck and his soft breaths sent a tingle down your spine, you couldn't think of a better place to be. Just as the movie you were watching was getting good, you felt a silky pair of lips press against your cheek and you knew exactly who it was.
β—‡ Seungmin β—‡
β€’ now, seungmin. he is a simple man when it comes to kissing. similar to changbin, he also loves kissing your lips. β€’ the feeling of your lips against his brightens his day completely. β€’ you just know that he gets so snotty on tour when he can't see you, him missing your lips just as much as you miss his.
"Hello, my love," Seungmin says, walking through the door of your shared apartment.
"Hi!" You exclaim, happy to see him home so early.
You run over to him, taking his body into your arms and burying your head in the crook of his neck.
"Missed me that much?" He asks, laughing at you.
You giggle back, removing your head from where you had placed it to look up at him. He looked so handsome at this time, the ambience of the streetlights outside hitting his face so perfectly, the way his hair parted to reveal his forehead. You loved it.
"Stop staring and give me a kiss, baby."
β—‡ Jeongin β—‡
β€’ your nose. more specifically, the tip of your nose. β€’ I don't know I just think he would feel like it is such a cute gesture and he would do anything to make you feel special. β€’ it's just the way his hands cup your face as he leans in. β€’ actually have my children.
Today was a rough day for you. While out shopping, you see your old friends and it reminds you of all the good times you had with them before they broke your heart. You had come home soon after and broken down into Jeongin, his words of support and comfort not having the effect the both of you had hoped for.
"Baby, I know you're not gonna believe me when I say this but it's gonna get better. Sooner or later, you're going to realise how little they actually mean and that you are so much better without them in your life."
The man grabs your face and forces you to look up at him. "I love you."
With that, he places a small kiss on the end of your nose, making heat rise up your face, and causing your ears to redden. You look so cute when you're flustered.
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more-than-a-princess Β· 2 years
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@dcviated asked: 10 and 15!
Munday Writing Stuff - Accepting!
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Something that bothers you to read in RP specifically?
Two big ones would be muses with no discernible faults or weaknesses (the Mary Sue/Gary Stu sort of muse that should be appealing and attractive to everyone. I have chosen not to follow blogs for this very reason: decent writing quality, but too-perfect muses), and quiet/brooding/introspective muses whose threads don't leave much to interact with or respond to. Closely followed by replies that answer questions from your previous reply, but don't add anything else to the thread.
But a Danganron.pa-specific annoyance? DR muses whose talents never factor into their lives. Yes, they're written as being admitted to Hope's Peak Academy based on such-and-such talent, and then the muns...never show them engaging with that talent. Not even schoolwork.
As fun as high school stories can be, the whole point of Hope's Peak, at least in the Main Course, is to gather students who are incredibly skilled in specific talents while aiming to have them be wholly and completely defined by them, in order to obtain the brightest possible future. A secured career for life, money, fame, etc. That's a lot of pressure for a 16 to 18 year old! There's even canon characters who don't want to be defined by their specific talents, and some who want to pursue other interests but due to their status at Hope's Peak, they can't.
And I really wish more DR muns would explore those topics: how did their muse's talents end up shaping their muse? Did they peak in high school? Did they eventually go on to the success the school promised?
This is more of what bothers me not to read in RP, but I think it still qualifies.
How many times do you reread a reply?
I talked about how many times I read my own in another reply, but here I'll share how many times I reread someone else's starter to me/reply in a thread:
Around a dozen.
Especially if the reply is long and/or there's a Big Dramatic Moment going on.
This is mostly due to my own writing process which involves something like this:
get tagged in reply and/or starter
read said post
Immediately get a few dialogue options that I scribble down for later
think on it for a little while/overnight/while I do something else
sit down to write properly. Read through the post at least twice more.
