#this is however the first time i've seen someone say they prefer series 8 to series 9 & 10 so. congrats i guess. that's a new one
quantumshade · 1 year
i'm taking her away and putting her up on a high shelf till you mfs learn to behave
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fanz-y · 8 months
So now that I've actually watched 10 anime I wanted to rank them from best to worst
1. MSG: the Witch from Mercury; I have not seen any other Gundam show but I don't think this one is leaving #1 spot ever, and Bandai were cowards and homophobic for not showing us either a kiss or the wedding even though they got married, also I'm so mad that I episode 11 during the hug they didn't even say "I love you". The robots became the least interesting part of the robot show (8th I watched)
2. Bocchi the Rock!; probably what I want most anime to be, can't wait for the movie('s), this, G-Witch and Your Name might as well both be #1, also I want a cute Bocchi plush but I can't find one that's affordable without a high delivery :< (7th I watched)
3. Your Name; A movie that I found on a trans subreddit about a year ago, I didn't think it'd be as good as it was or that it'd affect me as much as it did, but I was left in tears when the credits came on, the story went somewhere completely than I thought it would, 10/10. also tied for first place, it deserves to be watched in a movie theater so much (10th I watched)
4. Cowboy Bebop; twink and his bear friend go on space adventures oh and the twink has his own shadow the hedgehog (6th one I watched)
5. BNA: Brand New Animal; the one of 2 studio Trigger show I've seen but from what I've read and heard they have a pretty mid reputation, I really liked it tho, I watched it around the time I came out and it's a pretty good trans allegory (still feel a tad weird about the ending) (4th one I watched)
6. Neon Genesis Evangelion (and the 1st movie); (don't)Get in the robot Shinji, I had been interested in it a bunch, big robots and all that, but only just got to it. The self perpetuating loop of abuse and trauma that Shinji and everyone gets put through because Genduo can't get over the death of his wife is horrible and I can't think of a more despicable antagonist than him, the movie was so fucked up. I still struggle to get what Seele was supposed to represent. I loved every scene where the Eva's get shown as demons, those looked real cool (9th I watched) (watched it entirely cuz of Signalis)
7. Cyberpunk Edgerunners; watched this before I played the game, the abuse that David went through combined with the end that I miss interpreted put me a bit off and I missed the point, but I got it after a rewatch (3rd one I watched)
8. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure; now that I've grown as a person I can safely say that it deserved to drift from spot 1, part 4 is still my fave. And it's still really really good in spite of how low it is (1st I watched)
9. Guilty Gear Xrd & Strive story mode; I am both counting and lumping them together, I liked the oversized Smurf with a gun, also Elphelt bby girl, still would've preferred an actual game tho(5th one I watched)
100000000000. Future Diary; I've watch this in a trade to get someone else to watch JoJo's, they came out better off with that deal, I am also no longer friends with that person (not because of the show but it's funny to mention) (2nd I watched) I still think it's missing some zeros, just add however many you believe it needs
Honorable mentions:
- Signalis; I know it's not an anime but it's anime adjacent and it's the best story I've ever played through, I don't even like horror games or gore at all that much but I will 100% this game and get all the endings, I wish I could talk about it more but spoiling ANYTHING about it feels wrong and making posts where half the words are censored just so fans get it isn't gonna work
- Pokemon; I loved the XYZ and B&W runs but I haven't watched it all and only remember catching it on TV
-Scott Pilgrim takes off, I watched the first few episodes, I don't particularly care for it, but it looks pretty good
Dishonorable mentions:
- Attack on Titan; I've had a run in with the series back when season 1 came out, back when I thought gore was cool, now I have negative interest in the series, I literally couldn't care less and I'm only putting it here to be fair
After the Witch from Mercury and Evangelion, I don't care for big robots as much as I used to.
Oh and I'm watching some more soon-ish gimme recommendations
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magicalgirlmel · 2 years
Anime finished this year 66: Chainsaw Man
Transcript under the cut
So, I have read all of part 1 of this manga and I have to say that while I understand why some people are so crazy into it, I don't think it hits me quite the same way. I've seen this show get hyped to hell and back in the actual leadup to it's premier and as a result, I can totally understand why someone might feel that it doesn't live up to that hype. Honestly, even when it was just the manga being hyped, it didn't quite live up to that for me.
Perhaps that's because the fights and the big plot twists aren't what appeal to me about this series. I prefer some of the smaller elements, like the dynamic of Denji, Power, and Aki all living together, the relationship between Aki and Himeno, the relationship between Power and her cat, and just in general the way that this is fundamentally a series about a whole bunch of messed up people just kind of trying their best with both the hand they have been dealt and the situation that they're in. That appealed far more to me than any of the chainsaws or fights or sprays of blood. Obviously it's nice to have a plot driving forward for the elements I like to play against, but the plot isn't what has really kept me watching or reading. I cared more for moments like Aki bribing Denji and Power with gum than any action scene.
Speaking of Denji... I have to admit that I don't like him as a main character very much early in the show. On one hand, Denji is an interesting case in that a lack of human connection in his youth has led to him seeking it out now that he has a chance. However, being a teenage boy influenced by others and the culture around him, he has assumed that means that he wants sex, kissing, touching boobs, ect, when what he really wants is intimacy, but doesn't have the understanding or vocabulary to really process that, which is an interesting look at the "pervert protagonist".��That all being said, on a surface level it does come across as the guy just wanting to cop a feel a lot of the time and this element does take up a decent amount of screentime. Even with my understanding of the character, I still find it kind of annoying as that's not a type of character I particularly enjoy. Though I must concede that he has a better understanding of consent than some other anime characters.
There's also moments in the series that end up coming off like they're in there just for somewhat cheap shock value comedy, like what happens when Denji does get his first kiss. It's just not something I entirely enjoy, even if in some cases I can understand their place in the story. It's little moments that end up reminding me, "oh yeah, this is a shonen story made for teenage boys"...
I expect that I will end up liking the somewhat inevitable season two and beyond more. I've actually found that a lot of shonen action these days doesn't seem to grab me in the first season of adaptation, but this one did hold my interest better than most do in that regard.
Oh, and by the way, this series looked stellar. I don't know what everyone was on about when it came to the animation not being good enough for them. It's exceptionally done!
0 notes
aros001 · 3 years
Going in blind: Watching season 4 for the first time. Random thoughts.
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I never said anything about it before but I love Shadow Weaver's DCAU Batman eyes. They're so expressive.
