#tho it's probably more the fact that i locked myself in the bathroom yesterday for like . um three or four hours
iqmmir · 5 months
Helo mimifans
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httpdabi · 3 years
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His property
Word count: 6.0k
Genre: SMUT, maybe angst, romantic ? Lots of Dabi lol not sure if it’s yandere... yeah
Warnings: 18+, kidnapping I guess, fire play. Not sure how old Melissa actually is, so if she’s underage in anime, here she’s at least 21 y/I and allowed to drink
Qurikless OC being "saved" from not so hero person. :)
Being quirkless didn’t bother me that much. Sure, i was jealous when my friends started developing their own quirks, showing of. When they used to make a little show, competition which quirk is better, all I could do is sit in the side and adore them.
My parent were telling me almost every day to try to stay out of trouble. If there is a hero fighting a villain, I should just walk away. Because even their power can harm me. I learnt that I can just be at the wrong place In the wrong time and I could be in trouble. They always taught me to be extra careful.
When I was a kid, I used to depend on my parents too much. Today it was kinda different, I was giving my best to be independent as much as I can. Working at a small coffee shop, living in my small apartment. Trying to live as quiet as possible.
,,One caramel macchiato and one chocolate cappuchino” my co-worker said loudly for me to hear. Even tho it could be stressing, I loved my job. I loved making different drinks and talk with people.
I made a little ok sign and started making the ordered drinks.
The shift was passing real fast since there was a lot of work, there wasn’t even time for break. Of course, I could catch a minute and smoke one real fast. Being honest, I was fine with that.
After long ass night I changed into my dress and finally went home. Home wasn’t far from my working place, so if the weather is nice, I would take a walk instead of going home with bus.
,, Great” I hissed after trying to lit my cigarette. Perfect timing for my lighter to die. Little piece of shit gave up on me after such a hard time at work.
I sat down on the end of the bench, trying to find another one while the cigarette was still between my lips. There was nothing worse then forgetting your lighter or when it stops working.
,, Need a little help?” a man asked. I knew that few of them were sitting on the bench, but I didn’t pay attention that much. Before I could turn my head around to face him and take his lighter, his hand was in front of me, and he was lightning my cigarette up with his finger. Small blue fire coming from his finger, looking hella familiar. The purple skin with silver patches didn’t make a klick in my head either.
,,Thanks” I said fast, curious who it is, since my brain was telling me that I know this person. But once I looked at him, his head was already turned to another direction. Not wanting to bothering him or his friends, I just left believing it was someone I saw on my work. After all, we have a lot of costumers.
Time after work was my favorite, especially if I didn’t have to wake up early next day. A glass of wine, face mask, and phone in my hand. I couldn’t force myself to spend rest of the night locked up watching TV, so I enjoyed the beautiful weather on my balcony. I could see the little group of friends from my balcony. So I was lowkey stalking them a little, sad I couldn’t hear shit they were talking about. My little stalking was interrupted by a small vibration coming from my phone.
Of course it was Melissa. My one and only friend, quirkless bitch just like me. Usually I am not a person to use apps for meeting new people, but when I saw that there is an app for us quirkless sad motherfuckers, I had to instal it. And that’s how I met my soulmate Melissa.
Melissa: ,, What are you doing? I am on my way to your place´´
To Melissa: Chilling on the balcony and sipping on my wine. I´ll be on my way to buy us another bottle and strawberries.
I couldn’t even place my phone on the table and another message was already there.
Melissa: AMAZING!!! Can´t wait to get wasted with you. See ya in a bit loveeee u
Since The shop is near café and my home, there was no need for me to change. I was already in my pajama shorts and shirt, so all I did was wear my baggy hoodie over it. Taking my wallet, I sprinted fast to the shop.
The very next day, I had to work with a worst hangover ever. Melissa left my place around 10AM, groaning in frustration she had to wake up so early. But at least she didn’t have to work.
My shift began at 13PM, so I had some time to rest and let the painkillers work their wonder on me. Sadly the time before my shift started passed faster then I could imagine, and once again I found myself at my work.
From 13 to 16PM there isn´t much work. There are some people passing by after the end of their shifts, our usual costumers coming at the same time. But the exactly at 17PM is where the hell starts.
That was the very reason I liked morning shifts more, even tho I had to wake up so early. It was still less work then in late shift.
More and more orders were coming. Usually I would somehow manage to keep my shit together somehow, but this time I was real mad my boss didn’t get more workers. It could be much easier if there was 3 of us in the shift, instead of two of us.
Like we didn’t have enough stress already, there was a huge explosion near the café. Not paying much attention to it I continued making the drinks.
,, Get down!´´ my co-worker screamed and pulled me under the desk with her. I tried to peek and see what´s happening but in the very moment I did it there was another explosion, blowing me almost away.
In that moment I didn’t know if the explosion was beside our café again, or in it. But I could hear people screaming.
My co-worker started crying, telling me how my face is all bloody. Which was pretty weird, since I felt good. She was pulling me to the back side of the café telling me to use the back door and wait for her.
I did as she told me, seeing the mix of the red and blue flames freaked me out. It was the first time in my life to end up in situation like this, so a wave of panic took over me. Sobbing loudly, I sat down, hugging my knees. I was waiting for my co-worker, too scared to try and get help on my own, since I could still hear screams and people fighting.
Another explosion, probably in the café, since once again I was blown away. I could hear Ryuku and Kamui Woods asking if someone is here. But I couldn’t say a word, as much as I wanted to. I wanted to scream, but even a whisper was heavy at that moment.
Their voices were like echo, and the buildings around me started to get blurry.
I could feel my forehead being touched. My hair being placed behind my ear and someone telling me to wake up. Once I opened my eyes, I saw arm resting beside my head on the street. The same purple skin I saw last night.