Put the kettle on for pot of tea #1
Look at my earlier/immediate notes and either decide 'there's something here that might be okay' or 'well this is crap and I have no idea how to match my writing partner's quality and make them feel All The Things'
Decide I need to put on a playlist. Immediately get distracted by whatever random track Spotify thinks my Daily Mix needs.
"Well, I'll read this again and then do some google searches for thread ideas. For accuracy, you know."
This inevitably leads to a deep dive of: blogs, reddit, wikipedia, and/or YouTube
"Oh, this would be a great idea for another thread/a future thread! But wait, I was supposed to get inspo for -this- thread"
Goes back to read the reply a few more times
Right around here is when I try to write the first paragraph and yell about why I can't form words good. I'm an absolute imposter of a writer because why am I not turning around thousands of words per day.
Someone messages me on discord with something inevitably more appealing than trying to write this reply. I engage with it because that's a cute meme or great idea for muse shenanigans
Put on the kettle for pot of tea #2 while browsing the dash
Laugh at some dashcomm, send some memes, immediately forget where I was going with that thread reply
Read the reply once again while the tea steeps
...finally write and queue my reply to the reply, possibly while annoyed this took so long.
This is also why writing more than three replies or starters per day for me is a real achievement. Because each time, I go through this process. I'm sure there's a better way to focus and do things but I've yet to figure it out.
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one-boring-person Β· 4 years
I Trust You.
Marko (The Lost Boys) x Chiraptophobic!reader
Warnings: very vague mention of abuse, but they do not apply to the reader necessarily.
Context: The reader suffers from chiraptophobia (the fear of physical human contact/touch) and has somehow found themself in a friendship with Marko, who has somehow managed to understand how to not constantly need to touch his friend to show affection, until they take a ride on the Ferris wheel.
A/N: This was interesting to write, so j hope it's turned out alright. I guess I took a little inspiration from Death Stranding's Sam, but I thought it would be fun to do which it was. I hope it's enjoyable!πŸ˜ŠπŸ’›
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It took Marko weeks to finally figure out why I always shied away from his advances, why I'd stared uncomfortably at his offered hand until he withdrew it when he'd tried to shake mine in greeting, why I always wore gloves even in the suffocatingly hot summer air (despite him doing the same), and why I wouldn't go near people I don't know personally, often doing my hardest to steer clear of others in general. Rather than ask, he tried to work it out for himself, observing my behaviour and mannerisms for hours on end, though he still couldn't get what was up with my actions. He'd had to ask for some help from the others, though only David and Dwayne could offer any plausible reasons as to why: maybe I'd been abused in my past and was now averse to unfamiliar human contact, or maybe I was a germophobe. When the young vampire had asked me about both, I'd quickly denied them, thinking that it is unlikely he'd understand the real reason for my odd behaviour. It was only when he saw another person try to shake my hand that he finally noticed the emotion passing through my eyes at the prospect, at which point it all clicked into place. I was afraid of the contact.
Explaining to him what chiraptophobia is was surprisingly easy, though he was a little disappointed by this fact, being a very touch-driven person when around others, even when not in a relationship, though he did manage to take it in his stride, taking time to inform the boys of this as well, in case one of them accidentally made me uncomfortable. He'd nearly ripped Paul's head off when the taller vampire tried to wrap his arm around my shoulders, only letting up when I told him it was alright, that there was no harm done, despite how uneasy I felt afterwards. Since then, Marko has become almost like a bodyguard for me, making sure no one ever comes into my personal space, all while keeping his distance, too, respecting my limits.