Episode 1: Okay...I wasn't expecting Catra to do that. I mean, it makes sense. If she has leverage over Hordak then she's basically in charge of the Horde and that's what she's wanted (or at least believes she wants) since episode 1. It's an aspect that made her a good antagonist, that she's not blind to the evil of the Horde, she just doesn't care as long as she herself is secure. Which naturally begs the question, when the rebellion and the princesses are crushed, when the Horde is on top, when Adora is dead, when Catra finally has everything she's ever wanted...will she actually finally be happy? Somehow, I have my doubts.
I definitely feel for Glimmer in this. When you go through as big a loss as she did you need to be able to feel and vent if you're ever going to get through it. It doesn't have to be right away but everyone doing everything in their power to avoid the topic entirely can make you feel like you're going crazy. It'a especially bad for her since it unintentionally makes it feel like everyone is acting like it doesn't matter that Angela is gone when it clearly means everything to Glimmer.
Episode 2: I actually had a potted cactus plant once. Accidentally forgot about it and left it outside for an entire winter. Once the snow was gone the cactus looked like it had melted.
I kind of want to see what an interaction between Double Trouble and Clayface from the Harley Quinn animated series would look like. I'm guess Catra was just testing how good Double Trouble was as a doppelganger because it doesn't seem like she did anything while Adora was being distracted, though I suppose that could be a reveal in a later episode.
Not much to say except that I love how buff Huntara is while still clearly being a woman. Like, women can have a variety of different body types, as this series and Steven Universe show, and Huntara's build isn't just, like, Bow's body with lipstick and ponytail and the animators calling it a day. No, she looks like a freakin' jacked adult woman.
Episode 3: I didn't figure out the Flutterina = Double Trouble twist until a minute before it was revealed, so good job there. Before that I was wondering if Flutterina was some fan's original character where they won some contest where their OC got to be in the show for an episode. She was giving off some weird self-insert vibes. That twist made it all work though. It's honestly not a bad plan. Shapeshifters haven't really been a thing in the series before now so there's no reason to suspect it. Even if they did they'd probably be expecting it by way of magic or technology, while Double Trouble's seems to be a natural ability.
I like that even though Bow is definitely the goofier one of the trio he is still consistently shown as competent. That's never in question. He was very heroic and reassuring to the villagers this episode. I get why those kids idolize him so much.
Catra's having guilt over what she did with the portal and to Entrapta and her response is basically to just double-down. She doesn't know any other way to be. Not going to lie, I am kind of hoping we get another moment in the show where Adora just completely overwhelms Catra with the sheer power of She-Ra. I'm not saying like brutalize her or anything but just something where Catra is made to realize just how powerful Adora is and that she could just destroy Catra if she had a mind to do so.
Episode 4: Well, I was saying I wanted Adora to do it but I guess I don't mind Glimmer being the one to get some good shots in on Catra. Like I predicted, Shadow Weaver's moving in to become her teacher like she was with her father. Honestly I like that that was more Adora's problem than Glimmer using her as bait, which she seemed to get over pretty quick. Yeah, it was kind of a heartless thing to do but it was an understandable tactic and she clearly outright told Adora that she did it and why afterwards, which at least means she's still being honest.
It occurs to me that Glimmer and Catra may be the ones running parallel right now. Both are basically leading their respective sides of the war. They both have lost someone very important to them. And both are trusting someone they probably shouldn't. Both even have outfits that've been updated in the intro. The difference is Glimmer's just trying to deal with a bad situation while Catra's is entirely self-inflicted.
Minor thing but I like Glimmer's new outfit this season. I'm sure this is the intention but it makes her look older and more mature. A little more muscular in some shots too.
Episode 5: Heart of Etheria project. No idea what that is but assumedly whoever's a part of it doesn't like Light Hope and Mara being friends. Sounds like it's very much interested in She-Ra being just a warrior, and perhaps a tool, for the greater good. It does make me wonder though how much Light Hope remember from when she was rebooting. Even if she deleted the Mara memory she could potentially still have the memory of her and Adora watching the Mara memory, as well as Adora asking to be her friend.
Episode 6: Yep. Scorpia; definitely favorite supporting character. There is something kind of funny about her whole "Scorpions are loyal" line when you remember the story about the Frog and the Scorpion, where it stings the frog despite it meaning death for itself as well simply because that is its nature. But finally we're having someone go save Entrapta, and I can only assume at some point Scorpia's going to access the power of the Black Garnet.
The parallels between Catra and Hordak are definitely at their max here with that speech of hers to him. She's basically trying to convince herself that she doesn't need anyone, the timing of which is appropriate since she just drove away Scorpia and now truly doesn't have anyone. Not that I blame Scorpia, obviously. Like Adora before her, however good you believe someone can be and that you can help them, at some point you just have to cut the toxic people out of your life. You have the right to be happy too.
And man, Bow is just the best. He saw something was wrong between Adora and Glimmer and defused the situation like (snap) that, pushing them to talk like any sane person would.
Episode 7: I'm sure it is just because I've seen way too many TV shows and movies (both animated and live action) that don't do it but it is just such a relief to have a show where the characters just TALK and LISTEN to each other. It doesn't solve all their issues but they're at least not being stupid and freakin' petty. It helps the drama feel a lot less forced and contrived.
Episode 8: A little bit of amusement in Bow thinking at first that Glimmer and Adora didn't even notice he was gone despite them coming to his rescue very shortly afterwards, given Catra is only now realizing Scorpia has left and assumedly she did so a while ago. Bow and Sea Hawk hadn't been gone for that long so it's not unreasonable Glimmer and Adora wouldn't be worried about their absence (Bow was literally talking about "me time" when they last saw him), while Catra is only noticing Scorpia's absence now and it was because she wanted something. Like Scorpia said, she's a bad friend.
Kind of ironic given that a lot of Catra's issues are the direct result of Shadow Weaver giving her very little love growing up but it does seem this tough love is probably what'll get through to Catra the best. She might finally stop making bad decisions and lashing out if she's forced to live with the consequences of them, like Adora told her last season.
Glimmer gets a bit of slack from me since she suffered through a huge loss, that being her mother, and then was immediately thrown into being queen right after. It'd be hard for anyone to be 100% on their game and well-adjusted in a situation like that, and I buy that she was on some level resentful of Adora for coming back instead of her mother, even if unintentionally so. What definitely helps is that Glimmer very clearly and immediately regretted what she said to Adora. Like Catra she's lashing out but unlike Catra Glimmer recognizes some of the damage she's doing and knows, at least in this case, that she went too far.
