#tiny soukoku warms my heart <3
yellowcanna · 4 years
Two Sides, Same Coin
Summary: Since the beginning of Quirks, Yokohama has announced independence from Japan and closed itself from the rest of the world.
To this day and age, no one knows what lies within the city of Yokohama—or that was what the public was made to believe. In reality, Yokohama has long fallen into the control of the world’s largest criminal organization known as the Port Mafia.
Follow Class 1-A as their principal organized a field trip to Yokohama! In their short trip there, they must change their perspectives and learn exactly what it means to be justice and what it means to be villains.
Rating: T
Genre: Crossover, hint of shounen-ai (boy love)
Pairing: Contains mild Soukoku (Dazai x Chuuya) and Shin Soukoku (Akutagawa x Atsushi) if you squint
Author: Canna / Yellow Canna
Available on AO3!!
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This story has been beta'd by Momentary_Flight, Nanami_ontheShore, Shady Spades
The droplets of water fell from the cloud, one after another from above Yokohama.
Two figures walked down the street with the old fashion lamp posts guiding their way.
“Q, what were you doing in that park?” the white-haired boy suddenly inquired after a long moment of silence while keeping a steady pace.
“…I just got lost,” the child replied.
Black leather boots stepped over a small red puddle.
“Were you aware that person was nearby, Q?” Golden eyes shifted down, gazing upon the person walking by his side. With the kid’s head dipped down, their face was hidden behind black and white bangs.
“That person is very important to me,” Atsushi continued as he stepped over a dismembered head lying in the puddle of red.
“He was the one who saved me and gave me a place to belong. I won’t forgive you if you harm him, do you understand, Q?”
“Tch…I know!” Kyuusaku gritted their teeth and the arm that was clutching onto the worn-out doll tightened. “I just wanted to take a look! I wasn’t trying to go after Dazai-san or anything!”
“You will address him as boss,” Atsushi corrected, coming to a stop and with a whirl of his jacket, he turned to face the child. He reached out a gloved hand.
It was a threatening gesture, but Kyuusaku didn’t move. They just stood there, staring at the older boy with wide eyes before feeling the weight of the hand resting on the top of their head.
Despite the fact that he was wearing gloves, the hand on top of the child’s head felt extremely warm and comforting.
“I can’t tell you how you should feel and I have no right to tell you to drop your resentment towards the boss, but that person is very important to me. Do you understand, Q?”
“Yes! I understand!” Kyuusaku frantically nodded. “I won’t ever lay a hand on Da—on boss, that’s why—!”
Kyuusaku was cut off by the gloved hand gently ruffling his hair. A bright smile was instantly on their lips as if the panic from before was only an illusion.
“Thank you, Q,” Atsushi whispered softly.
It was at this moment that the rain finally came pouring down.
A large black umbrella appeared over Atsushi’s head, protecting him from the rain. The white-haired boy looked down to the person holding the umbrella over his head and smiled lightly.
“Thank you, Kyouka-chan, but you’ll get wet.” He glanced at the girl’s shoulder that was being soaked in the rain.
“I’m fine,” the raven haired girl said with a light shake of her head.
Atsushi just smiled before he took the umbrella from her hand, tilting it so that the girl was fully shielded from the rain as well.
“Those students are invited here by the boss. There is no need for you to be cautious of them, Kyouka-chan,” Atsushi told the girl. In his brief encounter with those students, Atsushi had keenly sensed her intention to kill for a split second.
“What if they hurt you?” Kyouka questioned.
“I’ll curse them if they hurt Atsushi!” Kyuusaku instantly declared.
“Even so, you can’t attack them,” Atsushi told them firmly. “That is an order from the boss. As long as they don’t use their Quirks, we can’t attack them.”
“Yes,” Kyouka nodded, easily accepting the order.
Kyuusaku on the other hand didn’t look convinced. They puffed their cheeks out and pouted. Then, as if some bright idea came to mind, they began to cackle.
“Does that mean if they use their Quirks I can curse them?” they asked in an all too happy tone.
“Yes,” Atsushi replied, looking up when the sound of a gunfire echoed from the distance. “As long as they use their Quirks, it will be our job to hunt them down.”
The sound of gunfire was joined by another from another direction…and another.
Even the heavy rain wasn’t able to mask the screams echoing into the night sky.
Golden eyes narrowed as the rain came down even harder on them.
“It’s starting.” As soon as Atsushi said that, the entire street was covered in a field of static.
Lightning began shooting down from the sky, striking different parts of the area. With each lightning strike, the static on the ground increased.
When the shattering sounds of glass echoed around them, they looked up to find the light bulbs in the lamps bursting apart. In a blink of an eye, they were trapped within the darkness.
Kyouka let out a small gasp and quickly ripped out the Bluetooth that had been in her left ear and threw it away. She was just in time too, as a second later, the Bluetooth exploded, blasted into tiny pieces that can never be assembled back together.
“Ah…!” Atsushi dropped the umbrella as blue electricity flashed out of his collar.