I forced myself to look up, and the moment I saw that face, I felt embarrassed I didn’t recognize it before. Of course it was Leauge´s villain Dabi. Maybe the fact that I was trying to ignore the news around as much as possible, thinking if I stay in my safe zone I´ll protect myself. But of course I knew the League of Villains. Of course I knew Himiko Toga, Kurogiri, Shigaraki, Dabi and the rest of them. As much as I wanted to ignore everything happening in the city, I simply knew about them. Everyone does.
,, No´´ I whispered, not being able to feel pain or fear. My eyes looking beside him hoping hero or my co-worker will come and save me.
Dabi lowered himself trying to get my focus on him.
,, They are all gone. ´´ He said looking me directly in the eyes. Whit those words all the hope I had died. I closed my eyes while tears started to roll down my cheeks. This was it, I thought. Either way I´ll die from bleeding out or he´ll kill me.
,, Don´t worry babe, I won´t hurt you´´ He whispered, still playing with my hair. I had no power to say anything, all I could do is wait to fall into unconsciousness again.
His hands tried to pull me up, but somehow in that very moment everything started to feel heavy and I felt like I was about to vomit.
,,Fine, if you want to die, then die´´ He said, and once again everything else was black.
I woke up with sudden urge to vomit again. Being in dark unfamiliar room didn´t help either. The only thing that helped was the fact that I was alive. Before I could stand up and find bathroom, I vomited all over the floor. Maybe it´s weird, but I started crying, not only because I had no idea where I was, but also because I vomited. It´s a nightmare for me.
The door suddenly opened and at my surprise Dabi got inside. Which followed with me vomiting once more and crying again. Didn´t he let me die ?
,,Goddammit, I even prepared a bucket for you, can´t you use it ?´´ He said calmly. Grabbing my arm harshly, he pulled me up and forced me to walk out of the room.
,, I´m sorry´´ I sobbed, not wanting to make any problems. I didn´t want to do anything to provoke the villain.
,, Wait here´´ he said, forcing me to sit in the kitchen. Then he went back in the room I slept in.
The kitchen wasn’t big, but it wasn´t small either. There was a counter with drinks, and two tall uncomfortable chairs. On the other side were cabinets, sink, dishwasher, stove and freezer. Everything was in light and dark shade of gray.
,, Well, you can vomit like world champion´´ Dabi´s voice echoed thru the room. I could hear the toilet flush and his steps coming closer. It took him a second and there he was, standing in front of me. He went to the other side of the counter, took one glass and filled it with cold water.
,, So babe, what happened back there?´´ he asked, placing the glass in front of me. I was scared and confused, and I didn’t have any courage to look the man in the eyes or say anything.
,, I don´t know´´ I said quietly. He sighed and took a small box of cigarettes out of his pocket. Lighting his cigarette up with his quirk, just like he did yesterday.
,, You are lucky I noticed you trying to hide back there, since your little friend left without thinking twice´´ he said, as he puffed on his cigarette.
I wasn´t sure if I should feel sad, betrayed or mad. From all of the people back there, a villain saved my life. But I did feel thankful to him.
,,Thank you´´ I said, looking at him. His cigarette between his lips, eyes half closed.
,, What should I do with you´´ he said, finishing the cigarette and taking another one from the box. He placed the box in front of me.
When he realized that I won´t take one, he stood up and made his way toward me. Standing behind me, he placed his hands on my shoulders, slowly massaging them. His one hand pulled my hair back lightly, and other one placed his already lit cigarette in front of my lips.
,, Come on love, I know you smoke´´ he said, placing the cigarette between my lips with a little force. In a moment, his face was inches away from mine. I could feel his breath on my neck, making me freeze in the place.
,, Maybe I should keep you for myself here´´ he whispered, breathing deeply on my ear. ,,After all, I can protect your quirkless little body´´ he addes slowly.
There were many things going thru my mind at that moment. What did he mean ? How did he know I don´t have a quirk?
Days and weeks passed and there I was still at Dabi´s place. First few days I was left alone, either way he was really busy or just wanted to give me some time. Dabi let me sleep in his room, since I couldn´t force myself to sleep in the one I vomited. Maybe it was my imagination, but I could still smell the vomit.
His room was decorated in dark shades. One black king sized bed in the middle, dark green walls and black furniture. On the right side were huge windows and balcony. Since I was alone, I gave myself a little bit of freedom. After all, he didn´t seem that dangerous as everyone said.
At the beginning he didn´t let me cook or do anything that could be dangerous in his opinion. He didn´t trust me at all, being sceptic that I might poison him. He did try to keep me entertained, giving me Nintendo Switch with some games like Pokemon, Super Mario, etc. He also didn´t have any problem with Netflix or whatever I wanted. I know those are small things, but being with him, I expected less.
After some weeks passed, I was seeing him more often. He would casually get inside his room, since there was the balcony. Without knocking or any sign. Well, it was his room after all. Sometimes he would just bring us some fast food, ice cream and force me to eat with him. At least he thought so. I didn´t have any problem with it.
After 3 weeks passed, I started to realize that I was pretty much attracted to this man. I wasn´t someone who falls easily for a man, but his attitude, his cold personality, the way he moves, the way he talks, the way I could catch him look at me, it was all extremely attractive to me. It probably all started the day I caught him sitting beside me, thinking I was asleep. It was around 3AM when I heard him coming inside his room. He sat beside me, and started caressing my cheek softly.
In that moment all I could do was just pretend that I was still asleep.
After that night, he would come at night and just sit there with me, thinking I was asleep.
I opened the window and sat on the balcony, admiring the sight of the buildings and colorful lights coming form the streets, and cars.
,, I don´t remember allowing you to go outside.´´
He was standing to my left side, looking at the street.
