#thread: sebi
borawinters · 10 months
Bora 📲 Sebi.
Bora: If you see this girl at Oasis, keep an eye on her. Bora: She's a klepto for glasses.
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multi-twentyone · 2 years
not to martian this but i was gonna be like "2010 seb pavloving mark so badly with his long pullable hair he still gets a reaction 12 years later!!" delighted in correcting myself: mark is pavloved simply by seb's proximity. but anyway um yes please elaborate on ur thoughts why would u threaten to delete the gospel truth
PLEASE you are so right about it just being Seb's proximity. I am never EVER getting over any interview of them over the last few years but especially Silverstone 2017 Channel 4 interview where Mark is all gooey eyed touchy. See Seb -> Brain Function Re-Diverted immediately kinda deal (mood). Bless you for seeing this vision immediately as Martian because.,,, YEAH me too ;-; & THANK You for allowing me to talk about this some more 🙏
seemore-ing this simply because I am 300% certain I'm going to go off on several! tangents. sebmark ramble ft. pink hair bobbles below the cut (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
weeeee i am not good at collecting my thoughts into coherent writing unless I spend several hours plotting beforehand ALAS this needs to be said from my desk whilst I should be working;;
Something something exactly Mark being absolutely feral for Seb's long curls in 2010. there's just so much to grab there y'know !!! So much availability to shove his fingers through it and pull. Not just when Seb is expecting it too? He's just easy to tug around by his hair a bit :( It's easy to make Seb look at him if there's a fluffy mop of curls right there to grab at and yank :( And there’s this one time that 2010 Sebi GIGGLES and ties his hair up and it’s just a joke that he ties it up because it’s not really quite long enough for that and he ties it a little too high, so it sticks up at an odd angle like Sebastian was expecting when he did it - but then he’s sat between Mark’s thighs and the joke isn’t really funny anymore. (And then he does it a few more times for good measure. Because it makes cleanup easier if they’re on a schedule and Seb doesn’t really have the spare time to be washing Mark out of his hair before he goes out in public. Because Sebastian actually sort of likes it, grows his hair out even more just to be able to tie it better. And now every time Mark sees that little hot pink hair bobble Sebastian's suddenly got dozens of in his vicinity, even just on his wrist, or when he’s fiddling with it in his fingers in a press conference or debrief, or he inevitably finds one hiding in his own pile of laundry, he twitches and sighs and zones out.)
And now cut to 2022 when Mark gets to watch Sebastian's hair start to slowly grow out through the season, at first sure that eventually he's going to show up one day after not seeing Seb for a week or two or more - both caught up in their own lives with work, on different time-zones and they get that, it's part of the business - and he's going to see him again in photographers Instagram posts, or discussion with other people, or grabbing some spare time with Seb, or upon arriving at the paddock himself that Sebastian has cut his hair and it's shorter again. But that day just never comes? His hair just gets longer and longer every time Mark sees him!!! And Mark just doesn't say anything. Because it's whatever, and he absolutely definitely isn't thinking about it every free moment (and NOT free moment) he gets.
Sebastian's hair keeps getting longer and now Mark's fingers are twitching every single time he's in close proximity to Sebastian. They do a lot anyway, an itch to touch, to close any space between them, but this is different. His fingers start to curl a bit at his own thighs rather than just twitching fingertips, he absentmindedly threads a hand into his own hair like he's just slicking his hair back but he tugs a little on the way, and that only ever leaves him feeling... unsatisfied and a little hollow and not realising the correlation.
Sebastian's curls start to fall over his forehead, down the back of his neck, and get in his eyes. Mark's fingers twitch all the more, even seeing Sebastian on the big screens when he's working distracts him. and he still hasn't put two and two together? that oh- moment hasn't arrived!
Sebastian shows up with a headband, eventually, and Mark misses the curls that had started straying over Seb's forehead. Especially misses watching Sebastian pushing his hair back behind his ears, a move that always looks bashful to Mark even when it's not. Mark decides quietly to himself that he does not like the headband.
It’s when Mark sees Sebastian brush his hair back with both hands as though he’s about to tie it up in a little ponytail that he gets his aforementioned oh moment. Except it’s sort of more of an oh shit moment because he feels like the bottom of his stomach drops through the floor in that moment that he’s convinced Sebastian is about to have a little pullable ponytail and Mark is almost certain he’s about to see Sebastian fish a little pink hair tie out of his pocket. The headband comes back out again instead though, and Mark isn’t sure if he’s more devastated or relieved.
AND HONESTLY this is where my plot making skills fall apart because I write all the pining and then inevitably fall apart at the final hurdle. But perhaps Mark shows up one day and it’s after a comfortable slow build up where Sebastian just about has him out of his jeans, that Mark stops him and takes the same coloured hair tie out of his pocket that Sebastian used to use religiously, drops it into Sebastian’s open palm, and asks him if he would, just for old times sake? Just for him?
YEAH. JUST. Sebastian in hair bobbles :( Mark LIKING Sebastian with his hair tied up and not realising how much he’d missed it :( 2022 Mark at the place where instead of ruminating on it alone he just. Asks Sebastian :(
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thegainers · 8 months
Unveiling the Secret Weapon of Indian Investors: A Guide to Portfolio Management Services
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Step into the inner circle of wealth creation: 
The realm of Portfolio Management Services (PMS) in India. Here, where seasoned financial minds meet diverse investor dreams, lies the key to unlocking your financial potential. Whether you're a brand-new investor dipping your toes into the market or a seasoned veteran seeking the next level of portfolio optimization, understanding PMS is your game-changer. This guide peels back the layers, revealing the hidden power of this service and how it can propel you towards your financial goals.
Section 1: Demystifying Portfolio Management Services
Imagine having a dedicated financial guru crafting a personalized roadmap to your financial Everest. That's PMS in a nutshell! It's a professional service where experts handle your investments, crafting and managing a custom portfolio tailored to your specific goals, risk appetite, and investment dreams. They become your financial Sherpas, navigating the market's treacherous terrain and ensuring you reach your summit.
