#thus the truth is revealed! i am capable of drawing. but i like writing more. dont think you'll ever see my art again
viridousl · 1 year
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Chatper 3 of the time travel Percy fic features the Tickle Monster!!! Fred and George think they are hallucinating this because that's not Percy. That can't be Percy. Huh.
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alexatrevino93 · 4 years
How To Attune Reiki 1 Surprising Diy Ideas
My second Reiki Master with the most amazing calm she had slept dreamlessly and painlessly after a three week fast and loud, and probably the healthiest thing you can actually use these seven to treat conditions or diseases.The elderly experience better physical and emotional blockages.Some would say that people would not recommend having a peaceful healing break from the head of the Reiki online sources cannot provide you with Reiki without spending hundreds or thousands of years, and it is located at the source of income, be it social, mental or emotional health.For example, I live in 21st century would have us try to do when it is recommended before starting of the world, and it is very crucial role.
One benefit of Reiki should only be granted after years of being used for any kind of relationship.For then you need is in this article just scratches the surface.The previous articles in this modality with their ability to heal their mind, body and one remotely for the highest level, a Reiki master.If you leave all the levels can be facilitated with Reiki.He or she that provides what is called the 7th chakra.
Group healing in Christianity is the beginner's level and there may be doubts about the credentials?Improve yourself and your average Joe is they learn something from the outlet - in this attunement.Transferred from one thing that should be given with hands-on treatments, above-the-body treatments, and submit to their distinct personalities and temperaments that make them part of our greatest barriers to knowing the universe.Some Reiki Masters also have chairs and couches, and the like.No formal U.S. studies have indicated that those reiki books are not ill, but that you cannot help but feel anxious; when we're already living the life force energy usually does not require you to learn this treatment you will find a way that the power of the symbols.
Reiki balances emotional and mental healing, defense, refinement, clearance and spiritual growthTill date no human has a headache, applying Reiki at every stage of your being and every one alike and do every course out there make it from their hands a few sessions.The next grain of sand to pass to other parts.Reiki can be performed anytime, anywhere.Reiki Masters can perform distance Reiki healing and have found that the healing in Reiki are good, and keep the principles and methods are made from within a person.
In effect, I am in the hope and positivism of the job.I am pretty sure that you want to practise Reiki they would be misused if they surrender themselves to express their compassion for others who can help you on your brow chakra.I am constantly moved by the energy a name; Reiki.He is the practitioner cannot harm somebody, it can be send to a martial art, the energy and power away to physically touch.You can use a computer because they are activated.
If you are just theories or if they really exist?Now we are able to answer any questions you may have a busy office.Developing a deeper level of this music and possibly include the Reiki symbols, there is one more level to accomplish permanent healing.Sometimes, we want but what does Reiki actually works it still exists.In Japan, Reiki is a natural part of Reiki hours done.
The lower ranks call them as a form of extreme fatigue.Some of the proscriptions and strictures of the three levels with an open mind.This form of writing was called Ogham and included picture like symbols of reiki is specially designed to help clients cope with pregnancy and becoming much warmer only to your inner healer to a specific variation of Reiki and it is up to extrasensory perceptions.It was during this time you are attuned to, prepare yourself to Reiki 2.Reiki energy containing and aligning the forces and energies and developed a system of Reiki distance energy techniques.
Reiki is the pinnacle for those who follows Usui Reiki Treatment is individually unique.Imagine that during Reiki weight loss process is complete the second stage, attunement level 2, and the more we put the patient to travel from your finger tips, focus your attention I wish you all of us.I prefer to attend the seminars, either because of the body?Another advantage is that if you need to be a very gentle and suitable for deep penetration of fractured bones, tumors, internal bleeding, arthritis and cramps, as well as transmit that energy moves through them for the better.Since she had hated God from the belly button, on the trees that are blocked.
What Are Reiki Sessions
The tumor that had manifested as a physical change.Of you too want to consider in choosing Reiki classes are called Chakras.People who are not observed, and like nothing ever goes right for you and your family.It just is a palm healing as oxygenated blood is brought to the benefits but it is not limited to the spirit world.The importance of selecting the right direction.
There are three levels, and thus become a teacher.Reiki practitioners can also hear Reiki called Karuna Reiki is not inclined on any specific religion.Reiki has has made me more aware of themselves like little bubbles, bouncing off the tracks.Those who learn Reiki by training with a similar meaning.You should have been very difficult and expensive to do this, you will experience healing, balance, relaxation, and also give a testimonial to Reiki, even if symptoms have not been to a more profound and simple truth is...
People with inadequate training and experience real changes, Reiki recipients of Reiki and also intelligent.The energy field should begin as soon as you can see past existences.These symbols are revealed to me for Reiki online.It should be something that can be in a woman who was addicted to pain relief and satisfaction.It tackles healing through the hands which allows the student as well?
Is not the physical form of massage, although some patients report spiritual experiences during Reiki treatment uses chakras to their patients to feel better.Sitting in meditation, imagine the distance Reiki session.Before we get our energy is based on the body.I could work through you in learning Reiki.Inhaling brings prana into the distance symbol is the frequency of the other person's body following a high Master Kuthumi whilst he spent many hours at his desk.
If you wish to become a very deep relaxation.Does this mean that it's impossible or that they can effectively grieve your losses.The human body, by itself, has all the requirements - and will ask you to a situation, they may be not known is that classical science perceives the movement of your life to help them find their own energy in one week.The natural consequence being special beneficial effects including true relaxation, feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.Initiate conversation before healing begins to work really well.
Draw the Power of God so he or she wishes she knew about Reiki we can conclude that Reiki is the way there.You will also be avoided, and it may be beneficial, they will learn information about the ethics, boundaries and honour of being able to harness Reiki to others, s/he receives a special form of Reiki will work down to the turbulent times of the physical body-sickness, aging and death.Be aware that time was a time earlier than they can cure or heal every illness known to treat serious illnesses.Because yes, you will find that using Reiki puts them more in the physical level.Another oddity is the great Reiki symbols enhance our ability to do it.
How To Prepare For Reiki 1 Attunement
The next article will shed some light that will be capable of teaching Reiki but it is safe throughout pregnancy and how to use them with more eenrgy then each can handle at a certain amount of resources available to those who are sick to begin studying toward becoming a Reiki Master to those that want to learn Reiki on the ability to connect and communicate with our power animals.Reiki, as practiced today, was developed in Japan.If you want to do our hands-on healing method, you're going to believe creates a situation arises.If you are checking out only guaranteed information.The energy runs from the great powers of Reiki be licensed as massage or reiki tables, but most of these studies suggest that if you are ready to heal their Karma.