,, Planning how to run away?´´ He added, not paying attention to me. He was wearing black pants, with dark grey oversized sweater. His presence was too much for me, it wasn’t that I was scared of him, but I was too shy, I couldn´t look him in the eye without thinking about him sitting next to my ´´sleeping´´ form and looking at me, playing with my hair.
,, You know what will happen if you even try´´ he said getting closer to me. I could feel his hands on my hips, holding them firmly. I could smell his strong cologne mixed with smoke. He told me if I even think about running away, he would burn me down even my ashes will disappear. Somehow he knew who my parents are, who my friends are and he said he would kill every single one of them.
At first I didn’t believe him, somehow I thought he isn´t capable of something like that. But I changed my mind once I saw him on the news, where it was talk about his victims.
His thumb was going in circles, making a small pressure on my hip. I didn´t think of running away. First of all I wasn´t brave enough, second of all, I was so unimportant to this world that I didn´t hear shit about me on the news.
,, Can I have my phone ?´´ I asked him, not thinking about his reaction or anything. I just wanted to contact my parents and Melissa.
,,Wha..?´´ he laughed out. His hold getting stronger, keeping me in my place.
,, Babe, do you think I´m that stupid ?´´ he laughed, turning me around to face him. If I wasn´t in a situation like this, I would probably feel the urge to touch his scars, being so close to me.
,, I just want to contact my family and my friend. I won´t do anything that might harm you´´ I said, not breaking the eye contact.
,, Harm me ? ´´ he laughed, his face inches from mine. This man was indeed driving me crazy.
,, Please, you can control me if you want. I won´t delete any message, I´ll do whatever´´ I managed to say somehow. His lips being so close, it was a wonder I could speak at all.
The moment his lips brushed against mine, I felt all possible feeling I could in my stomach. ,, You´ll do whatever?´´ he said, his head still tilled to the side, and lips brushing over mine. I could feel a small smirk forming on his lips.
,,I´ll think about it´´
After that day, he didn´t hold himself at all. Doesn´t matter what I was doing, if he felt like being close to me, he would just do it. If I was cleaning, making myself a snack, playing some games, he would just casually slip his hands around my waist.
Laying down on the couch, legs up on the wall, while playing Super Mario. There was one level I couldn´t pass as hard as I tried to. It was just too troublesome. Dabi was sitting in the kitchen, smoking and watching the gameplay. I could hear him mumbling something to himself, before he made his way and sat beside me, taking the controllers out of my hand.
I was surprised when he started passing the level without any trouble, defeating Iggy Koopa so easily.
,, YAAASSS´´ I screamed grabbing the sleeve of his hoodie and shaking it happily. I was dealing with that level probably two days in a row.
In the moment when I was about to ask him how did he do it so easily, he threw the controllers to the side, grabbing my right leg with his left hand, and my hip with his right hand. Pulling my body to his direction. I couldn´t even understand what was exactly happening in that moment, since it happened so fast. He placed my legs around him, and hovered over me.
,, Don´t I need a little present for this win?´´ he said looking at me, placing small kisses over my face. This time, I couldn´t suppress the need to touch his scars. The curiosity took over me, and suddenly I found myself, placing my index finger beside his lip. Moving my finger lightly to the left side of his face. The moment I did that he froze in the place, not kissing me, or doing anything. His body twitched once my finger was under his eye, touching the scars and the small patches.
He grabbed my jaw, and kissed me forcefully, forcing his tongue inside, not giving me a chance to breath. His other hand was under focused on pulling my shirt up, just enough for my bra to be visible.
,, You are driving me crazy´´ he said, his lips now on my neck, one hand still on my jaw and other grabbing my left breast making me moan suddenly. I could feel him smirk while leaving wet love marks over my neck.
Having Dabi around was something I hoped for now. I was hoping for those unexpected touches and waiting for him to come at night like he always did.
What surprised me was the fact that he actually gave me my phone. Telling me that he will control my messages and that if he notices I´m deleting them, things won´t be smooth as they are now.
Somehow, I didn´t even feel the urge to write something bad, to ask for help or anything ? I found myself wanting to be in his presence, I wanted him to be close to me.
He already contacted my parents and Melissa before, telling them that I´m alright. He ignored the rest of the messages they sent me. They wanted to see me, they were worried. Melissa thought she did something wrong, since I was ignoring her.
The moment I contacted her, my phone started buzzing with all the messages she started sending me. Where am I? Why did I ignore her ? What happened ? Am I ok ? What happened to my work?
To my parents I simply wrote that I’m fine and safe.
At my surprise, they told me they know where I am, and that we can work it out. They told me that he waited for them home one night. Telling them he felt they need to know where you are, and telling them if they try contacting a hero or police what will happen to me.
I told them that there is no need for me to go anywhere and that I feel safer then I ever was.
After I found out that my parents know, I felt the need to tell everything to Melissa too. She was my best friend after all and I knew she would understand me.
I explained everything what happened that night. Explained how he saved me, how he’s taking care of me and trying to give me everything I need. At first she was really surprised once I mentioned his name. I mean, who wouldn’t be surprised ? But if I’m happy, then she’s happy too. She never judged me even once.
Dabi wasn’t home, so out of boredom I decided to make some food. Maybe he’ll eat it too once he comes home. I decided to make Spaghetti with Quattro formaggi sauce. I noticed that he really likes cheese, so maybe he will give it a try.
After having dinner on my own, I decided to watch some movie on Netfix before I go to bed and once again wait for him. The movie wasn’t anything special, but I still forced myself to finish it. My mind was away all the time, not being focused on the movie at all. All I could think of was Dabi. If someone told me that I would be so desperate for LOV’s villain Dabi, I wouldn’t believe them. But there I was, waiting for him like a lost puppy.