Section 2: The Thriving Terrain of Indian PMS
Forget barren investment landscapes; India's PMS scene is a bustling oasis. Reputable players, stringent SEBI regulations (your financial Everest's safety ropes!), and a booming growth trajectory paint a picture of a robust and secure environment for your wealth to flourish.
Section 3: Unleashing the Power of PMS
Think of personalized investment strategies designed just for you, like a bespoke suit for your financial goals. Imagine professional expertise constantly monitoring your portfolio, like having a hawk-eyed guide watching your every step. These are just a taste of the PMS advantage, ensuring your investments reach their full potential while you focus on chasing your dreams.
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PMS isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. Whether you're a financial rookie or a seasoned pro, there's a perfect PMS partner for you. This guide equips you with the knowledge to find the right fit, ensuring your journey is tailored to your specific financial knowledge and comfort level.
Section 5: Weaving "Investment Portfolio Management Service" into the Fabric of Your Narrative
Think of investment portfolio management service as the golden thread running through your story. Weave it naturally into the text, showcasing how effective PMS is as the backbone of a truly optimized portfolio.
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Forget cookie-cutter approaches. Forward-thinking PMS providers are pushing boundaries, crafting innovative solutions and personalized experiences that make your investment journey truly yours.
Section 7: Choosing Your Financial Sherpa: Navigating the PMS Landscape with Confidence
Finding the right PMS provider is like choosing your Everest guide. This guide equips you with the knowledge and insights to select a reputable and experienced partner, ensuring your financial climb is safe, secure, and rewarding.
Unlocking the secrets of Portfolio Management Services in India is the first step towards achieving your financial dreams. This guide equips you with the knowledge and confidence to embark on that journey, regardless of your experience level. Remember, with PMS as your guide, the summit of financial success is closer than you think. So, why wait? Start scaling your Everest today!
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Balkan folk song- ‘’The goldsmith and swift-weaves (kujunđija i hitroprelja)
What shines next to the the green mountain: Is it the sun, is it the moonlight? Neither is it sun, neither is it moonlight, But two golden antlers of deer, In them two cities are built, In one of them is Janko the goldsmith, In another, Jana the swift-weavess, Janko the goldsmith says, Says to Jana the swift-weavess: "Oh by God, Jana the swift-weavess! "Let me send you a piece of thread, "Weave me forth tent and shirt, "And what remains left over to you, "You weave for yourself in gifts." Jana was wiser than Janko, She says to goldsmith Janku: "Oh by God, goldsmith Janko! "Let me send you a tiny coin, "Make me wreaths and necklaces, " And what remains left over to you, , "Show your good black horse, "Let him be your  renown among your brothers."
Što se sija kraj gore zelene: Da l' je sunce, da l' je mjesečina? Nit' je sunce, nit' je mjesečina, Već dva zlatna roga od jelena, U njima su dva grada građena, U jednom je kujundžija Janko, U drugome Jana hitroprelja, Poručuje kujundžija Janko, Poručuje Jani hitroprelji: „Oj Boga ti, Jano hitropreljo! „Da ti pošljem maleno povjesmo, „Opredi mi šator i košulju, „A što tebi od toga ostane, „Ti opredi sebi u darove.“ Jana bila mudrija od Janka, Poručuje kujundžiji Janku: „Oj Boga ti, kujundžija Janko! „Da ti pošljem malenu paricu, „Sakuj meni vjence i oboce, „A što tebi od toga ostane, „Potkuj tvoga dobra konja vranca, „Neka ti je među braćom fala.“
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eurosong · 5 years
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Hey there, folks! I recently saw @serhat2019 posting threads comparing 2019 with 1999 and 1989. I love comparisons going back into the classic contests, though for me, 1989 and 1999 are each the weakest contest of their respective decades. It got me wondering which songs I’d prefer if I included all the decade-ending years. So, here we are! Of course, I removed the countries with just one song, but here’s my comparison of those with 2 or more songs across ESC history. Gold means I think it’s the best for that country over the decades. Silver is like an honourable mention because I like it a fair bit. Red is for when I particularly dislike a song.
Albania - 2 decent efforts but I much prefer Ktheju tokës. Keep keeping your songs in your beautiful languages, Shqipëria. Armenia - A real tough choice as these are two of their best ever songs. At the minute, my mind is constantly singing Walking out oooooo, so I give it the edge. Austria - Austria is one of many countries I feel end decades on a lacklustre note. Limits is the best of the bunch for me. Azerbaijan - The second best Azeri song for me (top is Skeletons) versus one of the shriekiest. No contest... Truth. Belarus - Not much of a choice. I go for Like it even though I don’t... like it... much Belgium - 6 decades, 6 songs and none get my heart racing. Door de wind and Like the wind are pleasant enough. This year’s is too. The one with the most character of the bunch for me is Hey nana. Croatia - Slim pickings - 2009. Cyprus - Not a fan of any of their decade-ending songs. The first is the least tragic for me. Czechia -  I didn’t hate Aven romale as much as many folk did, but I prefer FoaF. Denmark - I like this year’s song, but even better is the iconic Tommy Seebach. Estonia - Storm is dire sub-Avicii stuff. Diamond of night was one of the few nice songs in a woeful year. But I’m going with Rändajad of course, probably Estonia’s best. Finland - Of course going here with Katri Helena, one of the many often undeservedly forgotten queens of ESC. France - the only one of this bunch I don’t like is this year’s obnoxious ode to self. Je suis l’enfant soleil was a fierce return for AMD. J’ai volé la vie is one of the very few occasions where I’ve been able to stomach a child performing in main ESC. But I have to go with Un jour, un enfant, one of the best winners ever for me.
