#this may not even happen but it's fun to think about huehue
legendaryskyscale · 1 year
Lyrics for brainstorming a demon possessed Raennyn for a possible assassination on Ardjin storyline (and maybe Rae assassinating other high ranked members within the Inquest)
Moving silent Feel the violence The incitement I know the assignment I'm taking over I’m sick of mediocre I'll be the closer I got a different motor I got a mission to win it Some ammunition to get it Don't need permission, I finish Got an addiction that's gripping Got some convictions I’m living Once I’m committed I’m in it Got a prediction I’m winning They're the pure bloods I’m the hybrid They hate change, so they try to push and fight it I stay steady, yeah I’ve always been defiant Up against the beast yeah, I’m up against a giant But now I’m gunning for their heads And I will die with no regrets This needs to come to an end, I’m seeing all red And now the king is dead! And now the king is dead!
NEFFEX - The King is Dead
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oishiyani · 2 months
🦐 ; Where Were You?
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🦐 ; y/n’s presence never missed every single day! a text, a voice call, maybe even a visit. but then one morning.. boom! y/n vanished, not a single sign of life from them has got them shuffled in their minds! who knows could be what their reaction? (SCENARIOS)
— this is a fun little drabble while i had on my free time!! huehue, i swear ill make nikolai on the pt2 of this and along with another character in mind!
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Would end up trashing in fear in his body.
sigma's love for you is known to be only pure, he loves you whole and so do you. a routine where you'd keep him occupied with everything that's happened to you while he shoots you a bunch of questions of things he hadn't heard such about. the more you talked, the more curious he got.
the way you talk has him falling head over heels for you! that's the most special event in his daily life. the part where you'd find him and call so sweetly of his name out of your lips, your voice instantly makes him forget whatever's disturbing his head- soon relaxed when he recognizes your voice.
with this everyday routine with you is like a vitamin he has to take everyday, without it he may not function well. it's the most crucial part of his life- he can't miss a day without you. then one day, he did almost did miss a day.
usually you'd be calling out for him when he's really stuffed with the casino of his. a perfect timing for you to be his savior to come and comfort him, but after a few hours- he looked at the clock that was hanged on the wall.
'that’s strange.. y/n should be here at any moment now.. y/n's coming here soon right?'
and so, he waited. and waited. and waited. like a dog waiting for their owner to return home behind closed doors.
sigma begins to fidget without him realizing, one of his legs starts fiddling as both of his hands clasped together, his right index finger tapping up and down for who knows how long. and you still weren't here.
its been hours, he noticed. he spammed your phone number with a few text messages asking where are you, were you alright? were you not safe? the thought of you in danger increased his worries. could fyodor have captured you to use you against him?
he swallowed the developed lump in his throat, he had to search for you immediately. now was the time to take action. who knows what could’ve happen to you? he stands up and grabs the telephone by his desk- before he was about to dial, the sound of his main doors pushed open.
there you were, standing with a bunch of bags hanged on your arm. "hey, sorry i kind of arrived late! as you can see here i bought-"
"s-sigma?" you were cut by your sentence as you were took by a sudden surprise of sigma who dropped the telephone and approached you with his footsteps in a haste. he then hugged you tightly- wrapped in his arms, never wanting to let go of you. his head on your shoulder while his face hides at your sight. you almost fell behind and tumbled because of the unforeseen of event.
"where were you?" he asked, a sound of his voice cracked as he spoke. you hugged him back trying your best to tolerate how really tight his hug is, "i was out in the mall.. my phone happened to run out of battery so i couldn't message you. i'm sorry about that." you let out of a bashful giggle.
soon you felt slight coldness on the fabric you wore, your eyes dilated and grabbed sigma's forearms to push him slowly from you.
with his face in front of you. sigma's eyes were bottled up with tears, his nose a bit red. which looks like he's been holding in his emotions for a while. the tables have turned- now you were the one worried, confused, why was sigma crying? did you do something wrong?
"huh? did something happen? what's wrong?" sigma looked down, a sigh escaping his lips- his eyebrows furrowed. "you were gone for too long and i just got worried.. really that's all." his eyes shifted in another direction, a small pout on his lips formed after.
you also sighed in relief after thinking that something worse happened to him, "i'm sorry for that sigma.. next time i'll invite you to the mall with me. we could try one of those fancy restaurants i saw."
he sniffled, his index finger swiped the tear bubbling from the corner of his eye. "sure, i'd love to go." he then smiled. "i'm happy you're back."
sigma then felt something pressed on to his lips. it was.. a cookie?! his eyes lit of sparks. you pushed the cookie futher and sigma took immediate bite of it, "i also bought these cookies for you! do you like them?"
a faint pink shade of blush wave on his cheeks, "mhm."
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Would come and fetch you immediately. and once found- it’s a must to return.
your presence being absent for a while doesn’t shaken fyodor himself. why? oh y/n, you lack the knowledge of fyodor’s tracking skills- an absoulute maniac at it! he could be watching you at every placed cctv camera by the city and you’re fully unaware of it.
fyodor fonds you quite alot- well for more than what you can think. he loves how you bring gifts for him on the way back, after he just watched you struggle to buy something for him. unable to choose between two goods situation. he smiles internally at how cute you look while deciding if he'd
with your loyalty to him, he surely should protect you from any harm that opposes you. that’s why he’s spectating you from the cameras y’know! it’s all for the sake of your safety after all. he even thought of placing cameras in your house, maybe if someone attempted to rob you then he’d save the day.
as soon as fyodor came back from his office- sitting on his chair, eyes stamped on the screen that displayed different corners of each street. in an insant his eyes hunt for you like a prey.
switching from cameras to cameras, he was unable to find you through it. he double checked again- maybe you’ll appear at any moment but no. you still weren’t there at the store you always went.