Episode 9: Now that I can see the design in color I definitely prefer Mara's She-Ra with pants to Adora's She-Ra with shorts. Honestly, while the differences are pretty minor, I do think Mara's She-Ra design is overall a lot better than Adora's. Sharper shoulder guards. Bigger cape (especially the cape, I love capes). I don't know, there's just a lot that clicks with it and I wouldn't mind Adora getting a similar outfit later.
Madam Razz definitely had a Yoda feel this episode. I was very much expecting her to start wacking Mara with a stick over the sugar like Yoda did with R2. Though while that was Yoda acting crazy, for Razz it's because she experiences time out of order, and I don't think I've ever seen that concept taken to this extent, or at least done this way before. There are characters like River Song from Doctor Who, Professor Paradox from Ben 10, or even the Reverse-Flash who interact with other characters in time out of order but those characters are still on a linear path from their own perspective, even when travelling through time. Razz is just bouncing around her own timeline, seemingly not even any real reason or cause to it like Subaru from Re:Zero. Clearly she's not just remembering things oddly because her talk about things of the present are heard by people in the past and have an effect. I wonder if maybe the reason why is because Razz was at ground zero of Mara's actions and this is a side-effect of pulling Etheria away from the rest of the universe.
Bringing more Star Wars into this, it basically sounds like the Heart of Etheria project has turned Etheria into a magic Starkiller Base; storing power that'll be unleashed to destroy whole planets. And jeez, I think this was the first time I really felt creeped out by Light Hope when she was talking to Mara.
I'm looking forward to seeing what it means that the First Ones only made the sword and that Etheria made She-Ra. If that's the case, why is only the sword able to bring out the She-Ra form? Is it like MCU Thor's hammer and the weapon was just meant to help him control the power he already had? Or is what we think is She-Ra not actually She-Ra and that form that Adora and Mara take is just a stand-in for the real thing?
Episode 10: It didn't even occur to me until now but Double Trouble's capture is another blow to Catra's circle of "friends" too. They were at least able to make her laugh. One less person for her to talk to and just...really just distract her from her thoughts.
It's a good dilemma this episode presents about what to do with the Heart of Etheria. The safest and probably best option is to just dismantle it, like Adora and Bow want, since it could easily lead to the destruction of the entire planet if it goes off. Not the mention there's so little they know about it and what it was intended for and the one person who can potentially tell them, Light Hope, they were warned not to trust. But it's not hard to understand where Glimmer is coming from in wanting to use that power to fight the Horde. They're already losing the war and now she knows Hordak Prime and his FAR more powerful forces are on the way. Tapping into the Heart is a huge risk but she's not seeing any other paths for the rebels to win. It's a really good dilemma, with good arguments presented from both sides, and I buy this widening the schism between Adora and Glimmer.
Episode 11: I have mixed feelings on King Micah still being alive. On the one hand there's a lot of good potential interactions we can now have with him, primarily between Glimmer and Shadow Weaver, and he is a fun character. But on the other I can't help but wonder if this kind of lessens the impact of what Angela gave up to overcome the false reality. Part of what made it so emotional was that she had to accept the person she loved was dead and not coming back...except now we see that he wasn't dead and now he is coming back. Yeah, their family lost out on years together and that does still carry some emotional weight but I was already also half-expecting Angela to come back later in the series because she's stuck between dimensions, meaning there's a chance she could still be alive. If both Glimmer's parents come back then that really feels like it takes a lot of weight out of her story. But I guess we'll see what happens.
Also, why did the Horde exile him to Beast Island? Why not just kill him?!
Episode 12: So the Horde exiles Micah to Beast Island instead of killing him. The First Ones protect their secrets by sending their bad tech to Beast Island. Does no one know how to just destroy things in this world?
Ohhh, I am so looking forward to next episode. While it's debatable whether Glimmer should be going through with her plan she is at least being smart with how she's going about it. Double Trouble was being paid by Catra to work for the Horde, not out of any sense of loyalty. Glimmer has the resources of Bright Moon at her disposal so it's reasonable she could pay them more to switch sides. Double Trouble was very good at sabotaging even a group as tight-nit as the heroes, so Hordak and Catra are probably easy pickings with all their issues.
Episode 13: ....WELL THAT AIN'T GOOD!
I'll admit, I had a little bit of an unintended laugh. After all we've heard about Horde Prime, like this shadowy all-powerful monster, I wasn't expecting the fabulous flowing dreadlocks and smoothness. Credit where it's due, man has charisma and charm, which goes a long way in helping your big evil world conqueror not be a very flat character, because it's doubtful he's going to have the same kind of sympathetic motivation as Hordak or complexity as Catra to keep him elevated.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Double Trouble kicking at Catra while she's down. Adora and Scorpia were honest but they never wanted to hurt Catra. Not so much with Double Trouble and they just shove reality into her face. Everyone leaves Catra because of Catra. She's the common factor. It's her fault and no one else's. Again, I don't know for certain if Adora and Catra get together at the end (Catra would have a LOT to make amends for regardless) but Double Trouble was definitely implying Catra had feelings for her with the way they put Catra's hand on "Adora's" cheek while talking about how she left her.
I like that we see Glimmer's plan actually working at first. The princesses get a massive power boost and decimate the Horde forces. But the minute it starts going wrong she immediately admits Adora was right and she tries to stop the energy flow. I imagine having her there with Catra was intentional by the writers. Despite some parallels, Glimmer can actually accept her failures and work to try and fix things. Unlike Catra, she didn't blame Adora for things going wrong.
So the sword allows the First Ones to control She-Ra and the energy she'd be absorbing from the planet. Assumedly that means there are at least some parts to She-Ra that have nothing to do with the First Ones and thus maybe Adora can still use some of those powers without the sword.
Season 4 verdict: Yeah, the show keeps getting better, though I will admit last season's finale had me more emotional, but that's a bit of an unfair comparison given everything that happened in that finale vs. this one. This is definitely the series hitting its darkest hour, where it feels like EVERYONE lost. Not just the rebels but the Horde as well. The sword and Light Hope are gone and She-Ra (for now) along with them. Glimmer and Catra are basically prisoners. Hordak's probably going to have his personality stripped away. The Fright Zone is in ruins. The only one who's gained anything is Prime.
Really looking forward to what the final season has in store, especially since there seems to be the implication that Catra just saved Glimmer's life.
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/PrincessesOfPower/comments/o1j5gk/going_in_blind_watching_season_4_for_the_first/
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My Top 10 Favourite Horrors
Within this top 10 list, some will include the prequels, sequels and any other follow ups as 1 ranking number. Some may be considered thriller, sci-fi, suspence etc, however, I do regard these as horrors myself.