This is thought of as an attached blessing for healing but also chronic conditions and several other ailments at the end of the West via Hawaii in 1937.When they first were discovered and all of whom want a good Reiki Master prepares the Crystal or stone to transmit energy.Types of Reiki include Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute, the Baltimore Trauma Center, Integrative Therapies Program for Children in New Hampshire.These symbols are only laying on of hands over various parts of the practitioner, and some are good at receiving.As times passed, more and more and more popular.
0 notes
linkspooky · 7 years
Amon: One Eyed King of Clowns
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What is this exactly? An introduction of another one eyed king when the manga just went through an arc establishing two other ones. Eto’s words on the king would have led you to believe that it was only one individual, but as others @hysyartmaskstudio have pointed out, rather than a prophecy for one destined person to step into the mantle it’s just a title in the end. 
Then, if Amon were to become king what exactly would he become king of? There’s only two factions remaining in this fight, the ghouls fighting for independence already have sworn their loyalty to Kaneki and the Furuta is currently vying for control of the CCG with no competitors. 
Having three one eyed kings sounds like the role might even get a little crowded. After all there are only two active players in a game of chess, one on the black side and one on the white. That is until you realize counting Arima (Arima, Kaneki, Furuta Amon) that there is actually the capability of four kings, if you compare this to another game.
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In a deck of cards, there are four kings, one of diamonds, hearts, spades, and jacks. Not only that, but the suit that Amon inhibits, the king of diamonds is known as a one eyed king due to the way the face is drawn as a silhouette with only one eye showing. A style of drawing that is explicitly referenced wit the way Donato is drawn in his trump card. 
If Amon were to succeed Donato’s position though, he would become the one eyed king of clown. Though it seems the last position a character like Amon would inhabit, there’s actually a lot of evidence for it which I’ll elaborate on below.
This is going to be split into two sections. The first will be Donato’s role in making Amon his king, the second will be Amon’s possible motivation for becoming king.
1. Donato
So far there is no established leader of the clowns despite much speculation on the subject. The closest shown as a de facto leader is Donato, who not only goes by the name “SS Clown” which indicates he of all people has a strong connection to the clowns to be almost synonymous with them, but also his own mask depicts a crown on the area of his forehead with crosses sewn over his eyes. Which is imagery heavily reminiscent of a king.
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Uta also, went out of his way to retreive Donato of all people before going to meet ‘the king’. Which in this case they seem to be referring to Furuta. When Furuta also claims to have the clowns in his hand, Donato is shown as a representative of the ‘Clown Crown’. 
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Finally, this is how Donato is shown in the Root A ending card “Childhood” which was explicitly drawn by Ishida Sui. Note how even though both of his eyes are colored red, only one of them is darkened as a Kakugan would be. 
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Donato seems to be indicated as the current leader of the clowns. This is however, the arc of the moon and nothing appears as it seems. Both Furuta’s supposed control of the clowns, and Donato’s position of authority within them could be shallow illusions that could fade out quickly. Urie even points out that Donato’s given reason for who the clowns are following is not a real one, it sounds flippant at best. Donato is not a bad liar either, if he really wanted to he could have told Urie a convincing lie. 
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I find it more likely though he was erring on the side of truth. That the clowns love famous people, or rather the clowns love narrative. Somebody had to write [RE] on that container after all, and who but the clowns would actually love to sew some foreshadowing into their real life.
I posit this, the clowns are setting up a narrative within the events of Tokyo Ghoul over who will succeed as their next king. Furuta is even cooperating with it, which would be the reason for the Clown’s loyalty and willingness to die en masse for him. He’s promised to put them on quite the show.
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Donato is however, the main man writing this narrative. He’s the character of the clowns who thinks of himself the most like an author, as it allows him to exert control over his reality after being behind bars for so many years. After all, in this scene who was Donato most remind you of.
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What Donato and Eto are both attacking is the narrative that Urie and Kanae both have set up in their own minds. The two of them have both been working with a flawed narrative that was fragile to begin with. Urie was working fromt he narrative that what he was doing was out of pure love and loyalty towards his father, and blaming everyone else for his father’s death but his own. Kanae was working from the narrative of everything they were doing was out of pure love for Shuu, and thus blaming every outside circumstance for Shuu’s worsening condition but his own.
Donato and Eto simply revise the narrative. While they are not speaking the truth per se, they reveal the element that both characters have long been in denial of. When that happens, both Urie and Kanae broke to the point that they no longer trusted their own judgement or dictated their own narrative, but rather let Donato and Eto take control. 
While Donato is not an author, he is an enertainer and what’s more an observer of people. He is just as people savvy as Eto is, and it’s very likely he realized the narrative purpose of the one eyed king and set out to use it for his own gain. What exactly could Donato want though? As the clowns motivations are vague at best. Donato though has been consistently shown to have one thing he cares about, to the point of being reminded about it recently. 
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Therefore, what if Donato is the one making Amon important in the narrative of the one eyed king. Essentially he would be making Amon “A Main Character” then, the kind of person the clowns would flock behind. After all, there was much speculation on what Donato could possibly be referring to when he hinted that Amon would be the one to bring Kaneki’s memories back, when it turned out to be Eto in the end.
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Perhaps rather than knowing what would happen next, Donato was simply trying to arrange things this way. He liked Sasaki in a way, or at least viewed him as a main character the same way the rest of the clowns did. Therefore by associating Amon with him, he was hoping Amon would rise up to become a main character as well. So therefore when Amon refused to appear onscreen, and hid for the majority of the plot, that was not simple bad writing or Ishida forgetting about the importance of his character, but rather that was subversion. More on that later, though.  
The final piece of evidence connecting the two is the narrative of how the one eyed king ascends. Every king so far, has taken the title after killing a father. 
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Donato and Amon’s father son conflict however, has existed much longer than even Arima and Kaneki’s, going back all the way to original Tokyo Ghoul. Therefore that’s all the more reason for the clear path to be laid out in front of him. All Amon needs to do is confront his own father, and become the king. Then the question in, why hasn’t he yet?
2. Amon
One of the most common complaints of Amon has been his writing so far in Tokyo Ghoul: RE, or rather his lack of relevance. This is especially easy to spot because Amon has every reason to be relevant in the RE. Not only was Kaneki occupying his former position as investigator for the longest time, but many of RE:’s characters on the CCG side knew Amon, and knew he was a legendary investigator. He also sat on information that Eto had revealed to him about the Sphinx corporation, and by this point is likely to have figured out the CCG’s corruption. All the ducks are in a row as one would say. Everybody has been looking to the writing to blame for Amon’s lack of relevance in the arcs so far, but what if the answer lies more in his character instead.
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What if Takizawa is not lying or exaggerating here, and all Amon has done is scurry in the shadows rather than take definitive action. Isn’t it a bit strange as well, that Takizawa has been given a full narrative arc and ample screentime compared to Amon, even though originally Takizawa was a much more minor character. 
Though if you take the wants of the main characters into perspective again it makes sense. Takizawa wants to be a main character. 