‘that’s strange..’ fyodor said as he gently rubbed his chin, thinking where have you might go. he only set off his eyes away from the screen for a minute and you’re gone that quickly? that was the least he expected since you take your time at browsing your items.
little did he know you stumbled upon this local cafe that just opened up! it was located at this small apartment that the owner set it up as their own business. you happen to saw a poster and an immediate urge drove into you as soon as you saw the cafe’s new release of a drink.
with that in mind, you went on your way to try it out. you open the door that supposedly says in the poster that this is where they’re located, a small, shady place for a cafe indeed. you were met by the sound of a small bell that clang on top when you opened the door. the aroma of coffee strikes you.
there were only a few people, really few.. like 3. the man who’s behind the counter greeted you a welcome. you came upfront and told him that you wanted to try their new drink. the man agreed, but as he went on to make it- the man seems like he couldn’t find himself to stop talking about you.
he continuously asked you multiple questions about yourself, what you do for living, how was living in the city, were you still studying, ‘till he abruptly asked if you were in a relationship with someone.
the first set of questions weren’t that bad, although they progressively became more personal. the conversation still about yourself- you ended up being uncomfortable as you sat and waited for your drink to be done.
“maybe we could exchange numbers.. if you ever don’t have one though! and we could go get some coff-“
“do you serve tea around here?” the familiar voice spoke. you quickly turned to your side and saw fyodor who was about to sit down beside you. “wait- fyodor?! what’re you doing here? i mean, when did you even get here?!”
“just now.” fyodor replied, his gaze on the man who was doing the finishing touches to your drink. the man who was behind the counter was also just as confused as you for the unexpected new customer. “tea sir? i’m afraid we don’t-“
“well, that’s unfortunate. i was hoping me and y/n would go here sometime.” fyodor replied. cutting the man’s words off. “y/n?” you looked to fyodor again, giving him a sign that he has your attention. he told you to bring out your phone and to wear your headphones for some reason, he then told you to listen to this orchestra piece he liked.
“just for a moment.” he told you, mouth close to your ear, then puts back the lifted half of the headphones on your ear. you watched him talk to the man, both of them having a conversation while you listened to melody in your ears. you then continued to sip your finished drink, ‘this is good.. and refreshing..’ the wave of relaxation was disturbed by a sudden slam that vibrated on the wooden counter.
you turned your gaze back to the two, lifting your headphones. the man’s face expression showed he was terrified, while fyodor was only giving the poor man a smirk. “get out before i call the police!” the man threatened. “wait- what happened?” yet again confused, you asked fyodor. he only stood up and stared at the man who’s legs began to shake.
“let’s go y/n. we surely don’t want to be in this place of a stench.” fyodor took his steps to the door turning the doorknob. you left your payment on the counter and catched up to fyodor on the way out of the apartment.
you were filled with questions for fyodor to answer, but the only answer you ever got was quite odd-
“i only gave him a little piece of advice, i wouldn’t want that cafe to be shut down completely.”
the next day, you were walking by the side of the streets. you found yourself in the same spot where the cafe you went was located. but this time, you took notice that there was a sign that said ‘THIS PLACE HAS BEEN SHUT DOWNED’
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children-of-subcon · 3 years
yes im very sure! i dont really care about it being complete i just like to read
okok here we go I’m putting ‘em under a cut
I love Frigid by ImmortalCoalecanth, the characterization is great and I’m a sucker for MC teams up with a boss :)
Who Doesn’t Like Hat Kid? by MonsterMonsoon is super fun and WE GET SOME BIRD BONDING TIME YEAHH— I think it’s incomplete but the chapters are somewhat self-contained so it’s not too bad?
Little Deals by Insecuriousity is an unexpected but not unwelcome backstory for the Walrus Captain’s ship, involving a certain ghost ;)
Warm by Skippyin is a unique take on Snatcher’s backstory!
Illiteracy by eggsinsunnyside features Hat Kid not knowing how to read, the perfect excuse for some bonding huehue...
A Little Hatted Borrower by MonsterMonsoon is that borrower fic I mentioned, I love it so much 😭 Sometimes I still go back and reread it even though I know it cuts off right when it picks up hhh
A House Full of Monsters is also by MonsterMonsoon! It’s an AU where the bosses (and some others) are secretly monsters, and also roommates :DD Plenty of found family, although it too is unfinished.
A House That Walks by Drakka is inspired by the last one, but contains violence/blood so be warned.
Into the Lions’ Den by Krekka01 features Hat Kid getting some closure with Empress post-Rush Hour!
la loi, c’est moi by MiniNephthys is hilarious and has some actual lawyer Snatcher which is great :)
The Puppeteer by ZurielWritings23 has Moonjumper, boss fights, and possession, oh my!
Empress’ Revenge, also by ZurielWritings23, includes another very well-written boss fight, plus some momma CC and dadtcher as a treat.
We also have From the Stars by Yacer_Sho, which gives a very creative backstory to Hat Kid and has three whole endings! I won’t spoil anything else ;)
Loopholes by Fruisun is very cute and features Snatcher being a big ol’ tsundere ^^
Christmas in Subcon Forest by DeckofDragons is short and sweet, although it is still June...
I like the characterization in Tired by StellaHope, and it also includes some lovely art at the end!
The Harsh Winter’s Creep by SmugSpecter has a good mix of fluff and angst, and I must admit I‘m also a sucker for protective dadtcher 👀
Quality Time(pieces) by automatonBoy has some cool headcanons and my beloved Snatcher + Hat Kid interactions <3
Rest by DeckofDragons is kind of a sick fic but PLOT TWIST it’s Snatcher who’s sick-ish!!
I’ll save myself some time and recommend the whole series Tales of the Fire Spirits by SilyaBeeodess! It gives the fire spirits some amazing lore which I don’t remember seeing anyone else do before.