We became fast friends, so much so that he eventually told me his secret, revealing his true self to me on one of the nights we chose to hang out together, alone, on the beach, a night I'd never forget. Naturally, I'd been shaken by this revelation, but soon grew used to the idea, knowing that my friend would never hurt me, not intentionally. After a few months, I finally felt comfortable enough to let him touch my gloved hand, though it still made me feel a little uneasy, the sensation of another person's fingers on mine unfamiliar and disturbing to me, but it made the vampire unbelievably happy, a bright smile plastering itself across his face for the rest of the night. He tells me he had to fight off the urge to hug me, for which I'm very grateful - touching a covered hand is very different to being enveloped in an embrace. Since then, he's taken any chance he can get to hold or touch my hand, always beaming like a beacon when he does so, my discomfort in the contact fading a little over time, though I'd soon found that it was only with the curly haired blonde that my body reacted like this, having asked Dwayne to try at some point, to see if it improved overall. Having come up negative in this test, I gave contact one last try with David, who never seems to take off his gloves, only to find that his touch made me uneasy as much as Dwayne's had, despite the two layers of cloth between our respective fingertips. The memory still sets me on edge, though I am well aware it has nothing to do with either David or Dwayne, rather my own mentality.
A shiver goes up my spine as I feel a hand slip into mine, though I quickly recognise the young vampire stepping in beside me, my stance relaxing again when my body realises whose touch it is, though my arm still remains a little tense, out of habit. Reassuringly, Marko swipes a thumb over the back of my glove, glad that I haven't rejected the contact yet, meaning I'm doing better than normal.
"Hey Stranger." He greets, grinning widely at me.
"Hey Blondie." I reply, smiling back at him in return, before casting a quick glance around for the others, "What'd you do with the other three?"
"They're around. Not sure where." The young vampire shrugs, dismissing the question quickly, "How was your day?"
"Not too bad. I didn't get much work done though, I was too preoccupied."
"Preoccupied? With what?" Marko inquires, raising an eyebrow at me in confusion, though his lips are still quirked up into an amused curve.
"That's for me to know, and for you to figure out." I chuckle, tapping the side of my nose secretively.
"Challenge accepted." He smirks, eyes lighting up at the prospect.
I smile at him as we walk, knowing he'll figure it out eventually, the answer being a little closer to home than he thinks.
"Anyway, how'd you sleep?" I question him, eyeing the Ferris wheel off to the side of the Boardwalk.
"Better than usual, actually."
"Oh yeah? How come?"
"Paul didn't snore so much for once, and David wasn't muttering in his sleep either, so it was pretty quiet, altogether." He explains, smiling when I laugh at the mention of David.
"Wait, David talks in his sleep?"
"Yeah, but you can't tell anyone! And especially don't tell him that I told you, or I'll have my ass kicked to the moon and back." Marko grins, biting his thumb as if nervous, though I'm aware that this is one of his signature mannerisms.
"That's a lot of ass-kicking. Probably quite impressive to watch. " I muse, noticing his arm lift slightly, as if to give me a playful slap on the arm, as he normally would've done with someone else, only to briefly squeeze my hand instead, shaking his head in mock exasperation. I grin at him, before turning my gaze back towards the Ferris wheel, admiring the glittering lights in the black night sky, wondering what the view is like up there.
"Wanna take a ride?" Marko interrupts my thoughts, eyebrow raised in amusement.
"Huh?" I blurt out, not having heard his question, quickly snapping my eyes back to his.
"Do you wanna go on the wheel with me?" He repeats, gesturing with a nod of the head to the great circular structure a little way away.
"I would love to, but I don't have any money on me tonight. I forgot my change." I say, somewhat remorsefully, using my free hand to pat my pockets to check for any loose coins, though I'm well aware I have none, having spent it all on food earlier in the evening.
"Who said anything about you paying? Come on, it'll be fun!" The blonde vampire promises, pulling me into the crowd, which parts around us thanks to his reputation (and choice of company), meaning no one comes into touching distance. At one point, my arm brushes past some surfer's bare bicep, which sends uncomfortable shivers and goosebumps through my body, the bitter, irrational fear that comes with it soon biting at the back of my mind, my pulse picking up slightly in response, my muscles turning rigid under my clothes. Marko notices this, briefly stopping to make sure I'm ok, before turning to memorize the surfer's face, most likely intending to take it up with him later, before we continue on, swiftly reaching the shortening queue for the Ferris wheel. Beside me, Marko fidgets and shifts in place, clearly eager to get on the rotating structure, his thumb between his teeth as usual, doe eyes focused on the ticket booth.
