#this was meant to be soft but I'm infected with boohoo
Tarhos tossed his keys in the bowl and shrugged off his work jacket, loosening his tie and peeling out of his button-up. Late nights at work were usually fine just tiring. Babysitting people for a signing, but at least he wasn't traveling as often as he used to. That sucked. He always hated hotels and the feeling that came with being away from home for too long and knowing you won't be back for months. He reached back to pull down his hair when he stopped in his tracks reaching their bedroom.
Haru looked so tired, but god was he cute. Standing there in his hoodie that might as well have been a dress on him, but he was so perfect rubbing the sleep out of his dark eyes. He knew he was smiling from how his boyfriend laughed, but he couldn't help it. He leans down resting his hands on his hips as he kissed his forehead, "I didn't mean to wake you dear. I'll get ready for bed in a minute, I just want to shower first." - Tarhos @ Haru modern
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The blackness of the room behind him framed his body almost perfectly as he held the handle of their door, the darkness sunk down into his curls and into his eyes - the only thing inside of them was the reflection of his boyfriend. Haruko shifted within the crimson fleece while he blinked the sleep from his eyes despite the obvious puffed lids and the pink outline along his bottom lashes. The artist relaxed within his hold, a bubbly, fluttering feeling rising within his chest as he looped his arms around his boyfriend's waist. That sweet kiss upon his forehead transcends him back into reality, and he finds it nearly impossible to meet Tarhos' tired gaze, instead opting to bury his face into his chest.
"I…I'm glad you did, I…I think I was having a nightmare," the confession was somewhat muffled within the confines of his boyfriend's chest, not to mention how quietly it was whispered - as though he did not want anyone to hear. How could one think they were having a nightmare? Haruko takes in the scent of his cologne as deeply as he can, filling his lungs until they're so full of Tarhos he feels like he'll pop. His hands slithered up his strong back, silently remarking about how large he was in comparison - but to what? Or rather, who? "Uh - " he pulls away stiffly to hide the way his canine bites down into his plush lower lip and the fingertip that slides under his eyes. Haruko stutters over the next words, and it appears that his body is unwilling to move in the way he wants as his nails brush Tarhos' elbows.
"I…Would…Would I be ok to join you..? I-I can…" Why do the scars on his wrists suddenly ache so much? What misery etched itself onto his face when he finally looked up to him, as if the only way he could be close to someone was to try and give them something back. Something to make himself worthwhile, as though he wasn't enough just as he was; who had told him otherwise? Why couldn't he remember? "I can…make it worth a bit more time up - ugh - I'm…sorry, nevermind."
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