#tldr: he's set just after ROP so I'll probably redo graphic when more awake I just couldn't think of anything else for it
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Look who just woke up- is that CHARLIE VICKERS? No, I must have been mistaken, that’s SAURON from LORD OF THE RINGS. I heard they are APPEARS 31 and stuck here just like everyone else. Even in the 20’s, he still give off a the road to hell is paved with good intentions, always wanting more, confidence that could kill, five steps ahead, the nightmare you tell your children about impression. But here, they are working as A POLITICIAN. They’re known to be quite CHARISMATIC & PATIENT, but have a tendency to be MANIPULATIVE & CRUEL on their bad days.
Gender/Pronouns : Male / he/him
How long have they been in Sydney : In his memories, 3 years. In reality, 2 months
Which suburb do they live in? Darling Point
Personality description : 
Strangers - he is a little cautious with strangers. He knows given his job people dislike him sometimes, but he won't try and be rude straight away. Often he will try and charm. He will definitely manipulate
Casual friends - He is still cautious, though a lot more relaxed. If he needs to manipulate them then he will, but for the most part he is at least pretending to just be a normal person
Loved ones - he has very few of those. Though he does try to be honest, more often it comes over as he can give them power, not always something they want.
Enemies - adding this one, because a lot of people aren't going to like him. He doesn't really care too much about that, if people need a villain he is happy to be it. If only because he knows now, no one really is going to listen to him.
Memories of their real life : 
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and once upon a time a Maia named Mairon did have good intentions. Created by Eru, he was good and uncorrupted. However he wanted order and perfection, and soon realised the quickest way to archive this was by working with Morgoth. To begin with, keeping this a secret so he could gain information but before the end of The Years of the Lamps, his true intentions were revealed. Mairon was no more, instead he became Sauron.
Throughout the First Age Morgoth unleashed terror onto Middle Earth, with Sauron doing his bidding. During one battle, he picked up an insignia off a dead man. However after a defeat, he all but vanished. Morgoth was defeated, and Adar claimed he had killed Sauron due to his cruelty to the orcs.
Perhaps the story would have ended there. Sauron had indeed survived, but now lived under a fake name Halbrand, claiming to be a man running from orc attacks. He wanted to repent for what he had done, but also knew very few would believe him. It may have worked, if Galadriel had not ended up on the same raft.
They ended up on Númenor, where she learnt the insignia he carried belonged to the King of the South. He told her the truth, that he had found it on a dead man, however she didn't believe him. Meanwhile he became a blacksmith, his intent was to remain in Númenor, a peaceful life. But Adar was in the Southlands, and the thirst for revenge soon became overpowering. However when they did return, Galadriel prevent him from getting his revenge, believing Adar could tell her where Sauron was.
Míriel informed the people there that he was their long lost King, and suddenly a feeling he hadn't had in a long time came back. Power. If they were willing to give it to him so easily, perhaps it would be enough. But then Orodruin erupted and he was gravely injured. Whilst he wanted to stay and fight for the Southlands, Galadriel realised he would die from his wounds, and they left.
In Ost-in-Edhil he said something, phrases she had heard Adar use about Sauron, and she finally realised Halbrand was Sauron. After a confrontation he left, returning to the Southlands.
What was their fake life like:
Born into a normal family, it didn't even occur to Sauron to want for power. He was planning to spend his time as anyone in the 1900's would. Except a war broke out.
Like many his age, he ended up serving and it gave him a hatred for how the world was if this was what could happen. There was also horrors he saw out there. In his eyes, the world needed to change and likely the current one would need to burn for that to happen.
On returning, he opted to go into politics, starting at the bottom and slowly working his way up. He wanted to make the world better.
But then his memories came back, and suddenly he had centuries of memories. Had he been wrong before? With getting his memories back at the same time Mairon's thoughts were strong again, as were the ones of wanting redemption. Yet hadn't his point been proven here as well? The world cannot change unless it is broker first.
Optional, please pick at least three and interpret them however you wish ::
Location they work in: Parliament House
Theme Song: Gonna Know My Name - Diamond Dust
Quote: You don't know what I did, you don't know how I survived
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