#this was so fast sorry it's a MESS and anatomy is wack
dreamhot · 2 years
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rosesvioletshardy · 4 years
can we do it? - billy /four - prologue
my billy fic is finally here! it took me a while to figure what i wanted it to be called so i’m sorry it too a long time for this to be posted.
i really hope you all like this fic and i apologize if it’s not as good as my other fic
summary: one team. seven people. two lovers. things are about to get crazy and zero and four don’t know if they can do it with everything that’s going on
# of words: 2943
warnings: mentions of blood, death, flirting ??, 
inbox me or message me if you want to be added to the taglist for this series
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“Took you long enough”
“Well sorry we were being chased throughout italy possibly in the brightest car possible thanks to six” one told her not liking her attitude as he tried to look over to see if anyone was coming
zero quickly got into the car managing to fit into the back squished next to two other women as five was trying conduct surgery on two
“it would’ve gone better if one didn’t act like a fucking dick to the lawyer”
“well he wasn’t cooperating so we had to go to plan b”
“I thought me hacking into the servers was plan b?”
“well that was plan c if plan b didn’t work”
“for fucks sake”
The girl had rolled her eyes already knowing that everything has gone to shit and that something or someone will most likely be hurt in the end, except for two where it wasn’t her fault. 
Zero that was her number. She was the first to be recruited after almost being arrested for hacking into the servers to expose some of the wealthiest people of all time for what they have done that the country was keeping quiet about. She was given the option to do something better for the world and she took it. The only downside was she would have to leave her life behind. That meant faking her death and leaving her twin brother, her parents, and her friends behind. She didn’t like the idea at first but she weighed out all her options and realized that she would do more good in the world if people didn’t know who she was anymore. They ruled her death out as suicide and the hardest part of it all was having to watch her family and friends bury an empty coffin six feet under the ground.
Now she was in Italy, a mission she thought would probably go great and all until it all went to shit. she had been sitting near the lawyers office waiting for her signal to hack into the lawyers but one had different plans afterwards when told no
“Please tell me she’s stopped bleeding? I’d like to keep this car clean and pristine, and hopefully keep it” six asked looking into his rearview mirror
“That’s impossible five is trying her hardest to get the bullet out but it isn’t working. Have you seen how surgeries go? I’m sure there’s going to be blood everywhere. Also you’re not keeping the car, you’re going to need to get rid of it”
“we’re going to need a hospital” five said
“it’s getting a little intense in here don’t you think?” one asked everyone causing the women to glare at him
“Where did the other guys come from?” two asked loading her gun
“i told you down from the room you and one were in. they haven’t updated their shit in a long time they must’ve added new rooms” 
“i was talking to one”
“i was covering the door. You were shot from a window”
Zero couldn’t focus on whatever else was happening and decided to look for the other members of her team before putting herself back into the conversation
“It’s true. That lawyer has had guards since he graduated and began working. I fucking told you guys this already.” “Well some people don’t listen” two grits through her teeth
“All that matters is that we got this phone, zero here. Do your little penelope garcia hacker thing”
Zero took the phone from him and began doing her thing. When she plugged his phone into her laptop, she began typing away to try and unlock it. It was too encrypted for her though she had managed to get past the first part of the security system that was keeping her locked out. What she didn’t know was that she also need an eye verification and pictures wouldn’t do it justice unless she had a program that can easily make a 3d model of it
“Please tell me one of you have a device that can make a 3D eye because i truly need it to get past the second part of this wack ass security system” zero had asked not tearing her eyes away from her laptop
“No but we do have something better” two told her trying to ignore the pain she was going through 
“Hey six, you wanna you know, drive faster? Because i think they got us” one asked him sarcastically as more guards pulled up next to them
“Yeah hold on to something” six told them pressing on the gas causing them to almost collide with the busy traffic ahead of  almost crashing and causing multiple crashes and explosions
“i feel like i’m going to throw up” zero said holding her head and trying to convince herself she’s fine
“Me too.”
“What the fuck did you guys do in there anyways? Why are you covered in blood?”
“The head, neck, and face are very vascular so it’s a lot of blood.” “We know basic anatomy one”
“Are you telling me you killed a mafia guy? In italy?” zero asked him leaning over the seat ready to kill him
“I didn’t. Two did. Anyways you should know what his client did”
“I do, I'm the one who told you his shit.”