“Atsushi!” Kyuusaku ran up and gripped onto the older boy’s dark cloak. Even in the darkness, Kyuusaku could see the pained look on Atsushi’s face as well—as the smoke rose out from within his black coat.
Atsushi pulled his jacket down a little, revealing a metallic collar fastened around his neck. There was blue electricity flickering across the metal’s surface with smoke rising out of it.
The white-haired boy gripped the collar with both hands and ripped it off his neck to reveal the burnt ring around his skin.
“Atsushi!” Kyouka quickly took the broken collar from the older boy’s hands and eyed the ring of damaged skin around that slender neck.
“It’ll heal soon,” Atsushi told her, fixing his jacket so that his neck was once more hidden. “Kyouka-chan, take Q and go to the safe house.”
“The enemy was stalling for the rain,” Atsushi said, looking up to the sky. “Now that all of our communication is cut off, the Ability users that have been hiding will finally come out. Without your Bluetooth, you won’t be able to control Demon Snow.”
“Without your shock collar, you might lose control of the beast,” Kyouka pointed out.
“We have no time to waste,” Atsushi told her, lightly pushing her away. “By now, they most likely have figured out how we’ve been trapping them in this place. We can’t let them get away.”
“Besides,” Atsushi looked down to Kyouka’s hands, where she was still holding onto his collar. “The moment my collar broke, an emergency signal was sent out with my last location. He should be on his way here. The two of you need to get away from me immediately.”
“Okay.” Kyouka nodded, taking a step back. “Be careful, Atsushi.”
With that, she grabbed the whining Q, picking the child up by their waist and took off—melting into the shadows like the assassin she was. 
Atsushi’s lips quirked upwards in the smallest smile.
He stood under the rain, letting the water chill him down to his bones. He slowly turned around, looking towards the direction they had come from. Scattered across the street were bodies of men and women dressed in white cloaks with their bodies dismantled.
He slowly closed his eyes and when he opened them up again, his irises were narrowed into slits.
“Ability: Beast Beneath the Moonlight.”
Seven Months Ago—Yokohama
 “AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!”   the child cried, tears pouring down their face as pain coursed through every fibre of their being.
It hurts.
Why them?
Why do they have to go through this?
What did they do wrong to deserve this?
It hurts.
“Why?” Kyuusaku sobbed. “I never asked for this Ability?”
“So why do all these terrible things happen to me?” Kyuusaku asked desperately, looking at the man sitting on the chair. “Isn’t everyone equal in the eyes of the Lord?!”
“You’re right,” the blond man said calmly. “But that is the world we live in. So let me tell you the truth.”
Kyuusaku felt his heart stopped as he listened to the words that came out of his mouth.
“God does exist. But He doesn’t love you.”
“NO!!”   Kyuusaku screamed.
“NO!! NO!! NO!!”
It’s not fair!
It’s not fair!
It’s not fair!
Why      Why   Why      Why      Why      Why    Why     Why    Why    Why
WhY    wHY    why  WHy    WhY WHY   whY  WHY    WhY WHy   Why  WhY  WHY  
“Perhaps you’re right,” a voice suddenly cut in, “But that means that God doesn’t love you either.”
The blond man jumped up with a gasp, but he was already too late. A crimson line appeared over his neck. Beads of blood slowly oozing out to form a diagonal line across the skin
“Lo…e…cra…” The man tried to form the words out of his broken vocal cords.
“He’s dead,” the mysterious person behind him said.
The blond opened and closed his mouth, but was unable to form any words. Little by little his head slowly slid off his neck before the force of gravity finally kicked in. His head hit the ground and along with it blood splattered all over the walls and ceiling of the underground room.
In a bright flash of yellow light, the tree that bound the child vanished.
Kyuusaku tumbled onto the ground at the same time as the now headless body. Pain was still numbing their body and tears flowing from their eyes. However, they didn’t make any sound and just looked up at the white-haired boy in a black coat standing over them.
“I do not know if God exists or not,” the young man spoke softly as he knelt in front of the kid. “But if God does exist, then He doesn’t love me either.”
“W-who…?” Kyuusaku trembled as they forced themselves to get up to face the man. Unfortunately, they couldn’t even stay on their feet for two seconds before stumbling forward. Kyuusaku had expected to hit the ground, but just as they fell forward, a pair of hands caught them and pulled them into a gentle embrace.
Fresh tears began to fall from their eyes all over again. This time, it wasn’t tears from the pain or anger at God’s betrayal.
How long has it been, since they had experienced the warmth of another person?
“Nakajima Atsushi,” the boy replied. He gathered the child into his arms and began walking out of the dimly lit room.
“Where are we going?” Kyuusaku asked as they were climbing up the poorly constructed wooden staircase.
“We’re going home.”
“Home?” Kyuusaku rolled that foreign word around his tongue. “Where’s home?”
The white-haired boy didn’t reply immediately.
He walked out of the small cottage and into the night. He didn’t even look down and just walked around a body lying on the floor with greenish tentacles and raven hair scattered everywhere.
“Wherever you want it to be, that will be your home.”
“Wherever I want?” Kyuusaku whispered, staring up at the man.