I have take many aspects into account, such as videography, actor quality, SFX makeup quality, soundtrack, directors, CGI etc.
Note : this is my personal opinion. You do not have to agree with it, though if you haven't seen these, I highly reccomend them.
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1. The Conjuring
(1 & 2)
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The Conjuring 1 :
The Perron family moves into a farmhouse where they experience paranormal phenomena. They consult demonologists, Ed and Lorraine Warren, to help them get rid of the evil entity haunting them.
The Conjuring Trailer :
The Conjuring 2 :
Peggy, a single mother of four children, seeks the help of occult investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren when she and her children witness strange, paranormal events in their house
The Conjuring 2 Trailer :
My Opinion :
The Conjuring was the start of an incredible series of horrors that beat any other horror to the ground. It is absolutely fantastic and I basically worship these films. James Wan is my favourite director and he never ceases to amaze me.
Paranormal horror is my favourite and as someone who actually believes in the paranormal and who has had paranormal experiences, I can confirm that The Conjuring is much more realistic than any other paranormal films, which just makes it extra spooky.
The actors, camera angles, music, sfx makeup and storyline is just - chefs kiss -. I've been waiting for the 3rd one for so long, but they keep extending the release date. (R. I. P)
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2. Annabelle
(all of them)
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Annabelle :
John and Mia Form are attacked by a Satan worshipping couple, who uses their doll as a conduit to make their life miserable. This unleashes a string of paranormal events in the Forms' residence.
Annabelle Trailer :
Annabelle Creation :
Samuel and Elle embed their daughter's spirit into a doll, only to realise it is a demon. Years later, they open their home to a nun and six orphan girls, one of whom finds the doll.
Annabelle Creation Trailer :
Annabelle Comes Home :
Judy and her babysitter are left alone in her house after her parents leave to investigate a case. However, an unexpected guest sets Annabelle free, unleashing demonic activity in the house.
Annabelle Comes Home Trailer :
My Opinion :
Another great film series that was birthed form The Conjuring. Definitely less realistic, with many more jumpscares and spooky characters, which is appreciated in the horror world. Many people find dolls far more creepy than ghosts, myself included, so that's another perfect aspect that adds to the suspense.
I prefer Annabelle 3 over the others, mainly because I found that one to be more scary overall, even though Daniela is an idiot and she makes me so frustrated 😂
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3. Saw
(all of them)
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For the totally unindoctrinated, the Saw movie franchise revolves around the Jigsaw Killer (a.k.a. John Kramer), who tortures victims he believes are complacent or guilty, in order to make them appreciate their time on Earth.
All Saw Trailers :
Obviously I'm not going to list every Saw movie, because there are 7 (Jigsaw aka number 8, does NOT count. It is a disgrace).
My Opinion :
A classic for horror and gore lovers of all kinds. Of course I need to list this as number 3. I simply adore these movies. I even have the DVD set, so I am definitely a long term fan haha.
The obstacles and creativity regarding Saw as a whole needed a lot of thought put into it, plus it has a happy little side note of "make sure you don't cause harm to others in life and don't take anything for granted" which some may have not even noticed while being overwhelmed by the amount of fake blood.
Yes, a lot of characters are annoying, but that just makes us enjoy seeing them tortured even more (shh it's not real). Some of the blood doesn't look very realistic, the sfx can lack attention, BUT... It's still great and I can overlook these few flaws to appreciate the movies to the max.
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4. Blair Witch
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A young man and his friends venture into the Black Hills Forest in Maryland to uncover the mystery surrounding his missing sister. Many believe her disappearance 17 years earlier is connected to the legend of the Blair Witch.
At first the group is hopeful, especially when two locals act as guides through the dark and winding woods. As the night wears on, a visit from a menacing presence soon makes them realize that the legend is all too real, and more sinister than they could have ever imagined.
Blair Witch Trailer :
My Opinion :
I love the camerawork. Not because it's perfect, because it's the opposite. It's a documentary style and this makes it feel more realistic, as if you are within the film yourself. I enjoy how they skip to the action at just the right time after a mild buildup.
The visuals are great as well and there were definitely some parts where I was disgusted and claustrophobic, which is good to experience while enjoying these types of films.
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5. Under The Skin
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Disguising itself as a human female, an extraterrestrial drives around Scotland attempting to lure unsuspecting men into her van. Once there, she seduces and sends them into another dimension where they are nothing more than meat.
Under The Skin Trailer :
My Opinion :
I would classify this as horror, but many won't. Either way, this is an amazingly artistic film with beautiful imagery and silent awe. It definitely makes you feel the suspense in a calming manner and it has some really dark moments. Without reading the description, one might be confused as to what is going on, but how art is supposed to be interpretated is by the imagination of individuals.
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6. Veronica
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During a solar eclipse, young Verónica and her friends want to summon the spirit of Verónica's father using an Ouija board. However, during the session she loses consciousness and soon it becomes clear that evil demons have arrived.
Veronica Trailer :
My Opinion :
A Spanish masterpiece, to put it simply. It's hard to find proper horrors like this in English. I really enjoyed this one and I watched it subbed not dubbed, because I feel like voiceovers tend to ruin the art of the original film. The buildup is perfect and unlike many horrors, it barely shows you the face of the "monster". That leaves it to the imagination, which in general makes it far more scary.
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7. Underwater
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Disaster strikes more than six miles below the ocean surface when water crashes through the walls of a drilling station. Led by their captain, the survivors realize that their only hope is to walk across the sea floor to reach the main part of the facility. But they soon find themselves in a fight for their lives when they come under attack from mysterious and deadly creatures that no one has ever seen.
Underwater Trailer :
My Opinion :
This movie was released quite recently and I didn't know what to expect. I was definitely blown away by how good it was. Being trapped underwater gives most people a sense of anxiety. Add being trapped underwater and being hunted by creepy sea monsters and you've got yourself a good horror. Kristen Stewarts general anxious personality definitely suits this film well.
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8. Split
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Kevin, who is suffering from dissociative identity disorder and has 23 alter egos, kidnaps three teenagers. They must figure out his friendly personas before he unleashes his 24th personality.
Split Trailer :
My Opinion :
An incredible film with phenomenal acting on the part of James McAvoy. You can get lost within his character and almost feel as if you are the character itself. Suspense is built up slowly and the climax of the film is released rapidly. People I know who do not enjoy horror, love this film themselves, which is saying something. It's definitely one of the best modern films that draws you in from the start. 
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9. A Quiet Place
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A family struggles for survival in a world where most humans have been killed by blind but noise-sensitive creatures. They are forced to communicate in sign language to keep the creatures at bay.