“Everyone just shut up for one second there’s a BMW chasing us” five yelled
“Is now a bad time to tell you that we have a helicopter on our tail but don’t worry i’m trying to intercept their signal with some Italian children’s tv”
Six continued to drive, while one kept looking out the window praying to god that the mission doesn’t end entirely more fucked up than it already is. Two was under intense amount of pain as five kept digging into her to find the bullet that was inside her 
“Can i just take a moment to thank you? There is nothing else I’d rather being doing with my life”
“I don’t care”
“Hey be nice. If it weren’t for you we wouldn’t be in this shit show right now” five said not looking up
Six made a turn that caused him to think fast and steer the wheel and almost hit a truck that drove against them before it hit one of the BMW that was chasing them. They continued their course on trying to get away before six had almost hit a group of nuns who didn’t so easily forgive him and then hitting a pedestrian on accident claiming he had the right of way. Five was getting annoyed with him while she tried to fix two and zero closed her eyes to prevent herself from throwing up. She was good at reading and driving but in this case, a high speed car chase, it wasn’t agreeing with her and felt like everything she had since being in italy was going to come up from her
“Nice call on the Day-Glo green. It blends right into the Italian architecture”
“Is it too flashy? You don’t like the color?”
“PUPPIES” everyone yelled out at once as six swerved around almost hitting a few dogs, a woman and her baby, and other civilians as they all ran away. They continued the chase until this time someone on a motorcycle started to chase them
“Oh no he’s got a gun”
“Move, zero duck” two told the two women with her and she started to shoot
“She okay?” one asked about two current state
“She’s lost a shit ton of blood”
“This isn’t a shit ton”
“I am the judge of what’s shit ton. You see? Blood. Red.” five told her showing the bloody rags from trying to stop the bleeding
“I can hear it pumping out, please staunch it or whatever you call it” one asked as soon as blood squirted onto five’s face and two yelling in pain. As it happened everyone groaned in disgust as zero tried to move her stuff away to prevent anything from getting messed up. She had managed to dig up more information about the generals and what they were planning to do. Zero continued to listen to her team's bickering as six tried to avoid hitting people on Vespa's. 
“I’m starting to feel it” six said swerving and making a turn
“I’m feeling fucking carsick. Now i know how zero feels”
Zero smiled to herself as she got up a map of the city to hide themselves in for a bit so she can continue in peace using the eye two had cut out 
“One for four?”
“Yeah, go for four”
“We need you”
“‘course you need me. I’m here”
“Remind me where the fuck is “here”?” six asked looking around
““Here” here. Like here?”
“Specificity please?” one said annoyed 
Zero had looked out the window and found where he was talking about 
“Here. right fucking here!” he yelled out to the sky 
“He’s at the top of the Duomo” 
“Top of the Duomo, like we talked about. Look up” four and zero had said at the same time. This caused everyone to look at her with a questioning look
“What he said it in the meeting after one said for him to do his thing and plus i saw someone on top of it and he’s the only person insane enough to do that shit”
“Exactly sweetheart” he said smirking as she turned red as one looked through the rearview mirror
Six continued to drive seeing as they were being chased leaving four behind and having to detour. Zero never understood four and how he wasn’t scared doing stuff like that. She never really got to have a proper conversation with him before too.
“So some good news and bad news. I’ve managed to change the channels so instead of watching us being chased and shit, but the helicopters are still onto us”
“Well this will be a day for the history books”
“Hey guys. ‘M coming north. Down on Via de..Via de... There’s so many fucking vias in Italy”
“Should’ve brushed up on your Italian architecture before deciding to climb it” zero told him
“Well maybe you could give me a layout of Italy and i’ll show what i know” 
“Uh guys i know you’re horny and all but now’s not exactly the time” one told them as four and zero turned red not meaning for it to sound that dirty
The group had managed to go the wrong way and miss four again leaving him behind causing them to think of another plan quick
“Round the corner. That’s it, keep coming, keep coming.” he said before cutting the rope and letting the poles let loose
“One i’m going to need that fucking eye now if you want this shit!” zero had yelled
One grabbed the eye out of his pocket and put it in view so everyone could see it. Six groaned in disgust
“Who knew the optic nerve was so long? Surprised his asshole didn’t come with it. This isn’t going to work. Pull over” he said as six hit something causing it to leave one’s fingers before giving it to zero
“He’s right there’s an empty alley up on this next turn” zero yelled
As soon as the eye left one’s fingers it landed under six’s feet causing him to yell 
“Don’t you fucking squish it!”
“Fucking grab it!”