"Calm down, Blondie. The wheel isn't going anywhere." I laugh, watching the people around us as they amble to and fro, inching out of the way as a group of made-up girls push past, wincing as I brush against Marko, only to feel surprised when I don't feel the usual discomfort rising up in me from the contact, setting a train of thought into motion. I barely notice as the queue diminishes, only really returning to the present when we reach the booth, at which point Marko buys two tickets and leads me into one of the seats. An attendant comes over to help us secure ourselves, but Marko quickly stares him down, doing the job himself with efficiency.
Not too long after, we've reached a decent way off from the ground, our feet swinging gently in the air as we watch the Boardwalk from above, grinning and joking with each other as we take it in turns pointing out random individuals, making comments about them until the other laughs. At one point, the young vampire manages to spot David, Dwayne and Paul, making some sort of remark about how the leader's hair "looks like a pineapple from the top", before comparing the latter's to a mop. I do my best to hold back my laughter, but it only results in me nearly choking as he starts pointing out more and more likenesses between his friends and everyday objects, tears threatening to spill as I struggle to contain myself. It is only in this moment, that I realise one thing, but it takes me a couple more minutes to act on the thought that has sprung to mind.
Slowly, I pull off my left glove, teasing each finger out of their designated space with a deliberate hesitation, wriggling them a bit once I've exposed them to the air, enjoying the sensation of the light breeze around my heated digits. Marko makes a point of ignoring this, turning his gaze up to the star-strewn sky instead, only to snap his eyes back to mine when he feels a single finger touch the skin of his hand. Gingerly, I trace it over his knuckle, expecting to feel a rush of discomfort, my movements careful and calculated, knowing this is the first time in years that I've had deliberate contact with another person's skin. From my fingertip, it feels as if an electric shock has travelled through me, butterflies suddenly appearing in my stomach. Biting my lip when nothing bad happens, I continue this movement with the rest of my fingers, cautiously slipping my hand into his, enjoying the feeling of his icy cold palm against my warmed one, my eyes finding his shocked ones as our fingers intertwine. In them, I find a tonne of questioning, though he makes no move to actually ask, instead remaining quiet, carefully tightening his grip around my hand as he tries his best to feel as much of my soft skin as he can, the calluses from the handlebars of his bike rubbing slightly.
"What does this mean?" He eventually queries, elated that he can finally hold my hand without a glove being in the way.
"It means that I trust you. I've had no reaction to your contact, and I think it's because I enjoy being with you, and also because you've increased my confidence levels a lot since we first met. I've been trying to figure out why I'm ok with you touching me and no one else all day, which is why I was too preoccupied to work, but I finally worked it out." I inform him, telling him part of the truth - in reality, my trust goes a lot further than wanting a platonic friendship.
Marko is quiet for a moment, as if not quite understanding what I've told him.
"You trust me?" His voice is laced with disbelief, eyes fixing on mine again.
"I do."
Eyes widening again, he smiles, his other hand coming up, as if to try and wrap me in a hug, but the awkward positioning of the barrier, as well as the reminder of my usual discomfort, stop him in his tracks, his hand tightening around mine instead .
"I'm really glad you feel that way, (Y/n). Not many people do." He chuckles, referring to the naturally predatory air he gives off, being a vampire and all, still surprised that I let him touch me.
"I feel safe around you because I know you're my friend, but not many people can have the same claim." I point out, watching the view a little, enjoying the sight of the many glittering lights sprawled out before me, admiring the tiny orange specks of fires on the beach, as well as the rapidly moving headlights of a train passing through the outskirts of Santa Carla, most likely heading out towards the Bridge.
