#though tbf i still haven't gotten to some of the recs i've recieved yet
captainkirkk · 2 years
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes.
DC (Batman)
Latchkey by goldkirk
or, How Tim Drake Found A Family, Became A Photojournalist, Learned To Love Coffee, and Grew Up, not necessarily in that order.
Tim Drake is thirteen, runs the famous BatWatch blog that has spiraled hilariously out of control, has absentee parents that suit his purposes just fine, is training himself to run the streets at night, and is doing absolutely peachy, thank you.
Alfred and Jason disagree, and get Dick and Bruce involved in figuring out their weird nextdoor neighbor kid’s life. Everything goes uphill from there.
charity by Valkirin
The biggest downside of being adopted by Bruce Wayne is putting up with rich people events, including one where Jason will be in a room with a bunch of rich kids for a couple very long hours while Bruce goes to the adults' meeting. Jason is ready for a very bad time but the Drake kid listens to him from the start and keeps backing up Jason's ideas even though they've never met.
Jason warms up to Tim Drake long before Mad Hatter tries to take over the meeting and Tim backs him up again.
these fault lines (weren't drawn quite right) by RecklessWriter
“Never have I ever cheated on my girlfriend!” Roy snarled. The air stilled, and for a moment everything stopped.
A simple drinking game gives Jason an insight into the end of Dick and Kory's relationship. But it soon becomes clear that there's more to the story.
The Witcher
Winter Solace by Bedalk05
Geralt brings Jaskier to Kaer Morhen. It goes as well as could be expected.
Our Flag Means Death
do no harm, take no shit by holsmi
Mary Bonnet receives some uninvited guests.
Muster The Courage by twoseas
Stede does his best to make things right and that means taking his own advice and talking it through.
Featuring breakup era Blackbeard quickly turning back to domestic co-captain era Ed through the power of communication (and love), Stede being very good at a couple of things for once, and Izzy getting disrespected several times.
Clone Wars
This, too, was a gift by thosenearandfarwars
The Rako Hardeen mission was a success, but it left Obi-Wan Kenobi sick at heart after the empathic stresses of the mission, and questioning whether the mission was worth it. The troopers of the 212th welcome him back, wanting nothing more than to assure him he did the right thing, and Obi-Wan works to make their trust in him worth it.
The Force, however, shows Obi-Wan a detailed vision of the future to come. He eliminates the threats posed by the Sith, but feels he cannot return to the Order or to his men, and sets out alone, letting the Force direct him to the grimmest parts of the galaxy and the people who were always overlooked and underserved.
Marshal Commander Cody takes his general's warning and evacuates Kamino and all of the clones from Republic space. As the Jedi work to recover from the Sith plot and the Republic stalls out on how to move on, the clones settle a new world, try to heal, and look for their missing general. Along the way, apart and together, Cody and Obi-Wan make discoveries that will change their and the galaxy’s future, and learn how to move forward even when things are broken and like nothing they'd planned.
And I’ll Catch You When You Fall by Nation_Ustria
The Jedi were never meant to fight in war. They still aren’t meant to. But that’s what they’re doing, and that results in almost every single Jedi reaching for the Dark Side unintentionally at one point or another, results in every Jedi Falling, losing the parts of themselves that are kind and good.
Except for the vod’e noticed when they started to Fall, and decided that they weren’t going to let it happen—and it turns out, you can’t really Fall if you have people to Catch you. Force-null or not, the vod’e figure out how to pull their Jetiise back into the Light, and do so as many times as is needed.
General Kenobi is one of the last to start Falling for their first time.
Put Color in Your Cheeks by dharmaavocado
“Apologies for interrupting, sirs, but would this, ah, exchange have anything to do with that?” He gestured to their linked hands in a way that meant he’d rather not call attention either out of a sense of discretion or, more likely, because he was trying very hard not to laugh.
They’d stripped off their vambraces and gloves so they could be skin to skin, which had led to the most awkward walk through base camp that didn’t involve Wooley’s rotgut or Quinlan shirtless.
“Ah,” Kenobi said, the orange back in full force. “Yes. About that. Have you by chance had the—” the barest pause—“honor of meeting the headwoman?”
“Only briefly,” Rex said, and Cody couldn’t find a single fault in how professional he sounded. “She was very forthright in her observations of the men, particularly the officers.”
Cody couldn’t quite swallow an ugly laugh.
Kenobi closed his eyes. The garish orange was edging towards something a bit warmer. Humor, maybe? Trying to parse Kenobi’s emotional state was going to succeed where the war failed in scrambling his brains.
In which Cody must endure the mortifying ordeal of being known.
Battle of Wills by BigFatBumblebee
Mid-way through the Clone Wars their beloved General is a bit of a mess. But Cody, Kix and the rest of the 212th are going to look after him, even if it kills them. Can snarkiness actually kill? Cody hopes not or they don’t stand a chance.
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