#this guy is not beating the otome allegations
dreamii-yume · 9 months
Merry Christmas yume!! ( ˆoˆ )/
izz been a hot minute since I last ask damn. But am back to read the chapters thats been updated (chapter 7-9, scrumptious updates, kinda worth marinating your work for a few weeks of being busy for uni)
so becuz there's already three chapters added imma, just summarized my thoughts
chapter 7 - like how I finally know neru's backstory (since I have like no idea what the characters are in the first place, cuz HENTAI), like how theres like a flashback to their normal lives ◴_◶. Then when they went back, I kinda laugh, cuz what neru said to kaeda was kinda true LOL, like what Kaede did was worse than neru (since kaede's rule was noncon). Then sensei saved the day (gaddamn i cant wait for his turn) and bounded kaede's ass on the ground (hes so hot and strongggg). The nii-san also told neru to shut his ass up (he can shut me up thoo, also cant wait for his turnnnn)
chapter 8 - honestly, didnt remember that there was a bonus game (to be fair i only watched for the devil's tango) BLOWJOB SCENE, WE GOT A BLOWJOB SCENE EVERYONE. (kaede was picked again raaaaa)
chapter 9 - when I read the rin praying scene i was like, "I SMELL CULT SHIT" rinnnn you cult leader mathafacka, hes to devoted and faitful to our lord and savior Jesus Christ maybe. (cant wait for more rin scenes raaaaaaaaaaa) then naoki IZZ SUSPICIOUS LIKE HIGHKEYYYY (photographic memory bullshitttt) you too suspicious but thats what i like about youuuu. Also was creeped out by the consciousness controlling, i wouldve felt violated the moment i realize that someone's fucking with my consciousness. zeennn more kaede scenes (kaede is kinda the star of the show?)
im excited for more naoki and rin scenes since they still arent picked yet they get lesser scenes than kaede and neru. (m least excited about riya, im just not into younger guys and short kings since im already short, like we both CANNOT be short please mah future child will hate me)
-euphoria anon
I hope you had a nice holiday, My Dear Euphoria Anon! 🎉 and I hope Uni is treating you well 🧎‍♀️
I eat your comments every time, Darling ☠️ It makes me hyperaware of my own writing because sometimes the whore devil takes over, and I tend to miss or forget some details that I put out, so it’s nice to have someone remind me of them lol Darlings, please don’t be as irresponsible as me ☠️
Also confession—I barely remember the anime 😭 I think I watched it once and never again, so I really don’t know what’s happening there, but I’m not following that storyline anyway so…🫡 and Rin is never beating the cult allegations in your eyes, isn’t he 😭 LET HIM COOK 🗣🔥
I swear Kaede may sound like the star of the show (like the main lead in an otome game/anime of some sort) BUT I’M TRYING MY BEST TO GIVE OTHER CHARACTERS SOME TIME TO SHINE 😭 He’s just lucky because he’s the bff and so, Reina would naturally spill the tea with him in mind lol
And Riya is marinating, My Dear Anon—Give him some time 🗣🔥 That boy will surpass his limits (i hope 🧎‍♀️) He will be the one to spread the short king agenda 🙇‍♀️🙌
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kulemii · 9 months
Lover Pretend Prologue Thoughts: YUKITO
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Potential Spoilers Ahead
I AM ONCE AGAIN ON MY KNEES BECAUSE OF THE SEIYUU OF ONE OF THESE MEN! whomstever is in charge of casting over on the idea factory lover pretend team deserves THE SLOPPIEST HEAD OF ALL TIME and/or a warm hug and/or a long nap, whatever they choose because they really did the damn thing with this casting so far!!! like TATTSUN?!?!?! FUCKING SUZUKI TATSUHISA???? MY LOVE????? even if i wanted to hate this guy, i am condemned to love him by way of tattsun's line delivery! of all the characters i've meet so far, he had me grinning from ear to ear just because of the way tattsun sold this character. SUCH A FAN ALREADY! it's just the prologue, i know but dang. tattsun is so good 🥲
so, when we meet yukito, a model, he's chatting with his manager about his itinerary. the little headline that appeared when he was introduced called him a "womanizing ladies' man" and that kinda took me out because i'm like damn, yall can't say nothing else bout buddy? but i mean, they didn't waste no time in proving why they said that because girl look lmao. some woman came up inviting him to party and he was like, dope, everybody gonna be there? and she's all like, :( i was hoping it'd just be the two of us~ uwu. it doesn't have to be a club y'know. so this mf says:
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moving on-
more importantly, the manager brought some sorta proposal up to yukito and he says it's audition for That Damn Makino Film™️. and yukito's pretty ass says someting really interesting here, first he's shocked that he's even involved in something like this, citing that when he does do film/television (bc again he's a model) it's just for cameo appearances or to be comic relief. that made me think a bit.. but anyway, yukito's appearance sorta ends on that, him pondering on the audition.
overall, i gotta say, i do have a soft spot for the fictional playboy types especially in otome. love when i get to be the one to wrangle a whore in- unnf yesss, baby boy, get rid of the roster so that i can disappoint you in every way! 🤭 lmao, on a serious note, i like him too! i know i think i've said that for the last two guys but WHAT CAN I SAY! so far, they've been pretty likeable but as i keep reminding myself over and over again, it is just the prologue.
note: there was mention of an idol that had some sorta scandal or something and yukito was very firm in the fact that he takes his career very seriously and never does anything to jeopardize it. i don't know if that was just a throwaway line or if that was slid in there because something will come up later but let's put a pin in that for now just in case.
Read my thoughts on the others:
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ninashiki · 2 years
thinking about the utena sega saturn game again............theres so much shit in it that never gets talked about it. its not just explicitly gay (textually (nanami even calls juri the word lesbian in english) to implicitly, with room for gay readings of the antagonist) but also develops the various student council characters in ways you never got to see from utena’s pov. touga interacting with a girl who isn’t utena is even more horrific than could possibly be imagined. saionji interacting with a girl who isn’t utena or anthy is tolerable, even potentially likable (ironically he felt like the most “otome guy” route which says a lot about the guys in jpn otome games?) his route also mentions the castle in the sky, and clarifies how he wants eternity too. touga’s route is so disturbing he truly has the same mentality as akio. and utena’s route shows how she is barely beating the gay allegations + really interesting stuff about princehood, “princesses” and “evil queens”. people smarter than me could write actual essays on the archetypal relationship between utena and chigusa (+ the protagonist)
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