Music by DeckofDragons is part of that phase where everyone on Ao3 wrote about Snatchman playing the violin bc of that one artwork lolol
lovely little glass roses by schrodingers_cat is a history of Vanessa, and BEAUTIFULLY written!
gilt edges, traitor hearts by noxes involves a mer AU by MonsterMonsoon, and some Dadjumper!
You’re My BFF by automatonBoy is adorable and we finally get some genuinely nice Moonjumper on this list :D I also absolutely love that one line about Hat Kid being able to tell Snatcher’s general “kid” from his secretly affectionate “kid” hvhjgh ❤️❤️
Bad Place for a Window by Cardigan_Quincy is short, but has some great characterization :)
Captured by DeckofDragons! What’s that? More protective dadtcher? Don’t mind if I do owo
Revenge and a Little Bit More by owlcakes has a similar premise, but DANG it’s long. To summarize, Empress gets REKT lmbo
Reliving An Old Nightmare by Erekio is about Snatcher suddenly finding himself human again... and back in the past. There’s an element of mystery to it, so I won’t say much else, but every chapter is accompanied by illustrations! Erekio has redrawn a few of them here on tumblr :)
Dwellings of the Ancient Gods by Nosferatank is super well written, and involves some Twilight Bell shenanigans :)
Chapter 3: Contractual Obligations by Ina (CosmicKouhai) is part of a larger AU where all the bosses go into their respective Purple Time Rifts with Hat Kid, I think? It’s pretty cool!
Snowcon Forest by ImmortalCoalecanth is AMAZING and I definitely recommend you read it!! It was one of the first things I read for this fandom, and what got me into dadtcher <3
Best in the Business by MysticDoodle is a Mandelorian-inspired AU! (You don’t need to have seen the Mandelorian to enjoy it, I haven’t haha) It’s very creative, and I like the characters so far!
Beware the Frozen Heart by NanixErka is a cool concept, wherin the thing that happens to Anna in Frozen basically happens to Hat Kid D:
Do you think your love could transcend time and space? by twip/twipsai is a soulmate AU with tons of found family and fluff that I‘m sucking up like Rumbi ;w;
Familial Obligations by BumblingBriars is about Snatcher finding Hat Kid as a baby, and raising her :D It indirectly inspired BGDC! But that’s a story for another time, haha.
The Girl And The Ghost by phantomthief_fee is a Beauty and the Beast AU, but with friendship in place of romance! =)
I like the concept of Sinking Feeling by ThunderDragonFruit, and also agree :’( @ Gearsforbreakfast more CC content pls
The Forest is calling (can’t you hear it whisper?) by Kayuri and Mint_Mint features sentient Subcon and OCs turning into canon characters! I’ve never seen something like it before, but it’s written very well 👍
Nothing Special by ToothpasteDragon is based on MonsterMonsoon’s borrower AU so you know I’m gonna eat it up :’)
Also Wrong Place at the Wrong Time by ToothpasteDragon, based on MonsterMonsoon’s monster AU! (There’s a bit of blood in this one)
Recall by Galakii features a time loop, which is cool!
What’s in a Name by Raeolu involves shenanigans with the pronunciation of Hat Kid’s real name. Always a fun one ^^
The Part-Time Puppeteer by Erekio is also pretty funny! It’s based on the puppet AU by Fedoraspooky which I love <3 Aaa musical theatre and theatre in general is my favorite :D
I’ve also been following A Cloak in Time’s Trials by ElectricBlaster, which gives Hat Kid a shipmate for her adventures! It has a large focus on an OC, Cloak Kid, which may not be for everyone, but I like him :)
And FINALLY, be kind (rewind) by fivers, featuring another time loop and four whole dads! Have I mentioned yet that I am also an absolute sucker for found family 👀
(I’d also like to mention that idk if they count as fanfics but I enjoy MysteryMan_17’s AU Concept write-ups :D)
Phew, finally! I probably forgot at least one tbh, if I remember any I’ve forgotten I’ll edit this ^^ AND, absolutely no pressure to any authors of the unfinished fics to complete them! I completely understand losing motivation and/or interest in something, and your mental and physical health are more important than any silly fanfiction ^^
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clownsgobeepbeep · 3 years
How do the Bingo, Carney, and Ally feel about the other kids/adults? Any age group is fine uwu :3
I’ll write them as adults uwu This is long...but I finally fucking answered it
Davey: Of course, Ally has had the longest crush on Davey. God it really started when they were young. Anyways. She thinks Davey is such a smart guy, so funny and clever. She admires everything about him, always tries her best to talk to him because conversations with him are always great. Before all that angsty stuff happens, she’s really been trying to push her feelings away but...sigh, Davey’s just too cool of a guy to not crush on apparently X3
Cordelia: Ally likes Cordelia, but she can be a bit too hyper for her, not that she dislikes it. Ally is just more on the tamer side(okay, she might secretly be a bit like Cordelia and I know she could totally bring that side of her out). Would like to hang out with her, she seems like a person who can make anything fun.
Ben: He’s so serious...but he’s a pretty cool guy. While some may be uncomfortable or spooped by his serious expression, she thinks it’s pretty nice, he’s perfect for her sister. I can imagine she liked to hang out with him when they were younger, he’s so calm and collected.
Greta: I imagine she’d get along with Greta, would enjoy being in her company and such. They seem like they’d have a nice girl’s day/night out.
Rory: Just like with Ben’s seriousness, she really wouldn’t be creeped out by Rory at all. They seem like such a nice person, can tell why Phoebe’s really crushing on them despite not realizing it. They definitely think Rory is interesting.
Clara: Another person Ally could definitely see herself with. They honestly seem like they’d be really good friends, their vibes just kinda match up hehe.