Placing my phone on the Kitchen counter, I made my way to his bedroom. For some reason he was still sleeping in the other room. Making me wonder how does it feel to sleep next to him, and why he let me sleep in his room for such a long time.
I slowly lain down on the right side of the bed, focusing on the lights coming from the outside. Covering my lower part with the blanket. The soft lace pajama that was hugging my body, gave me some comfort in some weird way. I lain on my stomach and placed my left arm under my pillow. Closing my eyes, I inhaled a deep breath trying to keep myself awake.
It was around 2AM when I heard the door slowly open. I could hear his steps, I could hear how he’s in the kitchen, taking my phone, and shortly after placing it back again. I could hear the shower and his soft humming.
Not shortly after that, I could hear him coming. Slowly opening the door and making his way toward me. Sitting to my left side, he took a deep breath, placed his long lags next to mine, and slowly caressing my head. His fingers slowly found their way to my neck, moving left and right.
,,I know you’re awake’’ he said, as his finger slowly brushed the lace on my right shoulder down. In one moment, he was pacing a kiss on my shoulder, and in the next one he was hovering over me. I could feel him on my back. His face inches from mine. When our eyes met, I wasn’t sure if I felt embarrassed or glad.
He took a deep breath once more, and started placing kisses down my back, while his fingers were on my hips. With every kiss, I was going more and more insane.
Dabi got off me, and pulled me to lie to the side, once again facing my back.
,, Such a good girl for me’’ he said pushing my pajama slowly up, and touching my right breast slowly, while biting my neck. All I could do was move my head in the right direction, giving him more access to my neck.
,, Move your legs a bit for me babe’’ he said, placing his hand under my shorts. He didn’t give me a chance to do it on my own tho, forcefully moving my tights and slipping his hand under my panties. My head fall back onto his chest, moan slipping out of my mouth once I felt his touch.
,, Are you my good girl?’’ he asked, stopping his fingers form any movement. Feeling his hot breath on my neck, I forgot how to speak properly.
,, Y-yes’’ I managed to say somehow. Every kiss, breath, word, move from him, made me crazy wanting for more. I could lie to myself and say it’s only because it’s such a long time since I went in bed with someone. But I there’s no need for lies, I’m attracted to this man.
His fingers started moving in circles, massaging my clit just as I wanted. Placing his knee between my legs, giving himself more space for movements. I closed my eyes and moaned, once his finger enter me. Without any word his fingers started to move in and out, so slowly that it was painful. Loving every second of it.
Once again, he pulled me over, making me lie on my back, placing himself between my legs, pinning my hands over my head. No words could describe how I felt in that moment. This time I moved my head foreword and kissed him. I wanted more. He returned the kiss, and started grinding his lower part of body against me, making me feel his erection.
Whit every move he made, I wanted more and more.
When he let go of my hands, I immediately started touching his body, I wanted to feel his skin, his scars. The moan escaped his lips once I started kissing his neck. Not wasting any time, he pulled his whit shirt over his head and threw it across the room, giving me access to his well build chest. Without thinking twice, I started kissing his chest, the purple scars he had. His head was hanging low, breathing deeply.
His hand found it’s way to my throat, grabbing it harshly and pulling me up a little. ,, Time to undress you love’’ he said, his hand like a neckless around my throat.
Moving my ass up a bit, Dabi pulled my shorts and panties down, throwing them on the floor. When I was about to take my top off, he pushed me down smirking a little. Slowly playing with the lace on my right shoulder, he did something I didn’t expect. The blue flame appeared on his fingers, destroying the lace. First the right one, then the left one. His lit index finger went down over the material of my top, from my chest to my stomach, flaming it up just enough to destroy the material.
Once it was destroyed, Dabi pulled the rest of my top that was under me and also threw it across the room. Taking a good look of my naked body, he slowly went down, placing soft kisses over my stomach. The fact that I could feel his burnt skin too was taking me over the edge.
,,What if’’ he breathed out, still leaving wet kisses over my stomach and chest. ,, What if everyone knows to who you belong’’ he said, eyes looking up on me, trailing his finger around my stomach. His left hand holding my hip, making sure no movements were possible.
,,What do you mean?’’ I asked confused, not able to understand anything clearly anymore. There was no need for me to even think about it, because Dabi already made his decision to mark me as his. A loud scream escaped my mouth the moment I felt my skin getting burned.
His hand was still holding me firmly, but he immediately stopped what he was doing, and placed his hand over my mouth.
,,Relax, it will be over just in a minute’’ he said, kissing me deeply. He took the destroyed top and placed it between my lips. Making sure I was biting the destroyed piece of cloth, he slowly went down to finish what he started.
Making sure I won’t interrupt his work, he held my hands together firmly, while holding my legs with his weight down. Every move of his finger, burning my skin, was sending a wave of pain through my body. Closing my eyes, tears rolled down my cheek. Back aching up, screaming into the cloth in my mouth, nothing of it helped me calm down. But he was correct, it took him around minute to finish. Pulling the cloth out of my mouth, he kissed me.
,, Such a good girl’’ he said in between the kisses. Pulling my head up, I saw his name on my stomach. ,,Now everyone knows who you belong to’’ he added, leaving wet love bites all over my neck. From all the pain I felt when he was burning my skin down, everything after that felt like aftercare.
Dabi stood up, taking off his shorts and boxers before he climbed on top of me again. He kissed me once mere before he started rubbing his hard dick over my clit. He knew that I wanted more, but the he liked the fact that I was so desperate for him.
,, Dabi please’’ I moaned out, wanting him inside me already. Without any word or sign, he entered me roughly, not giving me any time do adjust to his size.
,,Of course I’ll give my good girl what she needs. You are too good tonight’’ He said kissing my nose, while my hands were grabbing the covers of his sheets to find my comfort in them.
