#time to write down the tamagotchi au now!! oh boy....
honeypirate · 3 years
Congrats on the 420 honey! You deserve it!!!
For your 420 event could I pretty please get Tanaka with She/Her pronouns?
Date idea #6 Reality #5
Can you also put edible #6?
Okay I love you and congrats again!
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Oh my god thank you so much for this I had so much fun writing it!!
Event Masterlist
Tanaka x fem!reader + theme park + soulmate au + scarf kiss
Okay so for this soulmate AU I couldn’t choose which one I wanted so I choose both of these hopefully you like it haha
1. Colors of things or places your soulmate’s been/touched are brighter and more vivid.
2. Whenever you lose an item (like a sock), it ends up in your soulmates’ possession somehow
For spring break you and your friends decided to take a group to a theme park a couple towns over. It was perfect except for the fact the fact that it was a cool spring day.
“Hey Yui! Have you seen my scarf?” You were searching your room frantically. Since it was a little chilly you wanted to wear your scarf instead of a jacket since you’ll be outside all day.
“I haven’t. When was the last time you saw it?” She asks from her spot on your bed doing her makeup.
“Just a few days ago! I had washed it because it fell in the mud, remember?”
She nods putting the mascara wand back and twisting it closed “maybe your soulmate has it now”
You groan and flop backwards on a pile of clothing “you’re probably right. It was my favorite too.”
“Don’t they also have your favorite daisy earrings, your tamagotchi, and the left shoe of your favorite heals you wore to prom?”
You chuckle “yeah they do. I hope they’re taking care of my tamagotchi baby”
“Those things are so old I can’t believe you still took care of it religiously”
“It was my baby! It was my job to take care of it!”
She laughs and rolls her eyes “what do you have of his?”
“Uuuhhh” you look around and start grabbing random things “this little volleyball charm I keep meaning to put on my keys. This sweatshirt that has a bleach stain but is obviously super loved. And this water bottle” you take a drink from it and Yui looks at the bottle, feeling that she’s seen it somewhere.
She shakes her head “anyway. Are you ready? We have to go soon if we want to meet the rest of the group”
You sigh and pull yourself up to sitting again “yeah I’m ready. I’m just gonna go with no jacket or scarf and hopefully the thrill of the theme park will keep me warm”
“Is this yours?” Tanaka asks Saeko and she shakes her head “nope!” She says with a pop on the p sound “must be your soulmate’s again” Tanaka felt his stomach fill with butterflies. He wraps the scarf around his neck as he heads out the door, noya and the other guys waiting for him on the doorstep “see you later little bro! Do what I would do and have some fun!” Saeko calls out with a laugh
“Who else is gonna be here?” You ask as you slip the volleyball charm on your keys, the water bottle in the side pocket of your backpack as you walk towards the theme park gates from the car
“The boys VB club, the rest of our club, and a few guys from other schools that the boys invited” Yui says as you get to the line
“Are we meeting them somewhere?” You ask and she nods
“For lunch we are all supposed to meet up at the pizza place by the dragon ride. Or at least that’s what Noya told me”
You smile “so then we have a few hours to do what we want!”
You ride the crazy rides first, screaming beside Michimiya as they twist and turn and make you feel dizzy. “This is the best day” you say after you stumble off the dragon ride, dizzy and not able to walk in a straight line. “But the pizza place is right there so let’s go claim a table before it fills up”
You were the first ones you guys knew at the pizza place, claiming the largest table as you waited for the rest of the group.
Asahi and Daichi came first, Daichi sitting right next to Yui and chatting like usual. Part of you hoped they would be soulmates but Yui said the things she has don’t belong to him and the yellow flip flop he had wasn’t hers.
Boys you didn’t really recognize came next, filling in around the table as some went to order. Noya and Tanaka came next just as a chill from the breeze went through you. “Y/n how come you don’t have a jacket?” Noya asks as he sits beside you. “I wanted a scarf but I lost mine today so I decided I’d rather be a little cold than have to carry around a jacket all day”
Tanaka’s ears perked up. You lost a scarf? He wanted to rush over to you and ask if you also lost daisy earrings and a shoe and a tamagotchi? But he controlled himself and sat across from you, his hands messing with the ends of the scarf around his neck.