Phoebe:She likes Phoebe, she’s her sister’s best friend so she sees her quite often. She’s a bit too energetic for her taste, but she’s still a really fun person and always encourages Ally to do things she’s too shy to do(except tell Davey about her feelings asdfghjkl), so she really appreciates Phoebe. Wishes she could be more like her.
Harper: He’s a really cool person, thoughts are similar to those she has about Phoebe. Definitely asks him for outfit ideas and I’m sure she’s asked him if he’d like to go shopping with her, she’d want his opinion. Recognizes that her brother has been crushing on Harper for a while and thinks they’d be really cute together. They’re her own rom-com lol.
Penny:Hmmm...I don’t really know how she would feel about Penelope. I haven’t seem much of Penny in a while but I guess she’d like her.
Davey: Even if her sister didn’t have a crush on him, she’d think Davey was stupid. People like him are kind of irritating, she doesn’t want to deal with that sort of shit. Okay, that sounds like super mean...Davey’s just the kind of person that makes her roll her eyes any time he does some stupid shit. She recognizes that he’s smart+clever, not the best combination with that stuff he does. Definitely dislikes how he’s made her sister hurt of course, sure she partially blames Ally for the mess they’re gonna get into but also Davey for being so damn dense and barely going after her after she’s seeing someone else.
Cordelia: Bingo likes Cordelia surprisingly X3 Somehow tolerates her a lot more than Davey hehe. Likes the whole hero thing she had going on when she was younger, is going to love her kids when they arrive. 
Ben: *insert Lenny Face* Benjamin is such a great person, aaah. Okay, Bingo wouldn’t say it that way but you can bet he does make her feel a bit blushy at times. As she grew up and realized her feelings, she would find herself watching Ben from afar. Anyways. She really just likes him as a whole. I really can not give you anything specific because literally everything about him she loves, even if they were interested in each other she would have really liked Ben.
Greta: Hmmm...I think she would like Greta...I would need to see more of her as well as the two together to properly answer for her.
Rory: Bingo would definitely like Rory, they are someone Bingo would be really fond of. Their vibes just fit together huehue. I imagine Bingo and Rory have conversations about Phoebe because everyone except Phoebe knows about her crush on Rory asdfghjkl. 
Clara: She seems like such a nice person, Bingo would tolerate her. For some reason reminds her of her older sister
Phoebe: This is her best friend right here. It even surprises me that they’re best friends my god. Bingo doesn’t know why but when they were younger, Phoebe just seemed like such an annoying but interesting girl. Kind of stalked her for some time??? Then she realized...maybe I’ll befriend her to experiment...she really enjoyed being with her in the end and they just became besties.
Harper: Harper is Phoebe’s other best friend and honestly, Bingo thinks he’s a really cool bird. She likes him, she admires his characteristics minus the anger hehe. He’s entertaining to watch when it comes to the rom-com shit with her brother. At least Harper’s not dense like Davey which is why she decided to straight up tell him about Carney’s crush on him(’cause she wanted Davey to learn for himself while Harper, that’s a lot easier to deal with). I can see these two(as well as Phoebe) some great sleep overs.
Penny: Hmm...I honestly don’t really know what she’d think about Penny uwu
Davey: Hmmm...he doesn’t dislike Davey, he actually thinks he’s kinda cool but also does get a bit angry about the whole not-noticing-Ally’s feelings. Himbo, stop being a damn hypocrite. But like, he also realizes that Ally’s been crushing on him foooorever. He keeps quiet because he might reveal too much and get Ally mad. Anyways. Davey is a cool dude though, he would definitely want to join in on those shenanigans.
Cordelia: Cordie seems like a cool person, I don’t necessarily see them hanging out together but if they did, he would definitely enjoy it. Doesn’t mean he wouldn’t hang out with her because he definitely would, I just mostly see him with his sisters or his bestie Rudy. I feel that they would definitely get along when they’re adults.
Ben: Finds his stoic expression funny. It’s like another Bingo hehe. Tolerates the guy. I don’t think he’d have too many thoughts on Ben honestly.
Greta: I don’t think he’d have very many thoughts on Greta uwu
Rory: Rory always creeped him out when they were younger, and they most likely still do X3 He’s not too much of a scaredy-cat as he was when he was young of course and he has matured, so he actually does interact more with Rory, especially because his dad worked at Cuckoo’s circus and I’m sure they constantly saw each other.
Clara: Doesn’t think too much of Clara and I don’t really see them hanging out due to personality differences. Wouldn’t dislike her, they just aren’t too compatible and he can tell. However, he would approach her(if possible) because his best friend does have a crush on her, tries to figure stuff out ya know? Helping a bro out
Phoebe: She’s a pretty cool person, he definitely likes Phoebe. Besides the fact that she too has matured and their personalities don’t really clash anymore, they have definitely become better friends(especially because he sees her a lot thanks to Bingo). Definitely appreciates always trying to help him with Harper(even if it’s mostly teasing)
Harper: Of course, himbo here has a hardcore crush on Harper. Besides thinking that he’s so damn beautiful/handsome and just really awesome, Carney really likes how he’s matured. He definitely remembers being snapped at by Harper when they were younger but he really doesn’t mind any of it, most people snapped at him ‘cause he was definitely annoying as fuck. He appreciates that Harper now tolerates him and is willing to hang out with him, especially when they’re left as third wheels X3 Also, I’m just saying but like, you know how in movies women tend to be portrayed as being shopaholics and their male partner is always carrying all of her bags, totally struggling. If Harper wanted to go to the mall and buy all kinds of shit,Carney is that man and he ain’t gonna be a bitch about it. That’s how much he likes him
Penny:I don’t think he’d have many thoughts on Penny either
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grotesquegabby · 4 years
I know I may have asked this before so you can skip it and I can try to find the OG answer, but how would your elders feel about mine? I believe you only did three of yours which is okay, just wanted to see if you were willing to do it for others
I found the og post huehue~ So I can answer for the rest of them. uwu I am totally willing~ some of these guys are assholes so I apologize ahead of time
Seraph: (golden bitch)
Risus - Eh suppose you are fine as long as you dont cause trouble for me.