"Fair point." Marko agrees, still staring at our joined hands, which he continues to do until we reach the bottom of the wheel again, at which point he has to let go in order to remove the barrier from our laps. As soon as we're back on the Boardwalk, however, I slip my hand back into his, a small feeling of warmth welling up in me as I see the bright smile splitting his face, clearly happy that I've willingly made contact with him again.
A whistle behind us draws our attention, the sound belonging to a grinning Paul, who approaches us, along with David and Dwayne, who are both smiling at the sight of us, the latter more so than the former, though both seem glad to see their friend happy. As they come closer, I make eye contact with Dwayne, who lifts an eyebrow in questioning, a smirk making its way onto his face when I silently give him a nod, knowing he understands what it means.
I've fallen hard for the blonde vampire who's helped me get over my fear.
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punkscowardschampions Β· 6 years
Drew & Carly
Drew: doing my head in Carly: record time Carly: wanna swap seats Drew: funny Drew: sitting next to ro, remember, not ali Carly: shes alright Drew: don't think she's down Drew: soz babe Carly: ha Carly: k but shes not dtf you either Carly: poor baby Drew: fuck off Drew: how would you know Carly: your mood is a giveaway Carly: i kno when youre frustrated boy Drew: bet I won't be by the time this trip is over Carly: idc Carly: make that bet w your gf Drew: lies Drew: poor baby Drew: don't reckon she'd appreciate that Carly: ha Carly: why would i lie Drew: 'cos even if you do care, can't have what you want Carly: i can fuck you whenever i want Carly: rn if i wanted to Drew: weren't talking 'bout me Drew: but nah Carly: k Carly: now youre lying Drew: nope Carly: you didnt come into my inbox to cry about your gf Carly: or did you & your that lad now Carly: embarrassing Drew: don't be a bitch Drew: looking for some peace and quiet is that so much to ask Carly: from me yea Carly: you kno i dont do quiet Carly: not w you Drew: ha Drew: cute Carly: & true Carly: arent you bored Carly: dont you wanna have some fun this trip Drew: i told you i'm going to Drew: w ro Carly: yea Carly: get out my inbox then i gotta make my own Carly: plenty of lads on this coach Drew: and girls Carly: nah Carly: back to boys you kno Drew: shame Drew: good times Carly: yea but youre boring now Drew: fuck off Drew: nah i ain't Drew: ali is Carly: tell your missus Carly: ali can still party Drew: not with us Carly: yea Carly: if she wanted Carly: youre the one on a chain Drew: i do what i want Drew: whenever i want Carly: do something then Carly: be fun Drew: whaddya want me to do on this packed coach Carly: the bathroom is free Carly: but k youre too scared to start the party Drew: not scared Drew: just not a moron Carly: k Carly: ill ask someone else Drew: u do that Drew: know it won't be as good as me Carly: ha Carly: maybe used to be Carly: reckon youve lost your touch Carly: married life will do that like Drew: you reckon? Drew: you wish Carly: i kno Carly: its written on you Carly: bored & boring Carly: you couldnt turn me on now Drew: yea yea yea Drew: otherwise written all over your face, babe Carly: ha no Carly: check me out as much as you want you wont see that Drew: so up yourself Carly: cuz im not gonna waste my time w you k Carly: my das more fun than you rn Drew: know you're a traveller like Drew: but that's sick Carly: you cant even slag me off proper these days Carly: who are you Carly: sad Drew: 'cos I don't need another bird doing my head in Drew: all chat but you're the same as her, like Carly: fuck off Carly: nothing ive said i wouldnt follow through on Carly: youre the one thats being a pussy Drew: yeah? well you're a nag Drew: I don't wanna fuck you, get off my dick Carly: get out my inbox Carly: you came pouting to me Drew: 'scuse me for thinking you were different Carly: what do you want boy? Drew: forget it Carly: nah Carly: ask for it Drew: Already