High above the sky, a single man watched the scene unfold with his hands in his pockets and crimson light shrouding his body.
“It seems that my plan has worked!” The cheerful sound of his lover buzzed into his ear like an annoying fly. “Of course, not that I ever expected it to go otherwise~”
“Yeah, yeah,” Chuuya huffed, eyes never straying away from the black coated figure slowly disappearing into the trees.“But we can’t be certain that Q will listen to Nakajima. That brat was never stable to begin with. After this, his mental state will only get worse.”
“No, Q will listen,” Dazai said with certainty. “After all, Atsushi-kun is the one who took their hands. For Q who has never experienced human warmth, once they have gotten a taste, they will be too afraid to ever let go.”
“You’re a piece of shit as usual,” Chuuya stated flatly. Despite what he said, he couldn’t deny the efficiency of his lover’s manipulative methods. If Q could be controlled, then their Ability would become a great asset to the Port Mafia.
“Human life is filled with many pure, happy, serene examples of insincerity, truly splendid of their kind-of people deceiving one another without any wounds being inflicted, of people who seem unaware even that they are deceiving one another!” The brunet spoke with much exaggeration on the other side, as if he was performing in some sort of play.
“Oh?” Chuuya raised a fine brow. His deep, husky voice carried a hint of threat. “Are you including me in that?”
“Of course not, Chuuya!” Dazai’s tone immediately did a one-eighty. “For my love for you will always be true!”
Chuuya snorted quietly to himself before looking back down at the empty field. The White Reaper of the Port Mafia was long gone by now.
“I told you, didn’t I?” Dazai’s voice whispered gently by his ears, losing all its playfulness. “That once you’ve experienced the warmth of another human being, you will never be able to let go.”
“Then you better hold onto it tightly, you shitty boss,” Chuuya shot down like a black and crimson arrow, piercing through the cottage and creating a massive explosion.
“Cause I ain’t gonna let go.”
“It’s really coming down…” Iida muttered, gazing up at the sky.
The class stood under a building, watching the rain come down so hard that a thick layer of water vapor was covering the ground.
“How’s this possible? Isn’t there a barrier around here?” Ashido asked in confusion. She stretched out her hand and watched as the raindrops splashed into her palm, rapidly cooling the surface of her skin.
“Remember the breeze we felt before?” Yaoyorozu turned to her classmates. “Perhaps this barrier allows certain things to go through, like sunlight, rain and wind.”
“But how’s that possible?” Sero questioned. “I mean, I get that they got higher technology and all, but is something like that even possible?”
“It’s been ten minutes already,” Uraraka mumbled with concern, looking around for any signs of the four that had left. “You guys don’t think anything happened…do you?”
“I’m sure they’re fine!” Kirishima said in an attempt to cheer her along with the rest of the class up.
“We still have five more minutes,” Iida pointed out, glancing down at his phone.
The rain continued to pour down.
They waited for the time to slowly pass.
And then, five minutes was up.
They all looked around, yet there were still no signs of Midoriya, Shouji, Hagakure and Jirou. They checked their phones, but none of them had received any calls from their friends. During this time, they’ve repeatedly tried to call their friends, knowing it’ll be safe as their phones were muted.
Unfortunately, none of their calls got through.
“It can’t be that something happened…can it?” Koda asked nervously.
“Or maybe they just went too far and are coming back?” Sato guessed.
“Either way, fifteen minutes are up, we should call.” Todoroki looked towards Iida.
“Yeah…” Iida nodded and clicked on the contact for Kunikida.
They all knew how much they would be yelled at, but they were prepared for it the moment they agreed to let Midoriya, Hagakure, Shouji and Jirou go.
Iida turned the phone on speaker so that everyone could listen in.
The ringing sound of the phone began and they all waited nervously for the person on the other end to pick up.
It didn’t take long for their calls to get through. On the third ring, Kunikida picked it up.
“Yes?” His voice came from the other end.
“Kunikida-san,” Iida bent his spine and bowed a perfect ninety degree despite the other not being able to see it. “We’re sorry! Even though you told us not to, we decided to follow that boy!”
“We’re sorry! We’ll accept any punishment!” Yaoyorozu followed.
Everyone was about to start apologizing, but were interrupted by Kunikida’s sharp voice. Although their interactions had been short, the students all had a pretty good grasp on Kunikida’s personality and were all expecting the blond to start yelling at them.
However, he didn’t. Instead, he was speaking in a very calm and collected voice, “Who went? Since you’re calling me, I assume you weren’t part of the group that went.”
“Midoriya-kun, Jirou-kun, Hagakure-kun and Shouji-kun,” Iida replied, swallowing hard. The calmness in Kunikida’s voice made them more nervous than if the blond had screamed.
“Will they use their Quirks?”
“Do you think they will use their Quirks?” Kunikida repeated more firmly.
“No, I don’t think they will,” Yaoyorozu replied for Iida, stepping closer so her voice could be heard through the loud pattering sound of the rain.
“Then listen closely,” Kunikida instructed. “From now on, no matter what happens, do not use your Quirk under any circumstances. Even when you think you’ll die, don’t use your Quirk. Do you understand?”