He didn’t move for some minutes, leaving wet love marks over my chest. But once he was done, he slowly pulled his dick out so only his tip was inside of me. Then again, slammed it back inside. The harsh move, made me place my hands over his back, finding comfort there instead of the cold sheets.
He moved few times with the same method. Every time he would slam his dick back inside I wanted to dig my fingers inside his skin. But I was too afraid I would hurt his already burnt skin. I didn’t want to hurt him.
After he slammed too hard inside me, I accidentally dug my nails into his skin. It was probably not to hard, but still I caressed the place I thought I hurt and apologized to him.
,,You don’t have to worry about it love’’ he said stopping his movements. ,, My skin is already bruised, few new scars won’t hurt me’’ he added, giving me the permission to do what I want. Whit those words his movements started to speed up, making me throw my head back into the pillow and wrap my legs around him.
Dabi bit my shoulder, groaning into it, while he was getting faster and deeper with every move he made. Even tho I was still worried about his skin, I couldn’t help it, my nails were scratching it and digging into it enough to keep up with his moves.
,,I’m close’’ I moaned, while every thrust was bringing me closer to my orgasm. I didn’t have to repeat myself or wait, his hand found it’s way to my clit, rubbing it fast into circles. Which was enough for me to cum all over his dick while moaning his name out.
Without any word, Dabi turned me around on my stomach and entered me form behind once again. Holding my hips strongly while thrusting deep in and out of me. Being sensitive form my orgasm, with every thrust he did, my moans were louder.
,, Ass up’’ he said suddenly stopping his moves. Once I did what he told me, he grabbed my head and pushed it deep into the soft pillow and started to fuck me like there was no tomorrow. The sound of his skin slapping my own, the image of what was happening almost drove me close to my second orgasm.
My moans were huffed by the pillow, while Dabi was fucking me into the mattress.
,, Yess babe, cum for me again’’ He groaned into my ear, fucking me even harder.
,,So close’’ he moaned, touching my clit again and moving even faster and deeper if it was even possible. He didn’t have to touch me much, another orgasm was already hitting me hard.
,, Yess baby, so good’’ he moaned, while his dick started twitching inside of me. I felt his hot cum inside, closing my eyes, trying to catch my breath. Dabi didn’t stop, he tried to fuck his seed deep into me, until he thought it was enough.
Falling beside me, his arm over my back, breathing deeply into my neck. I wanted this moment to last forever.
His fingers trailing up and down my back slowly, while smoking a cigarette. The cold air coming form the opened balcony was a contrast to his hot fingers going up and down.
Once I noticed the cum that started to leak out, I stood up covering my body with the blanket, making my way to the bathroom to clean myself and wear another pajama.
When I finished, and changed. I found Dabi standing in the kitchen, already in his white shirt and his shorts for sleeping. Half of his cigarette was finished.
,, You coming back?’’ I asked.
,, Don’t you want to sleep alone ?’’ he asked turning taking one last smoke before placing the end of the cigarette under the water and throwing it away. I shook my head slowly, and made my way toward his room, hoping it’s enough for him to come back.
Once I buried my head into his pillow, I waited for him to follow me. But the steps were going to another direction, making me sigh deeply.
Shortly after that, at my surprise, Dabi appeared again. Holding some lotion in his hands. He sat beside me pulling the sheet down and my pajama dress up. Small smirk appearing over his lips at the sight of his name on my stomach.
Banding down, he kissed it few times before he applied the cold lotion all over it. Laying down beside me, he placed his arms around me and pulled me closer to him and hiding his face into my neck breathing my scent in.
With his presence and arms around me, it was the first night I could fall asleep peacefully not feeling scared of anything in this world.
Hope you liked it, too lazy to correct all the mistakes.
Also credit to the owner of the photo :)
Much loveeee
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rofics · 8 years
Hidden omega (Part 17)
Fandom: Bts (Got7 + Big Bang + B.A.P + Monsta X + Seventeen + Block B) Who doesn’t love a good ensemb Pairing:  Namjoon x Everybody Genre: Smut/Fluff/Angst Au: Canon / Omegaverse au Length: 4.1k
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20
Taehyung get to be happy, until memories hit him... 
Most of seventeen had gone to bed, only Mingyu, Woozi and Seungcheol was still awake. The youngest alpha had Taehyung on his lap, it had taken them over an hour to calm the beta down.
They still didn’t even know what had happened, but they all had an idea about what it could have been. “TaeTae are you ready to talk about it?”
He just shook his head burying it even more into Mingyu’s shoulder scent of pine taking over his senses.
Seungcheol knew that they couldn’t push Taehyung too fast, while he wasn’t sure what had happened he also knew that pushing him into talking too fast could also be bad for his health and mental state. “We all have tomorrow off, how about we go sleep in the spareroom and then talk about it tomorrow?”
He ran his hand through his fellow beta’s hair trying to get him to calm down. Taehyung still refused to remove his head from Mingyu’s shoulder, but he nodded in agreeance to the proposal.
Mingyu thought about it for a second before he decided that carrying Taehyung there was probably the fastest way of getting anything done. Carrying Taehyung like a toddler, the normally cheery male linked his arms behind his neck and just let himself be carried by him. Mingyu and Jihoon caged him in between them, Seungcheol spooned up behind Jihoon kissing the smaller alpha’s hair.
He looked at Taehyung between the three of them. The younger had fallen asleep between them all, dried tears were still on his face, but overall he looked more calm than he had an hour ago, but that might be because of the fact that he was sleeping.
Jihoon sighed as he buried his head in Taehyung’s hair taking in his scent. “It’s getting worse, each of his episodes are getting worse. I’m worried that he is going to do something drastic next time. Why aren’t they handling this? Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against taking care of him, I like when we take care of him. But we can only help so much.” His voice was low and mumbled, but the rest could clearly hear him.
