#this really is delightful and i want to read a serialization of wrh's adventures
songofclarity · 3 years
I heard today is your birthday and since I saw you like catboy!WRH so I will rise to you cat!WRH
When he's young WRH finds an old scroll in the Wen treasure room, the scroll is so old and damaged it's unreadable but WRH never backs down from a challenge and decides to decipher it.
After months of hard work WRH figures out the scroll contains instructions on a array that allows the caster "to turn into a powerful and fearsome beast at will". WRH is very intrigued and immediately tries the array but to his shock he doesn't turn into a powerful and fearsome beast! Instead he is only a cat!
"useless" WRH thinks.
He spent months racking his brain to understand the scroll and in the end it turned out to be an elaborate prank some ancestor of his thought to play on their descendants!
"What a waste of time!"
Forget that shape-shifting is an extremely difficult skill very few cultivators mastered through history. WRH thinks being a cat is silly and not worth the spiritual energy!
Frustrated, WRH burns the scroll and forgets about it.
Years later WRH learns to appreciate his secret skill. Being a cat is especially useful for sneaking around and spying on things undetected, also after he becomes a sect leader turning into a cat becomes WRH's go to method to get a break on days people can't seem to leave him alone. If his duties get too much and he needs a moment to himself WRH will turn into a cat, spend a whole morning chasing butterflies all over nightless city, feast on a nice plump chicken he stole from the palace kitchen, and then spend the entire afternoon napping in the sun and watching his attendants lose their minds looking for him.
Another upside to being a cat is he can be as petty and rude as he wants to be but often can't when human.
He will for example relieve himself on JGS's new insanely expensive carpet after the latter spent two hours earlier in the day telling him the story of how he had the carpet especially commissioned and imported all the way from Persia.
Or he will sneak into YZY 's personal quarters and use his tiny but very sharp cat claws and fangs to destroy her best robes after she made him sit through the most painfully awkward dinner in his life when visiting lotus Pier to discuss sect matters with JFM.
Or he will go under LQR's window after midnight and practice his best impression of a demon cat in heat for hours and then in the morning he will find out where the lans hang their laundry and drag all their pristine newly washed robes in the mud because LQR made a thinly veiled remark about his manners the day before.
Or he will climb into NMJ's lap to annoy him but NMJ only looks mildly surprised at the strange cat that's currently laying in his lap looking very smug and proud of itself before he starts to pet it, WRH is shocked, confused, baffled... NMJ is doing a great job at petting him, his hand is very big and warm and he knows exactly the best spots to pet and scratch and he smells so nice and his lap is actually very comfortable! Soon WRH is purring and drifting to sleep when he catches himself, pukes a hairball on NMJ's robes, and runs away...
I'm also thinking WRH would be one of those very pretty "tuxedo" cats that are all black except their mouth, belly, and "socks" that are white
I am now a big, BIG fan of cat!Wen RuoHan, thank you for this!
"The reason cats are so pissy is they're God's perfect killing machines but they only weigh 8 lbs and we keep picking them up and kissing them" applies to young cat!Wen RuoHan vs. adult cat!Wen RuoHan getting his revenge game on with “It’s a beautiful day in the cultivation world, and you are a terrible cat.”
I'm imagining people in Nightless City picking up young cat!Wen RuoHan and kissing his cute little kitten head...! “Useless,” he sputters! “What a waste of time!” he thinks, after spending the last thirty minutes chasing a fuzzy toy on a string. He has important sect leader training and cultivation to get to!
But those sweet, lazy days lounging around as a cat are too tempting to ignore~
I am HOWLING (although not like Wen RuoHan lmao) at cat!Wen RuoHan making a racket outside of Lan QiRen’s room at night. (I have a headcanon that Wen RuoHan has a particular yet subtle dislike for the Lans and all their rules, so this is delightful.) RIP to all the Sect Leaders, nothing you own is sacred or out of bounds...
And then Nie MingJue prizing nothing but his saber, which Wen RuoHan knows better than to touch, leaves only Nie MingJue’s person as a target. His lap? Vulnerable! Enjoy getting fur all over your nice robes, Sect Leader Nie!! Feel the conflicting dread of not wanting to push a warm, innocent animal off your lap as your legs go numb and you go hungry!
Wen RuoHan getting unexpectedly nice scritches from Nie MingJue:
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A powerful counter-attack...
I love tuxedo cats with their gorgeous, tailored coats! Although because I also love Wen RuoHan maintaining some red in his coloring, might I also suggest him as a turkish van! Those amber eyes, pure white bodies, and the colorful tails are just gorgeous.
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