#this is them being in a qpr cause that's what I think they'd wana be in
that-starry-freak ยท 1 month
okay, okay
On one hand, headcanonong Sams Eclipse as aroace. He's never shown any interest in romance, and pretty sure hes seemed almost digusted by the idea of it before.
Other the OTHER HAND, headcanoning the villain as aroace is really getting into that weird territory of harmful representation or whatever-
But on the hand before, headacanoning him as not aroace even tho he seems aroace doesn't seem okay
.. AUGG i don't care ill make him at least demi or something. Defiently ace (#projecting .. always on the villains too but I think its cause they're my favorite charecters. I mean, Solar isn't a villain but I headcanoned him as ace cause, a. Why not I couldn't be surprised and b. He's my favorite so <3)
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