You noticed Tanaka’s scarf, but that couldn’t be yours, it was too vivid of a red to be yours. Yours was plain red, a muted color you liked.
When you all got up to finally order, Tanaka pulled Noya aside “switch me seats” he said and Noya raised his brows “okay. Why?”
“Because she lost a scarf. And this” he holds out the ends “isn’t mine. It just showed up today.”
“She could be your soulmate?!” Noya exclaims and places his hands on Tanaka shoulders, jumping in excitement “that’s amazing!!”
Tanaka hushes him “keep calm bro. This might just be a coincidence. I need to do some recon” noya grins “oooh right right right okay okay. You got it! Let me know if I can do anything”
Tanaka sits beside you at the table and you raise your eyebrows at Noya across from you. He just grins and takes the biggest bite of pizza you’ve ever seen, making you laugh.
Tanaka places a bottle of water next to your plate and you cover your mouth, still chewing a little as you ask “is that for me?” You meet his eye and he nods, a blush on his ears.
“Thank you Tanaka!“ You say place your hand on his forearm that was on the table, giving it a light squeeze.
“No problem y/n” he takes another bite of his pizza.
You pull out your water bottle from your bag and unscrew the top, pouring the water he got you into your bottle, empty from the first half of the day.
“TANAKA!” Noya shouts and you look up at him with a confused look “yes? Noya?” Tanaka says stiffly, trying to get him to shut up and calm down. His eyes said ‘yes. I see it. Be cool dude’
“Uuuh I was thinking we should uhhh GET COTTON CANDY!” He tries to cover it and nods proud of himself, you look to Tanaka and he looks a little nervous but responds with the same amount of excitement “yea!! I agree!! I love cotton candy”
You chuckle softly, pushing your empty plate away “I like the pink kind best” you say with a smile and Tanaka’s heart starts to race at how cute you looked.
“No way! The blue kind!” He says back and rocks his shoulder playfully into yours
“No the blue kind tastes like it’s just trying to hard to be better than pink. It’ll never win”
“Wanna bet?” He asks and you laugh
“What are we betting?”
“How about we decide that after we see who wins?”
“Ooh I like it. More of a risk” you say with a laugh “you’re on” you hold out your hand and he takes it with a firm shake.
“What ride should we hit next?” Yui asks and she pulls out the park map, unfolding it and placing it on the table.
“How about we go in a huge circle around the back that way we can hit the cotton candy stand here” you point to the back of the map “then we can hit all the best ones on our way out”
Tanaka watched as your finger traced a path on the page, watching as the colors of the paper changed with your touch, becoming more vivid and bright. He gasped softly and you looked over to him
“Did you have a different idea?” You ask and he shakes his head, you thought it was weird that he was being so quiet but you didn’t pry.
The rides on this side of the park were slower and more interactive. You had fun shooting lasers through one ride, then number cars the next, feeling special every time Tanaka wanted to sit beside you.
you get to a teacup ride and Tanaka takes your hand when the gates open, leading you directly to the blue one in the middle. You laugh as he pulls you along.
“Are you ready for this?” He asks with a grin and you laugh, nodding as the music began and the ride started. His hands move to the wheel in the middle and for a moment you think it actually changes colors. His hands moved the wheel as fast as he possibly could, making your world spin and making you laugh uncontrollably. The wheel he was turning was such a vivid shade of blue now but you didn’t know if it wasn’t always like that.
Tanaka loved the sound of your laughter, it was beautiful, like a song just for him. When the ride ended he took note of your messy hair and the tears from the corner of your eyes from laughing so hard. You looked like an angel. His angel.
As you wait for the ride to stop completely you just look at each other, panting from laughing so hard with smiles on your faces. It was like the world stopped and gave you two this special moment.
“Come on kids! Cotton candy time!” Noya shouts as the doors to the teacups open and everyone shuffles out.
Tanaka exits first, holding his hand out to help you which you gladly take. Smiling and feeling your cheeks heat under his soft gaze.
“Ready to lose this bet?” He asks and squeezes your hand but doesn’t let it go as you walk behind your friends
“I don’t know Tanaka, are you?”