Seungcheol kissed the small alpha’s hair. “I know, but we have to be here for him, he trusts us. And with his history we should be happy that he even opened up to us.”
There was no more chatter after that, the Seventeen members instead decided on just sleeping. Taehyung didn’t know how long time he slept but when he woke up, half a head of long reddish-brown hair was tickling his face. The sweet smell of a post heat omega was surrendering him, scent of thick maple syrup trying to pull Taehyung back into the realm of sleep, “Jeonghan?”, he questioned voice rough from sleep and the crying yesterday.
He was pretty sure that Jeonghan hadn’t been there when he had gone to bed last night, he had been very out of it, but he would of been able to remember right? “Talk later, sleep now.” The omega mumbled into his neck, tightening his thin arms around Taehyung.
The beta wanted to argue, but the sweet scent tired him and yeah… sleep sounded good who could say no to sleep? The second time Taehyung woke up, was like the first. He blinked a few times to clear his vision, the first thing he really noticed was Jeonghan with his head still buried in his neck, normal pristine brushed locks in a mess on top of his head and he had a death grip on the back of Taehyung’s shirt. Tho it wasn’t in a mean kinda a way, more like, you are now my cuddle buddy and you can’t leave.
This didn’t really surprise Taehyung, he had spent enough time with Jeonghan to know the older omega just really liked sleeping and cuddling. He was the first one to always be down for a nap. Their legs were intertwined and their fronts were almost glued together. He felt so much better with the omega’s scent around him. “Jeonghan can we wake up now?” He mumbled, even if his voice didn’t seem very convincing since he was very comfortable.
Jeonghan yawned into his neck. “I can smell food, yeah it’s time to get up.” He mumbled finally letting go of Taehyung. “When did you get here last night? I didn’t know that we were having sleepovers and to be honest I am fairly offended that I wasn’t invited.
As he sat up, a loose tank top that clearly wasn’t his falling of a thin shoulder, long hair a disaster and eyes still tired, he looked like a mess… but a cute mess. He yawned not bothering to cover his mouth.
Taehyung couldn’t stop himself from giggling at the cute mess in front of him. “It was late last night…”, he looked away a little ashamed, “I needed to feel safe.” He whispered the last thing.
“Oh. More important question, why did you sleep in your jeans? They are really itchy.” Jeonghan climbed out of the bed, pulling on a loose pair of shorts that he had discarded before claiming Taehyung as his cuddle buddy this morning.
The younger couldn’t stop himself from blushing. “I… uhm… last night was bad. Mingyu carried me to bed, I kinda ran here in the rain.”
“That explains why your cloth smells like shit, shower now.” Jeonghan commanded him, not even waiting for Taehyung to answer before he lightly pulled him towards the bathroom.
As they entered the hallway, the smell of food hit him and his stomach growled. The last he ate was from the hospital vending machine and that wasn’t real food. He shook his head. He couldn’t think about the hospital, he wasn’t there anymore. He lingered in the hallway for a second wanting to follow the smell of food, but a light tug of his wrist made him follow Jeonghan the rest of the way because he was right. Taehyung really didn’t smell very nice and his still damp jeans were chaffing his thighs in a super uncomfortable way.
First when he got into the bathroom and Jeonghan showed no sign of moving out did he realize that the older had the intent of showering with him. It wasn’t like Taehyung had never showered… or did other things… with Seventeen, but Jeonghan was normally less open with stuff like that, preferring to just cuddle up to people and nap.
“I can do it myself, you don’t have to worry about me.” Taehyung mumbled ashamed looking at the ground after having pulled his shirt off.
“Then you shouldn’t look like a lost puppy then,” he messed up Taehyung’s hair, “you known we don’t mind. We like you like you are, and sometimes you need more hugs than other times doesn't matter. I have been cuddling with you so I smell like wet dog as well, which is really not a smell I want to keep.”
Taehyung just nodded, he still wasn’t convinced. He always felt bad when he came down from an episode. “Thank you.” He still didn’t look at Jeonghan.
He felt two fingers forcing the sides of his mouth up and he couldn’t stop himself from actually smiling and showing off his boxxy smile. “That is better. Now get those jeans off, I am actually itching just seeing them. You can borrow some clothes while we wash that, or burn it… I haven’t decided yet.”
“It’s Yoongi-hyung’s shirt!” Taehyung protested.
The omega didn’t look impressed by that. “That explains why it’s child sized.” His tone wasn’t hostile or mean, so it caused Taehyung to giggle. Yoongi was very small especially for an alpha. “It also explains why it stinks.”
Taehyung pouted, he liked Yoongi’s scent, but then again he was biased. “You are mean.”
The long haired male just laughed throwing his own oversized tank top at him. “You still love me.”
“That’s because you smell good!” Taehyung protested, even if they both knew that it was a lie. Jeonghan like the rest of Seventeen had a very special place in his heart.
Jeonghan just stuck his tongue out discarding the rest of his clothes, stepping into the now heated spray of water. Taehyung admired the water running down his tall thin frame for a few seconds before he quickly threw of his own clothing, almost falling over getting the still damp jeans off his legs. The bathroom was filling with steam and Taehyung could feel how the rest of the stress in his body melted out of it, before he stepped into the shower as well.
“Can I get some water also or do you want all of it?” He teased, before running a hand up Jeonghan’s wet back and ending up playing with the tips of his hair. He always liked his hair none of the guys in BTS had long hair like Jeonghan, and he himself prefered to keep his very short.
Jeonghan didn’t answer instead dragging Taehyung in front of him, so they were again front to front and incredibly close. Even though they were both naked and wet there was nothing sexual about it. Water ran over Taehyung soaking his hair, forcing him to close his eyes as he stood right in the spray.
