#tl:dr my year is what's known as respectable chaotics
pocket-dust-starr · 5 years
A continuous list of things my year group and individuals from my year have done in our high school experience (2014-2019)
Destroyed some beakers by burning Coca Cola
Holds the records for most smashed windows, mainly due to aggressive handball tournaments
had our science teacher pretend to beat up a student to teach us a scientific lesson. Then had us all pretend to be murdered fake blood and all to gage other students reactions
electrocuted each other for fun on the farm
said science teacher also fueled our chaoticness and only ours
Had the Aussie equivalent of a snowball fight, where instead of snow it was wet fallen flowers and rain
Broke the school’s record of most bought flavoured milks, then lined each empty carton together on all of the windowsills
Linked every wheelie bin together and rode them through the year area
Found a condom, stretched said condom over dudes head and then blew it up to half his size
Instead of making a poster like told, made a giant paper plane and threw it out the window
two dudes hid inside the science room cupboards but then one promptly broke the shelf on top of  the other boy
entire year nut bush dance
had a bomb threat lmao
had a Christmas rave where we glued glitter to our faces
Stopped class and had a rap battle outside
ripped a table from its bolts and then had it stolen
Drew Napoleon riding a dodo and vandalised this one area with chalk (some of which can still be seen)
With our year advisers, but not the principal’s permission, vandalised the rest of the school with said chalk
Kicked a hole in the expensive science room walls
Kicked a hole in an asbestos riddled building
Painted a superhero mural for the local disability home
told to run wild when on an excursion into town
was electrocuted by science teacher from before
spent the whole of lunch trying to get a ball out a tree, mainly by throwing more balls at it
Through sheer determination and constant complaints, got equality for boys and girls mingling and whatever else we wanted
Is the reason why water fights and water guns aren’t allowed in summer
Beat each other up with pool noodles while dressed as Spartans
Had a pyjama party in the library
Played cards against humanity before Christmas with our maths teacher, obvi making him say the dirtiest answers
Had a paper mache striptease contest
20 of us got to stay overnight in Canberra and ended up on tv and basically ran wild around the city with our two teachers acting like concerned but uncaring dads
a group of girls went around taping photos of contaminated food from the canteen in retaliation when the canteen called them liars
Won a tug of war contest twice against all of the teachers
M u c k  u p  p h o t o  d a y
dude brought in food for class but forgot to take his condoms out of the bag and let’s just say he’ll never live it down
Yeeted a laptop over a 2 story building
Then dropped said laptop from 2nd story balcony
Then ran over said laptop with a car
Had a knock-n-run during bio, school captain asks to go get them, runs out of the room and down the hallway and drags the culprit back in a headlock - “Did you even know that kid?” “Haha no”
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