#this is 100% inspired by that one Dan VS bit where it's Elise and Chris and Chris is like 'dan says we're having burgers'
benetnvsch · 1 year
uhhh Dazai imprinting on kunikida like a duckling for the first few months or so after joining the agency,, he follows Kunikida around and will do anything as Kunikida's partner even if it's more reckless or just plain stupid. takes Kunikida's words as truth. he still listens to the others ofc and does what they ask him to but after that its straight back to kunikida
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fanfic-inator795 · 1 year
Asdfghjkl, I was randomly recommended some Dan Vs. clips on Youtube (man I loved that show, Chris is an underrated animated husband - and adorable), and it made me think-
The dynamic of Elise/Chris/Dan could also sorta be applied to Jeff/Geoff/Scratch from TGaMM (aka the show I’m currently hyperfocusing on, lol)
Like- you’ve got your incredibly wholesome and healthy couple who love each other, but one half of that pair (who also happens to be a bit of a lovable dope) is perhaps just a biiiit too attached to his best friend, leading to him being dragged into shenanigans by said best friend.
Obviously there are some differences there - Jeff is a bit nicer than Elise (and isn’t a super spy), and Scratch (while still a bit of a jerk at times) isn’t NEARLY as morally grey or as awful as Dan can be, haha. 
Still, being together for 100 years and still being in love with each other, I could see Geoff and Jeff having that same sort of lighthearted and wholesome relationship that Chris and Elise have, with Scratch being that added-in element that brings in a bit of extra spice.
Anyway, that’s where my head’s at now (because I can’t help but combine fandoms, especially when I wanna see my fave characters in different scenarios), and if anyone wants to see the vid that inspired this whole tangent well, here you go
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