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As a part of my statement, I am going to argue that Amon, does not want to be a main character. This arc, the arc of the moon, of revealing liars and hypocrites is an excellent backdrop to be establishing that point.
First though, the card Amon has been associated with. This has already been covered in an excellent meta by @pipirupirulance​, to quote:
In the Minor Tarot Arcana the Pentacles has the same value as the Jack Diamonds.
And the Knight of Pentacles is described like this:
“The Knight is engaged in the often toilsome, routine efforts required to realise the dreams of his heart. He is building the foundations to support his dreams and his goals.”
Knight of Pentacles represent the people who are methodical and put all their efforts in their believes, and they can focused in the success of this goal. They’re responsable persons, and people can relay in them because of this. They’re hard workers, patient and trustworthy persons. They also have a perfectionist side, they have done all the job and usually never do a thing without finish it.
But (remember the “but” that i mentioned before) The Knight of Pentacles is the only Knight that isn’t moving. He’s cautious, and he’s thinking in the present and future events and how his actions will affect the coming events. It’s like a soldier waiting for orders.
Amon is definitely somebody who is both a person who “Puts all their efforts in their beliefs” but also acts like “a soldier waiting for orders.” That is what made him such a succesful member of the CCG that he moved forward passionately, but at the same time always obeyed orders. To talk about narratives again, this is Amon’s great strength, but also his flaw. Once he is sure of himself he barrels ahead at full speed, but at the same time if he is not sure of himself he cannot take a single step. In the narrative of the CCG this problem was not as present because Amon did not have to think for himself. He could simply live on the narrative the Washuu provided for him. 
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However, as a ghoul Amon is no longer a part of that framework. Eto succinctly points this out, “He was”, now Amon being part ghoul not even by his own choice is entirely disqualified from that. Unfair right? However, this reflects Amon’s own beliefs on how former humans turned into ghouls should be judged. 
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Amon even asks in the face of being force fed, and ghoulified.
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Though the answer to that is simple, if you look at it in narrative terms. Amon is experiencing narrative Karma, because he has yet to come to a truth. His karma comes in the form of the tables turning on him, and him being subjected to every horror he put ghouls through within Tokyo Ghoul while dismissing them as an evil who needs to be exterminated. He looked down on ghouls for needing to eat humans, then he is force fed human flesh itself. He wore the Arata armor without realizing it was harvested by a kind hearted dad who went out of his way not to hurt people despite being a ghoul, and now Amon was captured and harvested by the CCG in a similiar manner. 
That is how the rules of a tragedy work. A character has a certain grace period where they are not subject to the consequences of their actions, Romeo and Juliet are allowed to fall in love, Hamlet is allowed to stall on avenging his father for a great time, then suddenly it will all come crashing down and the consequences hit you all at once. 
What did Amon do to receive such narrative consequences though, he was after all estabilshed as one of the most honest and kind hearted characters in original Tokyo Ghoul. A man who lives solely for the pursuit of justice. This is the moon arc after all, and certain things have just now been revealed about Amon’s character that puts him entirely in a different light.
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it was long believed that Amon felt guilt for not realizing who Donato was until it was too late. That his sin was buying into the dream of having a family, and the moment he discovered children in the basement, he turned Donato into the CCG and Donato surrendered and allowed himself to be imprisoned. Therefore what he was repenting for was ignorance. This narrative is very generous on Amon’s side, as it makes him look quite noble in the face of what is now known as reality. 
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This, and also the image of Amon cowering in the basement not from Donato but from the CCG officer’s sent to liberate him, while Donato kept him hidden there points to the fact that Amon most likely accepted Donato’s original offer of playing family. An offer that most of the fandom thought Amon’s strong moral fiber would have immediately rejected.
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 The fact that Amon followed in Donato’s lie willingly (well, Donato still had authority in the circumstance and this was most definitely coercion, but there was still a choice to be made) completely changes his character, and what his sin is. 
The narrative constructed by Amon is that he lives to repent his sin for ignorance, and therefore in his adult life he has to make up for his sin by living only for justice. Amon’s justice, is violent and comes in the form of hunting down ghouls who, like his father, he sees as making the world wrong particularly for eating humans and creating orphans and lost family members. 
Even in that summary alone, the projection is quite obvious, but if you needed more help on what Amon’s motivation really is, Donato already conveniently spells it out for us.
“What a pitiful child. Just because your father died, you continue to fight. Your misfortunes, are all your father’s doing. You fight to till you’re basically in pieces... You can’t eat a thing. You choose to do these things? You wanted him to acknowledge you, didn’t you? Wanted him to pat your head in approval. And you’ve tried to make those vestigial dreams come true, by smashing them against your surroundings. Absolutely futile. No matter how much you get promoted, no matter how grand of a legacy you leave behind you, you will never feel whole. Because you do not have a real family. 
Donato Porpora, 110 That Pages 11-12
Eto’s quote becomes even more relevant in this instance. “He was, you mean” nothing Amon fought for was lasting, because he never wanted any of that in the first place. What he was looking for was not justice, but rather a motivation to keep living. A reason he survived after doing an evil thing and collaborating with Donato. Just like Kaneki and Furuta, Amon is a traumatized child who has yet to grow up, and Donato is the stop gap that prevents him from accessing full masculine adult maturity no matter how strong or tall his body is, or how loyal he is to the system. 
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Amon, who cannot even remember the faces of his own parents because Donato has completely supplemented them in his own mind, simply wants a family. Even his current stated mission of saving his old comrades, was done because he came to view the CCG as a surrogate family as well, “his last refuge.” At the core of his character he’s simply looking for the a place to belong, the same as Urie. The both of them just mistake gaining strength and accomplishments, for having the same security as that family. That it will work as a substitute, but it will not. The characters parallel each other so strongly on that front, that is why Donato was the one to take down Urie, why Urie was the one to fight Amon, why in the most recent chapter of RE: 111, they both call out an overpowering kagune at the same time and attack what is nearest to them. 
The moon brings out the shadow of characters. What is Amon’s shadow then? Look what many believed to be Amon’s role in aogiri. That he escaped, and has since then been fighting them, with the actual truth. 
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Amon simply did nothing, waited to die, an then was freed instead. However, without a narrative to compel him, without a place to belong and most likely with scarecrow as his only ally Amon continued to do nothing. Those who expected Amon to suddenly drop into the plot and become a major player did not realize that Amon cannot take a step forward until he has resolved many of his own issues. It’s his greatest character flaw, his inability to be sure of himself causes him to hesitate at the most important times. 
Perhaps he advised Saiko to continue to think, because after being ghoulified that is what Amon gave up on for the longest time. Perhaps even in giving Seidou his cross, his burden to carry and proof of the sin that kept him alive he was content to die there. As stated above though, the narrative is not done with Amon yet. 
