#this is like a year or two after the aeor wizard date so we're veering off canon into my own little musings
spottedenchants · 3 years
In Which Essek and Kingsley Share a Seaside Chat
The purple boys discuss their mutual friends.
[read on AO3 for tags and notes or continue below]
“Fancy seeing you out here. I thought you’d have left by now.”
The sea breeze carries Kingsley’s voice to Essek as he watches the star-speckled horizon, hands loosely clasped, resting his forearms against the bulwark and swaying with the gentle motions of the Nein Heroez.
“Not yet, I’m enjoying the air.”
Essek flicks his eyes sideways when Kingsley joins him framed in silver, leaning his back and elbows against the railing, facing the opposite sky from Essek, towards where Catha shines high.
“What about you, Mr. Tealeaf?”
“Please, Mr. Tealeaf’s my brother. Call me King.”
“King. You’ve been holding onto that one a while, haven’t you?”
“I figured one of you formal types was gonna fall for it eventually.”
They don’t get to talk like this all that often, what with Kingsley’s life encompassing the ship and sea and Essek’s residence usually being landside.
A sigh to the moon.
“Can’t sleep, weird dreams.”
“Ah. Not the kind Jester can hug away, I take it?”
“Ha! If only.”
A hum to the stars.
“I happen to still have some of Caduceus’ tea with me if you would like some.”
“Well that’s awfully nice of you, please and thanks.”
“It is what friends do, I believe.”
With a brief exhale, Kingsley lolls his head to the side, to Essek, his wide red eyes too guileless for the gaze to be discomforting.
“Tell me, Magic Man- nope, nope, you need something else, something just you. Float, drift, hover, purple, pretty, sparkle.”
Kingsley eyes him up and down, a curious fang caught on his lower lip.
“Huh. I’ll think on it. Anyway- who am I to you? You never knew my brother from what I gather.”
Essek tilts his head.
“The dreams?”
“Mm. You’re not in them, except as a nuisance, same as Caduceus.”
There’s no bite or taunt to the words, Essek notes, not that he expects there to be. Kingsley tends to carry himself like an open book.
Essek shifts his eyes back to the shimmering water.
“No, I didn’t have the chance to meet him. You are…”
He considers before continuing.
“Were? A stranger to me. Yet I… hm. Our friends could not bring you to life, the first time they tried.”
“So I’ve heard.”
“It was… not pleasant, seeing them so hurt, and being unable to help.”
“I bet not.”
“So the fact you are here now, miracle as it is, makes them happy, and as such I am content as well.”
A tease finally works its way into Kingsley’s lilt.
“So you like me then.”
A starside chuckle. Here he goes again, Essek muses.
“In a way, I suppose. Secondhand, mostly.”
“I can work with that. I’ve got two hands, a first and a second.”
Tattoos catch moonlight as Kingsley flexes his fingers in a cascade, still leaning, still propped.
“I was a Shadowhand.”
“Is that supposed to be a joke on my joke?”
“I don’t know what my intended punchline was, but yes.”
“Keep at it. I’m sure you’ll get it.”
“I appreciate the confidence.”
A breeze ruffles moonlit hair and horns.
“So what’s your deal with them? Joy Buzzer, the Captain, the rest.”
“The short answer? They saved my life.”
“Ha, same I suppose.”
“I think, in some ways, I have your brother to thank for even having the opportunity to know them.”
“Same again.”
Another breeze flows by, catching starlit robes.
“I am curious. What you felt for them- all of them- when you awoke.”
“Eh, that’s hazy. You know how waking up is.”
And Essek actually does, as true sleep has become a far more frequent occurrence than it once had been.
“Now’s a lot easier to tell. I know I love Yasha. She’s Love, for gods’ sake. Mixed bag for the rest but it’s all gooey covered in fondness. Your magician is cute.”
“He is not mine necessarily.”
“No? I bet he’d like to be.”
“He’s his own and he’ll do as he pleases.”
“I’m sorry?”
“He’ll do who he pleases.”
“Gods, is this you, or have you been absorbing Jester’s books again.”
“Column A column B I think. Gotta learn to read somehow.”
“Of course.”
Essek relaxes his hands to drum his fingers against the railing.
“I can get you other things to read on my next trip if you’d like a wider variety.”
Kingsley leans ever so slightly closer, grin growing impish, glowing like a crescent.
“I’m willing to try a bit of everything.”
Essek can’t help a soft bark of laughter.
“Persistent, aren’t you?”
“May as well get some practice in when there’s novel pretty faces around.”
The crescent moon smile softens, showing intent no further than play.
“Shall I stop?”
“I’d hazard a joke that I’m nigh impervious by now.”
A soft bump to Essek’s side, shoulder to shoulder. Of all the tieflings Essek knows, this one seems to run especially warm; it’s not enough to burn anymore though.
“Hold him when you can, yeah? You’re both lovely when you smile.”
So Essek smiles in his lopsided way, a fang making itself known only to tease.
“I’ll see what I can do.”
Pushing himself off the railing, Kingsley rolls his shoulders and neck, returns the grin.
“So tea?”
One last look out onto open ocean and Essek joins him as they both head below deck.
Stairs creak as Kingsley steps and Essek does not.
“Twinkle Toes!”
“Light on your feet and you’re a bright little star caught up in the night like that.”
And Essek laughs.
“You definitely fit right in with them all, so I’m certain I’ll grow to like you just the same.”
Kingsley gives a devilish grin with nothing but genuine warmth behind it.
“I will not stop you- it’s nice to have friends.”
An amused huff.
Indeed it is.
[Read the rest of the Touching Sentiments series on AO3]
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