He laughs “I’m ready to win” he says with a goofy grin and you felt your heart race.
You didn’t really know what was happening. You and Tanaka were friends but you hadn’t been this flirty before. He’s told you that you were gorgeous but most of the time he was all over Kiyoko asking her if she’s got any of his lost items. (She hadn’t. Her soulmate wa someone from a different school who she’s already met)
“You get blue. I’ll get pink. And then we will share and compare” you say as you wait in line at the stand
“No lying. Say what you honestly think” he adds and you laugh
“Of course. No cheating”
Noya behind you speaks up “but they also have green and yellow. What if those are better?”
You and Tanaka speak at the same time “they’re not”
Making you laugh and making noya wanna vom at how cute it was.
You get your cotton candy and drop his hand to open your bag, humming in delight when you popped a bit in your mouth. “Pink is definitely better” you say and offer him some but something beeps in his pocket and his hands are a little occupied with holding his blue cotton candy and fishing around in his pocket he just opens his mouth with a little smile and sparkle in his eye.
You don’t miss a beat, placing the bit of, to his eye vibrantly pink, cotton candy on his tongue and accidentally brushing his bottom lip when you pulled away your hand.
“Yeah” he says “pink is amazing. But just wait for blue” he pulls out the thing he was looking for in his pocket and it was a pink tamagotchi. “Sorry. Gotta feed it too” he says and you laugh
“it’s fine. I had one of those before but I lost it. I think my soulmate has it and I just hope they are taking care of my little guy” you watch as his thumb presses the buttons. That couldn’t be yours. It was too bright of pink. You had a lighter pink version.
“Hey what’s that?” Yui asks when she comes to chat with you “he has a tamagotchi too isn't that cool?” You say and she nods “that’s pretty neat. Yours is pink too” you shake your head “not that pink though! It’s vibrant and mine is lighter than that” Michimiya gives you a look like you’re the stupidest girl she’s ever met and you raise your eyebrows “what?” She shakes her head with a laugh and changes the subject
“So what color is better?”
You gasp and turn to Tanaka who has a mouth full of blue already and you laugh at him, cheeks flushing s little because of how oddly adorable it was.
“Let me try” you say and he pulls off a piece, raising it to your lips and you smile and let him feed you, feeling your face heat even more.
“Pink is better” you say just as he says “Blue is better” making you laugh and making Yui give you a smile before she quietly left you guys to figure it out.
“I don’t think you had enough pink” you say and he shakes his head “I think your taste buds are broken” you gasp “hey!” You say and playfully slap his shoulder. He smirks and you watch as he places a vibrantly blue piece of cotton candy into his mouth.
“Try some more pink” you say and hold your bag out to him, finally beginning to realize that the colors aren’t just random.
He takes a piece of your candy and you withhold a gasp from the way it changed from normal pink to vibrantly pink.
“Okay okay” he says after a few more bites and then comparing them side by side “I think you’re right. Pink is better”
He looks up to you, finding you wide eyed and staring quietly at his hands “are you okay?” He asks and you shake off your shocked feelings. Warmth and excitement taking their place in your heart.
“So since I won that means you need to do something for me, right?” You ask and he nods
“What can I do for you, malady?” He asks and you chuckle at his goofy ways.
“Maybe you could give me back my scarf” you say softly and he gasps “you figured it out” he said and you nod with a laugh
“It took me almost all day but I finally realized”
“That we’re soulmates” he finishes for you with a dopey grin and you nod “yeah. That were soulmates”
You don’t know when all your friends abandoned you but you weren’t really worried. You take your backpack off one shoulder and open it, storing your leftover candy as well as his.
“So. What now?” You ask with a laugh and he shrugs “I. I don’t know. I didn’t think past this.”
“How about..”
You reach up and take a hold of the scarf, he assumes to take it off him but he gasps when you pull him down to your level with it “how about this?” You suggest and bring your lips an inch away from his
“Yes. Yes I like this” he says and cups your cheeks as he connects your lips together.
The moment his lips touched yours it was like the sky exploded. Your body tingled and you saw vibrant colors behind your eyelids as he kisses you, quick peppering of pecks across your lips to make you chuckle before you wrap your arms around his neck and melt into him. Your tongues and lips moving together as the rest of the world melts away.
