#though akk really takes the trophy here
sanguinecrusader · 6 years
Javick Skalda intro
(The first of many stories I intend to write about my multiple characters! Hope you guys enjoy! Sorry if the ending feels a bit rushed I actually really needed to head to bed. This has been something I’ve been working on for a long time and should keep you guys busy until I start showing off more from the settings I’m creating. If it gets enough attention i could possibly ask who you guys wanna hear about next. Enjoy!)
It took 10 years. Ten long years since he decided he was gonna retrieve what he believes is rightfully his. Since he began his search high and low, hearing of it being exchanged around like a damn toy or trophy. It wasn’t some damn trophy to sit in some arrogant sith’s trophy room, to him it was his birthright. Ever since he first heard of the sacking he prayed, pleaded even that his secretive father was still alive. He was never a fan of the jedi and their ways, forbidden to see his own father because of their self righteous creeds and dogmas. Though he also respected such a sacrifice for what they believe is right.
The Zabrak shakes his horned head as he snaps himself out of his little rant and looks on to the planet he was landing on. Dromund Kaas, Capital of the sith empire. Wouldn’t be the first time he came to this place, last time he was here he was chasing an imperial defector through the streets. The poor bastard didn’t take Aishi into account, little akk dog tore him apart and definitely gave a scare to anyone else thinking it would be this easy to conspire against the empire.
Landing in the local starport wasn’t too much of a hassle and security didn’t give much of an issue “make sure no one gets in ehh girl?” He says to the barely away akk dog as it opens its mouth wide open in a yawn as it lays down for a little nap. Javick gave her a little scratch on the head on the way out and strolled out of the port into the jungle. “Now if I remember correctly it’s being held by some rogue sith out in the jungle… maybe it wouldn’t hurt to collect a few bounties while I’m in there.” Getting through the jungle and swamps wasn’t the issue, the beasts were kept away easy enough through fire and loud noises but the multiples of troops, rogue sith, and whatever the hell else this “lord grathan” has in that fortress of his is gonna be a different of matter… though fire will help…
He scaled the wall bypassing the security, now it was all a matter of trying to find what he came for. His father’s lightsaber, no way he was going to let something from his family rust away like that. Dodging the patrols he made his way into the main building and started searching the rooms. Looking through the less secure ones again and again eventually made him fed up and he snuck up on a nearby trooper putting his blaster pistol to his back “take me to the trophy room and I won’t put a hole in your spine”
“And who the hell are you supposed to be!?” this was answered by a swift punch to the kidney shut him up real quick a grunt being heard echoing down the hall. “Nevermind who I am just show me the trophy room and if I see you turn toward me you are dead” the man slowly nodded and walked down the hall, nearby he saw an enemy patrol walking towards them. “Keep. walking.” the man kept quiet as the squad walked past sith in the group gave javick a blank stare as they both walked out of site an came upon the door. “See that wasn’t so hard was it?”
“How many have you killed to get in here?”
“Oh noone… at least not yet. Now open the door” He says jabbing his pistol into the man's back. “Punching in the code to the door he slowly looked back at the mandalorian’s face, his red, black, and gold helmet was the last thing he saw before being promptly knocked out as he was struck across the head. “I warned you di’kut.” He mutters as he slowly drags the man into the room propping him up against the wall and getting a good look his face ”hmm… no one important, guess i’ll leave in alive…” Javick skulked through the room of glass cases and fancy stands. Grathan had an eye for presentation he’ll give him that much.
Then he spots in in a case he slowly pulled off and set on the floor. A Black and gold lightsaber, he knew immediately gazing upon it that this was indeed his father’s lightsaber. As he picked it up he felt a sense of serenity, a feeling like he has reunited with his father in spirit. “Udes o'r naak, buir” just then behind him he hears the sharp ignition of a lightsaber slowly turning he sees 3 troopers pointing blasters at him as well as the same cloaked sith “By the authority of lore grathan I order you to drop the lightsaber and surrender!”
“You think I’m gonna come this far just to surrender to a bunch of grunts and a no name sith?”
“You do not need to know who I am alien!”
“Oh I don’t really give a damn. Listen I’m only here for this” He says brandishing the unignited saber. “And what does a mandalorian want with a lightsaber”
“Let’s just say it has a certain… sentimental value…”
“You are trying my patience alien”
“And my trigger finger is getting itchy so I suggest you and your cronies get out of my way before I get angry!” He says slowly reaching for his blaster, the troopers immediately opening fire Javick instinctively igniting the saber and blocking the shots as he jumped for cover “... well that was definitely a fluke…”
“Hold your fire! The boy is obviously force sensitive. I will deal with him! Come out child so we may duel!”
“... fine… I’ll humor you sith” He gets up the saber still ignited as the sith removed his cloak showing off his greyed skin and blackened veins. “Ohhh now you… you look important…”
“Just shut up and fight!” he said charging at him javick clumsily blocking the strikes until he gains some kind of momentum and began taking swings of his own, a lightshow of red and yellow across the room as the two men fight. One of the soldiers start reaching for the alarm button as the sabers clashed together, Javick promptly unleashing a wrist blade and jamming it in his leg, the man letting out a grunt and a shoulder check sending him to the ground. “No you don’t!” he says outstretching his hand, a wave of kinetic energy slamming the runner into the wall disorienting him. The remaining two firing potshots at him as their master got up attempting to ignore the pain and charge him from behind. “Damn!” as he dodges out of the way he gets a lucky shot on the third trooper nailing his shoulder and collapsing to the ground. Luckily the armor he bore was strong enough to withstand the bolt. Activating his jetpack he charges the last trooper, taking a bolt to the arm and slashes the trooper across the abdomen.
This little victory was cut short as electricity coursed through him and dropped him to the ground.”Haar’chak!” once it was over he was left breathing heavily in a near smouldering heap. “You definitely do have a fire in in… But your power is something to be desired” Javick slowly got up “yeah? Think I could get some pointers darjetti?”
“Yessss… join me. A mandalorian sith can make for a very powerful man”
“Heh powerful huh? What if I told you to shove that offer up your grey-skinned ass” Lightning crackled in his hands ”then you can die here…”
“Hmmph… guess I don’t have much of a choice huh?” He says outstretching his hand the sith shaking his “then from this day forward you shall serve me and lord gra- thhk!” the sith looked down to find the mandalorian’s wrist blade in his sternum “guess I forgot to mention…” he leans in and whispers into his ear ”I serve no one…” he says dropping the man too the ground, firing his blaster into him to make sure he’s dead. “Guess all that hot air clouded his sixth sense…” with his helmet cam he snapped a picture of the sith’s body and headed out, saber in hand. As he made his exit the alarms went off in the compound. “Damn… guess he wasn’t knocked out as long as I had hoped… oh well too late now…” he made his escape and back to the spaceport and onto his ship, Aishi running up worryingly whining at him “hey hey it’s ok girl I’m fine…” He says assuredly, petting the top of her head as he made his way to the cockpit” Now let’s get on with that bounty on the rogue apprentice…”
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