He felt long thin hands in his hair making sure that it was completely wet, before he was pulled a little bit more away from the spray. “Let me wash your hair, stand still.” he was commanded.
With the warm water still heating most of his body he felt relaxed and calm. So he didn’t argue with the older as he started messaging scent neutral shampoo into his hair. Jeonghan was one of the people who prefered not to use any artificial scents, preferring his own and other people’s natural scents to shine through.
He just let the omega move him like he wanted to being pushed back and right into the spray closing his eyes when he was told. Then it was out again as his hair now being drenched in conditioner, Jeonghan mumbling something about stupid bleach and how he should take better care of his hair, that was kinda right wasn’t it.
As he was told that the conditioner needed to stay in awhile he opened his eyes looking at Jeonghan feeling a little shy now. “Can I do your hair now? Please?” So he really liked the omega’s hair okay? Sue him!
“You sure you can reach?” He teased
“You are one cm taller than me!” Taehyung whined, causing Jeonghan to giggle. The BTS member was not used to being teased or being short, because he wasn’t!
“If you say so shorty,” but the tone was sweet as he gave Taehyung the shampoo, “At least your idea of washing isn’t trying to actively removing it from my skull.” He sighed a pleasant noise as Taehyung gently covered his locks in shampoo.
“Vernon?” Taehyung asked, tongue half out of his mouth focusing on doing a good job.
Jeonghan nodded “Yes, omg I am never letting him near my hair ever again. He tried to braid it since he used to do it to some of the girls in his old pack. I’m pretty sure that he was trying to make me go bald instead.”
The BTS beta could easily believe that. Vernon was a really nice omega, but good at being gentle he really wasn’t. For being such a shy and cute person, he wasn’t great as being gentle. Taehyung’s own hair had been the victim with Vernon when, before he had presented, had tried to pet his hair.
The white shampoo suds were slightly turning reddish-brown as it started to grab a hold of the dye in his hair signalling that it was time for him to get it out before he washed all of the dye out. Jeonghan seemed to enjoy the hands in his hair though, as he mumbled. “You have really nice hands though, you would think that with such big hands you would be destructive.”
Taehyung blushed at the compliment as he started washing the shampoo out, and then applying conditioner. When his job was done he looked over Jeonghan and he couldn’t stop himself from giggling. He was sure that they both looked silly with conditioner in the hair and their bodies started to turn red from how hit the water was set.
“Let’s wash the smell of wet dog off you. I know you love dogs, but I promise your own scent of peanuts is much better. I feel like this is a perfect opportunity for a doggy style joke, but I think that might turn on me.” He teased as he grabbed a sponge a red bottle of soap.
“You think?” Taehyung said in a teasing zone, on this topic Jeonghan had no leg to stand on, especially since Taehyung himself had taken Jeonghan in doggy style and watched other members doing it before. “Does that mean it’s not the time for a joke about how you act like a bitch in heat the second someone puts you on your knees?”
That caused Jeonghan to blush. “Shut up.” He mumbled, but not disagreeing. He started washing Taehyung as Taehyung himself grabbed a sponge to return the favour. It turned into playing much more than anything else. Both males could be childish at times, having started to make soap beards on each other, until they heard a very insulted voice from outside the shower. “You guys started showering without me!?” Jihoon looked way too adorable for any alpha. He was wearing a tanktop that for once looked to actually be his and running shorts
“We are almost done,” Jeonghan laughed, “not my fault that you guys thought it was socially acceptable to go to the gym at shit in the morning.”
“It was 11am!” The tiny alpha argued.
“As I said, shit in the morning, is there food ready?” He asked while starting to finally get the soap and conditioner off Taehyung.
Taehyung didn’t need to look at Jihoon to know he was pouting. “Yeah food is almost ready, piggy.”
Taehyung giggled, then started coughing as water founds its way into his mouth. He could hear the tall omega exclaim. “See! You are trying to kill Taehyung! Rude alphas!”
“Shitty omegas.” Jihoon mumbled loud enough for the beta to hear, he felt a light slap on his ass. “Go and join the rest in the kitchen, your stomach is loud enough that it sounds like an earthquake and somebody has to make sure that our little pack alpha washes his ass.”
“HEY! Can we at least pretend that you respect me.” The scent of cantaloupes was spreading from the pouting pack alpha. Taehyung did as Jeonghan told him, grabbing one of the big fluffy towels to dry himself, he had some of the idea that it wasn’t really cleaning that was going to happen in the shower.
He never really understood the balance between Jihoon and Jeonghan, but he couldn’t help but admire it. While Jihoon was technically the pack alpha nobody was really afraid of saying anything to him. He never tried to control any of the members and he even let the omegas top him most of the time. He thought about BTS, he had once tried to top Jungkook because he thought the young alpha would enjoy it, but Jungkook had more or less kicked him off him, half yelling how that wasn’t right and how alpha’s didn’t do that! That wasn’t an alpha thing!
That was why he liked Seventeen, nobody really treated subgenders like they mattered. Here he could forget that he was just a beta, that he was really just a disappointment. He shook his head, no he couldn’t think about that now! Even with the heavy air between Jeonghan and Jihoon, the alpha was quick to notice what was up with Taehyung. Over all the time Taehyung had spent with Seventeen, Jihoon almost had a special Taehyung radar always understanding when the thoughts took over the younger’s mind. “TaeTae, Wonwoo placed some clothing for you outside, unless you prefer to eat naked?” He teased knowing that it would make Taehyung focus on the present instead of the thoughts that haunted him.
Taehyung just blushed, even though all of the older Seventeen pack had seen him naked “Is everybody home?”