“What do you mean?” Uraraka asked worriedly. All of them could pick up something really off with Kunikida’s attitude.
“Just stay where you are and wait for me. Even if someone were to attack you, you can’t use your Quirk!” With that, the call was cut off again.
Class 1-A all shared a look.
Even if someone were to attack them?!
“What the fuck is going on?” Bakugou muttered, sharp eyes narrowing into the distance covered by the rain and fog.
What was going on?
What happened?
Why did it become like this?
“Jirou-san, hang in there!!”
The hands gripping onto the make-shift bandages made from Shouji’s shirt were hastily working to wrap up the hole in the girl’s stomach. Midoriya tried to recall the first aid lessons they’ve had back in U.A, but it was no use. They don’t have anything that can clean the wound or stop the blood flow.
All Midoriya could do was tighten the bandages, apply pressure and hope that could somewhat slow the blood flow.
“I-I’m…ok…!” Jirou tried to smile, but was failing miserably. Her lips were pale and there were even tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Even with the rain constantly washing over them, they could all tell how badly she was sweating.
“This isn’t good…we have to find a hospital.” Shouji said, noting how badly Jirou was shaking in his arms. 
“Guys! We have to go now!” Hagakure half screamed, half whispered.
Thanks to the rain, Midoriya could make out where the invisible girl was from the water running down her body, shaping her outline.
She was frantically running towards them after being on the lookout from the alleyway entrance.
Neither Midoriya or Shouji needed to ask what happened, as the next thing they know, the sound of gunfire echoed into their ears.
They were instantly on the move once more, running away from the battlefield they knew were taking place. The rain was a blessing in disguise, for that if it wasn’t raining so hard, the people out in the street would have caught their frantic footsteps.
As Midoriya ran, he recalled everything that had happened since they came in here.
They came here to follow Kyuusaku and that strange man, yet before they were able to find where they went, they found the corpses first.
The corpses were everywhere. On the street, in the darkness of the alleyways, and they even spotted a dead body hanging from the roof!
And all of these dead people were dressed the same—white cloaks with goggles covering half of their faces.
Why were there so many people dead?
What in the world happened?
They found the answer not long after when static seemed to cover everything—including the air they were breathing. If Midoriya had to come up with a way to describe it, it was like being inside a thundercloud. All the hairs on their bodies straightened at the intense static in the air before they were thrown into total darkness.
This darkness was the switch that started everything.
As soon as a veil of darkness covered their eyes, the sounds of gunfire and explosions echoed into the night, followed by the screams of people coming from all around them.
It was as if they had fallen into a nightmare without realizing they had fallen asleep.
Before they were even able to comprehend what was happening, a loud bang—one that sounded much closer to them than the rest—snapped them back to reality. Along with the sound was Jirou’s pained cry and her body falling forward.
At that moment, all their training from U.A came back to them. They stopped thinking all together and acted on instincts.
The sudden darkness left the three of them blinded, unable to see anything further than half a meter. However, all of them were able to remember the narrow alleyway just a bit behind them, since they came out from there. Without the need to communicate, they turned at the same time, grabbing Jirou and ducking inside just as repetitive loud bangs came from the distance.
They backtracked their steps, yet it was as if all the evil were waiting for the darkness to come just so they could strike. In just a matter of minutes, the entire place was like a warzone.
People dressed in black and white were fighting one another, all of them armed with guns, bazookas and all sorts of ranged weapons.
There were so many bodies falling onto the pavement and dying that the white mist from the rain was slowly turning red.
This wasn’t just a simple battle anymore.
It was a massacre.
“Why?” Hagakure’s voice was unsteady as she gasped for breath. “We’ve been running all this time and we’re not getting out at all! But we’ve been running in the same direction, it doesn’t make any sense!”
The three of them managed to break into one of the empty warehouses. They hid behind large stacks of crates and listened to the endless gunfire and screams outside.
Midoriya was panting as well. He thought over all the roads they had taken and Hagakure was right. Even if they were thrown off from the attacks, they were heading towards the general direction of where they came from. They all remembered clearly…so how could they still be stuck here?
It only took them ten minutes to come here, yet it’s been nearly twenty minutes and they weren’t seeing the exit.
“Something isn’t right.” Midoriya said. “This place…everything—” he cut off when an explosion shook the warehouse they were hiding in, causing some dust gathered on the roof to fall over them.
“How’s Jirou-san?” Midoriya asked, changing the topic and looking towards Jirou cradled in Shouji’s arms.
“She’s just fainted,” Shouji told him when he noticed the worried look on the other’s face. “Although it slowed a bit, she’s still losing blood. We have to find help soon.”
“Yeah…” Midoriya agreed. He pulled out his phone, but he still couldn’t turn it on. “Shouji-kun, Hagakure-san, are your phones still not working?”
“No, I can’t turn it on at all!” Hagakure said frustratedly, showing them the black screen on her phone.
“Same here.” Shouji sighed.
Whatever caused all the lights to go out had turned off their phones as well.
Midoriya was certain that it was the work of an Ability user. It was the only explanation for the weird static around them and the lighting that came down all at once.