Germany - Miss Kiss Kiss Bang made me swing, Dschingis Khan made me dance, but I’ve got to pick Heute Abend..., which charms the hell out of me 60 years later! Greece - This year’s is one of my favourite entries from Greece in a while. The cheery Sokrati gets an honourable mention. Hungary - Credible versus cringe. 2019. Iceland - The best Icelandic song ever for me was 1989. Such a strange musical procession, such poëtic lyrics, such an undeserved nil points. Ireland - Sadly my dear Ireland often ended decades on underwhelming notes. 22 is the best of the bunch for me. Israel - Can one not pick Hallelujah here? I hope not. Italy - in most occasions while doing this, if a country had a lot of entries, the lower the probability was that I’d pick this year. Italy is one of the few exceptions. I adore Soldi above the 4 others, though they’re mostly very nice entries. Latvia - Nice, laidback, rainy song versus a pretty dire outing in 2009. 2019. Lithuania - Strazdas is one of the few songs I like from ‘99 and the best of the three. I wish they’d return to their national language! Luxembourg - Statistically, one of my favourite countries ever at the contest, but they didn’t do much justice to themselves in the ends of decades. I prefer the quirky Monsieur. Macedonia - Both decent but not spectacular. Both a bit old-fashioned. I prefer the rocky one. Malta - One of Malta’s best versus 2 of their worst. Chameleon any day of the week. Moldova - Extremely dreary song this year, especially when compared to the dynamic Hora din Moldova! Monaco - 1959. I didn’t like any of the three though Montenegro - You know a song is bad when you prefer Heaven over it, but the Siegel penned Abba-ripoff of 2009 is indeed worse than D mol. Netherlands - Arcade is nice. De troubadour is iconic. But Een beetje is one of the greatest winners evah! Norway - Going for another oft forgotten ESC queen. Anita Skorgan with the groovy Oliver. Poland - Poor choice. Going with this year’s for being the most traditional. Portugal - Adore Telemóveis... but for the minute, it has to take runner-up status to the stunning and equally passionate Desfolhada. Romania - Easy pick for the dark 2019. Russia - Scream is nice enough. Ironically, Scream, despite its scary name, nowhere near scared me as much as Mamo did. Serbia - Serbia doing what they do best in 2019 vs a weird entry in 2009. Taking the former. Slovenia - Easy pick for the divinely introspective, intimate Sebi. Spain - A bunch of decent songs from my country of residence... Su canción was lovely til the wee anklebiters started singing. Nacida para amar is an epic... but I have to prefer a song that I will be singing for the whole day now. Desde que llegaste, ya no vivo llorando EY vivo cantando EY vivo soñando EY <3 Sweden - Judy min vän is great and the lyrical content is very unusual for ESC. I like Too late for love, one of Sweden’s best efforts for years even if it is half-plagiat. But the easy winner here is the song I feel is Sweden’s best winner ever in 1999. Switzerland - Some very beige offerings plus the smugness of 2019 and the oddball earworm annoyingness of 1979. I go for 1969 as the most benign. Turkey - I have to go for 1989, back in the glory days of Turkish différence at the contest. UK - Say it again was probably the most underrated UK song of the 90s. Sing little birdie was really charming. Got to go for Boom bang a bang though, an eternal earworm!
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rajchakravorty · 6 years
5315 CGTG 2019
Don’t cancel your ticket!
Manas was calling from Vizag waiting to board the train on 28th evening. He was bewildered by the turn of events. With the forces going into full alert our CGTG was in jeopardy. Our entry to INS Shivaji was curtailed.
Manas come to Bombay and stay with us, I told him on the phone
Theek hai. Rehne ka problem nahi hai bhai. But CGTG hai ya nahi hai
Let me check
I went through a slew of messages in our whatsapp group. Charlie sitting in Goa had risen to the occasion. Plan B was initiated.
I thought to myself ‘How does Charlie know about Lonavala while I sitting in Navi Mumbai was clueless?’
Charles had zeroed in on a few resorts in Pune and Lonavala that fell within our budget (10K already collected + 3K additional). The gen was passed to KOT sitting in Delhi who took over from there to salvage the get together which he had planned for months and now seemed to be derailed by events outside his control.
He took control gave directions to his staff, started making his calls. The program was back on the rails.
BYOB someone said. I took out my Limited Edition Chivas Regal that I had kept for a special occasion. This was a special occasion
Next day we were all there at Serenity Resort coming from Kolkata, Delhi, Bangalore, Vizag, Goa, Chennai, Kerala and nearby Mumbai & Pune. I felt happy meeting old faces. I realized we had become older. Those jaunty strides were missing but the josh was high.
KOT rallied us around with the revised schedule. The trip to Shivaji hung by a thread. Fortunately, by next day Shivaji was back in our schedule. KOT managed to get back the invitation thanks to his connections. After breakfast we all trooped into the Navy bus. As we entered the hallowed gates of Shivaji we were transported from the dusty chaotic town into a neat green institution. The transformation was magical.
Only when you lose something good you realize how precious it was. My mother always used to say you don’t know how lucky you guys are in the defence leading a clean healthy life. I took it all for granted. I thought these privileges were my rights. Now settled in the civvy street I realized what I was missing when I entered Shivaji
At the motivational hall I read the history of Shivaji and the people who made it what it is today. I realized my country is great today because of such institutions. The defence academies, IITs, FRI, ISRO etc which nurture our youngsters and make them solid citizens are the institutions that make our country great. All those dedicated people- the giants- who worked so hard to create these institutions are our real heroes.
I was reminded of the quote by Sir Isaac Newton “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”.