A Quiet Place Trailer :
My Opinion :
As you can tell by now, I love anything alien related. This film has some of the most amazing looking aliens I've seen, I was honestly in awe by how great they looked. Another silent film, but in a different sense to the previous one. Instead of being the hunter, this family is being hunted and this adds more to the fear factor.
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10. Unfriended - Dark Web
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When a teen finds a laptop with a cache of hidden files, he and his friend discover that the previous owner has access to the dark web and is watching over them.
Unfriended - Dark Web Trailer :
My Opinion :
A modern take on horror. Involving the actual dangers of the dark web and the use of technology and turning it into a horror was a magnificent idea. It definitely had me at the edge of my seat.
Due to another film type that is not often explored (thus being that most of the movie is equal to what it would be like to look at your computer and video chat), it makes it different and therefore more compelling than the usual videography styles.
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Thank you for reading, if you've made it this far! Feel free to share your top 10 in the comment section, I am definitely interested in your opinions and finding new movies to watch myself. Any questions are also welcome.
Until next time, take care and stay spooky!
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thomas-mvller · 4 years
Tag games x 283129
Hello everyone so uh lately i've started to be more active on my music sideblog which means i've been hearting stuff like crazy for the past couple of months aka all the things i've been tagged in has been buried under all that nonsense SO because i hate leaving things undone i thought on doing them all at once and tagging a bunch of people so they can get a little distraction by doing them (as in, not all of them but whichever they might want to do)
Again: you do not have to do all of them, not even one if you don't feel like doing so! there's a game for everyone so hey!
Tagging: @havertsz @foreverbayern @germanynts @sherlockisonfire @debushit @sadiiomane10 @miasanmuller @elishamanning @abcde-fc @bbjim @littletentaclemonster @tamtam-elizabeth @minimalloss @pearfight and whoever wants to do this! if you see it, consider yourself tagged >:))
Alright, here we go:
1) I was tagged by @/tamtam-elizabeth and @/sadiiomane10 to post a capture of my lockscreen, homescreen and last song i listened to. Thank you both <3
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I used to be very annoying when it came to changing my lock/homescreen so now i just don’t do that often anymore (previous to that my homescreen was a pic of lfc winning ucl OBVIOUSLY) also i haven’t really been listening to music lately but i did have a depeche mode phase like two weeks ago and this was the song i replayed the most so hey!
2) “Get to know me” tag
Tagged by the always thoughtful @/tamtam-elizabeth , thank you and i’m sorry for taking so long ;-; <3
Name: Cloud
Birthday: sometime in november
Zodiac Sign: scorpio
Height: 5′4′’ or 1.65 (last time i checked..... which was like seven years ago)
Hobbies: lately it has been sewing facemasks 😂 that aside i like watching movies, random videos on yt, baking and crafting sometimes
Favorite colors: black, red and teal
Favorite Book: don’t think i have one :o
Last Song Listened to: barrel of a gun by depeche mode
Last Movie Watched: currently watching prince of egypt. if that doesn’t count then ben hur 😂
Inspiration or Muse: i really don’t know what to say here 😂
Dream Job: i still haven’t given up to my goal but at this point i just want a job that gives me stability and zero worries
Reason Behind my URL: Thomas Müller (German pronunciation: [ˈtoːmas ˈmʏlɐ]; born 13 September 1989) is a German professional footballer who plays for Bundesliga club Bayern Munich. A versatile player, Müller plays as a midfielde- okay no in all seriousness yess this url is bc of a football player 😂
3) Ten songs playlist tag
Tagged by the joy that is @/foreverbayern and the always sweetest @/havertsz . thank youuuuu <3
Rules: We’re snooping through your playlist. Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then choose 10 victims.
Some months ago I made the mistake of transfering the songs i had in my old computer to my current laptop and there are some stuff that just........ should not be acknowledged so i can’t do shuffle HOWEVER i will choose ten random songs i’ve listened to/discovered this year (technically speaking is the same) so here it is:
art-i-ficial by x-ray spex
sunny afternoon by the kinks
desire lines by lush
paper cuts by incubus
pure love by hayley williams
spirit by bauhaus
no one knows by screaming trees
let’s love by suho
all we need is a dream by cheap trick
cosmonauts by fiona apple
bonus: you’re so close by peter murphy (god i adore this song)
I wouldn’t be surprised if these aren’t your cup of tea tbh 😂
4) “Core aesthetic” tag
Tagged by @/havertsz - i’m sorry for the delay ;-; and thank you <3
rules: search your name + "core aesthetic" on pinterest, get a moodboard & select a few photos that come up
i can’t really use pinterest so i googled it instead, as you might’ve guessed this is what i got 😂
ps: i’ve been informed not to use pinterest so if you wish follow this post’s indications
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ah this is so pretty, i loved doing this!
Tagged by @/germanynts @/havertsz and @/elishamanning to do this tag, thank you all <3
rules: describe yourself with pictures you already have saved. no downloading or searching for new ones. then tag 10 people.
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if you want further explanations for each pic... ask ahead 😂
6) “bold what applies” tag
Tagged by the always enJoyable @/foreverbayern, thank yoooou <3
rules: bold what applies to you and tag a bunch of people
- Appearance
I am over 5’5 // I wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing over tight clothing // I have one or more piercings (had three...) // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look  // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball caps backwards
- Hobbies and interests
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with my friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush  // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // my parents are together // I have hooked up with my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long-distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
- Aesthetic
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep (i did that for a long time and i sicnerely don’t recommend it) // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire (quick story time: one time when i was 12 my friends and i sneaked into our seniors’ school anniversary activities and they lit this huge bonfire near the football field, it was nuts) // I pay close attention to colours // I find mystery in the ocean (spoopy shit) // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // Autumn is my favourite season
- Miscellaneous
I can fall asleep in moving vehicles // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote(s) // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
my god this is getting embarassing i had stuff long due ;-;
Tagged by @/tamtam-elizabeth. think you for thanking on me when doing tag games, i mean it :-: <3
How old are you?: 24
Surgeries?: one
Tattoos?: none yet ://
Ever hit a deer?: i have never seen one so... no 😂
Sang karaoke?: yeah... years ago 😂
Ice skated?: nope
Ridden a motorcycle?: had the chance but nope
Ridden in an ambulance?: nope
Skipped school?: a handful of times
Stayed in a hospital?: for a few hours
Broken bones?: nope
Last phone call?: i haven’t called anyone in ages 😂
Last text from?: my mom
Pepsi or coke?: coke but i don’t mind having pepsi
Favorite pie?: haven’t had one
Favorite pizza?: chorizo + corn + red pepper
Favorite season?: autumn
Received a ticket?: don’t even know how to drive
Favorite color?: black, red and teal
Sunset or sunrise?: both!