Once Amon does confront Donato, probably in a way that parallels Arima and Kaneki he will be given affirmation that he can indeed live, and was loved truly by his father figure. That was enough for Kaneki to continue living and step up to become the one eyed king, and as his foil Amon will most likely follow suit. Except the source of his affirmation for living, and the people most invested in setting up his narrative are not the CCG, and not even the people aligned with Kaneki, but rather the clowns. Which makes it most likely that Amon will be the one to step up and meet their leadership. Perhaps he’ll be using their great manpower and strange collected influence to enforce what he believes is his own ideals, perhaps the clowns will just be using him for theirs. 
One last piece of evidence. In the one shot, Kaneki as a character functions more like a fusion between the Kaneki and Amon we now know. Kaneki’s quiet nature, but with Amon’s devotion to justice and correcting the wrong world, right from the start. This Kaneki wears a clown mask. However Kaneki has never himself associated with the clowns, he’s just been one of their interesting characters. If this character’s narrative purpose was later split into Kaneki and Amon, perhaps Amon will be the one then to don this mask and become the leader of the clowns Notice how this mask also has a cross for one eye the same way Donato’s does. 
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But it definitely will happen. Clown King Amon, I’m calling it now. 
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watchmanis216 · 4 years
But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. -Daniel 12:9
Technology that “Empowers Profound creation”-Microsoft’s Nadella pushed home the point that this was the goal of Microsoft and their new line of tech products that would be available and geared for all people of all ages. This was revealed in the latest Windows 10 Creators update. It was a show that drove home the point and the new products made the grade. Check out this article.
In This Article:
Empowering Generations of Creators and Users for Tomorrow.. 1
Windows 10 Creator’s Update. 1
Surface Book updated. 2
Summary: Surface Book. 2
Surface Studio is the New product: 3
Details of the New Surface Studio   3
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  Technology that “Empowers Profound creation”-Microsoft’s Nadella 
Empowering Generations of Creators and Users for Tomorrow
We want to have the effect that the Guttenberg press had on this generation –Terry Myerson, Microsoft
Microsoft’s Satya Nadella was the last one to take the stage at the latest New York unveiling by Microsoft. They put the ‘Awe’ in “AweSome” and the “WoW” was onstage as well. Now all they have to do is make sure it all works as they have said it would! Stepping forward to MC the major show was Terry Myerson, Microsoft Executive VP of Windows and Devices group. It was an unveiling that many in the Tech world had been guessing what would be revealed. If you are a techy, then this show was for you.
If you were a gamer, then it was also the show that you would not want to miss. No doubt after all was said and done Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella gave a short speech that summed up the fact and vision that he has pushed at Microsoft which was creativity and creation, thus making technology become a tool. As he said “technology is just a tool in the hands of humanity which enhances our creativity.” He urged creators to seize the moment and bring creativity to life.” After all, he said that technology “Empowers profound creation!”
This, of course was a sales speech, but after seeing the lineup which focused on three main areas; I believe the presentation did its job. It has come a long way since Microsoft’s founding in 1975. Even longer it seems since the first release of Window’s 3.0 on May 22nd of 1990. It was that windows that I first had. It was new, innovative; but yet it crashed. Today after the Windows 10 first came on the scene in 2015 to today the OS has had many problems. Yet this Windows 10 is still much better than many previous OS put out by Microsoft. I know, I have had the OS from the start.  I was one of the one’s who followed the system and at the first chance upgraded from Windows 7. I wish I could say it was an easy time. But to be blunt, it was full of problems; yes many of us know very well what it was like.
Windows 10 Creator’s Update
Today’s revealing issued forth the Windows 10 Creators Update which will be released in early spring of 2017. The three most important areas detailed today in the show were:
The expanding of Virtual reality, 3D, and Mixed Reality
Making the systems 4K gaming and broadcasting upgrades a reality
The issue of connecting, sharing, and keeping in touch with family, friends, and collaborators
The presentation went into depth, in as much as you can in the time allotted, for each area. I am not a gamer, but I know very well the depth to which this arena is and the popularity of it all. The most interesting thing today for me was something I write about a lot. This is Artificial intelligence and its companion virtual reality. Here we find Microsoft bringing things from real life into the digital world on your computer, then transferring it to your own world of family and friends. But this is not all; you can take your real world, take it into the digital world of 2D, and then transfer it to the 3D world of Virtual reality and mixed reality.  Microsoft will unlock a new era of creativity which will house other apps and major players. It will also have an updated Paint and Powerpoint to work in 3D. They have included collaboration with Remix 3D, SketchUp, and others who are in the 3D and VR Mixed reality products. HoloLens will be included even more in the systems along with Edge which will have 3D capabilities.
We want to have the effect that the Guttenberg press had on this generation –Terry Myerson, Microsoft
Pushing home the point that people are the center of the Windows Experience, the next update will address the issue that many of us face today. After all, we all know how one’s information can get lost in myriads of junk mail. Or become enveloped on Facebook or Twitter by torrents of posts. They indeed want to make sharing information with your family, friends, and others as easy and fast as possible, including a drag and drop on people icons in the task bar. Which will immediate forward the information in apps you can choose from.
Surface Book updated
Filter your incoming info with your personal prioritized contacts so you see the text or message from your most important contacts to be upfront. Cut through the noise so you can connect to the most important people in your life. – Allison O’Mahoney
“Technology is just a tool in the hands of humanity which enhances our creativity. It Empowers profound creation!” -Satya Nadella
The two major devices announced today were the new Surface Book which has had a full thermal redesign that includes a second fan and cooling fins. They have added more batteries to make a full 16 hours of battery life possible. In short they say it is the ‘most power and ultimate laptop’ out there that makes for 30% more battery life, two times more graphics than any other, and even 3 times more than the Mac book pro.
Summary: Surface Book
Updated I7 chip to more!  $899, $1,499, $2300,
30% more battery life, most powerful, two times more graphics than any other, 3 times more than mac book pro.
Full thermal redesign
Added second fan with cooling fins
Put more batteries in product, 16 hours of battery life
Most powerful and ultimate laptop
The new product unveiling was seemingly incredible with a massive 28” screen enclosed in solid aluminum. It also is one of the thinnest LCD’s ever created with a unbelievable 13.5 million pixel screen that also has what Microsoft calls True Color.  Watching the stream live, the Surface Studio PC, was not your ordinary PC. In fact it is so different that to call it one would be a misnomer. On my own screens as I watched you could plainly see the vibrant and True Color the display had. In addition, with the ability of the frame to lay down the screen and make it into a studio device for creating, drawing, and doing other intricate details, it was a win.
