#this was just an idea but it still took soooooooo fucking long to write😭like why is that I didn't even expect it to be that long.
that1stargirl · 1 year
nah cuz why my evil self seen the x readers y'all be making where miles cheats on y'all with Gwen (interesting...) and ig it influenced me in some way cuz i got an idea (ngl I never actually read them it's just the concept that influenced me)
(oh man the evil laughter that just escaped my mouth)
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(this ooc tho just warning y'all)
so here's my Idea but it's not a x reader, i just made an au where miles and miles 42 twin brothers. but y'know im a flowerbyte shipper at heart so...
so like Margo meets Miles 1610 first and they like each other but Miles ass still confused😒so he's still actively pursuing Gwen even tho he knows he kinda likes Margo too. So he tries to put him and Margo in a box in his head like they're just friends and for the most part he tries to keep it that way, but sometimes he'll slip up and flirt with her (even tho he know his ass is tryna just keep things friendly with her and pursue the white girl!😒instinct takes over ig).
so much of "it's not like that, it's not even like that! we just friends"
"does she know that🤨? lowkey do you know that" with the way they act towards each other, onlookers are confused.
Soon after Margo meets Miles G (who will be called Milo or sum) and he not confused, he DEFINITELY likes her. The 3 of them become a friend group of sorts where she's always around them, always in their space or at their house, and if she's not near one, she's near the other. like they become close. A little over 1 year into this dynamic and strange friendship group, Milo confesses to her and they start dating because it's a mixture of "what's the harm?" and actually liking the person enough to think maybe a romantic relationship wouldn't be a terrible idea (like Barb in abbott elementary said, "you can like 2 people at the same time), and not wanting to ruin the vibes by rejecting them. Plus he never played with her feelings or led her on and he'd been sweet and affectionate to her the entire time.
so they start to go together and Miles is like😒"suddenly those two have gotten annoying🙄" (as if his confused ass didn't have his chance and he missed it. too busy chasing that white girl) and they're not even obnoxiously affectionate when they're around him, in fact most times they try to behave like nothing has changed when they're around him (they did this so well, actually, that for a whole 2 weeks he didn't even know they were dating until one day where the atmosphere was just weird, vibes was off and he asked them what's up). He's just mad they're together and a little jealous but he tries to push those jealous feelings away or pretend they're something else because he should be happy his brother got a girl. He tries to push his feelings down and put distance between him and Margo so he's not overstepping his brother's relationship, but it doesn't really work out because their friendship dynamic was already kinda weird and shaky with him periodically flirting with her, and him and Margo are naturally drawn to each other, plus they're in the same friend group so there's no way they can really be apart for extended periods of time. At best, all Miles could do was avoid Milo and Margo when he'd see them together or skip out on preplanned gatherings. This attempt at distancing only lasted for a month at best before they caught on and would make an effort to try to include him more in things because that's still their friend and they didn't want the group friendship dynamic to change just cuz 2 of them were dating (ah but trios never last we hear, how naive).
Even with all this, his new dynamic with Margo is still kinda weird and there's a weird unspoken tension between them, mostly because of him. It was hard for him to break habit because the way they interacted with each other before "as friends" when they were all single and trying to convince themselves they were normal suddenly felt wrong now that she was with someone, still it was hard for him to completely change his behavior. Sometimes his touch or gaze would linger on her for a second too long, and he knew he had crossed a boundary of sorts.
Even tho a brother been lost all those years, seeing them together really does put into perspective how much he actually liked her and how he'd been fooling himself trying to convince himself otherwise, and it kinda hurts him. a wake up call of sorts. And he really does try to do the right thing but yearning takes over him, tension had been building for close to 2 years, and him and Margo do Milo so dirty (😭sorry miles 42).
After they cheat together, Margo stops talking to Miles for a while because she feels like a horrible person for what she's done to Milo, and she remembers how Miles spent all that time playing with her feelings while chasing the white girl and she feels insulted tbh. She's the one who tells Milo what happened.
Milo not really too mad at her because he has wayyyy too much of a soft spot for her and at the back of his mind he knew she had always liked Miles a lot and that they have a special thing between them, (plus they always had their nerdy shit which he could never really relate to) he just wanted to give it a shot rather than do nothing with his feelings and come to regret it later.
The two of them reconcile pretty quickly and go back to being friends.
Miles and Milo however...
There's definitely hostility there and really how could there not be when your twin brother [redacted] your best friend of 2 years who's also your girlfriend??? (y'all can fill in the blanks for what you want redacted to be😭)
He doesn't speak to Miles for a week and Miles doesn't even try because he knows there's nothing he can do to atone for what he did. He just waits for it to cool down with time. Margo not speaking to him either. Miles doesn't blame them; he'd been acting like a jerk lowkey (lowkey? only lowkey???) and out of character this whole time.
The 3 eventually do find a way to reconcile after a longggg conversation and it takes a while but Miles and Margo do find their way back to each other and start dating. (what'd I say they drawn to each other man😭it was inevitable)
It's been a long and treacherous journey but...
It's def a story that will be whispered around as family gossip during the family gatherings in the future.
Can you tell i watched too much disney channel and teen dramas as a child?
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