#though there are medical conditions when people can't survive without strong medicines but it's exceptional situations
nmotypdfsfg ยท 10 months
This documentary ((Addiction I Full Documentary I NOVA I PBS, NOVA PBS Official) is very interesting. Some parts that i found especially important.
So if i understood it correctly, scientists believe that there is some connection between certain genes and the risk of developing addiction but also different factors can contribute to increasing the risk. Also it's believed that addiction shouldn't be stigmatised but treated as a complex disorder that is developed because using dr*gs causes certain changes in brain.
It's said that our brains were evolved so that they always seek reward, learning is quite important mechanism for our evolution. Experiments revealed reward pathway in the brain, mainly controlled by chemical messenger called dopamine.Dopamine can be released f.e. when people experience something pleasant or exciting.
Dr*gs can increase unnatural dopamine levels and use of dr*gs causes changes of brain cell connections, creates memories of euphoria that causes strong cravings. Sudden cut off dr*gs causes extreme release of stress hormones which leads to certain health implications . Brain can't keep balance because dr*gs overwhelm it with dopamine. Therefore production of dopamine decreases. It's believed that also dopamine receptors become fewer which leads to brain's starving for dopamine.
Dopamine levels also can be increased due to gambling or eating. f.e., some researches found that morbidly obese people also have fewer dopamine receptors. so these people have hard time to not overeat cause their brain is struggling to rebalance.
Also in this documentary it's said that trauma (from different kind of ab*se, childhood neglect) can increase the risk of addiction tenfold. trauma can cause changes in brain and those who suffer from trauma also can be predisposed to depression and anxiety.
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