“Okay.. gross” a small child said in passing and you break apart to start laughing with him. “It wasn’t gross” he says with a hurt expression but you just guide him back down to give him one last peck. “Come on, soulmate. Let’s go meet back up with our friends so we don’t miss out on the dragon ride”
“So you should have my vb keychain and my hoodie as well” he says and you nod “and you should have my daisy earrings and my shoe” he nods “amazing” he says softly and you return his smile. “I’m glad it’s you” he says and you raise your eyebrows “really? You’re not sad it’s not Kiyoko?” You look down and he reaches out to tilt your face back up to look at him “I’m so glad it’s you. Kiyoko was a crush. But you, everything is so much brighter now. I feel like my world has changed”
You spot Noya first and he runs up to Tanaka “so?” He asks and you laugh “did you know?” You ask and he nods “the water bottle” he says and you laugh, forgetting all about that.
You spent the rest of the day holding his hand and flirting, watching as colors of things changed when he touched them and experimenting with it. You rode the crazy rides one last time as you held his hand as he sat next to you. When it came time to leave, him and noya ask to ride back with you guys and you can’t hide your excitement.
Noya takes the passenger seat while Yui drives and you sit in the back with Tanaka. Within ten minutes you’re both passed out and cuddled into each other and Yui can’t help but smile. She couldn’t wait to find her soulmate and couldn’t help the twinge of jealousy she felt that you found yours first.
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resbang-bookclub · 7 years
AMA Transcript: Nothing Compares 2 U
@makapedia​ joined the AMA party to talk with us about her 2016 Resbang, Nothing Compares 2 U! Here’s some of what went down!!
Q: You wrote a good chunk of your fic set in the nineties. Was there anything that was especially hard about that?
makapedia: Writing the fic in the 90s was hard, if just because I was six when the 90s ended, so I did not remember as much as I thought I would, so I had to research a little history.
Q: What inspired you to think of this premise/AU?
makapedia: I thiiink I was talking to Madi? And spitballing ideas, as I do, at her, and it just spiralled from there. She enabled me hard.
Q: I did love your 90s references though. You mentioned some stuff and I would have flashbacks. It was all good.
makapedia: I didn't even get to write the scene I had originally envisioned for the AU, that's so weird. I wanted more Tamagotchi scenes. I wanted Maka to leave her precious child Tamagotchi in Soul's hands and he was going to take his job as caretaker Very Seriously while she was homeworking.
Q: [This] fic was an emotional ride and so empathetically written and incredibly nuanced. What was the most emotional thing for you to write? What would you do to cheer yourself up after a difficult scene?
makapedia: The most emotional thing for me to write was definitely, um, towards the end of the first portion of the fic? I gave Soul and Maka both parts of myself in this fic, and Soul really got the raw, late teens anxiety and fear of the world and his future, and it was both easy? and hard? for me to write, especially since it was through Maka's eyes, and I could not come out and say "hey, he is depressed and unmedicated and on a downward spiral" because she just didn't understand it. I would listen to Spice Girls to cheer myself up, though.
Q: Your approach to sexuality and to mental illness is amazing and hit me in the feels. Pls discuss any extra commentary youve ever wanted to discuss on these elements of your writing.
makapedia: I don't think I even went into this thinking it was going to have such commentary on sexuality? Uh, and especially the drama/throne we put sexuality on as a culture. I think the fic really evolved that way? And I think definitely even adding as much asexual commentary in it was extra. The mental illness thing was definitely planned and I wanted to make a point of showing someone who does struggle with depression/anxiety/other taking his life into his hands and getting help and still being able, as an adult, to have relations and be happy, and be a good partner. I wish I could have shown more of that at the end, but it is what it is.
Q: What is your personal favorite scene to write, or just based on how it turned out, or whatever!
makapedia: My favorite scene to write?? Maybe was towards the end, I had a lot of fun writing spiteful angry Maka kicking in the men's bathroom door and scaring the shit out of Soul. But based on how the scene turned out, i think the smut smut scene was my favorite. It was a Long fic, longer than I anticipated or planned it being, so a lot of it just melts together in my head now.