Even idiots would know by now that they had stumbled into a battlefield between two groups.
“Shouji-kun, Hagakure-san!” Midoriya said, standing as his friends turned to him. “If after a while we still can’t find a way out…I will use my Quirk.”
“Midoriya-kun,” Shouji spoke up, “that’s—”
“I know,” Midoriya said gravely, looking over to Jirou whose face was as white as chalk. “This is just the worst case scenario. If we can’t get back to the others—or even get out of here—Jirou-san will be in danger.”
The other two didn’t say anything to that, as they too knew it was true. Jirou’s blood hasn’t stopped flowing out. At this rate—
The three immediately quieted down. They all held their breaths and listened to the door to the warehouse being knocked down. The heavy metal smashed onto the concrete, creating a deafening sound that made them shook.
“Look what we have here~” A voice sang from the other side of the warehouse. It was the voice of a woman. “Four wet mice hiding in a little corner. Since when did the Port Mafia become so pathetic?”
The Port Mafia?
Midoriya, Hagakure and Shouji shared looks of shock.
How did these people find out where they were?
Midoriya’s eyes landed on his own body and realized how soaked he was—how soaked they all were. There were no doubts they left footprints when they came in, but the voice specifically said four, not three.
Even if they left footprints, the most will only be three pairs, so how…
“Death to the Port Mafia!” the woman shouted, not even giving them time to react as guns aimed specifically in their direction started rapid firing.
They all ducked upon the sound of wooden crates being blasted apart one after another. Under the intense gunfire, they could even hear the woman’s crazed laugh. Some of the crates hung on longer than the others due to the different materials that were inside, but sooner or later they were blasted apart by the power of the bullets.
It won’t take long before all four of them get blasted with holes.
“Where’s that spirit of yours now, you dirty sewer rats! You snuck up on us and cornered us before, how does it feel to have that returned to you, huh?!”
“Shouji-kun, Hagakure-san!” Midoriya shouted to his companions through the loud bangs resonating through the warehouse. He grabbed onto both of them, then began looking around to find a way out.
The front entrance was out of the question.
Even if he could move fast enough, there was no guarantee he could dodge the bullets, especially when the entrance was already blocked. So that left him only one option.
He will kick down the wall behind them and leave through there.
Midoriya gritted his teeth. He still remembered his teachers and Kunikida’s warning of not using his Quirk. He knew it could be dangerous…but at this rate, Jirou, Hagakure and Shouji will…!
Midoriya froze.
He stared at the wall he had been glaring at intensely, then slowly to Shouji and Hagakure. There was an equal amount of confusion and wariness on their faces.
The bullets had stopped shooting and the air had become strangely quiet.
Even the woman’s voice was gone. If it wasn’t for the fact that they can still move, and the sound of rain hitting the rooftop, they would have thought time stopped or something.
Midoriya only felt a pat on his shoulder before a pair of shoes tiptoed away. The invisible girl had gone off to investigate. He wanted to call out to stop her seeing how there was some way the enemies were able to see them, but the girl had already run off.
The two boys waited nervously, worried for their classmate’s safety. Thankfully, Hagakure didn’t go out for too long. Though when she came back, both of them could tell how frantic she was from her shoes that were jumping up and down.
She didn’t speak and instead tugged on Midoriya to follow her.
Midoriya did. He carefully moved around the crates and when he peeked out, his eyes widened at what he was seeing. Half of the warehouse was ruined and the floors covered with splinters from the crates that were destroyed.
But most importantly, lying at the entrances were five corpses.
Like many other corpses they had seen, these people were all dressed in white. They were lying face down within a puddle of blood that was expanding across the dusty floor, dying their white clothes in red and their weapons lying not far from them.
Midoriya felt goosebumps crawling over his skin. He looked around the warehouse, but couldn’t see anything or anyone that could have killed them.
They waited for a while, yet there was still nothing. It was possible that this was a trap…or it could be that whoever that killed these people had already left. Midoriya was leaning more towards the former. These people were obviously shooting at them, so there was no way whoever that killed these people wouldn’t know they were here.
After some hesitation, Miodirya decided to take a bet.
“Midoriya-kun!” Hagakure hissed, but the boy gave her a slight wave to tell her that it was alright.
He slipped out and walked along the wall carefully while constantly on the look for anything that may pop out and attack him.
There wasn’t any attack even after he made it to the bodies.
He looked around and slowly crouched down to the nearest cloaked person. Carefully, he pulled off the person’s hood, releasing a river or raven black hair that scattered around the body. Swallowing, Midoriya grabbed the headgear around the corpse’s head and pulled.
As he did so, the head was lifted, allowing Midoryia to see the face that belonged to a woman. Startled, he tugged too hard and swallowed the urge to scream when the woman’s head came right off!
No, it wasn’t off yet, but it was close! The woman’s head was bent ninety degrees from the pull on her goggles and twisted around so that her face was in full view.
Midoriya let go of the headgear and the head fell back onto the ground in a quiet thump. He slapped his hand over his mouth. His stomach turned and he had to use all of his will power just to stop the content inside from rushing up his throat.
