#this particular artist did not have my hair color so it's a bit ginger-y but i did my best
strangerstilinski · 5 months
@tomtomslongdong thank u for tagging me honey! you know i love cute shit like this hehehe
the goal is to make it look as much like yourself as possible, so <3
link to make your own here
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pssssst please feel free to tell me to fuck off if you don't like being tagged in these but: @calumfmu @cinemabean @eddiesxangel @eiightysixbaby @ghostlyfleur @joshlmbrt @lighteyed @littlexdeaths @obriengf @urhoneycombwitch @xxbimbobunnyxx (alternatively if you enjoy participating in these and i didn't tag you pls lmk and i promise to tag you from now on)
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foxxygold-blog · 5 years
Kyle: B-Day
I don’t know if you can tell but I just kept losing focus and motivation near the end and I’m like three days late. Shoot me.
Warning: Strong Language
 You looked down at the cake before you with a nervous sweat running down your back. Was it possible the monstrosity in front of you could even be called a cake? You weren’t the only one scared of the sugary monster on the counter in front of you. Standing to your left wearing a very pink and flower apron was Stan marsh, also known as Kyle’s super best friend, and to your right was Butters who had come to help the two of you bake. However, you had no skills in the kitchen; Stan wanted to be captain of this horrendous group project so he was always battling with Butters who actually knew how to bake anything from a singular cupcake to (probably) a seven layer cake. You stood there, watching the cake slowly fall to the side and onto the counter, leftover egg splattered across the countertop dripping over the edge with shell mixed in with it.
Today was Kyle’s birthday, and you had gotten Stan to join you in on the idea of making him a homemade cake. However, due to your sour thumb in baking the two of you had enlisted the help of Butters. Now, with the kitchen, practically a mess, the superb party for the ginger was about to go on everyone was in panic mode. You still wanted to make something homemade for Kyle, you loved him after all. Looking at the toxic goop beginning to bubble and form on your counter, you felt your heart sink into your stomach as you crouched down and fought back tears.
“O-Oh hamburgers, are you okay?! We can fix this, really we can—“
“No, we can’t Butters! The party starts soon and we don’t have enough of ANYTHING to give Kyle… I just wanted to give him something hand baked made with the love of my heart because that’s, ya know, what they do in the cheesy animes and movies but this,” you pointed to the leaning tower of sweets in your kitchen, “this is just a fucking abomination!”
You continued to crouch in the middle of the kitchen floor, crying softly to yourself at the fact you were unable to do something as sweet and as simple as making the love of your life a cake. As you sat there crying, Stan felt a bit guilty for all the fighting and arguing he had done with Butters. If he had just let him lead like originally planned maybe this wouldn’t have turned out as bad as it did.  Stan walked over to the counter, staring down at their monster baby before carefully picking it up from its pan and just dropping all of it into the trash can. Hearing the clattering, you looked up and witnessed your friend throwing out the failure of a cake before returning to you and crouching down.
“Listen, we have some batter left we can maybe salvage with the help of Butters, it’s not over yet. Besides, I want to make something for my SBF just as much as you want to make something for your crush,” Stan smiled. Butters seemed to look around at what was left, grabbing what he could and cleaning up some of the mess before looking back at the both of you.
“Well, if we start now we can have a small first batch out and iced when people get here. If we play it right we can bake until people are full, so it’s not completely ruined!” You couldn’t help but smile, using the sleeves of your shirt covered in flour and other cake ingredients to wipe off your tears before standing with a nod of your head in determination. You were going to give that Jew the best cupcake he would have in his whole life.
As time rolled by and you listened to Butters like he was your Lord and Savior, you and Stan both followed his instructions to the T, mixing things appropriately and even triple checking with him that you guys had measurements right and things filled correctly. You had decided to use your house for Kyle’s birthday since your parents were conveniently out of town for the day, so you guys could do almost anything while they weren’t here. As the doorbell went off, you carefully set the large mixing bowl down on the counter and wiped your hands hastily on your baby blue apron before leaving Butters and Stan to fan down the fresh cupcakes so they were cool enough to be iced. As you ran over to the front door and opened it, you were only greeted by Token and his gang. You gave a wipe of your brow in relief, scared it was going to be Kyle with the ass-hat and Kenny.
“Oh, sorry if I look like dog garbage, I’m uh. Still busy in the kitchen with stuff, however normal food is ready, the sweets aren’t done yet. Help yourself to the TV, new games I bought for us, and any music from the stereo. If you go upstairs, stay out of my top dresser drawers and completely out of my mother’s room. Thanks,” you didn’t give the boys a chance to say anything back before you ran off back to the kitchen.