At the WTC it was fun to participate in the water sports. The years melted away as I went kayaking. The aches and pains were relegated to the backburner. We became young and merry once again
CO Shivaji and his good lady welcomed us all. We had tasty sandwiches and samosas for refreshment enjoying their lovely hospitality. When he presented us with a cap I felt a lump in my throat. The respect that our juniors give us feels the same when our kids respect us today for been strict with them when they were growing up
In the evening the smiles had become wider. The ladies had organized an impromptu show. They called out the names and we gents had to identify the person
Demo Handspring – Okay That’s me
Sunny Side Up – Mallu! Who else
Thompson & Thomson – That got me thinking. It turned out to be Valsan and Bhadra. Apt
The Don – Binny of course
Bahri – Einstein
KOT – Capt Haddock – Blistering Barnacles
Kapil – Chocolate Man
Rana – Hasya Kavi
Charlie – St Nicholas
PK Mishra – Atal Behari
Davray – Modiji
KMD – Amit Bhai
Lavangi Mirchi – Rathi
19th hole – Jiban
Iron Man – Manas (for the iron in his knees though he said it was titanium
Standup Papa – Seby. God Bless his famous son Kenny the standup comedian
Masseur – SK Mishra. Aha the chumpy on Chowpatty
Shayar – Venu
Flying Dolphin – Baijal
Calculus – Tuli
Next day Rajni told me ‘I wanted to name you Milind Soman’
Wow O Wow. I walked a little taller. I felt emboldened and walked up to the lady who had conducted the show
‘Sharmila what a marvellous performance it was. You are a natural emcee’
I am Pramila not Sharmila!
Ladies! Thanks for the great show. You Rock!
(Ashim & Venu showed their appreciation with their rock-star dance moves)
Every time there is a CGTG I feel this is - the best! Azad (who started it all and whom we missed badly), Murgu & Batta, Kapil, Thakare with help from Naga (RIP) and Manas at Vizag, Charlie who proved there can be a rollicking get together without the Navy support. Thank you guys, you are the pillars of 5315. This time a new benchmark has been set.
Thank you Charles for initiating Plan B when everything seemed lost. Thank you KOT. All those planning and effort that you took was visible. Thank you all participants for without you guys there can be no CGTG
Those who missed out do try to make it for the next one. Believe me we have a champion group here – the 5315!
Au Revoir! Till we meet again
PS – The cost was restricted to 10K. The additional 3K was ultimately not required
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ramusblog · 2 years
A Thread
The story of #NDTV ownership involves media mogul Rupert Murdoch, the infamous Indiabulls, fugitive liquor baron Vijay Mallya, Mukesh Ambani, and now Gautam Adani who bought it from him.  
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NDTV’s ownership changed hands many times over the years but @ndtv has always sat pretty in corporate Godi (lap). The story goes like this:
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, when Doordarshan started commissioning news/current affairs shows to private companies, Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy took the opportunity and started making current affairs programs for it using DD’s resources.
After a policy shift, when private news channels got the permission to downlink, many companies including NDTV came into the channel business. But Roys weren’t the investors. Rupert Murdoch’s company STAR put in the money and NDTV provided the content.
Thus, the NDTV-Star alliance took shape in 1998. The name of the channel was Star News. Pranay Roy had found a filthy rich Godi.
The contract was for five years. But NDTV failed to provide good exciting content. Star News was losing viewership. NDTV employed kids of many top bureaucrats. They loved studio-based TV and discussion-based shows. Ground reporting was not their idea of journalism.
NDTV's Hindi channel NDTV India was launched in 2001. It had fierce competitors like Aaj Tak and Zee News. NDTV India has had an image of a lazy channel from day one. No energy. Anchors loved giving long sermons.
This channel could not withstand the energy of Aaj Tak and Zee. NDTV India survived on the revenue of its English sibling, which wasn’t much. NDTV Profit, the third channel, also never took off properly. CNBC was the leader in business news space.
Rupert Murdoch's deal with NDTV was to continue till 2003. But his son James Murdoch was getting restless. Money was draining out. Content provider (NDTV) wasn’t doing its job properly. Viewership remained a big problem area.
Then Murdoch said ‘Enough is enough’. Soon after the deal period ended in 2003, Murdoch launched his own Star News in India. It later changed hands and became ABP News. NDTV was forced to launch its own channel with its own money.
Until now, NDTV was being run with the help of government money (Doordarshan’s resources) and later on Rupert Murdoch’s money.
Prannoy Roy's business acumen was tested and he failed. Within 3 years of the termination of the contract with Murdoch, the company became so battered that in 2006, it had to take a loan of Rs 400 crore from Indiabulls. Indiabulls perhaps had some ill-gotten money.
NDTV’s finances had gone terribly wrong. The company was battered but instead of reducing expenditure, it started investing in new unviable projects. In 2007, Prannoy Roy launched another channel NDTV Good Times by signing up with liquor baron Vijay Mallya.
NDTV got Rs 100 crore advertisement commitments from Vijay Mallya. Good Times never clicked with the audience. People had access to fashion TV. NDTV Imagine, a Hindi entertainment channel, also failed.
NDTV also tried to go local and launched Metro Nation in Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai. For the Chennai version, NDTV roped in The Hindu Group. These local channels were a disaster.
NDTV might still have survived had there not been a global recession. Advertisement revenue shrunk dramatically after 2008 and avenues for easy money closed shut. NDTV was on its way to doom.
To repay Indiabulls, NDTV took a loan from ICICI. To pay off this debt, it took a loan from Ambani's front company VPCL. 
But NDTV was in no mood to repay the loan. Perhaps it didn’t have the money.
TRP ratings were going south and revenue from advertisements was negligible. In the meantime, VPCL ownership changed thrice. In the third instance, Nahata, an Ambani front man, sold off VPCL to Adani.
VPCL owns 30% of NDTV. Adani media is now moving to have complete control of NDTV through open offer. The loan that once belonged to Ambani was transferred to Adani. SEBI has endorsed Adani’s position in this matter.
The only mystery in this story is why Ambani sold off the loan provider and thus a large stake in NDTV to Adani. There are two likely reasons. First, Ambani did not want to own the NDTV channel.
People weren’t watching it and it wasn’t making money. Moreover, some people in the channel wanted to bring a ‘revolution’ with corporate money.
Second, someone from the government or BJP explained to Ambani that he already controls one-third of the media space in the country. Let Adani take NDTV. No government wants media monopoly.