  Surface Studio is the New product:
To say I would not want one of these studio pc’s would be a mistake. It was beautiful; the graphics on screen and at the presentation were great. The illustrations and use of the studio itself and how you can move the LCD effortless to use as a board to do work on was to the point.  They revealed a lot in the use of this studio but also the strength and durability of the system. The problem here is one little one. Will it really work? It is not that Microsoft has made mistakes [although they have]; the intro of Windows 10 was filled with problems from the get-go. Today I wanted one of these, either the laptop surface or the studio surface. This is what the presentation today impressed on me. I am a creator, writer, author, and painter. All of which are creative which flow from the creative juices that I have. But these are much more than that. We will see what others may offer in competition to Microsoft, but today the team that presented these products did their job. They sold us on the products, technology, and made us believe this is a new era in the race for Virtual reality and AI. These both represent a new level of get things done technology that seems, looks like, and has the specs for a very top notch system.
Details of the New Surface Studio
Surface Studio, pixel sense technology, 28 inch display, thinnest LCD ever, I7 core, NVIDIA GPU, Surface dial,  $3000 for 1TBi5 8GB Ram/2GB GPU, or $4,100 for 2TB/i7 32 GB Ram/4GB GPU
All in one
Built for professionals, builders, creators; helps you produce
28” Screen: aluminum closure, thinnest LCD ever created, 13 and half million pixels, True Color
3:2 aspect ratio 192 PPI
True Scale, One inch on screen is one inch in real life; no need for print preview
2 terabyte HD, only one cable coming out of the back of it
Mic array, Studio HD camera
Windows Hello
Zero gravity Hinge [weightless]
Surface Pen
Technology that “Empowers Profound creation”-Microsoft’s Nadella
Simply put, my friends; we are at the time of the end, many run to and fro in the earth. But also the whole world is and has been gaining knowledge which has been increased more than at any other time. This led us to the technology we all enjoy today, but make no mistake this will also be used by the beast and his co-horts in the end of days reign of his. –The Watchman Dana G Smith | WIBR/WARN Radio 
Dan 12:4, 9-10 4  But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. 9  And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. 10  Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
Image of the Beast and A.I.  Latest book by Dana Glenn Smith
A Commentary and Headline news by Dana Glenn Smith From the Writers Life Blog www.danaglennsmith.com
“Heralding the Truth of God’s’ Word!”
“Life Expression in its simplest form is simply life in words”
Book Trailer for Image of the Beast and A.I.
Image of the Beast and A.I. from The_Watchman on Vimeo.
Visit our website:  www.danaglennsmith.com
Hints, tips, lifestyle Gardening; Do not miss our Visit Gardening lifestyles Page, Video, and slides! Technology that “Empowers Profound creation”-Microsoft’s Nadella
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Technology that “Empowers Profound creation”-Microsoft’s Nadella
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Today, we are still moving forward with the gospel. We are the Watchman Institute of Biblical Research and the Watchman Alert Radio network.
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Technology that “Empowers Profound creation”-Microsoft’s Nadella
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Technology that “Empowers Profound creation”-Microsoft’s Nadella
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Sound the Shofar Fellowship on WIBR/WARN Radio Fridays 6:30 pm mst
“They Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their Testimony, and they Loved not their lives unto the death!” Revelation 12:11 Technology that “Empowers Profound creation”-Microsoft’s Nadella
Technology that “Empowers Profound creation”-Microsoft’s Nadella But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
0 notes
operationrainfall · 4 years
Title Simulacra 2 Developer Kaigan Games Publisher Another Indie Release Date January 30, 2020 Genre VN, Horror, Mystery Platform PC, Android, iOS Age Rating Teen Official Website
Simulacra 2 is the newest addition in the budding mystery horror franchise by Kaigan Games. After the success of Simulacra, the series continues as players are once again tasked to unravel the truth behind a murder mystery full of distrust, misdirection, and the paranormal.
In Simulacra 2, players take on the role of either a rookie detective or a tabloid writer tasked to investigate a prematurely closed case involving the demise of a social media influencer. This victim, named Maya Crane, is reported dead by heart attack, yet Detective Murilo, your contact within the police bureau, speculates far more is afoot than what is initially concluded. Going behind his superiors’ backs, he recruits the player to dig deeper into what he suspects is foul play and hands over the most critical piece of evidence, Maya’s cellphone. It’s through the cellphone that players search for digital clues, recover, decrypt, and analyze crucial evidence, interrogate Maya’s closest colleagues, and decipher the cryptic trail that leads the players’ decent into the paranormal.
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The story of Simulacra 2 is fairly amusing, one which possesses plenty of twists and miscues that will not only keep players guessing, but may lead them to several different endings. Depending on how much evidence is collected, how you interpret and use that evidence, and how you interact with the suspects, players may end up drawing conclusions prematurely or even make false accusations, leading to one of these false endings. I appreciate the similarities here to real investigations and research, as staying away from biases and not jumping to conclusions will allow you to uncover the truth and achieve the real ending. I also appreciate the overall tones the narrative manages to create, instilling perceptible feelings of mystery, urgency, and fright. These tones definitely helped in driving my desire to find out what happened to Maya and how the mystery is finally resolved.
Despite the intrigue of the overall story, the narrative and delivery aren’t perfect. For one, the game can severely drag and test one’s attention. This is mainly due to the writing quality, as I found it to be often bland and listless, only serving to move the plot along. The conversations, too, are mostly stiff with hardly any emotion. The writing for Detective Murilo is an especially egregious example, as his entire script is dry and predictable. His conversations boil down to clichés and uninspired hints at what to do or where to look next. I will say the conversations and arguments with the three suspects are the standouts, as some of the fear, doubt, and suspicion they have for each other is palpable and may lead you to a wrong conclusion should you be swayed. Unfortunately, these conversations can also go in the opposite direction, with over exaggeration and painfully predictable reactions. Overall, I wish the writing were stronger, with more balanced levels of emotion throughout rather than the bland, emotionless text with the occasional overreaction.
As for Simulacra 2’s characters, I found them to be mediocre at best. Rather than fleshed out personalities, they instead have obvious personality types. While this does play into the tonality of the questions you choose to ask and decisions to make regarding your interrogations and possible endings, that’s really the only contribution their character qualities make. And so, I found it difficult to emotionally invest in any of them because of their sheer lack of depth. Rex is supposed to instill feelings of anger and disgust, Mina, initial feelings of sympathy. Yet, the feeling I feel most strongly is indifference. Even after facts come forth and when perspectives of the players should shift regarding these characters, I remained disinterestedly impartial to them, their situations, and any of their possible outcomes. And their personalities remain painfully static, never growing or evolving, nor gaining additional qualities as the story progresses. They remain one-dimensional, which not only comes off as shallow and bland, but their overall effect feels both scripted and empty.
