#this is absolutely incoherent oh my god I JUST THINK THEY'RE NEAT!!!!!!
Tell us about Louis's sex life with Lestat and Armand, I gotta know 🍿
god, Louis is the luckiest man alive (unalive?) lmfao you just KNOW he’s getting an insane amount of action any time lestat and armand are under the same roof asdfgahvf
I'm absolutely convinced the first time they were all under one roof together for more than a few days, Armand and Lestat were both immature enough to try and make each other jealous by sleeping with Louis (Armand definitely plays dirty by echoing Louis' Jumbled Orgasm Thoughts into Lestat's head— it backfires at least once because GUESS WHAT louis still thinks about lestat in bed with other people LMFAO) but eventually this pewters out when Louis catches on and tells them to just cut the bullshit and fuck each other (and they do. and Louis enjoys a quiet night reading, like he damn well deserves).
ANYWAY, the thing I love about Louis having both of them in his life is that they all read each other in such different ways, so I think it’s really great that no matter what mood he’s in, there’s someone who knows exactly what he needs. Louis has a tendency of thinking himself into a corner, and some nights he needs Armand to step in and take the wheel and mindfuck him into a state of bliss. Other nights he needs Lestat to do just the opposite and coax him into his body and remind him of what it feels like to be alive. 
They also both pick up on different things that Louis doesn't even know about himself like!!! Lestat is very well-versed and dependent on physical cues, so he picks up on the way Louis tilts his head ever so slightly to the side when he's curious about trying a New Idea, the way he rolls his ankles and flexes his heels when he wants to go harder, or the way he'll hide his face in Lestat's shoulder when he's about to come because he thinks his orgasm face is silly.
Armand, of course, has access to Louis' mind, but on the whole he's much more emotionally intelligent so he actually doesn't use much of the Mind Gift (he also is well aware of Louis' aversion to the gift). it's much easier for him to pick up on the roller coaster that is Louis "repressed-gay-ex-catholic" de Pointe du Lac, and Armand is so much more patient in terms of giving Louis the time and space to process things. Sometimes it takes a while for Louis to be able to stretch out of his comfort zone, but Armand is in it for the long game, baby.
They both also have very different tactics to getting in his pants LOL like it's actually fucking hilarious because if Lestat tries to flirt and cuddle up to Louis while he's reading, he'll get all huffy and annoyed, but when Armand comes waltzing in and casually rests a hand on his knee while he reads, Louis is putting that book down and going for the jugular in like 30 seconds flat LMAO.
Armand and Lestat also know that sometimes they’re not exactly what Louis needs in the moment, so sometimes (not every time, but sometimes) Lestat will suggest Louis visits Armand. And vice versa, every other week when Louis gets cranky, Armand locks him in a room with Lestat like “You two just need to bone.” 
cue: this exact reaction from Louis: 
When it comes to settling on an arrangement between the 3 of them actually sharing a bed together (as opposed to taking turns with Louis)...I think Armand might’ve been the one to first suggest it, but I honestly feel like Louis would’ve been the one to actually bring them both together and make it feel like it was their idea in the first place LOL. Lestat doesn’t like to share, and Armand doesn’t like feeling like the third wheel, but Louis has a way of asking for things without really outright asking for them. He so rarely makes requests of Lestat or Armand in the first place, so of course they oblige (it also gives Lestat a Very Convenient Excuse for coming to terms with the fact that he is, in fact, attracted to Armand).
I will say I think it's only on very special occasions that the 3 of them get together, but when they do, it's absolutely decadent. There are so many different dynamics between them that are just constantly in flux so it's really interesting!! Like...when Louis is with Lestat he tends to want to be more dominant, whereas he's more comfortable being submissive to Armand, but between Lestat and Armand it can be a bit of a tug-of-war in terms of who has the "power." So with the 3 of them it's just a constant changing of positions and dynamics. I've always seen it as something that leans a little bit more playful (well, as playful as sadistic/masochistic vampires can get). Like, there's an unspoken agreement to leave the baggage at the door when it's the 3 of them together.
There's a lot of pampering of Louis and he's shy and resistant at first (he HATES attention! he hates feeling like too much of a hedonist! why are you just STARING at me, Lestat, don't you have something better to do?) but listen Lestat and Armand are very persuasive ;)
(it's also not always Louis-centric!! Louis and Armand have made Lestat cry from overstimulation MULTIPLE times. Louis and Lestat team up to play good-cop/bad-cop and deliver punishment and reward with Armand.)
ANYWHO I think the whole thing is just very cathartic for all 3 of them!! Louis has two hands and he deserves the best of both worlds!!!
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