Similar things happened when Ambani tried to take over Zee Entertainment. He failed to seal the deal. Zee finally tied up with Sony and the company did not go to Ambani. It seems that the central government had shown displeasure over the proposed takeover.
In Niira Radia Tape #132, Radia was actually heard saying that (the Ambani group) had to help Prannoy Roy. That was in 2009. Ambani money came soon after. That tape is now with the Supreme Court.
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jimmiejcrochet · 4 years
Interesting Smallcaps–Zensar Tech,Datamatics, Vguard, Ceat Limited, Sudarshan, IEX and more.
In our previous posts we looked at how IT could be the next sector rotation and TCS could breakout. A lot of largecap IT stocks have broken out into all time highs.
A lot of smallcap IT names look interesting. Mentioning a couple of them which we have recommended in Technical Traders Club 
Zensar Technologies.
Datamatics – It was also covered in our Insider Trading Report
Some more interesting smallcap names near Breakouts.
V Guard – Above 180-185
Ceat Limited – Good Volumes
Sudarshan Chemicals – The Big Resistance at 500
IEX – Indian Energy Exchange – Breakout done.
Some more Interesting Charts from Harsh Doshi
Interesting Charts - 15-09-2020
Adani Gas Adf Foods Astec Life Glaxo Pharma kokuyo Camlin Procter Gamble Health Quickheal Technologies Radico Khaitan Trident Ltd pic.twitter.com/QPvE5lZOIh
— Harsh Doshi (@doshi_harsh) September 15, 2020
Do check the thread below.
#TweetStorm - Example of how punting happened due to #SmallcapRules and how illiquid and #lowfloat some #smallcaps are. #SheelaFoams. This company came at the 251st number on the categorization of #Stocks by SEBI - Link -https://t.co/rFIHaOZFRz Btw new list would come in January
— Nooresh Merani (@nooreshtech) September 15, 2020
  Brief Video on Product Offering – Online Video Course and Analyse with Me -
After receiving a lot of inquiries,Have created a small video explaining the course offerings
Online Technical Analysis Video Course https://youtu.be/fJYX1TP0a6I
Analyse With Me – A Practical Approach to Technical Analysis https://youtu.be/K92k4V_BAaY
Advisory Services
Technical Traders Club http://www.nooreshtech.co.in/quickgains-premium/technical-traders-club
QuickGains F&O - http://www.nooreshtech.co.in/quickgains
For any queries whatsapp on 7977801488 or call on 9819225396 ( after market hours )
Interesting Smallcaps–Zensar Tech,Datamatics, Vguard, Ceat Limited, Sudarshan, IEX and more. published first on your-t1-blog-url
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borawinters · 10 days
closed for: @sebitorres
where: carnival, friday
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"It's a good hustle," Bo observes, gesturing broadly to the carnival games that they were passing on their way to get a drink strong enough to made the tedium of the evening bearable. "You can rig those very easily so the player always loses. I would."
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telavivcity-blog · 6 years
Eurovision Song Contest 2019 @ Tel Aviv, Israel eurovision 2019 tickets
https://telavivcity.co.il/?p=42552&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr The City that never sleeps Eurovision Song Contest 2019 @ Tel Aviv, Israel eurovision 2019 tickets https://telavivcity.co.il/?p=42552&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr *Latest update at 17:03, 06/03/2019* Good evening, ~~Europe~~ World! In this thread you should find the essentials about this year’s edition of the Eurovision Song Contest which will be held in Tel Aviv, Israel, following Netta’s victory in Lisbon with her song [Toy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84LBjXaeKk4). This thread will be updated regularly, as the artists and songs from all the **41 participating countries** are known. Whenever available, songs from the national finals will also be posted, as well as the artists’ official social media. All the songs chosen so far are available in [this playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvZ9Byx2a0X14lbwe9CYyoh9zoRzpGaNZ). The complete calendar and all the detailed information about each country’s selection process can be found in [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/9jogez/megathread_national_selection_shows_2019/). Plus, don’t forget that you can always live chat with the community on our [Discord server](https://discord.gg/qrUMZPE). ## Eurovision Song Contest 2019 (64th Edition) ## Dates **Semi-final #1** | Tuesday, 14th of May **Semi-final #2** | Thursday, 16th of May **Final** | Saturday, 18th of May ## Venue [Expo Tel Aviv](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyOEh17jb0Q) ## Hosts [Assi Azar](https://www.instagram.com/AssiAzar/), [Bar Refaeli](https://www.instagram.com/BarRefaeli/), [Erez Tal](https://www.instagram.com/ErezTal/) and [Lucy Ayoub](https://www.instagram.com/LucyAyoub21/) ## Slogan [Dare To Dream](https://eurovision.tv/story/dare-to-dream-theme-artwork-2019) ## Withdrawing Countries Bulgaria, Ukraine ## Semi-final 1 | First Half |Country|Artist|Song|Language|Selection Method| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |🇧🇾 Belarus|TBD 7^(th) of March|TBD 7^(th) of March|TBD 7^(th) of March|[Eurofest](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLISwrNKXra5HtbQtaniEVzC5uKNkWOVHY)| |🇨🇾 Cyprus|[Tamta](https://www.instagram.com/officialtamta/)|[Replay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESkhPXfl4A0)|English|Internal Selection| |🇨🇿 Czech Republic|[Lake Malawi](https://www.instagram.com/lakemalawimusic/)|[Friend of a Friend](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duSSVY_YJyY)|English|[Eurovision Song CZ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjtRX2wt2HI&list=PL3QGWsDEgtH9-3BYzbQ1_wcn5e8XX7TLy)| |🇫🇮 