#this is the buddie at a madney wedding fluff that i have been dreaming of for a month now
buckleysjareau · 4 years
masterpost of all of my fics
!hey hey, here’s mostly everything i’ve ever written for 9-1-1 and Criminal Minds. Reblog if you like any of them, and always come back to check and see if it’s updated. It’ll always be pinned. :) Everything under the read more line!
AO3: 9-1-1
Buck Goes To Pride (buddie, getting together)
Thinking back to that cold winter afternoon when Buck broke down in her arms after the shit show that was his coming out, she never thought she'd be helping her brother get ready for Pride. He shut that part of himself away for a long time. But eleven years later, she's handing her brother a box with a pride flag in it, and he's grinning from ear to ear.
Buck goes to his first pride featuring his journey of coming out, lots of hugging, and Hen being the best.
...or you could have mine? (buddie, pre-relatioship)
There's too much going on between his agitation, people talking over each other, the way his uniform feels more scratchy than it ever has, and the bright lights. He can't sit still and he knows he's starting to annoy everyone but he can't help it no matter how much he wishes he could with his medication.
agree to disagree (buddie, getting together, friendship)
Whoever thought a night of heavy drinking between Buck, Eddie and Chimney was a good idea, were out of their minds. When sober, they were idiots but shot after shot of tequila plus the couple of beers they each had before meeting up multiplied the absolute stupidity of the three men.
Buck, Eddie, and Chimney get wasted and Athena wins a bet.
i put a spell on you (buddie, getting together)
Eddie Diaz absolutely loved Halloween. Ever since he was an excitable eight year old boy he’d been known to go all out for the holiday. Twenty-four years and a son had not changed that.
4k+ words of Eddie being happy, scaring his friends, and loving Halloween.
baby you know i just wanna leave tonight (buddie, pre-relationship)
If there was one thing that people knew about Evan Buckley, it was that he didn’t want people to know him.
People find out more about Buck then he ever wanted them to know when the Buckley’s come to town.
i woke up from a never ending dream (buddie, getting together)
Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.
Sensing the urgency, Eddie jogs the rest of the way. He doesn’t know what he’s really expecting, his mind not entirely focused, but for the second time that night, Buck surprises him.
Where Buck is going through it and Eddie has anxiety but they help each other through it. Featuring pet names and lovesick Eddie.
you feel like the sun on my face (buddie, established relationship)
Buck has a way of doing things and saying things that even in Eddie’s worst moods, he still can’t fight his smile.
Eddie's view on Buck's Wikipedia spirals and the beginning of the brilliant idea it inspires.
Part 1 of 3 in the ‘cause of i’m not too far and you’re my favorite place series
you feel like the perfect escape now (buddie, established relationship)
"In the symbolic language of jewels, a sapphire in a wedding ring means marital happiness."
Eddie planning his proposal with the help of Hen and Karen. Featuring good ol' Buck and Chimney banter, soft and in love boyfriends, and tooth rotting fluff.
Part 2 of 3 in the ‘cause i’m not too far and you’re my favorite place series
everything is blue (may + buck friendship, buddie, getting together)
When Evan Buckley is ten, he discovers nail polish.
In which Buck paints his nails, Eddie is flustered, and May is a matchmaker.
it weighs on me (buddie, established relationship)
The bad weather is gone, except it’s not.
In which Buck has a bad day and Eddie holds him through it.
101.9 (buddie, getting together)
Evan Buckley did not get sick.
Based on a tumblr prompt where Buck’s fever won’t fuck off so Eddie makes him take a cold bath.
when i’m walking in my sleep (buddie, getting together)
He finds that maybe he’s a little in over his head when Buck greets him with a loopy smile. He’s just a tiny bit in love with Evan Buckley, and having dealt with post-surgery Buck before, Eddie is sure his heart might burst with every zany grin and stage-whispered expression of appreciation.
