#this is my first homestuck fanfic please don't kill me
prospitian-monarch · 7 months
Under the cut: my palamedes' sollux DNA proof, recently unearthed while rummaging through tazmuir's fanfic for vrisrezi quotes (vote vrisrezi here!).
@diamond-rings-and-gutter-bones as per request. (note if you want to see me talk more about tlt or post with any regularity you'll have to find me at my main at @augerer!)
Also please note I've turned off reblogs on this post because I don't want to be misconstrued as trying to get into discourse about tlt being homestuck fanfic with the serial numbers filed off, which for the record i think is completely untrue. although as you've been mentioned i think you can reblog if you'd like to reply!
From "The Last Hearing of Gamzee Makara", urbananchorite:
Kanaya is mopping a little at the cracked goggles with an embroidered handkerchief, smelling luminous, clean. “Sollux was a marvel,” she says, with surprising warmth.
From Gideon the Ninth:
"Sextus was a marvel," admitted Harrow. "Too bad you didn't marry him. You're both into old dead chicks."
(second line maintained for the Aradia comparison).
From "BL4CK HOL3, green 2un", urbananchorite:
The story is a terezi-narrated oneshot about the moment when Sollux dies piloting the meteor through the veil. I think it illustrates well the type of Sollux characterization that ua and e.g. paratactician generally had (not entirely the same as canon sollux) which is specifically what palamedes has the vibe of. Also there's the very similar line at the end.
Blood comes in great mustardy gouts from his empty eyeholes. It fills up his goggles and squelches out the rims, khaki on cranberry. It leaks out his nose and you know his screams without hearing them; not from the pain, but as acceleration. You know what he’s like, don’t you? His mind is cracking its whip to never mind his shell, his meat, where the hell did they ever get him. They’re bullshit. An ecstasy of contempt. Do it, asshole, do it, do it. You think you can hear his bloodpusher pounding, quicker and quicker, hurling itself against his ribcage with beating wings. You think you pinpoint when it starts to give; when it misses those first few beats and he screams through them, the moment when at last Sollux Captor’s heart bursts. The remaining ten seconds he runs on adrenaline and wild, maniac stubbornness, his mind running up a bill that his body can't pay. His mind skips town, his mind goes running far into the distance. There's so much light. You swear you can see it. [. . .] Sollux becomes a falling star.
From Gideon the Ninth:
"Yes," said Palamedes. "I also know you must have studied radical thanergetic fission, so you know what happens when a necromancer disperses their entire reserve of thanergy very, very quickly." [. . .] The sickroom exploded into white fire, and the bonds pinning Gideon snapped. She fell hard against the wall and spun, drunkenly, lurching back down the corridor as Palamedes Sextus made everything burn [. . .] She ran for her life down the long corridors, past the ancient portraits and crumbling statues, the grave goods of the tomb of Canaan House, the mechanisms of this feeble shitty machine crumbling as Palamedes Sextus became a god-killing star.
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