Trituna - Would try and stay out of Tritunas way not because they are scared but because even Seraph understands the balance of things shouldnt be fucked with.
Conllium - this may come as a surprise but Seraph would actually like Conllium but wont admit it. They like Conlliums realm and how just....the way everything is. They wont admit this to anyone though x3
Cundolili - Would mostly be curious about Cundolili
Trema/Astute - would be neutral towards
Decla -  another they would be neutral towards
Nalia - Just wants to say they love Nalias outfit but wont say anything else x3
Sionis - booorrring.
Mecor - Another beautiful elder whom Seraph will be jealous of x3 but wont say anything about it.
Logium - wouldn’t really know too much about Logium so not too much of an opinion.
Zerneboh: (bastard mode activated)
Risus - a possible ally/friend/frenemy
Trituna - As one who destroys the balance of things they will hate each other.
Conllium - Wouldn’t like Conllium one bit.
Cundolili - Will be curious, as to who this is and why they will be replacing Conllium.
Trema/Astute - Would Tolerate more than Decla.
Decla - Would tolerate Decla but would not like them. Zerneboh loves absolute chaos and disaster~
Nalia - Wouldn’t like Nalia in the least but knowing Zerneboh he pretends to be friendly with almost anyone. Cause hes a bastard.
Sionis - would find them annoying.
Mecor - hmm~ Zerneboh might be a creep to her but there are those who wont let that happen so she will be fine. But what an interesting family~ he thinks to himself
Logium - No
Orfeo: (a little bitch)
Risus - would see a possible friend in Risus.
Trituna - Dont think He would like her. Balance....gonna fuck that shit up.
Conllium - Nope
Cundolili - uhhh
Trema/Astute - maaaybe?.....I...wait...no...
Decla - They deal with Risus they can handle Orfeo x3 so this is a Nope from him heheh
Nalia - Thinks they are beautiful will learn quickly not to be a creep to them
Sionis - ah fuck...
Mecor - beautiful~.... (dont even think about it Orfeo...)
Logium -well x3 I dont really need to say why these two wont get along lol
Risus - What he feels about Risus is hard to say, Pestilence is a complicated guy.
Trituna - Pestilence is iffy again here. Hes not one to always deliberately piss someone off like Famine or accidentally like War. I imagine these two would be an on off kind of possible friendship or allyship wise.
Conllium - A chill tree, a lovely place to be. Definitely would see them as a friend indeed. His contribution to the decorations are masks to hang upon their branches~
Cundolili - Would be welcoming to Cundolili. Curious about them,  but would never do them harm. Just as welcoming to them as they are to Mecor. uwu
Trema/Astute - Wouldnt mind Trema, though Trema might mind him. Pestilence can be annoying to some.
Decla - I feel the relationship here would be rocky considering Pestilence is Pestilence and they spread all kinds of sickness and destruction. But he is a chill guy who wouldnt mind chilling out if asked nicely. hes weird that way x3
Nalia - honestly seems like a really fun person. Pestilence would enjoy their company a lot uwu
Sionis - Doesn’t mind Sionis, chill, does a good job at their role. Even Pestilence loves Justice, especially when it happens to those who deserve it.
Mecor - Elder to be/New Elder, Pestilence would welcome her with open arms. He enjoys meeting new people. Would think shes a swell lady, lovely family.
Logium - Time is Time and Time is a friend to some and an enemy to others. But Pestilence has no issue with the Lord of Time in fact finds them quite entertaining and such uwu
Risus - is a torn between hating and wanting to help them in whatever they do. War is a complicated person and War does as War does.
Trituna - I think these two would have a tough time getting along.
Conllium -  I imagine she has tried to fight Conllium but failed to lift them cause she would try that. I imagine she would give up though and pass out next to them asleep x3
Cundolili - would want to know who this is as soon as possible. Could be a wrestle buddy you never know. x3
Trema/Astute - might find Trema kind of boring.
Decla - Wanna wrestle...at least? I think they would see Decla as a possible buddy. Something about Decla screams friend to War.
Nalia - I dont imagine these two would get along very well. War might not like how peppy Nalia is or seems. and Would try and void them.
Sionis - Wants to fight but in like a...friendly way. War isn’t so good at understanding friendship but she would Sionis as a possible ally and friend.
Mecor - Will ask if she wants to fight as a sort of welcome and to see how tough she is. You can turn her down its okay plus she will be told thats not how we welcome people into the council. Stop asking everyone to fight (its like that zodiac make up video where one of the zodiacs constantly is like wanna fight)
Logium - Gets the weirdest feeling they have to be super respectful. So shes gonna try.
Famine: ( the least liked of the horsemen)
Risus - eh...could get along actually. Famines is more leaning towards that side.
Trituna - Famine is the type fo fuck up balance. He and Trituna I dont believe would get along very well...
Conllium - He wouldn’t care for Conllium no reason specified why though
Cundolili - Wouldnt really have an opinion as of yet.
Trema/Astute - Wouldn’t have too much of an opinion but would tolerate Trema/perhaps even find some enjoyment in talking with them though Famines not much of a talker.
Decla - The things Famine does is in no way a sensible disaster...I imagine Decla would be trying to fix whatever damage Famine does. So they wouldnt get along either. Would find Decla annoying
Nalia - Would find Nalias outlook and attitude irritating. Too much positivity.
Sionis - For some reason I dont see these two getting along. I see Famine being kind of a dick to Sionis, it could be that Sionis is for justice/protection and such and Famine is...well Famine. So he would see Sionis as someone who would try and stop him from what hes doing.