He tried to think back to his lessons with Ranpo. He tried to convince himself that it was just like that time...but he couldn’t.
This wasn’t the same as that time, or even the bodies they had come across on their way here.
These people were just alive!
They were just talking and attacking them not seconds ago. These bodies were still warm with blood still flowing on the ground.
Midoriya took a couple of deep breaths before he glanced back to the head. He forced his wavering gaze back to the neck that was still attached by a nail’s length of flesh. Green eyes darted to the other bodies lying in similar fashion as this woman.
Now he knew how they died. They all had their throats slit by something extremely sharp.
And to do that, the attacker had to be at close range.
He would have started shaking if he already wasn’t at the thought of someone watching their moves right now. Whoever killed these people had done it swiftly, not even giving them the time to react.
A name instantly surfaced onto Midoriya’s mind.
The Port Mafia.
According to what the woman had said not long ago, this fight was between them and the Port Mafia.
Whoever had killed these people was part of the Port Mafia and most likely the one tasked to watch over them.
Now that Midoriya had a lead, everything else just naturally fell into place.
“ Absolutely no Quirks are to be used. As long as you do not use your Quirks, you will be in no danger. Please keep that in mind.”
The principal’s voice rang inside his head.
As long as they don’t use their Quirks, they won’t be in any danger.
Midoriya felt a chill crept down his spine at the horrifying thought that came to him. He unconsciously reached out and touched his throat. If he had used his Quirk, then the one lying in a pool of blood would have been him.
Midoriya was aware of this…he had been aware of this since the beginning, yet he didn’t register the meaning behind it until he was staring at the fresh bodies by his feet.
This place…everything happening right now…this was the real Yokohama.
As long as they don’t use their Quirks, they will be safe.
If he looked at it from another point of view, then that also means that as long as they don’t use their Quirks, the Port Mafia will protect them.
No…if the Port Mafia was protecting them, then what about Jirou?
Midoriya decided to think about these later. Now was not the time.
Taking a couple of deep breaths, he reached out to grab the woman’s headgear again. The woman was staring back at him with those wide, unblinking eyes that had already gone dry from the lack of tears.
The green-haired boy pressed his other hand onto the head, fighting back the nausea and pressed the head down so he could rip the headgear off. Clutching the goggles in his hand, he ran back to Shouji and Hagakure. Both of them were looking at him nervously. 
Before Shouji could finish, Midoriya doubled down and began vomiting.
“Midoriya-kun!” Hagakure was instantly at his side, one hand holding his shoulder while the other rubbing his back as he threw up what little he had inside his stomach. Even now, Midoriya could remember the feeling of the woman’s head under his palm...how warm it still felt.
“Midoriya-kun, are you alright?” Shouji asked with worries laced in his voice.
“I’m fine,” Midoriya reassured them after he emptied everything out. He used his sleeve to wipe his lips before trying to put the headgear on.
“They were able to see where we are and how many of us are there. If I’m right, then these goggles—” Midoriya stopped speaking the moment he got the goggles over his eyes. It was just like he thought!
He could see!
It was as if everything in the world had become black and consisted of only white lines. He could see the white lines of the crates around them and even through it to stare at the bodies lying at the entrances. The only downside was that all he could see were the basic forms and outlines of everything. This made it hard for him to gauge the distance without taking these goggles off to look at what it was like in reality.
With these goggles, Midoriya began looking all around them. He looked through the walls around the factories and to the outside.
There was no one around.
Did the person watching over them leave?
Midoriya wanted to see further, but realized that fifteen meters was as far as these goggles could see. Anything beyond that was just darkness.
He quickly told his two classmates of this, as well as his guess of who it was that killed those people off.
As surprised as Hagakure and Shouji were, they both agreed on two things, and it was that they couldn’t bet on the Port Mafia saving them. If the Port Mafia planned on saving them, then they would have stepped out to help Jirou, not leave them on their own like this. They can only rely on themselves to save Jirou.
Now that they knew these goggles exist, hiding inside buildings was the worst possible option. There was no guarantee that no more of those white cloaked people would come. They’ll just be sitting ducks here.
And so, the three ran out of the warehouse.
None of them noticed the shadowy figure standing on the beam high up in the ceiling. The figure ran along the beam that was only ten inches wide and with a flip, they slipped out of the open window.
With both hands grasping onto the windowsill, the figure gave a simple push and their feet landed soundlessly on the roof.
In the heavy rain, the figure ran along the edge of the roof, tailing the kids closely.
Stormy gray eyes were locked on the green haired boy with goggles running at the very front. Whenever they stopped or whenever that boy turned, the figure would skillfully move so that they were out of the boy’s range of sight.
And then, just as the figure leaped over another roof, a deafening roar cracked down like thunder, causing the kids and the figure to freeze.
“W-what was that?!” Hagakure yelped, looking around for whatever that made that sound.
“Whatever it is, we have to go now!” Shouji shouted urgently, and Midoriya agreed.
Whatever that was, it didn’t sound anything close to a human. It sounded more like a wild beast of some sort.