Finland|[Darude](https://www.instagram.com/darudevil/) feat. [Sebastian Rejman](https://www.instagram.com/sebastianrejman/)|[Look Away](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4DPGAJhSac)|English|[Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHiOd8CgpzyMW89V4YcJI54CQwoEh7dxI)| |🇭🇺 Hungary|[Pápai Joci](https://www.instagram.com/papaijoci/)|[Az Én Apám](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-s__gs-16Y)|Hungarian|[A Dal](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLgAfFvUYMu-fkYRfLhuORQ)| |🇲🇪 Montenegro|[D-Moll](https://www.instagram.com/dmollgrupa_official/)|[Heaven](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjafhBNlPJc)|English|[Montevizija](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr4acRV_Y5cTe6EjSvydpdg)| |🇵🇱 Poland|[Tulia](https://www.instagram.com/tulia.official/)|TBA in March|TBA in March|Internal Selection| |🇷🇸 Serbia|Nevena Božović|[Kruna](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-5FgSqp2Fg)|Serbian|[Beovizija](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC38DtsndJajrtKmveBwjnTg)| |🇸🇮 Slovenia|[Zala Kralj & Gašper Šantl](https://www.instagram.com/zalagasper/)|[Sebi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4Ci3nrBdno)|Slovene|[EMA](https://www.youtube.com/user/ESCSlovenia)| ## Semi-final 1 | Second Half |Country|Artist|Song|Language|Selection Method| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |🇦🇺 Australia|[Kate Miller-Heidke](https://www.instagram.com/katemillerheidke/)|[Zero Gravity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlpBPO9_L4E)|English|[Eurovision – Australia Decides](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6cJNsFSSrWTgQqv7GRgp4SElObHRgL0o)| |🇧🇪 Belgium|[Eliot](https://www.instagram.com/eliotmusicbe/)|[Wake Up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17QXkQEckE4)|English|Internal Selection| |🇪🇪 Estonia|[Victor Crone](https://www.instagram.com/victorcrone/)|[Storm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkdXzuDigNM)|English|[Eesti Laul](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxVKGS4tdlLYcF1ZQhUXrvs-OWVN0HVZR)| |🇬🇪 Georgia|[Oto Nemsadze](https://www.instagram.com/oto_nemsadze/)|[Sul Tsin Iare](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCOMCqOXmUo)|Georgian|Georgian Idol| |🇬🇷 Greece|[Katerine Duska](https://www.instagram.com/katerineduska/)|Better Love (TBR 6^(th) of March)|English|Internal Selection| |🇮🇸 Iceland|[Hatari](https://www.instagram.com/hatridmunsigra/)|[Hatrið Mun Sigra](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ELSP8zqhXo)|Icelandic|[Söngvakeppnin](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr3r5ZhK0uFyEMJEXlTMAKGXnz8Mbghtw)| |🇵🇹 Portugal|[Conan Osíris](https://www.instagram.com/conanosiris/)|[Telemóveis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9t5_yUNp0bg)|Portuguese|[Festival da Canção](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMedIwg0kZw9xaTCN_YtViVqPI7DtH6VM)| |🇸🇲 San Marino|[Serhat](https://www.instagram.com/serhathpo/)|TBR 7^(th) of March|TBR 7^(th) of March|Internal Selection| ## Semi-final 2 | First Half |Country|Artist|Song|Language|Selection Method| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |🇦🇲 Armenia|[Srbuk](https://www.instagram.com/srbukofficial/)|TBR in March|TBR in March|Internal Selection| |🇦🇹 Austria|[Pænda](https://www.instagram.com/paendamusic/)|Limits (TBR 8^(th) of March)|English|Internal Selection| |🇩🇰 Denmark|Leonora|[Love Is Forever](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAdSQxaXsSk)|Danish, English, French|[Dansk Melodi Grand Prix](https://www.dr.dk/event/melodigrandprix/find-din-favorit-hoer-alle-sangene-til-dansk-melodi-grand-prix-allerede-nu)| |🇮🇪 Ireland|TBA 8^(th) March|TBA 8^(th) March|TBA 8^(th) March|Internal Selection| |🇱🇻 Latvia|Carousel|[That Night](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6j61TWsjcJY)|English|[Supernova](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1GtAB9S4eh4CZmao52Ayig/playlists)| |🇲🇩 Moldova|[Anna Odobescu](https://www.instagram.com/odobesco_anna/)|[Stay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIYghHE-9R0)|English|[O Melodie Pentru Europa](https://www.youtube.com/user/trmMultimedia/videos)| |🇷🇴 Romania|[Ester Peony](https://www.instagram.com/ester.peony/)|[On a Sunday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvzruGxaAO4)|English|[Selecția Națională](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCDijr_CcLx-5VdxbwoMhVN4Qla-poegJ)| |🇸🇪 Sweden|TBD 9^(th) of March|TBD 9^(th) of March|TBD 9^(th) of March|[Melodifestivalen](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtjAn2p1vvgj9vSnpm4N_6A/videos)| |🇨🇭 Switzerland|TBR 7^(th) of March|TBR 7^(th) of March|TBR 7^(th) of March|Internal Selection| ## Semi-final 2 | Second Half |Country|Artist|Song|Language|Selection Method| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |🇦🇱 Albania|[Jonida Maliqi](https://www.instagram.com/jonidamaliqi/)|[Ktheju Tokës](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vZDCw9Pedw)|Albanian|[Festivali i Këngës](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0XoaVRW0j7AH2CEB7BRaO2WR53PEpdW_)| |🇦🇿 Azerbaijan|TBA in March|TBA in March|TBA in March|Internal Selection| |🇭🇷 Croatia|[Roko](https://www.instagram.com/rokoblazevic_official/)|[The Dream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XH1XfjICYLc)|English|[Dora](https://www.youtube.com/user/HRTnovimediji/videos)| |🇱🇹 Lithuania|[Jurijus](https://www.instagram.com/jurijus_veklenko/)|[Run With The Lions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ut-0TaybLRE)|English|[Eurovizijos Atranka](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoFjCHU0YQs&list=PLsNtjGy5YSLBVUpclJloub00bK3lYrxur)| |🇲🇹 Malta|[Michela Pace](https://www.instagram.com/michelapace_official/)|TBR