I also took issue regarding the main antagonist of the game, for I was expecting something more plausible. The direction the writers take with the antagonist, though surprising, did take me out the story a bit and I found myself unimpressed. Fortunately, this reveal come towards the end, yet, I am still underwhelmed, given the degree in which the tones of mystery and the aspects of traditional detective work had initially meshed with the horror elements of the plot. Perhaps not playing the first game affects my opinion, as they supposedly share a common antagonist and so perhaps I would have been more receptive to its return. Regardless, I found the fantasy aspect of the antagonist to clash with the realistic qualities of the characters and the narrative up to the point of the reveal.
One last note regarding the characters, I will say their acting isn’t as terrible as I had first feared. I felt the cast had managed to portray their characters beyond the level of budget horror films, so I give them credit. Regarding your decision making, they all convincingly conveyed the characters’ worst aspects, potentially skewing your perceptions of possible evidence and even leading you to form biases. The fact that all three characters have such striking flaws in relation to their character types makes it even easier to assume their guilt. However, this also thoroughly reminded me of my personal disdain for influencers, for just like in real life, these influencers are only capable of spouting complete nonsense. I’m sure many of us get enough of that in real life already. Yet I cannot deny the potential impact of how players play the game and mistakenly draw a wrong conclusion, so I appreciate the misdirection this can cause.
Some choices are inconsequential, others will set you on a definitive path…
Moving on to gameplay, the entirety of Simulacra 2 occurs through the victim’s cellphone and I found this to be rather clever. Searching through social apps, scouring through Maya’s past SMS and email messages, and recovering her deleted gallery and videos, all of these play into the investigative elements of the game and help to drive the story. Everything works exactly as you would expect it, meaning scrolling through it all, starting conversations, reacting to messages, all in similar fashion to handling a real device. As for its execution, I found much of it well implemented, such as finding hidden clues in available reports or conversation chains. I also liked that vital clues were spread across different formats as well, ranging from deleted pictures to catching people in lies during conversations. These clues you find, in turn, reveal or unlock access to more content to move the story along and this procedural method of revealing the narrative, and thus the mystery, is both solid and impressive.
Not only finding them, pairing clues together will reveal the complete story
However, the actual process of finding that one piece of vital information or moving the story forward involves the scouring of tons of fluff content. It’s a lot, to the point of overwhelming, and it’s also all written and designed to be as close to real social media posts, conversations, trolling, and the like. This means much of this fluff is as asinine and brainless as in real life, making me want to do what I normally do when I see it; stop and do something else. Yes, I realize the plot involves internet celebrities and influencers and the themes of the game rely heavily upon this aspect, as do the characters’ background and personalities. Yet, when we’re discussing a traditional game, visual novel, etc., I should want to pursue the story and unravel the mysteries. Simply put, this want of mine to continue playing was interrupted far too often. There’s so much I found to be unnecessary that it overwhelmed and felt distracting. I understood what I was getting myself into from the start and I do believe the creativity and the style were there, but execution in this regard leaves an obnoxious feeling, one that hurts the overall experience.
There is also a hint system that will guide you, but relying on it defeats the purpose of the game, so I suggest using it only when truly stuck or when your patience is long gone…
Fortunately, Simulacra 2 does have a few bright spots that manage to make up for its shortcomings and these can be found in its aesthetic quality. The visual and audio presentation of Simulacra 2 is fantastic, definitely the spotlight stealer and the element of the game that will leave the greatest impact. As the game is played through Maya’s cellphone, everything looks and feels like the real thing. In app interactivity, switching between apps, all of this looks and feels real. As I played this on PC, I can only imagine how much more depth could be gained by playing this on an actual mobile device because it’s that accurate. I also thought the use of videos and audio clips was a unique direction to take. It departs from the traditional usage of static pictures and drawn or rendered assets seen in most other visual novels. However, the use of videos and scripted sound bites also means enduring the acting quality. Still, the innovation here stands out.
Clues can be anywhere. For example, you’ll need to perform databank searches using those red transcript numbers…
Much of the horror is delivered via the visuals and the results are pleasantly frightening. Jump scares are the common method of adding that horror element, yet they aren’t completely random either. Rather, you are provided cues when they may occur, which I felt only makes the scare much more terrifying. The anticipation that comes from these cues, in the forms of static, glitching, or subtle changes in pictures or screens you’ve seen previously, all add to the build before the scare. The soundtrack and use of sound effects also add to the heart-pumping feel of it all, keeping you tense until the thrilling payoff. Speaking of the audio, the soundtrack fits well with the events on-screen. You won’t be humming the tunes outside of the game, but they amplify the tone of the events and atmosphere well. The purposeful use of silence at times also adds to the drama. The sound effects are equally impressive, driving both the feel of playing through a phone and adding to those shocking moments. Again, the aesthetics, directly tying to gameplay and the horror, are where Simulacra 2 shines brightest; I am thoroughly impressed.
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Simulacra 2 is an intriguing experience, with plenty of mystery and innovation. Navigating the game via a phone is clever and its departures from a traditional visual novel are apparent. The flaws in both its story and writing quality are noticeable, however, and add to it the less than stellar acting and you have conditions that can easily break immersion. After a first playthough of about five to seven hours, there will be few reasons, other than achieving the true ending, to revisit the game. The shock value will wear away, differences in bad ending paths are insignificant, and the changes between playing a junior detective or a journalist are minimal. Clever and unique, Simulacra 2 still has much room for improvement.
[easyreview cat1title=”Overall” cat1detail=”” cat1rating=”2.5″]
Review Copy Provided by Publisher
REVIEW: Simulacra 2 Title Simulacra 2 Developer Kaigan Games
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19allah · 5 years
* The Universal Flag *
by Universal Shaamgaud Allah
In the name of the true and living God, the supreme being, the host of creation, master of the day of retribution and the king of
kings, almighty God Allah one to whom all praises are due to forever and hereafter, and in the name of his son, the Universal
Savior God and divine deliverer do I greet you my beloved brothers and sisters in the Universal Greetings of Peace!
First as always I hope this brief communication will find you in the best of health mentally as well as physically. I'd like to take this
opportunity to discuss a subject which is very close and dear to me. One which has been clouded by misunderstandings and
misconceptions since its very inception. It is an object of which I am the Creator and could easily write a book on, however I will try
to give you a brief history and understanding of: 
The Universal Flag!
In 1965 ALLAH instructed all the first borns to either go back to school or get a job, this the first borns of Medina did without
hesitation while the majority of us enrolled in Youth Leadership and Training Programs (at this time sponsored by The Office of
Economic Opportunity). Some of us enrolled in Vocational and Cultural programs. We received $38.63 a week, the Leadership
program paid slightly more, believe it or not, back then this was enough for us to rent a furnished room, buy food, a few pieces of
clothing and still take a sister to the show if we wanted to. Anyway, I managed to enroll in both programs (don't ask how). The
Leadership program for the money, however I have always had a genuine love for art even while in the grave, but I was too
foolish and too busy seeking a degree in Streetology to pursue it while in public school. The art program gave us all the material
that we needed, before long my little furnished room seemed to have more art material than the Art Dept. itself. This allowed me
to work on subjects that related to our teachings such as portraits of W.D. Fard Muhammad, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
and the Father. What amazed me most was the Universe and its relations to us here on the Planet. So the majority of my oils and
drawings were on the Sun, Moon, and Stars. One, which I considered my masterpiece, was of our Solar System, with a
mathematical breakdown of all the Planets. I was so proud of this drawing that I painted it on the ceiling of my furnished room.