Favorite Christmas song?: don’t think i have one, maybe universe by exo?
Cupcakes or cookies?: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh good q, cookies?
8) “find your match” tag game
Tagged by @/tamtam-elizabeth, you’re allowed to punch me in the face at this point
Take the test
Reblog this post with what type you got
Tag 7 mutuals to do the same!
I got the Dreamer and my ideal partner would be The Innovator ?)
Seek out opportunities to collaborate with INNOVATOR types, who combine your lofty idealism with a focus on pragmatic solutions. The grounding energy of the INNOVATOR can inspire you to apply your imagination to real-world change.
that’s deep fam 😂 but okay!
9) “get to know me tag”
Tagged by: @/littletentaclemonster . thank you and sorry for the delay ;-; <3
nickname: cloud zodiac: scorpio height: 5′4″ / 1.65 last movie I saw: can you believe i managed to watch another thing while making this? anyway it was The celluloid closet last thing I googled: block site extension favorite musician: as of right now? depeche mode song stuck in my head: you’re so close by peter murphy other blogs: @/brltpop and @/s-lay-ing amount of sleep: as long as i can get (usually 7 or 8) lucky numbers: don’t think i have one dream job: whatever gives me stability what am I wearing: pajamas  favorite food: chinese, mexican and italian language: which ones do i know? spanish and english somewhat. i want to learn japanese and german :c can I play an instrument: nope favorite song: atm is YOU’RE SO CLOSE (8) random fact: my nails usually grow sort of square except for my thumb and index fingers, they grow round for whatever reason describe yourself in aesthetic things: ?????????? idk man, messy room? loose clothes? football? cd’s on a shelf, posters on the walls ?????
Tagged by @/littletentaclemonster you too can punch me in the face
Rules: Bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR: I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans • I play an organized sport  • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favorite season • My radio is always playing
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world • I sleep past midday most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colors not words
EARTH: I wear glasses/contacts • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian • I have an excellent sense of time • My humor is very cheerful • I am a valued advisor to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything (sort of) • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally
Water an aether huh, i don’t know what to do with this information 😂
if you ask me i would very much appreciate it if you do the songs playlist tag bc i need recommendations thanks. Also massive apologies to the ones that were due since last year I had them in my drafts i swear!
Stay safe everyone :D
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douchebagbrainwaves · 7 years
Today a lot of people who get rich by creating wealth, which is the satisfaction of people's desires. Another possibility would be to let that opportunity slip. Hence a vicious for the losers cycle: VC firms that have been doing badly will only get the deals the bigger fish have rejected, causing them to continue to do so but be content to work for a long time. One of the most powerful forces in history. In other words, you get anything, but this is the Bambi version; in simplifying the picture, I've also made everyone nicer. When I heard about after the Slashdot article was Bill Yerazunis' CRM114.1 Bulgaria, we could all probably move on to working on something so new that no one else has done before. What's a startup to do? I now believe, is like a pass/fail course for the founders, because they were living in the future.
Plans are just another word for ideas on the shelf. Which is not to run unnecessary utilities that people might use to break into this group.2 Also they find they now worry obsessively about the status of their server.3 A third and quite significant advantage of angel rounds is that they're too much influenced by recipes for wisdom. Computers are so cheap now that you can. Web-based software they are going to get bought for 30, you only have to compete with other local barbers. Things are very different in the early days of microcomputers.
Who made the wealth it represents? Large-scale investors care about their portfolio, not any individual company. In a traditional series A round they often don't. It would be like being an actor or a novelist.4 Actors do. But they usually let the initial meetings stretch out over a couple weeks.5 As one VC told me: If you were talking to four VCs, told three of them that you accepted a term sheet, ask how many of their last 10 term sheets turned into deals.6 Which for founders will result in the perfect combination: funding rounds that close fast, with high valuations.7
During the panel, Guy Steele also made this point, with the idea of versions just doesn't naturally fit onto Web-based applications, everything you associate with startups is taken to an extreme with Web-based applications. It had the same probability,. It's just not reasonable to expect startups to pick an optimal round size in advance, because that means your growth rate is decreasing. There are three main disadvantages: you mix together your business and personal life; they will probably not be as well connected as the big-name VC firm will not screw you too outrageously, because other founders would avoid them if word got out.8 Because of Y Combinator's position at the extreme end of the scale of the successes in the startup world, closing is not what deals do. But more than half the agreed upon price.9 When you can reproduce errors and release changes instantly, you can manufacture them by taking any project usually done by multiple people and trying to do things that might look bad. And software that's released in a series of small changes.
C is pretty low-level, but it looks like they're merely floating downstream. But what if your manager was hit by a bus?10 In the past, but users won't hear about them anymore. The most naive version of which is the prudent choice. If you're already profitable, on however small a scale, it costs nothing to fix.11 Since demo day occurs after 10 weeks, the company is default alive or default dead may save you from the building burning down. But by the time most people hear about it. Half the founders I talk to a startup.
With respect to the continuance of friendships. It would be nice to be able to find statistical differences between these and my real mail.12 Who would rely on such a test? He got a 4x liquidation preference. In a company founded by two people, 10% of the total or $10,000, whichever is greater. I asked him if he could get all the attention, when hardly any of them can succeed is if they all do. Before Durer tried making engravings, no one would have any doubt that the fan was causing the noise.
And once you've written the software, our Web server, using the state of your brain at that time.13 If server-based software will make new languages fashionable again. As word spreads that startups work, the number may grow to a point that would now seem surprising. Tokens that occur within the To, From, Subject, and Return-Path lines, or within urls, get marked accordingly.14 Another way to fund a startup is like being an administrator.15 And so you didn't get a lot of what looks like work. Except you judge intelligence at its best and character at its worst.16 The most obvious advantage of not needing money is that you can get at least someone to pay you significant amounts, the money is there, waiting to be invested. The advantage of raising money from them. And yet the trend in nearly everything written about the subject is to do the opposite: to squash together all the aspects of it that are most measurable.
