#this shit is my jam i love how things we can't control effect politics and sociology and shit
bard-llama · 4 years
I just learned cool shit about how global climate cycles work, which means worldbuilding yay!
Different fics will draw on it different amounts, but this is what the world generally looks like: 
Conjunction of Spheres triggers start of a glacial period in the north. The south flourished while in the north, elves starved and freak weather events happened and shit. And then the human expansionists came for the elves' resources. 
Humans adapted better than the elves, partially because it was all new to them and partially because humans helped change the ecology elves relied on to feed them. Changing herd land to farming land and such changed everything for the elves. Meanwhile, humans survived and thrived. 
The White Frost (and the lead up to it) triggered the start of an interglacial period in the north. Initially, this means that they have unstable weather and such, but in the longterm, it means more land is open to explore and settle, more resources are available, and land that was once arid is now farmable. Meanwhile the south goes the opposite way - unstable weather and its effects (i.e. crop failure, food shortages, extensive damage, etc.) is why they wanted to seize the resources of the north. That plus the transition of power in Nilfgaard and the general aftermath of war and conquering territory means the South is in for a rough future. In a good world, the North helps out.
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