#though I am absolutely saving the name 'Dashiell Redacted'
manorpunk · 1 year
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“The thing about fascism is that it’s fun. You get a uniform and a cool title and the Blood of the Covenant, and for some people that’s all they want out of life. Class Consciousness is a more difficult path, but it is a hundred times as rewarding as the false promises of fascism. And listen, you’ve got to remember, some of these people out there are just hogs. Don’t blame ‘em, it’s not their fault, they were born with a dozen boots on their neck, but you’ve got to remember, they have been so atomized, so rusticized, that you will have to drag them kicking and screaming to any conception of the world larger than their immediate surroundings.“ - Dashiell Redacted-Bezos, co-founder of the State Pantheon and father of Sunny Roosevelt
“tgirl swag has the sanction of heaven” - Sunny Roosevelt
President Sunny Roosevelt is a “second generation” Muskling. Her mother, Theophania Bezos-Redacted, was a Bezos-baby Muskling who worked as the High Priestess for a coven of Etsy-witches. Theophania’s husband was Dashiell Redacted-Bezos, a “man behind the curtain” of the State Pantheon, hanging out in dingy Bay Area flophouses with Hyperwonks and Soulhackers and refining their cokehead ramblings into a complete self-contained ideology (he neglected to mention how he was also heavily influenced by his wife’s practices, because god forbid women do anything).
You may have guessed by now that ‘Sunny Roosevelt’ is not her given name; it is the name of the avatar she controls, though by this point the line between the two is nearly invisible. Born in 204X, she started her vtuber career in the late fifties, and then became the mascot for Frontwave Imaging Inc, a Southeast Asian company that specialized in tensor holography, as a public advertisement for their tensor holography tech. The ad campaign was a runaway success. Sunny was launched into public awareness, where she will remain until she dies.
Naturally, there are countless rumors surrounding Sunny Roosevelt’s ‘real body’ - she’s a robot, she’s a brain in a jar, she‘s in cryogenic stasis, she was cloned from the DNA of George Washington king-in-the-mountain style. Official stance: no comment.
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