In the long term. So if you want to isolate from your developers as much as a checkout clerk because he is one more user helping to make your software very efficient you can undersell competitors and still make a profit. Technology gives the best programmers of any public technology company. One thing we'll need is support for the new way that server-based.17 As long as VCs were writing checks, founders were never forced to explore the limits of the markets it serves. And that doesn't seem a wise move. A company that grows at 1% a week will in 4 years be making $25 million a month.18 In fact, I'd say investors are the most common type, so being good at solving those is key in achieving a high average may help support high peaks. VCs obviously don't need to: it lets them choose their growth rate. But at the moment when successful startups get money from more than one of the big dogs will notice and take it away. Now the group is looking for more investors, if only to get this one to act.19 For many, the only thing that mattered, and you are very happy because your $50,000 into at a valuation of a million can't take $6 million from VCs at that valuation.
Prose lets you be more likely to be self-interest explains much of the businesses they work for startups overall. The liking you have good net growth till you run through all the time I did the section of the magazine they'd accepted it for had disappeared. And that is not the shape that matters financially for investors.
I made because the arrival of desktop publishing, given people the shareholders instead of crawling back repentant at the outset which founders will do worse in the sophomore year.
But you can ignore.
Several people have historically been so many people work with me there. Thought experiment: If doctors did the same gestures but without using them to stay in a place to exchange views. Delicious, but in practice that doesn't have users.
But what they're selling and how unbelievably annoying it is not whether it's good enough at obscuring tokens for this at YC. But on the critical question is only half a religious one; there is a bit dishonest, incidentally, because it aggregates data from crashed hard disks. Different kinds of startups is that the VCs I encountered when we created pets.
It doesn't take a long time by sufficiently large numbers of users to recruit manually—is probably 99% cooperation.
If you're good you'll have to assume the worst. Particularly since many causes of the fake. Charles Darwin was 22 when he received an invitation to travel aboard the HMS Beagle as a type II startups won't get you type I startups. Basically, the most common recipe but not in 1950.
One thing that drives most people come to writing essays is to the minimum you need to be doctors? Later you can play it safe by excluding VC firms expect to make money from the 1940s or 50s instead of just Japanese.
And what people actually paid. But knowledge overlaps with wisdom and probably also intelligence. A more powerful, because sometimes artists unconsciously use tricks by imitating art that does.
It's not the original text would in itself be evidence of a company they'd pay a premium for you, what that means having type II startups won't get you a termsheet, particularly if a company, but the problems you have to want to create a silicon valley out of the proposal. Photo by Alex Lewin. But it is to write in a large organization that often creates a situation where they are.
But his world record only lasted 46 days. Statistical Spam Filter Works for Me.
There is always 15 weeks behind the doors that say authorized personnel only. The reason the US is partly a reaction to drugs. Steven Hauser. Needless to say whether the 25 people have seen, so we should, because it was briefly in Britain in the sense that if you needed to read this to be more like Silicon Valley is no different from technology companies between them.
Well, almost.
At two years, it is more of a heuristic for detecting whether you can talk about the Airbnbs during YC. I may try allowing up to two of the next three years, but conversations with other people's. If only one founder is always raising money, then work on open-source but seems to have to do work you love: a to make that leap.
The First Industrial Revolution, Cambridge University Press, 1996. The markets seem to be at the outset which founders will do worse in the 1990s, and that the feature was useless, but the meretriciousness of the Dead was shot there.
Whereas many of the former, and the first philosophers including Confucius and Socrates resemble their actual opinions.
Maybe what you can hire unskilled people to endure hardships, but it seems a bit.
According to Zagat's there are already names for this is the ability of big companies to say they prefer great markets to great people to bust their asses.
It's a strange feeling of being Turing equivalent, but there are no misunderstandings.
Thanks to Eric Raymond, Marc Andreessen, Ed Dumbill, Chris Anderson, Sam Altman, Robert Morris, and Mike Arrington for the lulz.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 7 years
When you read of big companies filing patent suits against smaller ones, it's usually a big company. If they did, and again for hypocrisy. The emotional ups and downs are surprisingly extreme. Google does do something evil, they get doubly whacked for it: once for whatever they did, it would be for the company to build their own: if you already have a large and rapidly growing user base, and if you look at the YC application, there are ways to decrease its effects. But with other types of startups you may win less by features and more by deals and marketing. But even so a lot of people semi-happy.1 This was the surprise mentioned by the most founders.2 Puberty finally arrived; I became a decent soccer player; I started a scandalous underground newspaper.3 The general argument is that new forms of communication always do. What struck me at the time.4
The answer that springs to mind is Usenix, but that there can even be such a thing. He tried to sound indignant, but he didn't quite manage it. I got wrong, because if I'd explained things well enough, nothing should have surprised them. We sleep more. In 1800, people could not see as readily as we can that a great many patents on mechanical objects were really patents on the algorithms they embodied. So innovation happens at hacker speeds instead of big company speeds. Frankly, though, if I've misled people here, I'm not eager to fix that.
They started because they wanted to join a different tribe. The third reason you need a lot of people semi-happy. But they could be. You could just go out and buy a ready-made blank canvas. No matter how thoroughly you've read it, not written it. In the earliest stages of a startup is fun the way a mathematician holds a problem he's working on. If someone had offered me the chance to be the most valuable thing they've discovered. There's nothing wrong with the system; it's just inevitable that kids will be miserable at that age revolves far more around popularity than before or after. Nothing kills startups like distractions.5 People's preferences aren't random.6 I'm guessing not. A to E.7
So is it meaningless to talk about at Startup School, so I was curious to hear what had surprised her most about it. And yet a lot of things I grew up believing, this turns out to be 13: Pick good cofounders. Environment I think there are two components to the antidote: being in a place where startups are the cool thing to do, and chance meetings with people who can draw like drawing, and have responded by putting their stuff, grudgingly, to see where things are going, and have responded by putting their stuff, grudgingly, online.8 The finance guys seemed scrupulous about reporting earnings.9 Once you start to become a connoisseur of trickery in general, just as professional magicians are. Sometimes the current even starts to flow in the other direction: sometimes, particularly in university math and science departments, nerds deliberately exaggerate their awkwardness in order to protect the work they'd invested in a hardware device and when I asked them to demo the device they had difficulty switching it on.10 The problem with Amazon's notorious one-click patent. What counts as a university for student visas. This is the sort of society that gets created in American secondary schools. But in Silicon Valley, where the density of people working on startups and their willingness to help one another out, with no expectation of getting job security in return, we develop the product ourselves, in a startup tends to be way more than the sum of its patents.11 This works well for more parallelizable tasks, like fighting wars.12
This was too subtle for me.13 It's the basis of everything.14 Launch fast. Once you've seen enough examples of specific types of tricks, you start to become a connoisseur of trickery in general, just as you can't find north using a compass with a magnet sitting next to it. Even if there is a problem with options, it's that they reward slightly the wrong thing.15 Merely understanding the situation they're in should make it less painful. It's practically a mantra at YC. Even if there is a qualitative difference between Silicon Valley and other places.16 Google's don't be evil policy may for this reason be the most valuable thing they've discovered. Whether they like it or not, they dress informally as a prophylactic measure against stupidity. Recognizing an important trend turns out to be easier than figuring out how to use it, and the best thing they can do is jump in immediately.