Mecor - a newcomer who was fated to come. Hed share his piece about the Elders with Mecor and be on his way. Hes not very welcoming....so just ignore him the others will tell Mecor the same uwu
Logium - Mysterious being who Famine has honestly never seen. And hed be lying if he said he wasn’t a tad bit nervous to meet them. Something about this elder would send a slight shiver down his spine.
Risus - Oh crumbling biscuits....not another one.
Trituna - You are the elder of Balance, she would consider it an honor to meet them. Hope loves many of the elders like Trituna. Would show them respect uwu
Conllium - definitely someone she would fall asleep next to them. She would also go and talk with them a lot. Conllium is such a wonderful elder. uwu
Cundolili - Would adore Cundolili (- uwu-) even if their presence means Conllium is no longer around which would sadden Hope. She would welcome Cundolili with open arms.
Trema/Astute - somewhat nervous around but would get used to them uwu Knows they are not a bad elder like Risus or Zerneboh
Decla - This is a being who works very hard and deals with a lot. They deal with Risus and who knows what else. Definitely deserves respect
Nalia - Would Love Nalia, absolutely love them. Would definitely want to spend time with Nalia the most.
Sionis - Sionis would make Hope a bit nervous but she knows they are just a serious person. She would trust them and find them quite reliable uwu look up to them even.
Mecor - Would love to meet her, cant wait to meet her. Shes heard nothing but good things!
Logium -A very wise and calm being, Who Hope would feel compltely safe around. uwu Definite trust from the start.
Space Grandpa:
Risus - Would absolutely dislike them
Trituna - is someone they would enjoy being around. Space Grandpa isnt always one for talk but Trituna is someone they would enjoy spending time with regardless if they talked or not.
Conllium - Is one who would visit Conllium, unfortunately would not be able to sit beside them and sleep. Too big. x3 but They would love to chat with them, spend time with them.
Cundolili - welcome with open.....tentacles? arms? claws? something x3 they will welcome them. Offer any assistance if they so wish for it.
Trema/Astute - would remind him of The Void,
Decla - would feel bad they have to deal with Risus so much. Would offer an ear to listen. Space Grandpas a good listener. Definitely would see Decla as a possible friend.
Nalia - Loves how Nalia is, loves their attitude and personality.
Sionis - Admire Sionis, Dependable, a good person. Sees them as an equal like other elders among them.
Mecor - Would be welcoming, more so than normal with others. Mecor is family after all.
Logium -equal footing. A good being and wise, mysterious
Void: (This is more of how void would describe them..as Void is neutral to everyone)
Risus - one who causes trouble
Trituna - Balance, you are very important to the multiverse.
Conllium - a peaceful being
Cundolili - a young one, welcome
Trema/Astute - perfect neutrality
Decla - hard worker
Nalia - peppy one, they were once that way. It is nice to see another
Sionis - a being who watches, reliable.
Mecor - fated to be.
Logium - Father time is a thing theyve heard humans say. But Time is Time
Hope this was good~ uwu sorry I know its a lot
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the-nysh · 5 years
Opm s2, ep1 live reaction
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Just watched it and here to post my excitement! ;A; I am so happy and honestly relieved, oh gosh, it’s as faithful to the manga as it could possibly be! (No recaps or filler padding, I’m glad!) :’D No major complaints from me (because my priority right now watching this is to relax on my break from moving). They’ve made plenty of touch ups/edits to the scenes from the pvs, so the visuals back then can’t be fully trusted compared to what they’ve improved on here. (They’ve done as much as they could considering the studio’s lack of exp in action scenes, though we’ll see if it’s ever improved further for the bluray release.) Most importantly, it captures the same spirit and hype we all know and love, but most of all it’s FUN. Ahaha omg I’m so excited for more! Especially after seeing all those teased upcoming clips in the credits. AHHHHH!! I’m on fire. 8’D  
Transcript of my live chat reaction (going in blind) with @rayadraws:  
the-nysh: i've seen no reactions to it yet, so i'm going in blind!
rayadraws: I want to scream on tumblr but gotta give people chances to watch first Aaahhh
the-nysh: HHHHHHHh
rayadraws: Tell me your thoughts later!!
the-nysh: maybe i can just livereact to you! 8'D ahhhhhh the immediate dorks are backkkk
rayadraws: Yes!!! You’re watching now right?
the-nysh: omg king's drumming engine! XD (i'm trying to yeah ahahah) in before the movers come back from their lunch break
rayadraws: Aaahh I LOVED the first scene lmao Shiny
the-nysh: i love how it just goes immediately into the main manga scenes no recap or bullshit or anything
rayadraws: Yeah!
the-nysh: the crowd animations look totally fine to me! :D genos: "i believe that gentleman is king" buahahaah omg wow how formal
rayadraws: Omg when you can, later viewing maybe, compare the final version of the rocket punch with the trailer version
the-nysh: :O !
rayadraws: They added a lot!
the-nysh: oh shit! i'm not there yet akjfghg but sweet to know they edited things!
rayadraws: Aahhh I want to scream re a particular scene... when you’re done XD
the-nysh: akjfhkhg g4 just showed up 8D
rayadraws: Hhhhhh Battle of the shinies
the-nysh: so far there's little nice bits of animated character movement, like when saitama and genos turn heads and stuff
rayadraws: Yeah, granted I first saw it on a small blurry livestream but I can def live with this animation
the-nysh: honestly it looks totally normal/fine to me no complaints
rayadraws: Yup!
the-nysh: uwaaaaah king's bathroom breakdown!
rayadraws: He’s so STRESSED
the-nysh: it's drawn really nice and detailed here
rayadraws: <33
rayadraws: H I M right????
the-nysh: HIS OST TOO!!!
rayadraws: Yes a sweet remix!!