You could cry in joy at the sight before. Though the boys certainly weren’t the artistic kind, the cupcakes were cool enough now and being iced. You were giddy, excited to feed the sweets to everyone, considering how hard you and the three had worked on these fuckers.  You ushered Stan to go get changed and cleaned, telling him you would finish and he could hang out with Kyle when he got here. As he put the piping bag down, you took it up and began decorating in his place, the living room easily echoing into the silent kitchen as Token and Clyde began playing what you could only assume was the sound of Smash Bros on your TV. You stood there, decorating each mini-cake with a little determined pout on your face til you heard Butters stifling his laughter while looking at you. You finished up the current cupcake and relaxed your grip as you turned to him.
“W-What the hell is so funny Butters?!”
“Well it’s just, you’ve never been the super girly girl type, but for Kyle, you’re wearing one of your mother's frilly aprons, covered in flour from head to toe from trying to bake him a cake. It’s just really funny because it’s very unlike you.”
“Well, I just. I really like the guy, okay? He’s sweet but also a smart ass, and I think he looks cutest when angry and fighting with Cartman. Look, I’m, my heart is gay, okay? Like it’s weird, ignore me, can we finish?” You began to ramble without meaning too, trying to avoid eye contact with him and not wanting to talk about your feelings.
Butters simply smiled and went back to help you bake and decorate cupcakes. You decided to take it upon yourself and make a very pretty one just for Kyle. There weren’t any special colors, but you decided to simply try our very hardest on this particular cupcake. It felt like you were defusing a time bomb as you slowly covered it in beautiful swirls and curls. The doorbell continuously went off as you were in the kitchen, and each time you paused to listen in on everyone, hoping to catch names in the wind. Luckily, none of the outbursts were loud ‘happy birthdays’ which meant Kyle still wasn’t here yet. As you wrapped up the little Cupcake you personally decorated for the ginger, you set it aside before turning to Butters as he finished up the last bitch just minutes before Kyle walked in.
“BIRTHDAY BOY IN THE HOUSE!” You froze in your spot as everyone began cheering and laughing. Oh god, Kyle was here, he was here and you looked like fucking shit. You had batter smeared all across your apron from the first monstrosity birthed from your oven as well as floor and icing caking, pun intended your hair and face. The last thing you had wanted to do was look like a fucking wreck in front of the one person you actually gave two shits about. Deciding to take a makeshift bath in the kitchen without getting completely undressed, you tossed the apron across the kitchen and told yourself you’d have to wash it later. Turning the sink on to MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE, you let the water becoming scalding hot before washing your hands and doing your best to get the crap out of your hair and off your face, though it was awesome because now you’d be smelling like the Pillsbury Doughboys asshole for the next few days. In the meantime, Stan was busy occupying his group of friends, doing his best to keep them from the kitchen.
“Stan why the fuck is your hands covered in girly Band-Aids,” Kenny muffled. Kyle grabbed his friend’s hands and raised them. Multiple Band-Aids with the little face of Hello Kitty was on them and cursed Butters for being a piece of shit sometimes.
“I was helping out in the kitchen with food, before you guys got here, (y/n) really wanted to make a cake for you Kyle, though in the end, it looked like a monster from a movie in the 1970s so they salvaged what they could with mine and Butters help,” of course he would never admit to playing around with a knife and then getting hurt from his stupid actions. At this information, Kyle seemed to brighten up just a bit, the sound of you making something just for him? He couldn’t wait now.
You managed to run into the living room, looking decent and greeted everyone with smiles and hugs. As you reached Stan and the group, you gave Kyle a tight hug from behind before popping up in front of him with a little jump and shouting ‘BOO’ and watched as he faked his fear. The two of you shared a little laugh as Cartman gagged in the background and rolled his eyes.
“Sorry it took me so long to get out here I was busy in the kitchen.”
“You’re fine, Stan was just telling me you were baking me a homemade dessert,” Kyle smirked. You felt nervous and your heart melt. You felt your face growing warm and panicked, was your face red? Could they all see that you were embarrassed? You gave a nervous laugh.
“Y-Yeah, I guess I should go get those for you then, shouldn’t I? Sorry, it’s not a cake and instead cupcakes, but I hope you enjoy them.” You ran off to grab the tray of multiple cupcakes, the more decorative one in the middle surrounded by nineteen candles. As you heard Stan call for everyone to gather around, you carefully lit each candle as fast as possible before picking up the tray and moving slowly as to not blow out the fire. When you began to peak around the corner, everyone began to sing quietly to Kyle, who had a big joyous smile on his face as you walked over. As you set down the tray, the little candles flickered from where they were resting, and you carefully sat down across from Kyle.
“Happy birthday Kyle, make a wish.”
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