Before they could resume running, screams—this time human—came from right behind them.
The three of them turned around. Hagakure and Shouji couldn’t see far due to the darkness and downpour, but Midoriya could. He gasped at the sight of a white outlined figure, running towards them and into the range of his goggles.
“There’s a person!” Midoriya alerted his classmates. He took a step back, eyes already darting around for an escape route when from the corner of his eye, he saw a weird blur.
“Eh?” Midoriya stared down the street, where the silhouette of the person was. The person that had been running was now on the ground—unmoving.
“Midoriya-kun?” Hagakure called, but Midoriya could barely hear her.
He stared at the figure. The outline where the head should have been was gone. The person on the ground was missing their head.
What exactly happened just now?
There were more screams and explosions. Midoriya didn’t know if it was due to the rain muffling some of the sound, but he felt like these sounds were coming from all around them—from all directions.
He tried to see what was going on, but the goggles didn’t allow him to see far enough.
“Midoriya-kun, what’s going on?” Shouji gasped.
“Midoriya-kun? Midoriya-kun!” Hakugare was shaking Midoriya when he still didn’t respond.
“I—” Midoriya was about to open his mouth when the screaming and gunfire disappeared, leaving behind an eerie silence.
The three of them stood within the rain.
They stood back to each other, cautiously looking around for any sign of danger. They didn’t know if it was due to the cold droplets showering over them, but all of their hands were slightly shaking.
They waited and waited, but nothing happened.
The rain continued to come down and other than that, they didn’t hear anything anymore.
The three of them gradually relaxed from their tense posture.
Shouji and Hagakure turned to Midoriya, and it was at that moment that a voice spoke.
“What are you doing here?”
The voice came from behind them, from the spot where Shouji and Hagakure were watching out for just a second ago.
They whirled around and Midoriya’s eyes that were hidden behind the goggles widened at the sight of what was standing in front of him.
Sweat broke out of his skin at the sight of a gigantic beast towering over the three of them. Midoriya stared at the gigantic tiger that was illuminating with faint white light. Unlike the simple outlines of humans, the beast before him was shown in extreme detail.
Midoriya stared at the white and black coat, then to those golden eyes locked on him.
And then, Midoriya’s vision shattered. The lens fell apart little by little until the entire headgear fell from his head. The green haired youth blinked.
The beast he was seeing was gone, and in its place stood a familiar young man with unevenly cut white hair. It was the same man they had been trying to follow—the one who took Kyuusaku!
“Those aren’t something you should wear.” The man said with furrowed brows, eyes trailing to the remains of the goggles.
Midoriya looked down by reflex, only to stop upon seeing something lying quietly beside the man’s feet.
His mouth fell open, but no sound came out of his throat. Despite the rain constantly pouring into his eyes, he couldn’t even find it in himself to blink.
He stared at the round object with reddish-brown hair growing out of it.
That was a head.
A human head.
It wasn’t just that. Although he couldn’t tell due to the black coat, the water around the man’s feet was being dyed red. It was the blood being washed off the man’s body by the rain.
Midoriya wasn’t the only one who noticed. Hagakure and Shouji saw the head as well.
The three of them slowly backed away from this man, yet Midoriya couldn’t help the panic rising up inside him. While keeping the man within his sight, he was subtly searching for any signs of Kyuusaku.
“Leave this place,” the white-haired man said, golden eyes narrowing, “Otherwise—urgh!”
The black cloaked man suddenly let out a pained groan and hunched over. His hands clutched onto his head tightly as if he were suffering from a migraine.
“W-what’s going on?” Hagakure whispered.
“Is he hurt?” Shouji held Jirou tighter and took another step back.
Midoriya watched the man’s every move.
The white-haired man let out another pained whine. He stumbled, swaying in his feet before a ring of blue light shot out of his body and circled around him.
Along with the man’s scream, a blue ring appeared, then another.
“What’s…” Midoriya stared at that ring of blue light. From this close up, he could see the tiny pixels that made up the ring—no, not pixels.
Those were tiny characters.
They were words.
Midoriya’s eyes rounded. He had seen this before. Back when Tanizaki Junichirou demonstrated his power, those green lights were also made up of tiny characters like this!
“It’s an Ability!” Midoriya shouted to his classmates.
“This way!” Shouji called while running away from the man. He headed towards the nearest alleyway behind them with Midoriya and Hagakure following suit.
Just as Midoriya took a couple of steps, he saw the white-haired man move from the corner of his eye. He whirled around and fell into a defensive position—only to be dumbfounded by the sight.
The man was still standing in the same place he had been. The rings around his body were gone and his right hand was lifted—stabbing into his left shoulder.
Midoriya could see the gloved finger sinking all the way down his knuckles with blood trickling down his arms and washed off by the rain.
“What—” Midoriya’s voice was drowned out when the man suddenly let out a roar.
It was that same, monstrous roar from before, coming from the lips of a human.
At the same time, they were suddenly bathed in blue light with the familiar static and electricity dancing through the rain.
When a droplet carrying that electricity hit Midoriya, he was jolted out of his thoughts and looked up to see a person in the brightening sky. And that person was falling towards them at a breakneck speed.