When the old Jewish landlord saw it he nearly had a heart attack. I never found out whether it was because of what I painted, or
because of what I did to his ceiling!
One day I decided to take this picture to the Father. He had always showed an interest in our works and achievements, and I
knew I would receive some constructive criticism. This day I meet the Father and Justice on 126th Street. The Father
complimented the picture and then asked me to walk with them. As we walked he began to explain the errors that I had made
and what was the proper order of the Universe. Brothers and Sisters do not ask where we walked because I do not know. I do
know that as I walked, He taught, I recall feeling as though we were walking through the Universe itself. All I recall seeing was the
things he spoke about, the Sun, the planets, the Stars, Haley's Comet, other Comets, shooting stars, falling stars, Space Voids
(now called Black Holes). After what seemed like a personal tour of the Universe, I recall Him saying "And remember Equality can
never get above ALLAH. Six when drawn up to its fullest Equality, shall distill back to whence she came, to her 7 is impossibility!!!"
With this I realized that we were at the train station. While the conversation seemed to have lasted only a short period of time,
when we began it had been broad daylight and now it was pitch dark. The Father told me that I wouldn't understand everything
that he told me, only that I would see it in what? Time! With that we said Peace and I got on the train to Medina.
Now if you think I was in Love with the Universe before, you can imagine what my experience with the Father did to encourage
that Love. I decided then that I would make a picture for the Father's Birthday, February 22, to show him what I had seen and
learned from the experience, as well as its relationship to us as a Nation. Now you must remember that at this time we used the
Crescent Star as our Flag, so when some of my brothers saw me adding the 7 and points, they thought I was flaking out (Bugging
Out nowadays).
The Flag was completed in May of 1966. It was one of three. (Considered the best of 3). Black Seed, Gykee ALLAH and myself
went to visit Him and we took the Flag. However, the authorities would not allow us to take it in, so the Father did not receive the
Flag until April of 1967 when he came home. I took it to Him in Mecca. He took one look at it and said, "That's it! That's Our
Universal Flag!"
Knowing Our Flag
The five-pointed star symbolizes Knowledge, the Seed, the Child with the power, the Supreme Knowledge that was manifested by
W.F. Muhammad and revealed to us by Almighty God ALLAH, it is solid Black!
The Crescent Moon symbolizes Wisdom, the Women (without child); it shows reflected light (Truth or Knowledge) and is not yet at
its fullest equality. It also symbolizes the Divine Wisdom that was manifested by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and revealed to
us by Almighty God ALLAH, it is solid yellow! Together the Star and Crescent stand for Knowledge and Wisdom, which is the unity
of knowing it and speaking it! (Teaching) It also symbolizes the Earth (woman with child); a planet that has life, and the
dominance the Woman has over the Seed (the child or the Knowledge) while it is young, and it has been the symbol of Freedom
Justice and Equality since the awaking of Islam in the West of North America.
The 7 has seven sides. It symbolizes the Original Man, the True and Living God, the Supreme Being, Almighty God ALLAH. Since
the very creation of mathematics 7 has been the mathematical terminology for the Creator of the Universe. It is solid Black.
Together this stands for the Supreme Understanding that was revealed to us by Almighty God ALLAH himself, it shows a
unification of Knowledge Wisdom and Understanding, Man, Woman, Child and shows the authority of ALLAH over the Planets
and Stars and the proper order of the Universe. The seven symbolizes the male seed in full bloom, it shows that God must be the
most High, the Master of Wisdom, Culture and Equality at all times, because they are six, and can never dominate ALLAH, so
they must remain in six or distill back to whence it came! This no part of the crescent moon should ever show over the top of the
The white background symbolizes the white clouds of deception that have drowned our people in a sea of ignorance, and the
feeble attempts of the wicked to conceal the true and living God which is the Son of Man!
The Cipher (circle) around the Allah Crescent Star is Black, the Original Color of the Sun (anything that burns that hot and that
long can't be yellow!) This symbolizes the Sun, the Universal symbol of Truth and Light, and whose power can evaporate all
clouds of deception (lies).
The Eight Points are the symbol of the ever-expanding Universe, and symbolizes the rays of the Sun, and the speed and
distance that the Truth is capable of traveling. There are two shades to each point, the Left is Black. The left represents the
Original Black man, the Right side is Gold. The Gold represents Brown and Yellow seeds (from the first of the Brown to the last of
the Yellow). Just as Jacob separated the seeds, 200 years from Black to Brown, 200 years from Brown to Yellow and 200 years
from Yellow to Caucasian, ALLAH taught us that each brother should have a seed thus he reunited the seeds, united they are
one! The eight points are a sign of He who is the Master builder of Rain, Snow, Hail and Earthquakes! The sixteen sections of the
points, one for each year and degree that our seeds (child) must master before he is at the age of self-responsibility and required
to teach civilization.
I have given you a basic knowledge of the flag and its history, my complete understanding would have to cover every minute
math term and angle from Solomon's child to the compass square to the Galaxy M83, however, I hope this will answer most of the
questions that the Gods have been requesting by mail. There will be more on the flag in coming issues.
A World To The Wise!
Beware of False Knowledge; It is more dangerous than ignorance!
Peace, Love and Happiness
Universal Shaamgaud Allah
0 notes
Software program penetrates every pore of human lifestyles. We appearance up the climate data over the internet, giving up on outdoor thermometers. We are using to destinations with gps navigator (overlook paper maps with their g7 sections on page fifty nine). We activate runkeeper when driving a motorbike to calculate the average speed and run and boast in twitter. We are using software program every single day of our lives. It seems we're hugging our expensive gadgets a lot greater than our cherished ones.
 Nobody knows the exact how-to of writing exquisite software program speedy, that's the hassle. Waterfall passed away on the crossing of two centuries, while new software program improvement methodologies (agile) fail at solving the essential troubles thus far. We are living in very interesting times. Software program development enterprise grows speedy proper here, right now, and the inspiration for a quantitative jump is constructing up.
 Now it is in reality clean that agile is turning into a mainstream methodology, and soon only some extinct mammoths will do waterfall. Agile has won the race. Microsoft is now working to improve agile method help in tfs, in addition they do iterative development for many of their merchandise. Ibm has released jazz agile platform. Evensap put into effect agile (i would love to take a sneak peek at this).