the-nysh: AHHHHHH yooooo rocket punch! hue saitama....'do you need help?' heh wah there's king, all the way home already :'D
rayadraws: Yessss When you’re done with that scene I need to SCREAM
the-nysh: oho fuckk;;; waah king's little smile playing his game~ SUDDENLY SAITAMA IS RIGHT BEHIND HIMMM
rayadraws: MMMMM look at THAT EGG
rayadraws: His FACE
the-nysh: WE'RE ON THE 22ND FLOOR THRU THE FUCKING WINDOW AHAHAHA yep classic egg saitama's FACE is SO interested in him like ohhhhhhh????? are you like me? HAAAAAAAAH king's scream of 'stoppppppp!' in agony XD OSHIT BACK TO GENOS
rayadraws: Hhhhhhhh
the-nysh: classic incinerate and flashy spin away with style ohohoho
rayadraws: Hehehe
rayadraws: TIME 4 RAVE PARTY
the-nysh: ayyyyy saitama finally prompts king the big question of why he ran away~~~ genos is fighting in your place~ suddenly BURD ahahaahaha ah! genos' face is edited in that quick laser dodge part it's such a short shot the panning doesn't even matter cause he's thinking to himself
rayadraws: Mmmm
the-nysh: hhhhhhhhhhh start of king flashback~ eg eggg egggg!!! 8D i see him!
rayadraws: Yesss
the-nysh: whoooosh, genos fire extinguisher strats 'i know someone who's stronger'~ yohohoho oh ayyy also his face is slightly edited here too~
rayadraws: Hehehehe Yeah we really couldn’t trust the trailer, they changed a lot!
the-nysh: hhhhhhhhh suddenly~ all angelic feathers floating after the scream/roar confession~
rayadraws: Hehehe
the-nysh: yoooo king flashback for the scar on his face~ !!!!! huhuhuhu!! i hear a young egg voice!
rayadraws: YES
the-nysh: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;A; kakgjghhj the!!! the face recognition!!!!!! AHHHHH the panels drawn just like the manga!!! a;kjhguhagkuhilligh
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rayadraws: THE CHANGE
the-nysh: AHHHHHHHHHHH HANDSOME EGGGGG soft egg counsel :')) 'just get strong'
rayadraws: THEIR WHOLE EXCHANGE was so STRONG so much emotion!!!
the-nysh: (tho i do wish the soundtrack was more swelling with feel here, it's a bit minimal but it's all good) huehue, egg will come back to play more games now and then~ :'3
rayadraws: Yes...
the-nysh: oh! suddenly genos back with kuseno and the parts he recovered
rayadraws: YES
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YOOOOOOO TERMINATOR GLARE OF DEATH wub, back to the HA oh WAIT i know this scene, ahahaah omg it's coming
rayadraws: Hehehe
the-nysh: all those criminals gathered~ ;D SONIC! yohoho, there he goes, showing off~ ayyyyy oh! FUBUKI! ayyy her face is edited too :D yooo everyone's all 'there's something about saitama~' omg they're all converging up to meet~ ahahah genos vs sonic event (with fubuki) happening soon!
rayadraws: Yesssss
the-nysh: lul now it looks like fubuki vs sonic XD ahahahaah egg back with king playing games i feel like i recognize that game tune HAHAHAHAHAAHAH BROKE THE CONTROLLER YESSS OF COURSE
rayadraws: Of COURSE
the-nysh: OH WAIT SHIT! suddenly end credits (wow i just realized we never got an opening) staying tuned in for anything after~ (garou where are youuuu)
rayadraws: I think it’s like at the corner?? Or was on cr at least...
the-nysh: oh wait! i think it’s the op song played here for the credits! ayyyy all those flashes of characters (wah the bang+bomb combo attack and yooo garou face!)
rayadraws: Yesss
the-nysh: elder centipede!
rayadraws: YES
rayadraws: Hehehehe What did you think of the whole episode??
the-nysh: omg this feels like a comic book with the name graphics, ahaha holy shit that one animated cover page of the egg rage screaming oh! hey suiryu! :D (waaaah it was fun and very faithful! no complaints!)
rayadraws: Woo!!!!
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(^oh I was definitely not prepared for that tease! 8′D)
rayadraws: YES.
the-nysh: i'm fucking laughing at all the quick shots of derp tatsu in between things XD
rayadraws: All the tatsus!!!
the-nysh: epic eggggge omgggg the song end, from super srs egg to WAH BOOP CUTE EGG AKJGJGHJ! AFTER CREDTIS SCENE! I SEEE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU
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rayadraws: Hehehehe
the-nysh: this is gonna be so fun i'm on fire HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it's over ;A; i'm so happy!!!!! absolutely no complaints! it was as faithful as it could possibly be! :'DDD
rayadraws: Yesss Vs g4 was glorious and we have bigger fights coming up!!!
the-nysh: hype hype hype hype 8'DDD
(Disclaimer: a more critical eye may be applied upon later rewatches, but for now I’m happy with what we got. Definitely on board for more!)
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forthelalaland · 7 years
Instant joy 🧡🧡🧡
Had an extraordinarily happy Thursday with the family today! Should I say thanks to our mayor, Abby Binay? Oh, wondering why? Well, read on. 😂
It has been weeks when Mama and Papa took care of our documents needed for this so-called Makatizen card, issued by our local government. I did not know the logic why they pushed this thing so much at first. Zero knowledge about it, I even asked what the hell is this card for. I then knew that this useful Makatizen card is an ATM plus privelege card specifically given to Makati City citizens. Amazing cos we are the first digitized city in the Philippines for having this! Aside from being an honored government ID, people in the neighborhood can be cashless when paying when you own this. This is good for my grandparents too because they do not need to go in line whenever they will get their allowances. I then thought, ah, that is why. However, if I would be asked, I really would not like to go because I do not want to risk my salary even if it is just for a day. The real reason why I got persuaded to apply because I know it would be a good time to rest myself from work and spend some happy time with my fam. Good thing the company allowed me to. Thank you po! I finished all my tasks for the week anyway even if it is just Wednesday and I got no pending works left to be honest so, that. Yup, yay yay yay!