Q: Smut scenes, how do those go?
makapedia: LOL. Are you asking me how to write smut?
Q: Yes.
makapedia: I love you so much. I am Disgustingly Demisexual and super vanilla about things, and a lot of my smut focuses more on the feeling and gross headspace than the physical part? It's easier for me that way. I am a tiny ace virgin I am terrible with smut, I have people Fooled.
Q: Pls elaborate on your Very Important Decision to give Soul Batman sheets.
makapedia: Every cool guy I have in my life really aggressively loves Batman. That was it. He seemed appropriately Edgy (or False Edgy, w/e) for Soul.
Q: I really loved your characterization of the parents in this story - both Soul's and Maka's. Did you find one set of parents easier to write and if so, why??
makapedia: Oh man. I mean, they were there but also weren't, yeah? Only Soul's dad and Maka's mom made the cut, and Maka's mom is always a mixed bag for me because we do know very little about her in canon, whereas Soul's parents are always an empty canvas, for the most part. All I know about Maka's mom is she dumped Spirit for cheating and she is "like a bear" according to Maka loool so I guess I just kind of made her a very opinionated force of nature, sort of looming over and leading Maka's future, but she's hard for me to write. I could do whatever with Soul's dad and no one could tell me I was wrong. Too much power for one girl.
Q: Was there a specific 90s artifact you wanted to include that didn't make the cut?
makapedia: Black*Star in JNCO jeans.
Q: Where did the inspiration for the Liz jealousy side plot come from? Because that KILLED me lmao.
makapedia: The Liz thing was planned but also not to the degree it ended up happening? Mostly I wanted to write about Maka's insecurity, and work through her misogyny and jealousy issues and I thought it'd be interesting to have it be a close friend, I guess? But then it evolved into Soul questioning his identity in the background and coming to terms with like, realizing he was ace? Also I wanted Maka to be weird and uncomfortable and maybe even a little jealous later, when Liz had invited him to her wedding, but some of that got lost in translation.
Q: The entire leadup to and all of the Halloween party was a gift, where did the inspiration from that come from? (Soul alone with weiner dogs, bless.)
makapedia: I really, really wanted to write Maka as baby spice and it just snowballed from there. SHE WANTED TO BE SPORTY SPICE SO BADLY. Soul is me. Hides in the back room at a party and chills with tiny dogs.
Q: Why the 90s?
makapedia: I think it was because of my own nostalgia? And also feeling like I missed out on all of the turn of the century weirdness, because I WAS so young when the 90s ended and the 2000s began. It was like a time period AU but not drastic enough for me to have to really change everything and research language and clothing and trends and culture. It was recent enough but also like... long enough ago for other people my age or a little older to be like oh, man, remember the 90s, why did we all part our hair like that? The fic really did start out very silly in my heart but then everything got dark and sad.
Q: I was gonna ask, where did this idea come from? Did something really spur it on, other than your 90s nostalgia? Was the time gap thing always there? Cause the way you entered in the future and had a good portion of the story in the past was excellent and gripped my attention.
makapedia: So, originally when I was blarging to Madi about a 90s au I think I realized it couldn't just be memes, it needed a plot? And I'd always really wanted to write like a post breakup fic where the ship Gets Back Together at a wedding and then bam kablam. The "outline" for the fic is just bare bones for the fic and then some jokes I wanted to get in. Originally I'd wanted the chapters to go back and forth, 98 to 08 and such, but I ended up settling with a big 98 portion so it felt more cohesive. Pluuus I kind of like how it sets you up to hurt and then you wade through the beginning cute with just, this sense of oh god, no, what goes wrong?
Q: I loved the character dynamics between everybody everything felt very fitting like 'yep that is so how they would be.'
makapedia: ;__; I'm so glad. Bro*Star's frosted tips.
Q: I wanted to kill him when he did the freaking card trade thing.
makapedia: LOL that boy has no tact. That cloyster joke was in the outline.
