#though I only just remembered that Maxie technically only gets adopted a few months after Sep's birth
chaos-has-theories · 10 months
Wait I'm moving to an ask now but uh. What is wolf and the seven young goats. I'm confused now :(
"Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geißlein" is a fairy tale from the Grimm Collection. The mother goes out, telling the kids not to open the doors to any strangers. When the Wolf arrives, it takes him three tries, but he eventually tricks the kits into believing he is their mother, so they let him in and get eaten immediately.
Except the youngest, who hid in the grandfather clock, and only comes out when the mother returns.
(Mother and child find the wolf asleep, cut open his belly, replace the (healthy) kids with rocks, and once he wakes, watch him drown in a well. All's well ends well etc etc.)
Considering the similarities to Red Riding Hood (the wolf, the ending) and Snow White (seven living in a house, three tries to find a trick that sticks) I thought it was... fitting, to make it the Heap boys' backstory in my turnedabout AU.
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