#this is the fan blog I was talking sbout in the post
snugglebeans3000 · 1 year
Welcome to my ted talk— today we are going to go on sleep deprived rant about how tall Tetsuya is because I’m slowly going insane.
The reason why any of this sprouted at all was because i was drawing a picture of Reiji and Testuya, and of course, I made testuya smaller than Reiji (Because I mean the snake man is canonically this gangle boy that’s all height and no muscle so obviously) aND then I started wondering to myself: How tall is Reiji compared to tetsuya? So I hopped onto my compute and googled it. Apparently snake boy is like 6 foot 2 inches, or around 189 cm rounded upwards. Not shocking, I knew he was tall so seeing that he was this 6 foot 2 gangle monster didn’t really phase me. This is where we get onto Tetsuya. Now— Beleive me when I say i could not find ANYTHING— NOT A SCRAP— of info that pertained to this man’s height. I looked in the wiki, I looked fan blogs where they calculate the person’s height which kinda surprised me because I didn’t think we had one for Beyblade, and STILL. NOTHING. So I do what any reasonable person does and I looked up to see if there was a side by side comparison of the characters from the show. Sadly, I wasn’t able to find one that was as technical as I wanted it to be, but I did find something that would help me on my quest— AND IT WAS THIS
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It’s not the best quality but I had characters to work with. So, with that, I started googling. I tried looking up how tall Benkei was since he was the closet one to Testuya and they were almost similiar in height, but there was literally nothing. I don’t know how that, given that he’s probably one of the biggest and tallest people in the series— but YA KNOW— Then I had to search for an option I knew the height would show up on, so I searched for Gingka’s height. Sure enough, I was able to find it and the man is 5 ft 4 inches. (That. That killed me right there. The man is two inches taller than me. Guys, he’s such a short king—) So given that I was able to assume that Benkei at least has over a foot and less than a half of height on him, making him around 6 foot to 6 foot 6 inches. Now the reason why I make this assumption is mostly based off the Warrior Monk Saito Musashibo Benkei who Benkei himself is based after, who was rumored to be around 6 foot 6 inches. So let’s say he’s around that height. Now looking at it, it seems like Testuya is tall, but he’s not 6 foot 6 tall— which I can agree with. So WHY you may ask am I so riled up about this seemingly meaningless matter???? WELL I”LL TELL YOU. Tetsuya is slouching. SLOUCHING. I know that isn’t much but if this man where to stand STRAIGHT UP when he is side by side to Benkei THEY WOULD A FEW INCHES SHY OF BEING THE SAME HIEGHT. THE IDEA THAT THIS PISSY LITTLE CRAB MAN IS AROUND THE SAME HEIGHT AS BENKEI ASTOUNDS ME SIMPLY BECAUSE IT JUST SEEMS CURSED TO THINK ABOUT. And then of course that led me down the rabbit hole of why I’m making this post— THAT TESTUYA IS JUST AS TALL—IF NOT MORE SO TALL— THAN REIJI.
AND OKAY WHAT YOU”RE THINKING— but snuggles they’re both horrible and greasy characters who literally committed multiple crimes against children— TO THAT I SAY: Y E S. They have committed crimes, bUT IN MY AU THEY GO TO THERAPY AND BOTH LEARN REMORSE AND TRY AND LEARN TO BE BETTER AND MORE CARING HUMANS TO THEMSELVES AND OTHERS AND ALONG THE WAY THEY BECOME FRIENDS WHO TRY AND BETTER THEMSELVES. BUT JUST THINK SBOUT IT THOUGH— Reiji is so tall. He’s constantly having to have people look up, like ACTUALLY L O O K UP to him and being intimidated by his height. He would probably really insecure about how much he stands out. aND THEN ALONG COMES THIS CRAB MAN WHO IS TALLER THAN AND TALKS SO GOOFILY TO HIM AND REIJI JUST DOESN’T KNOW WHAT TO DO. That coupled with the fact that canonically how Tetsuya talks is literally like someone talking to a child (OKAY YOU MAY NOT BELIEVE ME BUT WATCH SOME OF HIS CLIPS BACK WHEN HE IS TALKING AND YOU”LL HERE IT I PROMISE) and that idea of him talking to Reiji, and Reiji being handled in a caring way he lacked when he was a kid is jUST— *BANGS MY FIST AGAINST THE TABLE* ITS— IT”S SO CUTE TO THINK ABOUT GUYS.
Well. That’s all for this rant. I am in a cold sweat from my pent up excitement and I am just about to head out to my work in Pulmonary. I really hope none of the patients have a medical emergency again. (Seriously, we had three medical emergencies yesterday bruh. They’re all okay but Jesus Christ the stress) UNTIL THE NEXT RANT MY FRIENDS.
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