Q: Did you have any characters that you sat there going 'okay what to do with you' or were all the characters falling into place nicely from your perspective? Was Black*Star's gutter mind easy to fall into or not? XD
makapedia: hhhaaaAAA, Death the Kid was mysteriously Not There in the 90s. SORRY, KIDDO. Black*Star is so easy and fun to write, but I think I'd write 90s skater DTK.
Q: Oh well, [Kid] got to make the best reference of the whole fic lol.
makapedia: He did, he got my favorite line. I think he spoke one line and it was my favorite. 70k for an I Write Sins Not Tragedies reference. The slow realization that that album came out in 2006 and therefore Existed was the best.
Q: On a scale of one to 10, how excited were you when you realized this?
makapedia: 10. 11. That joke got me through writing the last chapter.
Q: Was there a scene in particular that went a really different direction than what you expected?
makapedia: So I don't plot ahead like... as often as i should, hhhhhhaaa. So for a lot of the middle I just hit cruise control and went wherever it took me. But a lot of the stuff about virginity and like, terrible sex ed and worrying that it would hurt a ton and she'd bleed definitely weren't things I thought I'd write. I did not intend for the First Time (tm) scene to happen then and there but then... surprise dongle! Dicks out for the ship's swan song.
Q: What song did you listen to the most while writing this?
Q: Linger by The Cranberries, I think. A big Mood. And You Oughta Know, for appropriate Anger. Aaand Nothing Compares 2 U, of course. Tho I do wonder how many younger fandom bebs don't.... know that is a song title reference.
Q: What was your favourite part of the fic?
makapedia: I think... maybe the Halloween party, because Maka is such an unreliable narrator in this fic and she is so Clueless (haaaaaa, jokes) and it was the moment she Finally realized what Liz was trying to do. Also the moment where Soul realizes too was fun.
Q: Did you intend to write Liz as the actual soma fandom or was that accidental? (Complete with our adoration of Tsubaki.)
makapedia: LOL It was a little intentional, I guess, because she was Soul's close friend in the fic. But like, Maka misunderstanding everything just kept getting worse so it was a bit accidental. God I love Tsubaki. Liz has good taste. I don't super ship it a whole lot but I still wanted to try my hand at it. I wanted them to be happy and cute.
Q: What about your LEAST favorite scene!
makapedia: The breakup scene was hard for me to write and I'm still not happy with how it came out. It still feels forced in my heart, but I had to move on.
makapedia: Iiiiii already have an idea of what I'm gonna do for Resbang next year so I cannot share that, buuuut I think I'm going to continue writing Not Lovers, weird mermaid AU I started recently? and probably more AUs. This is the year I write Too Many SoMa AUs, mark my words.
Q: Okay so Soul and Liz doing the do sort of killed my heart. Was that always planned?
makapedia: Hhhhaaaa that was planned ahead of time, I guess? I wanted Maka's jealousy to have some sort of basis. This tiny demi thing who can't wrap her head around sleeping with someone like that.
Q: It broke my heart but I found it so... realistic? Like I totally know people who've experienced that, and lots of people don't have their first time with their soulmate or true love or whatev so like it HURT but also... so, so true.
makapedia: Exactly, that was what I was going for. <3 Aaaand pushing my ace agenda, lol.
Q: Correct me if I read the thing wrong, but crona got adopted by Sid and Nygus??
makapedia: Iiiii do not remember. LOL, HECK. PLEASE.... HOLD.... /FRANTICALLY GOOGLES OWN FIC. YES. OKAY. Good I was like, I think I wrote that??? But then I haven't read that part in so long. I feel like people so often just throw Stein and Marie into the role of Crona's parents and I think I wanted to mix it up.
Q: I just... Crona living with Black☆Star had me in tears.
makapedia: Also that, exactly. You can bet your butt that weenie was probably Crona's dog, but Black*Star is the one who dressed it in a costume. I also had fun writing Soul and Crona bonding over Pokemon. Nerd shit. Soul, excitedly: did you hear they're making a video game? Maka is not as well versed in Pokemon as these nerds. Soul's probably laying there in that room with the weenie playing Tetris.
Q: That visual is gold.
makapedia: I also wanted to write Black*Star taking out Soul's ankles with a Skip-It. But alas.
Thanks again to makapedia for stoppin’ in!! More transcripts to come, stay tuned ~
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