“No the kids went to train I think, they were gone when we came back. So either they left to train or got kidnapped.” Jihoon casual said as he ripped off his sweat soaked running top, looking at it like it had personally offended him.
Taehyung still didn’t completely understand the Seventeen pack thing, the two units, HipHop and Vocal were a pack. Then the performance was a different pack, them just waiting for Dino to present before they could claim him. The idea of having two different packs in one group sounded weird to Taehyung. But it worked for them, they were all as close as a group even if they weren’t all pack.
Taehyung just nodded. “I’m just gonna… uhm yeah.” He pointed towards the door half awkwardly.
Jeonghan laughed “You are always welcome to stay.” He teased as Taehyung blushed.
The beta just shook his head and half rushed out of the bathroom leaving a friendly laughing behind. He was always shocked how they could laugh like that but he never felt like he was a target of a cruel joke.
He almost fell over Wonwoo who sat outside the bathroom playing on his phone. He looked up at Taehyung a kind smile was on his lips. He always wondered how fans could think Wonwoo was cold. Yeah his eyes were sharp and he was an alpha, but he was really a sweetheart. “Jihoon said you had cloth for me.” Taehyung asked shyly.
He didn’t know why he was being shy, maybe it was because of how bad his breakdown had been this time. Or the fact he knew that he would have to talk about what had happened to make him like that.
Wonwoo pointed at a set of clothes. Oversized hoodie that was sure to be too big on Wonwoo himself and even bigger on Taehyung. There also was a pair of running shorts, but what really had Taehyung freeze in place was the bright yellow duck on the front of the hoodie. It was just like… Mr. Duckie.
As that thought hit him, he was forced into a flashback that he always tried to keep away from himself. His biggest secret that only Seventeen knew.
‘Taehyung hadn’t always been weird like everybody said he was. When he was younger he was mostly just a sweet adorable kid like Jimin. He always thought that he had one of the most loving packs in the world, which to this day he stood by.
His pack consisted of 2 alphas, 2 betas and 3 omegas. Taehyung was born to an omega father and his mother had been the pack alpha, but even though he was genetically theirs, all of the pack had treated him like their own. There pack had gotten Taehyung fairly young by accident, back then birthcontrol hadn’t been like it was now where it was completely safe. It had failed and Taehyung had been born when he father was only 19, it didn’t stop all of them from loving the tiny Taehyung. While they did decide that they would wait a good while until having more children… Sadly they never got to.
After they all finished school, they had traveled out into the country and ended up settling in on a farm away from society. They thought it would be the perfect place to raise the then 7 year old Taehyung. The farm had its own well and solar cells on the roof so they mostly could rely on themselves, even though they did all work as well.
When their dog died from bladder cancer an alarm bell should have rung in their heads, but they hadn’t thought about it. Many animals died of cancer, so they had just let it go. Taehyung had forgotten about Warwick and moved onto loving the ducks in the pond near them. At 9 years old, he had loved ducks so much he could spend hours down at the pond just watching them swim around. The pack had gotten him small duck toys, or clothes with ducks on. His favorite had been a big duck plushie that he would drag everywhere. He would sit at the pond and talk to Mr. Duckie while pointing at the ducks.
Everything was good and happy, and then suddenly in the span of 1 year his world fell apart. He knew that his pack had been a little sick, but he had never thought about it much, he felt fine and he was just a kid. Then the ducks started dying, he could remember running back to the house with a dead duckling in his hands. He had never cried so much.
They had finally managed to calm the young child down when their youngest omega collapsed on the floor as she started to throw up. Panic had spread around them, they ended up going to the hospital.
Stage 4 bladder cancer caused by arsenic poisoning. It turned out that the well they had been drinking from wasn’t safe like they had been promised. After that, frantic testing had started, they were all terminally sick, other than Taehyung.
The young child had always been picky, he hated water and most of the time the only way to get him to drink it was buying him coconut water. It turned out that that fact ended up saving his life. His father had been the first person to die, his body had always been frail and none of the treatments had saved him.
Seeing his father, the man that had raised him lying in the bed dying had been destroying for Taehyung, but he tried his best to be strong. Crying into Mr. Duckie as he was told that daddy wasn’t with them anymore.
Slowly his pack started dying around him, they all tried their best to appear happy and healthy to their little baby duckling, but slowly they all lost the fight with cancer. Atlast it was just Taehyung and his mother left, the once strong and happy alpha that would throw around Taehyung when he was younger, now struggled just lifting his hand.
He sat by her side, even as his caregivers had told him he didn’t need to be there for this he knew he had to stay! His mother’s skin was unhealthily pale and looked like it was hanging on her bones, her long healthy hair long gone, her eyes sunk into her head.
She knew she was dying soon, she knew that she was going to leave her son behind. She patted him on the head that last day. “It’s okay duckling, mommy’s friends are going to be good to you baby, you like Auntie right?” Taehyung nodded, tears running down his face, he had seen this before. He knew somehow that this would be the last time he would get to talk to his mother.
He wasn’t lying, his auntie was a very nice lady and her pack treated Taehyung like he was born apart of them, but they weren’t his pack! No he had to be strong for mommy! “TaeTae, you are going to be great. I know it baby, you are going to be amazing. Even when we aren’t here we are going to watch over you.” He nodded again, tears and snot running down his face.
Taehyung reminded her so much of his father, there was no doubt in her mind that her little baby was going to be an omega, he was going to be the best. She was sad that she wasn’t going to be there to see it, but she had faith in her baby. “You are going to be the best baby. And even when we are gone, we will always be in your heart… You’re always going to be our little omega.” Taehyung cried.
That was the last things he ever heard from his mother… and 9 years later as he presented as a beta… He knew that he had let his mother down… He had let his family down… He was nothing but a disappointment.    
Authors note: Can I please have a hug? I need a hug
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