#tldr death's whole body language gets more expressive the moment the sickles are out
swanpit · 1 year
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so something i just noticed today, looking back :  you know lots of animated characters, they can get very animated with their hand gestures, in puss in boots the last wish, it’s no exception, we saw various character doing it except somehow, this guy
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like he got lots of long dialogue shots but very rarely i saw his face and his free, empty hand doing whatever on the same frame? also some examples below under readmore so it’ll be a long post
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meanwhile with other characters, it's business as usual
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but i also noticed that his hands seems to do more movement/gesturings when he's holding an object, like the mug/coins/mainly his weapons
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yeah so interesting detail that separate him from others there but i'm still not sure if this is more just for personality trait (as in the lack of hand gesturing isnt bad because in this case it's supposed to be something in character with him) or if there's deeper meaning i'm started to think about this because when i was drawing him sometimes i was thinking what pose i should give him when he's talking and i was like....huh have he ever done this kind of pose? not even normal people pose you see often other people/characters do?  especially the ones you saw during conversations?
 and turns out, he never did. 
 so yeah, that was a "huh" moment right there
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