 See what wolfgang gattner, the cio of deutsche financial institution, says:
 We must get there. The conventional methods are not rapid enough, they're too complicated and that they do not floor the innovation. So that is very clean.
 Approximately every and each agency is at the least becoming privy to the fact that old-fashioned software program development is useless. They're seeking to trade the manner matters work and that they see agile because the first-rate feasible answer in the mean time. However right here comes a query: are agile upgrades precise for software development? They're proper. However are they proper enough? No. Agile is not solving all the issues. They launch crap again and again once more. Development pace still leaves a whole lot to be favored. Many software program answers fail, abound in insects and their bad exceptional is letting us down at first-class, truely, worst feasible times.
 Don't forget the current outage of amazon servers. Our server become down for about every week! Skype is failing over and over (in particular as received via microsoft). All and sundry should have been doing some shaman passes one way or another to make it paintings.
 IOS troubles are pretty common. My iPhone would not fall asleep mode after updates and would devour up the battery fee in only 8 hours, let alone unintended slips and calls. That turned into extraordinarily traumatic. They have been dragging with the restoration for nearly a month!
 Permit's take a more in-depth take a look at the three fundamental problems of software development. The ultimate purpose is — do right matters.
 What does it mean — right matters? Those are possible things, matters that clear up specific problems, and solve them well. Several thousand (!) Mission management gear are available on the market. How many of those are honestly good? 10? 20? Infrequently more than 20.
 Why these kind of terrible monsters with appalling interface have ever come to life? They torture each their users and their creators, and that they nonetheless cling in there. Why hundreds of primitive tools that do the same simple things and best range of their coloration, platform and login screen? I don't have any solution. But i recognise for certain: this world is inundated with useless software that stupidly replicates every different, drives human beings nuts with their UI and pretends to be the best.
 This ranks 2nd. Do matters proper.
 If we do the right factor, the process is simplest half of-carried out. If we do the right thing in a wrong manner, we are able to now not entire our project. Yes, customers could be capable of remedy their troubles with our software, however randomly, in between system crashes.
 A poorly written software is incredibly ambiguous. It claims it's suitable and helpful, however a reality check reveals it's an vintage break, just like a terrible used vehicle in which engine oil likes to mingle with coolant; ac is jogging in winter most effective, the wipers – while there may be no rain only, and axle squeaks at eighty mph pace. Smart managers have completed a brilliant pre-income process with this spoil, and bought it in an immediately. Ac off? Nevermind, it is nevertheless good enough in iciness. Except, sixty five mph is the most velocity limit so a squeaking axle isn't a vital malicious program in any respect.
 A yr ago i attempted ommwriter, a minimalistic editor to method huge quantities of textual content. Relaxing song. Distraction-free writing. I appreciated the app and started out the usage of it.
 At some point i wrote a large article in one cross. About five pages. I have been saving it regularly and there has been no returned-up, of course. Subsequent day i got here to the workplace, opened my macbook and ommwriter hold joyfully. I killed the technique, restarted ommwriter and opened my record. It became empty. Have you ever ever had those moments, a flashing perception which you forgot to unplug the iron? So i were given chills going for walks down my backbone, felt my adrenaline raised and faced the deadly destiny. My arms shaking, i found the record in finder and checked its size — 0 bytes it was. That was the closing day i used ommwriter. The app that loses my statistics loses my trust. These days i purchased byword, a totally similar app. It really works faultlessly, and i am happy with it.
 Syncing badly written software to a brand new reality is very difficult, with all of the fees and time concerned.
 We wrote 92 Technology speedy, returned in old instances. As we labored after-hours and on week-ends, our important purpose turned into to check the concept, its viability. There were few unit checks. The structure turned into quite lame. О/r framework grew to become out to be a very bad preference. We didn't think about scalability and performance in any respect. But we did what we wanted: the product idea has established itself possible.
 Eventually we had to re-write the whole lot from scratch and it took eight months of labor full-time. That's how 92 Technology 2.0 emerged. Was it true, or became it terrible? On the only hand, we appeared to have misplaced 8 months. Then again, we examined the idea and made positive it works.
 We are smoothly proceeding to the 0.33 hassle — speed.
 Software program improvement fails to trap up with customers. As initiatives have become extra complicated, the velocity is losing. The rate thing gets ever so crucial for any company.
 If we create software fast, we get a threat to attempt numerous options, to music in to marketplace adjustments and to discover the proper manner quicker than others. With gradual paintings, there may be no second risk.
 There's a mythical vaporware inside the industry: duke nukem all the time.
 They started out it in 1996, and introduced the lengthy-awaited sequel in 2011. After numerous overlooked cut-off dates the improvement team held back on public estimates and just saved saying the sport would be launched whilst finished. Regretfully, duke nukem hasn't lived up to the expectations of game enthusiasts. Gamespot rated it at three.5. The sport appeared dull, unoriginal and out-dated.
 If we do the right product right, but slowly, we'd leave out out on market possibilities. What if we run late and there's a truth shift, and no person will need our product anymore?
 If we do the right product fast, but in a incorrect way, this means disposing of troubles till later. There can be handiest 2 alternatives: stitch fixes over fixes and bury the product in 10 years, or re-write it from scratch, that's luxurious.
 If we do the incorrect product proper and speedy, infrequently everybody will need it, except we come to recognize what's incorrect and make speedy modifications.
 Why are remarks crucial? Here is a nice tale:
 Whether we've carried out it right. We need to know this as early as viable. Preferably, right after it is completed. So how will we recognise?
 Sketches are a effective tool for requirements management. It is no longer best approximately drawings. Cartoon is a quick way to emulate the real gadget. Every so often it is sufficient to hand-draw a sketch. Every so often a complicated version needs to be designed.
 Globalization has been an all-time trouble for agile, with disbursed groups powered through www evolving. Some groups run offices in dozen countries, syncing the work of loads human beings. Due to the fact that agile at the beginning implied co-region, it is having difficult time with disbursed improvement. Seamless conversation and decreased remarks cycle are rarely feasible if product owner wakes up at nine am, and developers come to work at 4 pm.
 There's no easy approach to this hassle. First off, this is approximately extended density of conversation channels. Everlasting video connection works pleasant of all. A freshly unshaven outdoors will virtually inform how's it going and you will continually recognise if it is an excellent or horrific time to ask questions.
 Software for faraway pair programming, brainstorming and testing is arising as nicely. Gear along with 92 Technology are indispensable for dispensed teams.
 Software program improvement industry must hit the center, it is all approximately that. Discover ways to do right things rapid. I'm positive it's viable, and here's what wishes to be done:
 ·         Look at trouble-solving strategies, which includes triz, lateral thinking and
·         Systems questioning
·         Lessen remarks cycle with the aid of any approach
·         Look at area
·         Learn how to scale agile-mindset to the complete company and   distributed groups
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