in March|TBR in March|X Factor| |🇳🇱 Netherlands|[Duncan Laurence](https://www.instagram.com/itsduncanlaurence/)|TBR 7^(th) of March|TBR 7^(th) of March|Internal Selection| |🇲🇰 North Macedonia|[Tamara Todevska](https://www.instagram.com/tamaratodevska/)|Proud (TBR 4^(th) of March)|English|Internal Selection| |🇳🇴 Norway|[KEiiNO](https://www.instagram.com/keiinomusic/)|[Spirit In The Sky](https://www.instagram.com/keiinomusic/)|English|[Melodi Grand Prix](https://www.nrk.no/mgp/her-er-artistene-i-mgp-2019-1.14378791)| |🇷🇺 Russia|[Sergey Lazarev](https://www.instagram.com/lazarevsergey/)|TBR in March|TBR in March|Internal Selection| ## Final |Country|Voting SF|Artist|Song|Language|Selection Method| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |🇫🇷 France|SF 1|[Bilal Hassani](https://www.instagram.com/iambilalhassani/)|[Roi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VydsMYa9lyI)|French, English|[Destination Eurovision](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtlN-Ff1AivzUjTNLf-_wqQ/playlists)| |🇩🇪 Germany|SF 2|[S!sters](https://www.instagram.com/sisterseurovision/)|[Sister](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuqS6-KJFgA)|English|[Unser Lied Für Israel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-5FgSqp2Fg)| |🇮🇱 Israel|SF 1|[Kobi Marimi](https://www.instagram.com/kobimarimi/)|Home (TBR 10^(th) of March)|English|HaKokhav HaBa L’Eurovizion| |🇮🇹 Italy|SF 2|[Mahmood](https://www.instagram.com/mahmoodworld/)|[Soldi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22lISUXgSUw)|Italian|[Sanremo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK_9khDHcXw&list=PLb_Qew9DujkhkvCNSj2pEL5TzCbNk68HG)| |🇪🇸 Spain|SF 1|[Miki](https://www.instagram.com/miki.ot2018/)|[La Venda](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpMIb5rabKQ)|Spanish|[Operación Triunfo](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-5TBWsJU-q-j0qBQGQR4ni-sJsPMYkKZ)| |🇬🇧 United Kingdom|SF 2|[Michael Rice](https://www.instagram.com/itsmichaelrice_/)|[Bigger Than Us](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3nIUKVp75U)|English|[Eurovision: You Decide](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5A4nPQbUF8C-hwFCh1Adz5KosZut3pbp)| ​ View Reddit by MrTigs – View Source TEL AVIV - THE CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS
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dovadjesblog · 6 years
25 Secret tweets You Should Give about the 'Yahoo Yahoo' conversation on Nigerian social media
Last week’s arrest of suspected fraudsters ‘Yahoo Yahoo’ boys by the EFCC at a night club in Lagos has sparked a serious conversation on social media with people taking sides.
While many believe its absolutely wrong to be an internet fraudster, others believe its right and convince themselves that the economic hardship and poverty is enough reason to do ‘Yahoo Yahoo’.
LIB has collated some of the most powerful and interesting tweets about the conversation….
See them below…
Yahoo Yahoo is a choice. If everybody considers how tough things are in this country, we for all be thieves. The hard work that goes into being a Yahoo Boy can be expended to create a legit hustle but you chose fraud.
You’re just a criminal. Own it with your chest!
— Demola (@OmoGbajaBiamila) May 12, 2018
Yahoo Yahoo is a crime and along with corrupt politicians and terrorist have succeeded in ruining the image of our country…whether you are one or fucking one it doesn’t make it any less of a crime so fuck you and the clique you claim
— Imoh Umoren (@ImohUmoren) May 12, 2018
I once asked a woman how’s her son, cos I’ve not seen him in a long time. She replies “He’s doing ok. He’s doing Yahoo Yahoo now, when there’s no work again in the country. But we thank God”. I swear I did not make this up. We thank God?!
— Ayo Shonaiya (@AyoShonaiya) May 12, 2018
Girl says to her friend, “I just started seeing one guy. He’s very bush and loud all the time. Talks anyhow to me sef. But he’s a Yahoo Boy, so he spends money on me”. Friend replies “Wow! Does he have any friends? Me sef dey look for Yahoo Boy o”.
— Ayo Shonaiya (@AyoShonaiya) May 12, 2018
I won’t lie, I know many Yahoo Boys and I’ve had my moments of depression, thinking about how they make so much money, ball so hard with no karma while I’m here struggling financially from my career. But I’m such a strong force myself. I really don’t care about money that much
— Steve Dede (@DizSteve) May 12, 2018
As long as being poor is a crime in Nigeria, as long as people are disrespected for being poor and told by the society they live in that: “If you no get money, hide your face”, then we are joking about ending ‘Yahoo-Yahoo’ and corruption!
— Ohimai Godwin Amaize (@MrFixNigeria) May 12, 2018
Yahoo boys bring money into the economy, Politicians steal money and take it out of our economy. Nigerians please who is justified?
— #BabalokeVideo (@EfeMoney) May 13, 2018
This Internet fraud thing(Yahoo) has eaten deep into our moral system. If Govt like, produce 1Million Jobs, people will still prefer ‘Yahoo’.#Fact @Gidi_Traffic
— Paul (@brown46681742) May 13, 2018
You people should leave yahoo guys alone. You don’t know what made them do what they do, I know its fraud but haba, most of them got into it cos of idlenes,no job after 4-5years in school. Politicians practise fraud in their own way too. Leave yahoo guys alone! All Na hustle!
— Fine Girl? (@PattyAmaka) May 13, 2018
Back in 2014, I was dating a girl who came from a very good financial background,
I was about venturing into yahoo & sort of online scam!
Girl advised me not to, gave me solid reasons why I shouldn’t.
Today, I proudly hawk my coffee,
And my ex is proudly dating a yahoo guy!
— OTUNBA COFFEE ?? (@Blak_Cappuccino) May 13, 2018
I don’t think you people understand what makes this people go into yahoo.
