#this  msg  will  self  destruct  once  i'm  off  !
tenderedsouls · 4 years
      *      this  is  kofi  of  early  morning’s  past  letting  you  all  know  that  my  theme  is  finally  finished  !  it  took  a  lot  longer  than  expected  ,  so  margot’s  intro  will  be  completed  and  posted  once  i  get  off  work  .  considering  that  i  don’t  have  to  go  to  work  tomorrow  ,  i’ll  be  on  all  day  to  plot  with  everyone  and  finally  get  some  threads  going  .  thank  you  for  being  patient  with  me  !
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I feel like I may have ruined/tarnished our relationship. I accused my boyfriend of 5 months that he is only interested in me for sex. He has made it clear he is not that type of person numerous times, but because I'm an impulsive, self-destructive, talk thru my ass bitch, I did it again and he got really upset to the point of distancing himself. He msg me explaining his concerns. I apologized from the bottom of my heart but it stilfeels as though we have entered a danger territory. Are we over?
That’s up for him to decide. You’ve not simply made the mistake here, but you’ve made a serious accusation multiple times of him. Doing it once is bad enough, but if forgivable. But doing it multiple times, over and over, really does wear down on the trust that comes with a relationship. You have to be more understanding of their intentions. 
There’s no real advice that I can give about what will happen in your relationship next. All you can really do is argue your point with him and insist that you say dumb things sometimes, and don’t actually mean them, and beg him to try and trust you again.
But the real lesson to be learned here is that you need to focus your attention on how you conduct yourself. You need to trust your partner. If you are concerned with the amount of sex you are having with them, SAY THAT TO THEM; don’t accuse them of being a bad guy, but instead, explain that you want to have less sex. If you feel yourself getting upset, back off for a minute and think your words through before you communicate them. You can’t keep jumping to conclusions, because that is guaranteed to damage and relationship you find yourself in. 
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