#this got sappy oops but i'm a sucker for that shit
Ok, based on this post about a bunch of college dudes putting up a craigslist ad for a "BBQ Dad" to attend their backyard barbecue:
A No-Upside-Down AU where the Party is in college, freshly of legal drinking age, and they decide to throw an end-end-of-year backyard barbecue bash. However, as a group composed primarily of hardcore nerds (many of them lacking in paternal figures), they're not exactly the most qualified when it comes to top-tier grilling. More than that, they need someone who can bring the 'it-factor,' someone who can work a crowd and really get the party going. So naturally, Dustin claims, the logical move is to put an ad out in the paper.
Robin is the one who finds it — she buys a paper every day, reads Nancy's articles, then skips to the funnies and the advice column and finally the classifieds. Obviously she has to show Steve — c'mon, he'd be perfect! Steve can work a mean grill, he listens to dad music, he yells at sports on TV and wears khakis... He may only be pushing 30, but Steve has the energy of a middle-aged father-of-three.
Steve is embarrassed, but he's never one to turn down one of Robin's dares, so he writes a reply. It's not like those kids are actually going to respond to him anyway, they're probably looking for someone older, a real dad. Right?
The Party proves him wrong (for the first time but not the last) — they call him almost immediately and officially invite him to the barbecue. And Steve is a sucker who can't turn down such a nice group of kids, so the next thing he knows, he and Robin are loading his grill into the back of Eddie's van and headed across town to the shabby little house shared by Dustin, Mike, Lucas, and Max.
(Eddie, by the way, is a grad student and friend of the Party's. He may be a 'real adult,' but he has no BBQ Dad vibes whatsoever and he downright refuses to be caught dead manning a grill.)
As far as the Party is concerned, Steve is the 'prophesied-hero' of paternal figures. He's the stuff of legends, the kind of father (in spirit) that all dads aspire to be. He shows up wearing khaki shorts and a polo shirt. He brings not only his own grill and grilling tools, but also a sun-powered radio already tuned to the local baseball broadcast. He calls the Party members 'kiddo' without a hint of irony on his face, and has the lamest but most contagious sense of humor they've ever heard. Just standing next to Steve (and what name is more dad-like than 'Steve'?) feels like shooting hoops on your driveway until the sun goes down, or washing the car as an excuse to hose off on a 90-degree day, or getting picked up after soccer practice, dirt-stained and weary, but happy down to the bone. And yes, his burgers and brats really are that good.
Naturally, Dustin immediately takes credit for finding him and doesn't hesitate to crow about it.
By the end of the evening, they've already made plans to throw another barbecue in a few weeks. Steve quickly becomes the official Party Dad, an inseparable member of the group. He doesn't just do barbecues either — whether they need a reliable ride, some sage advice, or a necktie tied, Steve is there for his kids.
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