#this is what kickstarts Fierce's questions on the care and keeping of mortals
nancyheart11 · 1 year
Unmasking a Warrior! (about 2 weeks into Dad Squad)
Abel raised his (much cleaner and sharper due to his new companions) Sword and sliced into another Bokoblin with a huff, where were all these monsters coming from? Though he had been  with these strange new men searching for their sons, a scarce fortnight Abel could admit that having such skilled companions was beginning to grow on him. 
Far to his left he heard the awful sound of the Fierce Deity’s huge blade rend another limb from a guardian with almost disgusting ease, considering how many were mowed down in seconds when . . . No time to think of the past while an arrow flew far to near Abel’s face for comfort. He turned to check on Rusl and was nearly blinded by the flash of light coming from the direction of the Fierce Deity. Abel felt his stomach swoop as he spared a glance in the direction of his friend(?) only to see a conspicuous lack of the 12 foot warrior. He had no time to check on the state of his companion since the monsters swelled around Rusl and him, forcing them on the defensive while they struggled to keep their heads in the tide of battle.
Link gasped in pain as his knees hit the ground. Looking up he saw smears of color and far too bright sunlight assaulting his vision. He squeezed his eyes shut to block out the pain, as the ringing in his ears faded enough to make out the sounds of . . . monsters squealing?
Oh no, the last thing Link remembers is putting on the near burning mask as he was surrounded by turncoats, which he knew the deity would have no problem getting rid of. The fact that the sounds around him were clearly of monster origin was . . . off.
He tried to stand up and almost tasted dirt as the world spun and smeared in confusing colors around him, the pounding of his head suddenly demanding all of his attention.
He managed to squint at the slowly coming into to focus trees around him as his head quieted to a dull roar. Then a unusual looking lizalfoes crossed his blurry vision, with something wooden clutched in its talons. Squinting harder, he was able to make out bright red and blue on the wood in the monsters grasp. A jolt of panic ran through him at the realization for some reason. But the only piece of wood with markings that vivid he could recall was-
Sprite! His cry came out whisper quiet and raspy from how dry his throat was. When was the last time he'd had water? Didn’t matter right now any way, with the shot of adrenaline to his body, he remembered Putting on the mask, having it sear against his face, and a voice whispering that they would both be safe? That might have just been Link’s imagination since the Deity hadn’t been very emotive when he had interacted with them before.
Link staggered to his feet, using a nearby tree as leverage to keep from falling over once more, feeling weak from however long he had been hosting the Fierce Deity and shaking from the adrenaline that was helping him stay upright at all. 
He was in bad shape and he knew it. Only a small dagger on his person, that he would be lucky to keep hold of with how badly he was shaking, a headache ferocious as though a nail were being driven in with every labored and raspy breath, exhaustion clinging to every corner of his body, only being held back by worry for the smaller Link who he would have seen already if he had been saved.
Looking down showed a shorn branch that was about as tall as he was. He managed to grab it, and started moving after the lizalfoes as fast as he could, uncaring of how the thump of the branch was surely giving away his position.
Luckily for him, the lizalfoes was paying little attention to it's surroundings and went down with one good wack to the back of the head. (Link is going to idnire that he fell onto the monsters still very solid body from the hit) he managed to scramble away from the lizalfoes with the mask clutched to his body and hide in a bush before the monsters angry screeches sounded.
Link looked down on the clearly ancient Wooden mask, pristine looking as always and traced the marks that had begun to cling to Sprites face for short periods after taking it off near the end of the War (and how his heart burned for the child that was so used to fighting a War god could cling to his form at all)
The realization that he had no clue if the long term effects of wearing such an object hit Link and he grimaced. He pulled the knife out of his boot and brought it to his face. His eyes had bags under them that resembled bruises more than anything else, his cheeks which had been compared to apples more than once were now sunken in and drawn tight over prominent check bones. But all the clear signs of malnourishment and no sleep were overshadowed by seeing his hair.
It had gone from a brilliant golden sheen that looked like sunshine had graced his head, to the pale yellow of a wilting dandelion, that had made the mistake of growing in the shade, it's color and life both doomed to fade without intervention. Link was brought out of his musings when he heard a call.
"Fierce! We could really use your help on this one!"
It wasn't desperate, not yet. Link forced his arching and exhausted body up and limped way to the treeline, where he was able to see a fairly large group of monsters surrounding . . . Something. He squinted and was blessed with a brief clear view of the commotion. 2 hylians both fighting with blood soaked swords, sporting various injuries that would need attention soon the way the battle was going.
The sight of them sparked a flurry of fondness? In Links chest. He felt the need to help well up in him, but even he could admit that in his current state he would be more of a liability than an asset. He brought out the mask with trembling hands. This was the only useful weapon he had, but the consequences. . .
He spared a glance at the cursed thing and did a double take because the masks expression seemed to shifted slightly, with one perfectly sculpted brow millimeters higher than the other.
" I can't fight as I am, but I think putting you on might get me killed too." He whispered
The mask in his hands jumped in temperature before cooling rapidly. What was going on??
On the field the shorter man cried as he was stabbed in the thigh and without wasting another second in thought, the warm mask was slammed on his face.
Abel cried out knowing that he might have just ensured Hyrule's total destruction. Just as Hylia had abandoned her people in their time of need, so too had the Fierce Deity left him and Rusl to die, desperately searching for their sons. Rusl crouched closer over head with his shield held to try and cover Abel, but he could tell from the tension in the others back that they both knew how unlikely survival was.
Then Abel was blinded momentarily by a bright Flash of light, by the time he managed to blink the spots away only the rapidly dissipating bodies of the monsters were left, and standing as though the hoard about to overwhelm the two mortals were merely an annoyance, was the Fierce Deity.
" Thanks for the save." was Rusl's mild reply to the sudden appearance of their missing Companion.
Abel felt the ground tilt, and only realized he had been scooped up like a child when his cheek touched soothing cool metal.
“Apologies. . . It appears I have miscalculated, I will be better prepared should my connection to this world be severed again.” Abel could barely feel confused before sweet unconsciousness took hold and he knew no more.
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