Depression, poverty, government, responsibilities, peer pressure, hunger amongst others. Most of them don’t do it because they want to. I’ve been in that position before during my school days.
— crazy m’baku (@class__captain) May 13, 2018
At the end, Yahoo boys, fornicators, liars, terrorists, cheaters, etc will be in the same Hell. Because your sin is different from mine doesn’t make you better than me.
— Your Village People (@Onyema_Donald) May 13, 2018
Loads of moral debates on this Yahoo Yahoo issue but no one is proferring any solution, needful to point out that not everyone Ritualists,Money Launderers, Armed Robbers, Drug Pushers etc are also under the guise of ” Yahoo ”
Are you fighting Yahoo Yahoo or crime in General??
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  — Enekem ? (@EnekemGreg) May 13, 2018
We had a fraud awareness training at my job and Nigeria was mentioned multiple times, my coworkers were careful not to stare at me for too long. I almost died in my chair. You people dont know the kind of embarrassment Yahoo buys have cause our country.
— Oladotun (@dotladjnr) May 13, 2018
When i was doing yahoo yahoo, sebi i used to share the yahoo money, u too you’ve done yahoo yahoo by association. Do you even know what i do for a living? Your own is shaa money even if it’s your destiny I’m using ? hian!!!
— Former Yahoo Boy (@TytbonesCEO) May 13, 2018
I have three cousins that are into Yahoo Yahoo, they are big boys, have nice houses and drive exotic cars. Their parents are aware of what they do, and they support them.
But every yahoo yahoo boys and other people in illegal crimes should read ‘Jeremiah 17:11’. It is important.
— The Ark (@Ark_of_G) May 13, 2018
Doing Yahoo on its own takes bravery, courage and expertise. The country is so frustrating that this seems like the only option left for youths. The Government shouldn’t be concerned about Yahoo guys but finding ways to create more jobs to accommodate the increasing population.
— MR AHMED?? (@MeetMrAhmed) May 13, 2018
I don’t know y Nigerians think yahoo boys are spoiling the reputation of Nigeria 2 these foreign countries 1st of all I dont give a Fcuk abt those bastard racist slave tradin people. Does bastards sold, raped and killed ur brothers and sisters 4 decades n we tryin 2 impress dem
— Somto #BLACKBASE ENT (@Austinesom) May 13, 2018
People are defending yahoo like the money comes from heaven… There are people, families and lives at the other getting affected directly or indirectly… Just because you are not on the receiving end is why you are ignorant.
— FILMMAKER?? (@DirectorSolomon) May 13, 2018
This unemployment justification of yahoo is so silly. 95% of all G boys started that shit in the university or even earlier. So please which unemployment is this that chased them to press computer
— DB 9 (@d0zie) May 13, 2018
Broke Nigerians : Yahoo boys this, Yahoo boys that… EFCC: Yen yen yen Woke Tweminists: shbebuj shjnebya hkmebsu
Rich Yahoo boys: pic.twitter.com/uAaTNgYt4b
— Zaheer! (@loladeDC) May 13, 2018
When you’re supporting yahoo yahoo boys on twitter and you start getting alerts of someone using your card to pay for things you know nothing about n your card is in your wallet #Shotanpic.twitter.com/mz78MjlHaX
— ThePlugloaded.com ? ? ? (@Lyricalwizzy) May 13, 2018
He was the one who bought you the iPhone you’re using to type “yahoo boys are bad” . He paid your fees so you can learn how to even spell the word ‘yahoo’, you spend his money and you’re here trolling the business boy! Yahoo is scam- Yes! But it’s still hustle!
— ThatEbonyiChic (@Stevens_Shuga) May 13, 2018
This Yahoo debate thing is simple.
Yahoo boys are thieves and criminals.
If you support Yahoo boys and enjoy from their ill gotten wealth you are an accomplice.
If you date a Yahoo boy, you are a prostitute.
To God be the Glory.
— Ayomide Tayo (@AOT2) May 13, 2018
I once had a colleague (yes, a lawyer) who got married to a yahoo boy. Then they had a baby. I went to the naming ceremony and refused to eat. I am not sure if this story is relevant to the discussions today but I just thought to share it. ?
— Moe (@Mochievous) May 13, 2018
Even the Yahoo guys are tweeting against the Yahoo guys Even their babes are tweeting against Yahoo guys or people who support them.. They know themself I will not mention names pic.twitter.com/BA0J5j1Ynn
— Shawt_madam (@Adeyemi___) May 13, 2018
A boy Is driving a G wagon you call him yahoo boy but your pastor has two private jets and you call him Papa. I don’t have strength for arguments pls pic.twitter.com/c1N7RLaIvk
— JoJo (@iam_Joakin) May 13, 2018
OAPs Wey Dey Use Payola Dey Scam Artistes Sef Dey Here Dey Point Fingers Are Yahoo Boys… Lol
Even Staffs Of Radios Owned By Political Thieves Are Also Talking…????
— Brighter Days??… (@OneXMind) May 13, 2018
Someone asked what will you call a Yahoo Boy who uses Gmail? pic.twitter.com/1loD6pDurw
— Daniel Iyam (@danieliyam) May 13, 2018
from Blogger https://ift.tt/2IKFUZ8 via IFTTT
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NSE to delist 3 more companies
Dealing with long-suspended listed companies, National Stock Exchange (NSE) has decided to delist three firms from its platform from next month. The companies to be delisted are Arihant Threads, Kamper Concast and Krishna Engineering Works. This is in addition to 28 companies delisted from the exchange's platform during August and November.
Now, NSE has "decided to delist (withdraw the admission to dealings in) equity shares of the following companies with effect from February 7, 2017 as per Chapter V of Sebi (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulations, 2009". Chapter V of Sebi deals with compulsory delisting. The market regulator has been pushing for delisting of over 4,200 listed firms whose shares are not being traded.
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borawinters · 11 months
bo 📲 sebi.
Bora: How was last night? Bora: Any trouble?
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