did Drew: just be a laugh, yeah, don't get on at me Carly: k Carly: whats in it for me tho? Carly: genuinely asking Drew: idk Drew: didn't promise there was Carly: least youve finally stopped lying Drew: ugh Drew: thought we were getting somewhere girl Carly: im only saying Carly: dont get in a mood Drew: i ain't Drew: who are u sharing a room with Carly: nobody Carly: the numbers are off Drew: lucky Carly: you should be more like me & people wouldnt wanna share w you Drew: always have caleb Drew: banging on and on about his girl Carly: no thanks Drew: didn't think so Drew: nightmare Carly: welcome to the other bed Carly: unless your gonna call me a nympho over it Drew: teachers won't be down but might take you up on that Carly: idc Carly: dont think they were down for me being on this trip Carly: but i paid my money Drew: yeah, that's all they care about Drew: though they were all out there with the behave or you'll get kicked threats Drew: standard Carly: yea Carly: try & send me back home my ma & da arent there Carly: be very irresponsible like Drew: they never are Drew: but they don't need to know that Carly: news to them i had a passport Drew: yeah, only last 5 years don't they? Drew: guess when you was 10 they couldn't always piss off without ya Carly: ha Carly: youre funny when youre not sulking Drew: shut up Drew: 'cos you're alright when you're not being a bitch Carly: ive not been a bitch to you since i was making you work for your 3way Drew: well that was hot so acceptable Carly: k so i can be a bitch if im hot yea Carly: ill remember that Drew: goes without saying Drew: fit girls can get away with anything Carly: so you do think im fit Drew: you know you are Carly: yea but idk what you think Drew: gotta keep you guessing, babe Carly: please Drew: please what? Carly: please do Carly: im bored Drew: same Carly: i can pass you my water bottle if you want Carly: all i could smuggle tho Drew: realtalk Drew: no one's smuggling over borders Drew: not worth the aggro Drew: you'll get stuff here no doubt, i'm losing a week's wages πŸ˜’ Carly: its a holiday Carly: itll be worth it Carly: especially if you arent all talk Carly: your gf be losing her v like Drew: i ain't but she is Drew: gonna be hard to get her to 🀐 but if anyone can Carly: in it for the challenge Carly: i get it now Drew: what's to get Drew: she's hot Carly: k Carly: but uptight Drew: better than loose Carly: nah Carly: dont tell me you dont want a girl whod let you do anything Drew: not if she's let every cunt do the same, nah Drew: besides, can train a girl like Ro Carly: she isnt stupid enough to blindly follow commands Carly: or you around Drew: πŸ€” we'll see Drew: not that its stupid Drew: i'm not fun to be around? Carly: you were Carly: before you got a wife Drew: not asking for ya Drew: but see, you know what you're missing Carly: youre a good fuck ive never denied it Carly: fun when you want Drew: exactly Drew: its Ro's turn to find out Carly: so go chat her up Carly: you love foreplay Drew: don't reckon she wants her first time to be in the coach toilets Carly: ha Carly: didnt mean you had to do it now boy Drew: you know Drew: work fast Carly: yea Carly: thats romance Carly: dont keep a girl waiting Drew: I am capable Drew: if the situation calls Carly: dont waste that info on me Drew: never Carly: seat swap w me tho Carly: up the front is not a party Carly: you throw up once cuz your hanging & get stuck there for life Drew: πŸ˜‚ Drew: diddums Drew: alright Drew: can chat up woodfield Drew: caleb will be buzzin' Carly: shes got a body under those new jeans Carly: a goer i reckon Drew: you would Drew: only boys my arse 😏 Carly: gotta do something Carly: bored enough to break a few rules Drew: i see u Drew: MY girlfriend, remember? Carly: what do you think you see Drew: just sayin', asking to move, then saying you're gonna lez off Drew: not that thick πŸ˜‚ Carly: but obvious Carly: as fantasies go you could do better Drew: been there Drew: done that Carly: not w her Carly: shes no ali but thats mean Drew: