#this got LONG and a little RAMBLEY but dammit I just have a LOT OF EMOTIONS
I’m crying, omg why have you done this. Just read the scene in small fry where AJ breaks down after the fight and I.. just ... I’m dead. Why do you make me feel emotions this is not ok. Don’t get me wrong it’s amazing writing but god dammit I’m in tears whyyyy :’( .Got me wondering how the other bots would be reacted if they actually saw the fight?
mmmmmmmmmmhm pulling me back into those Small Fry days, I LOVE IT. To this day, I still say that that scene is easily one of my top 5 to have written (thus far). Honestly, it’ll probably stay in the top 5 forever the more I think about it. It was such an important moment for Aj and the kids and the mechs. 
Having the twins there to ground her was monumental for someone like Aj who isn't used to any sort of support what so ever. Then having the kids choose to stay with her and to admit their unconditional love for her DESPITE her glaring flaws was SUCH A HUGE SHIFT IN WHO SHE IS.
Maybe I should've answered your question in the bots POV but instead you’re gonna get a long winded author analysis b/c I’m feeling contemplative right now lololol.
I don’t think Ratchet could've watched the fight. He loves her and obvi would be there for her every need post fight, but it would make his spark ache to watch her go through that fight. Ratchet couldn't bear physically being there to witness it. 
Wheeljack is kinda like him in that sense, he doesn't want to be there to watch but he’d make himself stay. Wreckers don’t leave other Wreckers behind and for all intents and purposes Aj is an honorary Wrecker in his mind. He’d stay and he’d hurt, but he’d suffer alongside her.
Jazz would’ve stopped the fight. If he had been there he would've ended it before it even reached a halfway point. He’s a very hands on mech and there is no way in hell he would stand there and watch it unfold. He’d have to take action.
Megatron would find it real interesting b/c he would see a lot of commonalities. The mech legit sees himself in Aj. At that point in the story he maybe wasn't as turned onto this idea so much, but if he had been there for that fight. Seen her push through, lose herself in the bloodshed, call herself the motherfucking queen, and then eventually shatter into pieces at the end... Megsy would've been like “oh shit bro it be like that tho”. 
I think Bluestreak and Bumblebee would've been scared. Not scared of Aj, but scared for her. Their entire lives have been war. One battle after another so YOU KNOW they’ve seen mechs and femmes lose themselves to the battle. Lose sight of who they are in the blood energon shed. So seeing her lose control would've spooked them b/c they never want to see someone like Aj, someone they care about, get lost like so many of their allies.
I know I’m missing a number of mechs but I’m starting to get rambley and y’all I'll talk all night about this shit. Hope it answered your question a little and gave you some insight into my messy brain! 
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