Expectations for this day were ruined. Began first thing, the very first thing in the morning. I thought I will have a good sleep but no, mum woke me up earlier than expected because she said we have to come first since they have a quota for every batch. Of course that is not true but unluckily, some believed on it and one of them was my mother. Huehue. We are four in the family so it took a little time to prepare. Lolo, lolas (bc they are two), and tito did not wait for us anymore and rode a cab instead. I wanted us to go together but we saw each other in the venue anyway. Hihihi. I think it was already past 8 in the morning when we left home. What the, traffic! Weird because Thursday. As if all Makatizens are going to the city hall. Haha? But actually, the staff released a schedule for every barangay when they could file the application. All dates are on weekdays but they should have thought of collecting papers on weekends too. How about the people who cannot leave their work or classes? They said they are hoping this event will be done in an organized matter yet their system was messed up. For that day, it was Comembo and Pembo. Have they did not realize Pembo has a massive population? Our barangay is already that big so combining with another one got so much hassle! Lines everywhere. As in! First line will be for the checking of documents just to be sure. This is beneficial for those who lack the requirements because they can catch up after if ever. But for the complete ones, they will proceed to the second looooong line. This is for the final verification of papers and biometrics. Senior Makatizens have their own, an express lane separated from us so theirs were faster. After all, they deserve it. But you know, the government should have just went to the grassroots because some of these oldies really had a hard time going on and off the public transpo. If only we could spend some little effort to them, 'no? Oh, facepalm for the ones who thought of this procedure!!! While about the regulars (like what most say) on the other hand, must be dealt accordingly. Ours was such a hell, eh?!? Singit and pasingit pa more! They just thought of a band-aid solution when it was almost three in the afternoon already. And, it did not make sense at all. They just stamped us for the reason of cut-off. Too selfish man, what about us? There were still singit people around. Even the door officers were favoring people as well Aba, mababagal na nga, naninigaw at nangsasagot pa, eh may kinikilingan pa. Imagine me bursting with my face so red because it was almost a whole day shift after we filed ours. Not kidding. 9AM to 6PM, ugh. I thought I would be able to rest today but I did not. I even got more tired actually. Wassup, physical and emotional strength?! There were many factors, tbh. But I just thank God, the family still made it through -- that is what matters. 💖
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Of course, many things happened in between. Duh, freaking nine hours? Spent almost a day processing this shizz. Haha, huhu! Albeit what happened, I would love to remember this as an instant family day. Yup, there were a lot of moments shared to one another. I do not want to think of this day as a wasted one just because of the long waiting line, annoying neighbors, and such. So now, I will be focusing on the good part. Heehee. So... I missed this, really did, these kind of days. I love this because I got my eyes, heart, and soul opened to our family values once again. And to tell you, we have shown these traits not just to the four of us but also to the ones we interacted that day. Realized I got my righteous and friendly attitude from Papa while my making-things-happen-so-never-give-up mindset from Mama. Supposedly, sissy and I planned not to come but we did! Enjoyed so much during our in between photoshoots and random food trips. The fam's spontaneous talks have also went the long way, all straight to the heart! The hours were not actually that long having these people beside me. It was hot, yes. There are so many nakakagigil stuff (or staff hehe) around, super. Also the unfairness I kept on fighting. But... I still can say I am happy. Simple joys and little things are not so ordinary or small when created with the people you love. With Mama, Papa, and Ate? G! I love you! Thank you! This is one of the memorable moments of my life with the fam. 🙏🎉💖
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Just some additional good vibes! There were free bottled water, coffee, and fans given by mayora. Also haircut, blood typing, and massage! It was so funny and good at the same time because bayanihan. Second to the nth commotion everytime a precise statement was uttered, also a yes-yes. Got to talk to people whom you really do not know because that is just it, how it goes. You cannot blame anyone because it was really insanely boring. Hahaha. And uhm, let us add the little known-unknown appreciation in the last stage of the process. I was submitting my papers and proceeding for the biometrics when suddenly, the staff made noises. I knew it was something but I did not mind it. When I sat in the designated place, some made parinig that they hope their next applicant is also a beauty. So of course, felt nice because I felt I am still pretty even if some are making me down. Hehehe. Then! The guy asked for my age. He got shocked because I do not look my age daw. They even thought I am still studying. So when they asked my job and what do I do, I just looked at him because duh, common sense that if one is a researcher, he/she researches? Hahaha! Then he asked what kind of stuff and all so I answered naman. Before leaving, he also asked if I am single. I said yes. But then he asked if I have a boyfriend, I also said yes. He then pulled the statement and said it was a joke. I know, I know. Kanina pa nanttrip. I was the first one out of us four but I was left as last. Little did I know, it just needs your fingerprints and you are done. Kalerks! Funny cos mom and sissy were so proud that their daughter and sister is a chix. Hiyawan pa hanggang palabas eh. Kakaloka! Hahahahaha! Felt a little flattered because people inside the room thinks I am qt, pretty, attractive, idk tbh but, that. It feels nice that they appreciate you but you know, I realized how much I love Dada too. All these boys might be handsome, nice, and all but I will never leave my man. No one can made me feel, think, and act better than he does. So! Ily, bb! Hihihi. Another GV was the dinner. What a good way to end the day with a good food with a good company. Heart heart, Banapple! Seems Mama is happy cos she treated us. Woohoo, sml!!!!! Since our tummies were happy, did not mind the traffic in staff house. Sissy and I just sang our lungs out. Fun, so much fun! 😂🎉
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