Midoriya watched as that white cloaked person extended their arms with blue electricity shrouding their body.
The white-haired man let out another roar before he crouched low. Midoriya could almost hear the sound of his muscles tightening up before he kicked off, shooting into the air with a force so strong that the ground around him caved in.
Had Midoriya not braced himself, he would have been thrown back from the gust of wind slamming into him seconds after the man shot off. The speed and power the man displayed was so similar to One for All that Midoriya couldn’t help but stare.
When he looked up towards the sky, he saw the white-haired man leaping up a building on all four like a graceful cat—leaving deep claw marks into the side of the building before he kicked off, shooting past the building he was scaling and towards the sky where that white figure was.
The moment the white and black figures clashed, there was a burst of blue light, blinding Midoriya and forcing him to look away. From high above, he could hear the roaring sound of thunder mixed together with the roar of a beast.
Midoirya hurriedly ran into the alleyway where Shouji and Hagakure were waiting.
“Come on, let’s go!” Hagakure shouted, taking the lead.
But where would they go?
They knew that aimlessly running around won’t help them at all, but other than that, what can they do?
Think—Midoriya told himself, eyes trailing to Jirou in Shouji’s arms.
There had to be a way out of this situation.
On top of that, he was also concerned about Kyuusaku’s whereabouts. Especially after seeing that man covered in blood, there was no way Midoriya could turn a blind eye to the boy’s situation. It wasn’t just something as simple as an unhealthy relationship anymore.
There had to be a way.
There was always a way!
A loud explosive sound made the three of them skid to a stop. From the narrow exit of the alley, a burst of black mist covered the street, making them unable to see anything beyond it.
“What’s that?” Shouji muttered, squinting his eyes in an attempt to get a clearer look.
It was at this moment that something blue and white flew down from the sky, smashing into the building next to them. The entire building shook, causing pieces of the wall and bricks to fall into the narrow path the three of them were in.
“We have to go back!” Midoriya shouted. He didn’t know what that black mass in front of them was, but he knew it wasn’t anything good. They need to get out of here and—
“Hagakure-san?” Midoriya gasped, startled by the other’s scream. Fearing something happened to her, the green-haired boy looked around the alley. He looked at the ground, searching for her shoes only to find them missing.
“Hagakure-san!!” Midoriya’s heart skipped a beat. Shouji was in the same situation as he too searched for their missing classmate.
“Hey!” A voice called out to them, The voice belonged to a female, but it wasn’t Hagakure’s voice.
Midoriya and Shouji turned around to see the door near the exit of the alley opened. From the doorway, they saw a young girl who couldn’t be older than twelve with long blond hair and bright blue eyes.
She looked annoyed while waving a hand at them.
“Hurry up and get in! Do you want to die?” She snapped impatiently.
Midoriya and Shouji didn’t know what was going on, but they knew that this girl—whoever she was—was helping them. They ran forward, rushing into the building before the girl slammed the door close.
“Midoriya-kun, Shouji-kun!” Hagakure quickly ran up to her classmates.
“Come on, we have to get down!” The little blonde girl shouted just as the building they were in shook.
Midoriya looked out the window and saw nothing but darkness beyond it despite the continuous thundering noise outside.
The three of them immediately followed the little girl who led them down another staircase leading towards the basement.
Hagakure went in first, followed by Shouji and then Midoriya.
However, just as Midoriya was about to walk inside, he heard shattering sounds from above.  Something gripped his arm, pulling him into the room before the door closed with a loud slam.
And then, the shattering sound from above grew into loud crashing noises.
“My, that was a close one!”
Midoriya turned to the person that had pulled him in at the last second.
He was a tall and skinny man with raven hair and stubble around his chin—proof of the lack of shaving.
“Are you alright, boy?” the man asked with a gentle look on his face.
“Ah, yes, thank you!” Midoriya hurriedly thanked the man. He opened his mouth, about to ask who the man was when the blonde girl from before kicked the man in the shin, causing him to crumble onto the ground in pain.
All three U.A students jumped in surprise at the girl’s action. No matter how they looked at this sweet doll-like girl, she didn’t seem like the type to hit people out of the blue like that!
“So mean, Elise-chan!!” the man whined with tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
“Hmph!” The girl—Elise, huffed with her cheeks puffed out. “Stupid Rintarou! Because of you, I got wet!”
“I’m sorry Elise-chan! I’ll buy you plenty of new dresses tomorrow, ok?” the man asked, trying to butter up to the little girl who refused to look at him.
“I want strawberry cake!”
“Alright, we’ll get cake together with the dresses!”
“Umm…?” Shouji spoke up and the man’s attention turned towards him.
That playful look on his face became serious the moment his eyes landed on Jirou.
“It seems your companion needs treatment,” he said while reaching into his pocket, pulling out a pair of white rubber gloves. “Set her down on that table over there, I will take a look at her.”
“Excuse me?” Hagakure asked as politely as she could. “You are…?”
“I’m just a middle-age doctor managing a small clinic,” the man replied with a smile.
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