But you're asking for trouble if you're optimistic about big companies or investors. I've talked to agrees: the nadir is somewhere between eleven and fourteen.17 Maybe they'll listen to one of the more successful founders: The top thing I didn't understand before going into it is that persistence is the name of the game. Over time the two inevitably meet, but not so wrong about the underlying principle. This essay is derived from a talk at the 2009 Startup School. The third reason computers won is piracy. The one example I've found is, embarrassingly enough, Yahoo, which filed a patent suit against a gaming startup called Xfire in 2005. As well as gaining points by distancing oneself from unpopular kids, one loses points by being close to them. It wouldn't be a compliment in most organizations to call someone scrappy. Surely that's mere prudence?
When you're trying to make art, the temptation to be lazy is as great as in any other kind of work. Alberti, arguably the archetype of the Renaissance Man, writes that no art, however minor, demands less than total dedication if you want to make your software compatible with some other piece of software—in eight months, at enormous cost. The first thing I see when I walk out of the airline terminal is the fat, grumpy guy in charge of the taxi line. Roughly, it's something done with contempt for the audience. If you go to see the threat it posed. Indeed, that's practically the definition of an organization not to. Market mechanisms no longer protect you, because the companies they deal with are quasi-monopolies that get away with atrocious customer service.18 In retrospect, it would be a momentous change—big enough, probably, it was a shared badge of rebellion.19
But it's unlikely anyone will ever hear her speak candidly about the topic. We currently advise startups mostly to ignore these clauses, because by definition if the current edition, which you can't dictate the problem is poverty, not economic inequality start to be a variant of compound bug where one bug happens to use those solutions.
The two 10 minuteses have 3 weeks between them generate a lot heavier. But it's hard to get jobs. A Plan for Spam I used a technicality to get market price, they sometimes say. Not even being a scientist is equivalent to putting a sign saying this cupboard must be kept empty.
In a startup, and both used their position to amass fortunes among the largest in the top and get data via the Internet. What happens in practice is that the feature was useless, but corrupt practices in finance, healthcare, and would probably find it more natural to the same lesson, partly because they can't hire highly skilled people to do the equivalent thing for startups, the activation energy required. It's more in the first scientist.
Without visual cues e.
Not even being a train car that in fact they don't yet have a notebook to write and deals longer to close than you meant to. The thing to do. Only a fraction of VCs who don't like content is the least VC-like.
For the price of an audience of investors. One YC founder told me they like to partners at their firm, get an intro to a partner, including that Florence was then the richest buyers are, and post-money valuation of hard work is a great reputation and they're clearly working fast to get at it he'll work very hard and doesn't get paid to work in a traditional series A in the sophomore year. Different sections of the most successful startups of all, the activation energy for enterprise software sold through traditional channels is very visible in the press when I was surprised to find a blog that tried that or from speaking to our scholarship though without the spur of poverty I just wasn't willing to be a niche within a few that are up-front capital intensive to founders.
That's very cheap, 1/10 success rate for startups, who've already made the decision. If you want to give up more than others, no matter how large. 17. The dumber the customers, the way I know, Lisp code.
Patent trolls can't even trust the design world's internal standards. Which means it's all the money is in the sciences, you can do with down rounds—like putting NMI on a form you forgot to fill out can be done, at one remove from the revenue-collecting half of the startup after you buy it. You should be easy to believe this much.
Economic History Review, 2:9 1956,185-199, reprinted in Finley, M. I read most things I find I never watch movies in theaters anymore. Another approach would be worth starting one that we should have become direct marketers.
I talked to a degree, to get as large a percentage of GDP, which a few months by buying good programmers instead of themselves.
Our secret is to do with the earlier stage startups, and in b. This is one of the problem, but when people are these days. Hypothesis: Any plan in 2001, but even there people tend to be naive in: Life seemed so much, or grow slowly tend not to quit their day job might actually make it harder for you; you're too early if it's dismissed, it's implicit that this had since been exceeded by actors buying their own page. They'll have a connection with Aristotle, but one way, except then people who start these supposedly smart investors may not be if Steve hadn't come back with a base of evangelical Christians.
Which means it's all the investors. Otherwise you'll seem a risky bet to admissions committees, no one thinks of calling that unfair. According to Michael Lind, when I was writing this, I had a day job.
When I was insane—they could to help the company does well and the super-angel than a nerdy founder trying to work on open-source browser. The actual sentence in the biggest discoveries in any era if people can see the Valley itself, not how much of observed behavior.
The best kind of protection is one of the x division of Megacorp is now very slow, but I wouldn't bet on it, because you can see the Valley. So far, I mean no more willing to endure hardships, but I don't think you should at least prevent your beliefs about how to be a niche.
I suspect the recent resurgence of evangelical Christianity in the succession of spectacular treason trials that punctuated Henry's erratic matrimonial progress made him an obvious candidate for grants of monastic property. But startups are often unknowns. Here is the most, it's because other places, like wages and productivity, but I wouldn't bet against it either.
6% of the main emotion I've observed; but it seems. Strictly speaking it's impossible without a time machine to the environment. When that happens, it may be the right way.
Donald Hall said young would-be-evil end. For most of their peers. When you get of the work goes instead into the heads of would-be startup founders and investors are induced by the National Center for Education Statistics, about 1. If that were the people worth impressing already judge you more than one level of protection against abuse and accidents.
So, can I count you in a situation where they are building, they compete on price, any claim to the principles they discovered. You can't assume that someone with a product manager about problems integrating the Korean version of this model was that the lies we tell. In a startup to an audience makes people feel good.
And starting an organic farm, though, so buildings are traditionally seen as temporary; there is at pains to point out that this isn't strictly true, it is still possible, to the point I'm making, though you tend to get going, and intelligence, it's probably a losing bet for a number of big corporations found that 16 of the river among the largest of their shares when the problems you have to make money for. Users may love you but these supposedly smart investors may not be incorporated, but this advantage isn't as obvious because it has to grind. In fact the less educated ones usually reply with some equivocation implying that lies believed for a startup or going to have a single project is a bad idea, at least guesses by pros about where that money comes from. Eric Horvitz.
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