“You squish it, the mission’s over!” zero yelled. It wasn’t entirely true seeing how she could somehow manipulate it but she needed the real thing. Four overheard everything and all the yelling and commented on how everything was stressful
“can you guys just stop arguing, we need to get this shit done”
“tell that to six and his driving that caused the eye to fall”
Six pulled over to the alley and one handed the eye over to zero waiting for her to download everything from the phone into the computer.
“Who’s eye is that?”
“It’s the lawyers”
“Did you scoop it out or-”
“God, no! I didn’t scoop it out, two did” one told him as two hit her head against the door in pain
“Almost there. Don’t worry.”
“All of rovach’s transmissions are going to lead us straight to the four generals in less than 30 seconds now.”
“I’m getting lightheaded”
“You’re not the one holding it” zero had said glaring at him
“guys? cops are looking right at us” five warned looking back
“Don’t you dare move your foot off that brake or i swear to god”
As the information finished downloading and zero had thrown the eye back to one and yelled at six to go while trying to read about the four generals and where they could find them
“Zero, please tell me you can lose that police chopper?” four asked
“On it. While we’re at it, one? Now’s a good time to get three”
At this point four had started to leave again to find three, who was sitting in a truck trying to learn Italian waiting for his cue. six and zero worked together to try to lose the chopper. They both had a plan in mind but they knew one wasn’t going to like it. As six continued to drive, they began shooting at the team again causing one to yell at two to shoot. Two was already frustrated seeing that she was getting operated on and trying to shoot back wasn’t comfortable especially if she had to turn around. How they were all still alive was beyond zero’s thoughts right now.
“I’ve got a plan but i don’t think you’re going to like it.” zero said ducking avoiding bullets that were going through the car at the moment
“anything’s better than this right now” one told her back
“Well it involves the Uffizi”
“Fuck, no”
‘Yeah, the museum next to where we got those mochaccinos” six interrupted knowing what zero thought of
“I remember the mochaccinos! i’m saying fuck, no!” one yelled back at the both of them
They ignored what one had told them and went into the direction of the Uffizi as six turned the radio on to calm down. One didn’t appreciate it though and ripped the radio and threw it out. At this point everyone’s blood pressure had risen and they were all bound to do meditation soon if they didn’t calm down. as they entered the Uffizi entrance they knew that their faces were going to be on the news everywhere if they didn’t work fast so zero could erase everything.
“You said whatever i needed to do, right? so, i’m just gonna do it.” six said backing up before putting it back in drive
“i can’t believe i died for this shit”
“i’m not exactly that religious so if anyone needs me i’m going to be praying” zero said trying keep her vomit down
Six had driven into the museum, trying to avoid all the statues and art while having way too much fun. He managed to destroy a few statues and  Zero was holding onto the door praying that she will get to have an Italian getaway or just any getaway that didn’t involve them ruining anything. when she opened her eyes, she found them in front of the statue of David. they drove off as soon as three called them to tell them about two black suburban's coming their way and four telling them he’s going to them on his skateboard before hitting them with a grenade and six commenting that they’ve got a superhero on the squad. 
Entering what looked like under a bridge, zero knew this would end here as two yelled at one about not having anymore bullets in French
“i don’t speak that” one said scared
“shit’s about to get crazy” six commented
“NOW?!? I’m conducting surgery!” five yelled 
“i’m trying to lose a thousand cars”
“She’s going to die, you know?”
“you can live for days with a gunshot wound in the stomach. She’ll be fine”
Five had started to yell at one in Spanish as soon as he said that asking if he was suddenly the doctor
“I don’t speak that either”
“Two ran out of bullets and five was asking are you suddenly a doctor”
“Yeah thanks for the input Duolingo. Up top!” one yelled at zero and six as he hit another guy with the car
Five went back to being quiet as zero looked over to see that she had gotten the bullet out of two. “Oh that feels so much better”
six continued to drive as one praised his driving before they were getting shot at in the front making it impossible to see. they had pushed the windshield out of the way before six stepped on the brake causing them to swerve and get hit. when they had opened their eyes and tried to calm their breaths, they saw that six had been impaled by a rod. zero felt sick to her stomach and climbed out of the car before the rest got out. Three and four had stopped as well before they saw zero on the ground crying and shaking before seeing what happened. 
“where’s-” four asked before seeing six’s state and going back to help five and two
one picked zero up and tried to carry her body to where the others were. he knew how much six meant to her and made sure he was somewhere he would feel at peace no matter how he was.
“c’mon, do this for him. he wouldn’t want to see you like this” one whispered to her making sure no one heard him
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