again, doubt she'll want you there to help with the devirginizing Drew: try not to take it person Carly: i dont wanna be there Carly: the first time is always shit Drew: nah Drew: not with me Carly: ha Carly: youre not that good Drew: pshhh Drew: don't be bitter Carly: im not Carly: its facts Carly: shell be so nervous youll be lucky if you get more than the tip in Carly: probs shes a crier too Drew: shut up Carly: its not your bad Carly: just how it is Carly: itll get better Carly: maybe good Drew: well it's off-putting Drew: men don't need to know about that stuff Drew: keep it to yourselves Carly: k Carly: just trying to help you be more than all chat Drew: yeah right Drew: like you wanna help her Carly: why wouldnt i Carly: i said shes alright Drew: still, no need to be that charitable Drew: why d'you care? Carly: not offering to warm her up for you babe Carly: ive probs hung out w her more than you have Carly: why shouldnt i care Drew: 'cos she ain't your girlfriend Drew: between me and her, not the fucking committee Carly: unlike you i can care about people im not fucking Drew: πŸ™„ Drew: whatevs Carly: why do you care if i talk about her or not Carly: that i kno her Drew: 'cos i know what girls are like Drew: always talking Carly: me and her arent bffs Carly: i wouldnt be talking to you if we were Drew: i'd hope not Carly: so dont cry Carly: im not telling her anything Drew: stop acting like you give a shit then Carly: im not acting anything Carly: thats all you babe Drew: fuck off Carly: nowhere to go Carly: busy coach remember Carly: what do you get out of being w her? Carly: she doesnt put out & she does your head in Carly: why bother Carly: there are other virgins in town, i think Drew: idk Drew: she's nice Carly: that it Drew: nah Drew: she's good girlfriend material Drew: you can see, idk why you want me to sing her praises to you Drew: masochist, like πŸ˜‚ Carly: im only asking Carly: why dont you wanna sing her praises to everyone Drew: i'm not that sorta bloke Drew: cringe Carly: yea Carly: its sweet tho Drew: if you say so Drew: just makes me feel 🀒 Carly: ha Carly: better get up the front boy Drew: deffo Drew: any escape from the caleb and ali show Carly: true Carly: ms woodfield will distract you Carly: shes looking thirsty might offer her a drink Drew: queue for that toilet getting longer by the minute Carly: yea Carly: as if caleb & ali arent in there Carly: slacking Carly: like i taught her nothing Drew: probs just jerk him off in the seats like Drew: not backrow coolkids but still pretty standard Carly: aw Carly: cute Drew: how is that cute Carly: theyre in love Carly: dont be jealous Carly: youd like it if your girl offered to do you Drew: no they ain't Drew: she was with you not that long ago Drew: be on to the next soon Carly: nah Carly: she loves him & its mutual Drew: things change Drew: we don't need to make a song and dance every time someone gets with someone else like Carly: who is Carly: its no big Carly: but its still happening Drew: i'd rather just ignore it 'til it goes away Drew: not like you up in my business 😜 Carly: im not up in any part of you Carly: relax Drew: mhmm Drew: lie harder Carly: nah Carly: i wanna be but im not Carly: facts Carly: id be lying if i said i didnt want you Drew: i know Drew: prove it though Carly: how Carly: what do you want me to do Drew: brave the queue 🀳 Carly: k Carly: [Sends pics and video also because she knows he can't watch it in front of the squad] Drew: tease Drew: swap seats with me so ms woodfield can watch too Carly: prick Carly: youre a bigger tease than me tho Drew: no way Drew: i got the evidence to prove it now Carly: if i was a tease id have given you nothing Carly: let you sweat it Carly: like you are to me Drew: you ain't asked for anything Carly: but you kno what i want Carly: give me something Drew: [Sends ab pic that was just his last Insta] Carly: come on Carly: dont be like that Drew: what? Carly: such an arsehole Carly: im not begging Drew: πŸ˜‚βœŒ
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