#those weirdos hellbent on proving that slavery was the optimal economic system (since that means 'bad' to them)
stumpyjoepete · 2 years
The Plutocratic Fallacy
Rich assholes would love for you to believe that anything that is good for them is definitionally good for the economy. This is not true, in case you were wondering. Rent seekers gonna rent seek.
After a lifetime of hearing this line, many people are understandably skeptical of rhetoric that something is "good for the economy", since that often is just a euphemism for "good for jet ski dealership owners and/or billionaires".
Perversely, this has led some lefty folks to argue that all sorts of policies that are objectively economically bad must actually be economically good, since in their minds "good for the economy" = "good for rich assholes" = "bad".
This is both a tactical and substantive mistake. If you manage to convince normies that a particular policy is bad for the economy (which in your clique may mean 'good for humanity'), you have actually just convinced them that it is bad, full stop. If you manage to convince normies that something is good for the economy (which to you means 'horrible and bad'), all you've done is convince them that it's good, full stop. Stop shooting yourself in the dick please.
Also, like, the economy is good. Producing goods and services is good. The means of fucking production? You're supposed to want to seize them, for christ sake. This seems like such an easy mistake to avoid making if you're a leftist. "Rich people are selfishly pursuing policies that benefit them but are disastrous in aggregate" is a Marxist slam dunk.
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