Eddie takes care of a loopy Buck after he gets his screws removed, and truths come out.
you’re in my heart  (buddie, established relationship)
"I will not be broken... I will not be... fine, fine, you win! Stop with the face."
Eddie sings Buck to sleep after he finds out Eddie can sing.
we’ll be fine, you and i (buddie, established relationship)
He couldn’t believe his luck. He never imagined he’d be able to have this and now, he’s here. He has everything he could ask for and more in his boyfriend’s arms. Stability, happiness, love.
dizzy hurricane (buddie, pre-relationship)
“I’m a medic,” Buck mocks. “You’re a medic, but you can’t take care of yourself, apparently!”
Eddie refuses to admit he’s sick and finds his medic expertise is unreliable when it comes to himself.
tongue forgot the words and feet forgot the earth, it’s true (buddie, established relationship)
Eddie feels like he’s drowning in insurance payments, tuition raises, overbearing parents and anxiety. Things had definitely been worse on him when he didn’t have a whole new support system on his side but things just kept piling on, one after another, it was impossible for him not to feel suffocated. Every muscle in his body was sore from being completely tensed all of the time, the lack of sleep was getting to him, he’s in a foul mood to everyone that loves him. He just wants a break, needs a break.
Eddie finally gets a second to breathe.
you are my glitter and my gloom, i am so numb without you (buddie, getting together)
But right now, with Eddie by his side, he doesn’t worry. For the first time in almost a year, he doesn’t have to worry.
Buck has a flashback, or six, after the landslide. Eddie is there to bring him back, like always.
double vision wrapped in last night’s party clothes (buck centric, pre-relationship buddie)
"I have always been honest with you." When Eddie's voice cracks, Buck's composure almost cracks with it. "Why can't you just be honest with me?"
When Buck is let in on a long kept family secret, he doesn't know what to do. He almost ruins things with the one person that keeps him from feeling like he's floating away with no way to land, but it ultimately turns out okay with help of a little communication.
safe, better keep that thought to yourself (madney)
But days after, he still can’t stop hearing it in his head, over and over.
I love you, Howie. I love you, Howie. I love you, Howie. I love you, Howie.
with friends like ours anywhere is home (buck & tk, background buddie)
[@evanbuckley: you have two new follow requests.] @marjanmarwani would like to follow you. @tkstrand would like to follow you.
@tkstrand liked your photo. @tkstrand liked your photo. @tkstrand liked your video.
@tkstrand So, I see you have a boyfriend, too. I’m sorry for assuming haha
Wait, what?
Buck and TK’s long distance friendship featuring love advice, horrible nicknames and background Buddie.
wish i could keep you in amber, safe from the outside (buddie)
Neither of them say anything as Eddie takes shelter in Buck’s arms, face tucked in the crook of his neck, sheltered from all the bad that’s happened. A safe place.
He can only hope that he’s Buck’s safe place, too.
In which Eddie and Buck are struggling after the shooting and they finally have a much needed talk.
AO3: Criminal Minds
you light my fire (jemily, AU)
Emily's face stays complacent as JJ reaches out her hand to shake, only dropping the smug act and smiling genuinely when she reaches for JJ's hand. "Welcome to the team, Pennsylvania Petite."
Jemily Firefighter AU
Tumblr: 9-1-1
“i saw this and i thought of you immediately.” (buddie)
keep you warm (henren)
wheels up, buck (9-1-1, criminal minds crossover)
stand, you’re gonna run again (buck centric, buck & bobby)
bows and ribbons and glitter (buck & chimney, madney) 
“i believe that would be murder” (buddie, pre-relationship)
mac-and-cheesy (buddie, established relationship)
his saving grace (buddie, pre-relationship, buck centric)
what i love about the south (pre-relationship buddie)
unconditional, unadulterated (buddie, getting together)
home isn’t a place, it’s a feeling (buck & athena)
he’s special, they’re special (madney, meet-cute)
Tumblr: Criminal Minds
rough nights end in hot chocolate (garvez)
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