#this will probably be edited or rewritten entirely when i get to the actual scene in the AU where this happens
countthelions · 2 years
💥 and 💖 for the writing asks? :)
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
💖 What is your primary writing goal for this year?
OUGH I AM EXCITED FOR SO M UC H THIS YEAR!!!! These two actually tie in SO WELL!! My primary goal this year is to get Champion AU up - either the draft entirely done and chugging through edits, or actual chapters up on ao3 should I chug well enough.
I am most most most excited I think is for the fight between Gaster and Grillby, where Gaster learns how he supposed to be fighting in the Underground, and why that version of survival is what matters. I'lll plop down what I have of the intro, since it'll probably have to be rewritten since it sounds very cowboy to me (I wonder why that is oops)
There were plenty of stupid things Gaster had done in his life. Enough he couldn’t recount them all, but not for lack of trying when he set himself to thinking of it all. The entire walk over, he tried tallying them up, to see if truly, this was the stupidest thing he’s done. 
It is. 
Certainly stupider than joining that tree climbing race right before that big windstorm. 
Certainly stupider than on a whim, accepting the old school master’s request to be their aide.
Certainly stupid than staring down humans, knowing of the brewing war and why they were here, far more armed than any school teacher would be. As if he could make a difference standing between them and his students. 
No monster in their right mind would ask for help from the very same monster they tried goading into a fight. There was a draw to this particular monster, seeing the elemental jump the fence, jog his way over like there was nothing at all in the world to be concerned by. The memory almost boils his blood all over again. Of course Grillby had nothing to worry about. He was strong, he was trapped already in this hell hole and didn’t know of the war. 
But then Gaster had to fight in an actual match, and, it only made sense.
Grillby knew how to survive here, and Gaster needed that knowledge.
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