#this was from a year or two ago but thought i'd post it here lol
edgeray · 2 days
Ideas Post / WIP (Work in Progress)
This is mainly for me to have a place to write down my ideas somewhere that may potentially be written (and these do not include requests that I've yet done) because I have WAY too much brainrot for Arlecchino. If you would like to go ahead and request one of these ideas to be written / want me to finish a wip, go ahead! If you guys want to request send an ask. I priortise requests, so these WIPs/ideas are put on the back burner unless requested.
To other writers that encounter this post, feel free to use the concepts that I put in my ideas list down below if you feel inspired to to write them :) (no need to credit). I appreciate any and all arlecchino content. Of course, if the same idea is requested on my blog, I will write write even if someone else did.
WIP (Work(s) in Progress) -
link to Part 1 here
-> in progress, 3.1k words written
concept: arlecchino promised that they would keep you. they keep their word.
Part 7 and 8 of "ONE HELL OF A BUTLER"
link to series masterlist here
-> concepts have been written down
concept: Part 7 - reader learns of arlecchino's past, including her true name.
concept: Part 8 - reader comes across two orphans during a raid of a criminal's house and takes them in. arlecchino discovers fatherhood.
concept: Part ? - arlecchino and reader makes a bet, and arlecchino loses. reader has a devious plan for arlecchino that may or may not include a maid outfit
[currently unnamed, not posted] Arlevie Fic, Ghost Clervie AU
-> concept has been written down
concept: after clervie dies by peruere's hand, she wakes up as a ghost, able to wander freely but no one can see her. clervie decides to follow peruere, determined that she'll fulfil her promise of seeing the aurora with her. as time passes, clervie gains tangibility little by little, and peruere grows more conscious of the fact that clervie may not be as gone as she thinks she is.
will take name suggestions for this work :)
if requested, only one part will be done per request. like "ONE HELL OF A BUTLER" that is a multi-part series, this likely will also be a multi-part series.
[currently unnamed, not posted] Hurt/Comfort Fic Arlecchino x GN! Reader
-> in progress, 0.6k words written
concept: three years into your relationship with arlecchino, she finally confesses and you learn of her past, gradually. she starts with her true name.
Editing Previous Requests that weren't written as well as I'd like
cannot be requested, but I'd like people to know I'm trying to make an effort to
requests I want to edit: TO BREAK A CURSE, THE SUN SETS AGAIN
Ideas List (cool ass concepts that randomly came to me that I'd love to write if given the opportunity)
These ideas will assume gn! reader unless the requester specifies fem! reader. If I have thought up more of the concept, the arrow -> indicates further explanation of the idea written above. Some of these were ripped from my Arlecchino Oneshots Poll a while ago.
Romantic x Reader's (this is a long list lol, don't ask how I came up with these I genuinely don't know). If you couldn't tell, I am obsessed with this woman.
Idol! Arlecchino x Reader
Consort! Arlecchino x Emperor! Reader
Vampire! Arlecchino x Reader
Vampire Hunter! Arlecchino x Vampire Hunter! Reader
-> concept: you're a young, inexperienced vampire that falls under the cluthes of arlecchino, and you're immediately entranced. instead of killing you, she decides using reader would be more beneficial to her--you don't complain one bit about it.
Demon! Arlecchino x Angel! Reader
-> concept: arleccchino becomes obsessed with you during war, and after the war, arlecchino does anything to be with you. learning of how humans fall in love, arlecchino tricks you into forming a bond, making the two of you as the first demon and angel to experience love.
Fallen Angel! Reader x Reader
-> concept: arlecchino fell from grace-- and fell on your doorstep. now stuck in the human realm, you help her accomodate all while running from revenge thirsty angels and power hungry demons wanting her abilities
CEO! Arlecchino x Secretary! Reader
Professor! Arlecchino x College Student! Reader
Gentleman Thief! Arlecchino x Detective! Reader
Criminal Arlecchino x Detective! Reader
Soulmate AU! Arlecchino x Reader
Hanahaki AU! Arlecchino x Reader
Single DILF! Arlecchino x Babysitter! Reader
Mafia Leader Arlecchino x Assassain Reader
Body Guard Arlecchino x Celebrity Reader
Isekai-ed Arlecchino! x Reader
-> arlecchino dies and gets isekai-ed into your world where she's supposed to just be a fictional character
Modern AU! Cat Shifter! Arlecchino x Reader
-> you find a stray, injured cat. unbeknowst to you, your cat is not actually a cat.
Modern AU! Bunny Shifter! Arlecchino x Reader
-> same idea as the last one, but with bunny arlecchino.
Pirate! Arlecchino x Marine! Reader
-> as a part of the marine, you're supposed to capture and detain pirates. your marine crew abandons you when in a crisis, and you learn that pirates aren't so bad when the house of the hearth takes you in.
Foreign Prince Arlecchino x Princex! Reader
Knight! Arlecchino x Princex/Ruler! Reader
Streamer! Arlecchino x Reader
Historical AU! Goddess! Arlecchino x Follower! Reader
-> arlecchino is the goddess of death among other things. you regularly pray and give offerings to arlecchino, wishing for a painless death. as her most loyal follower, she watches you closely and appears in your time of need
Spiderwoman! Arlecchino x Reader
Cowboy! Arlecchino x Reader
Platonic x Reader's
Arlecchino x Biological Child! Reader
-> you inherit your father's curse. she helps you with its effects
Young! Arlecchino x Young! Reader
-> moments between arlecchino, clervie, and you at the house of the hearth
Arlecchino x Guardian! Reader
-> you learn of the house of the hearth's terrible 'mother.' after beating her up, you steal away all the children away from the fatuiand end up adopting the bunch of kids, including the two most closested lesbians you've ever seen (arlecchino and clervie)
Arlecchino x Child! Reader
-> Married Arlevie with reader as their child.
Alien! Arlecchino x Human! Reader
-> a few decades ago, humanity learned of faster than light technology and becomes apart of the intergalatic society with other planets and alien species. you, a human used as a test subject, escape and latch onto the closest ship to get away. the crew of the house of the hearth warms ups to you, and arlecchino and clervie adopts you into their already massive collection of stray alien orphans
Arlecchino Ships (arlevie, arlebina)
Modern AU! Arlecchino x Clervie
Arlecchino x Alive! Knave! Clervie
Soulmate AU! Arlecchino x Clervie
Goddess of Death! Arlecchino x Goddess of Life! Clervie
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