#to add insult to injury I can't stop smiling when he's on screen and it's not a pretty smile either
aecholapis · 8 months
If Fighbird had come out this year I would have been thirsting over Draias (aroaceically) all the time.
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etlunainmorte · 5 years
🖤 I See My Future Before Me 🖤
Galatea found Vergil in the library that day, and when she approached the little boy, she saw him drawing something on a cover of a hardbound book with a blue crayon.
She might have smiled at the boy's little project but, the erratic movements of his little hand as the worn down cerulean crayon chaotically glided through the book, making jarred lines and messy curves, slightly unnerved her. And as the huge letter V finally started to form on the book's cover, she realized what he's been doing.
"You know, William Blake would not appreciate what you did to his book if he sees that." She gently told the little boy as she took a seat on one of the chairs next to him.
Vergil looked up at her, letting her see the ugly bruise on his cheek ( most probably Dante's doing ), and frowned. "I want to make this book mine!"
"I know, dear. It's just,... you're going to ruin the book. And if it's ruined, you won't be able to read it properly again."
"BUT - !" The boy almost cried. "It's Dante! He always takes everything away from me! I'm putting my name on it so it can truly be mine!"
"Sshh, sshh, sshh, alright, calm down,..." Galatea hushed as she held up her hands in front of the boy. "I understand. No need to get mad."
"But,..." the boy looked down at the ruined cover of the book, his tears now steadily flowing from his eyes. "... will Mr. William Blake really get mad at me for doing this?"
The girl smiled as she took the boy into her arms and wrapped him in a very warm and gentle embrace. "I think," she explained. "... that he will be very proud of you for picking his works over others. He will say that you're a very clever boy, and that you deserve all the love and affection in the world."
"You're joking, I know,..." Vergil argued, calmly but still with a hint of disappointment.
"I'm not! Okay, if you'll let me borrow your book,..." Galatea answered as she took the book from the table. "... then, maybe I could do something with it,..."
Later that night, the girl showed up at Vergil's bedroom, both her hands behind her back and a mischievous smile on her lips. The boy left his bed and went over to her side.
"Galatea, what are you hiding?"
The girl smirked as she finally showed what she's holding. It was the same book, only that it has now a brown leather cover with a huge golden V, along with intricate lines around it, emblazoned on both the front and the back.
The little boy's eyes widened with complete wonder, gasping excitedly as he received the newly covered book from her.
"It's like,..." Vergil almost stuttered, his excitement getting the better of him. "... it's magic! How did you do it?!"
Galatea playfully rolled her eyes. "Magic."
The little boy threw himself at her, hugging her as tightly as he could. "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!"
"Ah, it's nothing." Galatea answered as she put her arms around the boy's tiny body. "By the way, I put something in - "
"I'm so excited to read this!"
The boy ran to his bed, bouncing happily in it as he started to surround himself with the wondrous and imaginative world of Blake.
"Never mind." Galatea murmured more to herself than to the little boy. "Good night." She whispered as she quietly closed the door,...
Little Lamb who made thee,
Dost thou know who made thee,... ?
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"Sunny day sweepin' the clouds away.
On my way to where the air is sweet!
Can you tell me how to get?
How to get to - "
"V! Wake up!"
The poor poet woke up to someone shaking him on the shoulder and the sound of that sickly cheerful music on the television. He opened his eyes, letting them adjust to the bright morning light that seemed to add insult to his self - inflicted psychological and emotional injury, and saw the woman peering down at him with utter disgust.
"Eww, what happened to ya? Ya, like, cried yerself to sleep or somethin'?"
V ignored her stupid question as he sat up from the sofa ( which was mercifully soft, thank the Heavens ) and took a good long look around the now bright room.
During his awfully stressful slumber, Nico has managed to enter the premises ( of course, she has her own key ), parted the heavy curtains, and actually made something decent for breakfast.
And its smell was now actually wafting from the kitchen to V's sensitive nostrils.
"Breakfast time!" The tattooed woman announced as she went over to the television to turn it off.
"HEY!" Griffon, who was sitting on the floor beside Shadow, pointed an accusing finger at her. "WE'RE STILL WATCHING!"
Shadow, who was eagerly watching the children's show with Griffon, flinched when the television screen went from colorful to blank, and started crying like Nico just took her candy away from her.
Griffon and Nico both looked up as they heard V's intentionally loud scream and immediately stopped bickering. Shadow, on the other hand, went on crying like nobodies' business.
And it was to an awkward silence when he left the unit to clear his mind. He knew he has an obligation to take care of (Y/N) and he was fully aware that he must not leave her with Nico and Griffon ( who were both as perfectly capable as two clashing, idiotic hominids ) but, he really needed to get away for a while, to ease his anxiety and to calm his senses. He wanted so much to get rid of the throbbing pain on his head, and he needed get away from too much noise for a while.
He wanted to breathe some fresh air,...
All of a sudden, like something that could only happen in cheap novels and low - budget movies, a single piece of flyer flew from somewhere and landed on his face. He picked the piece of paper off his tired and greasy face, took a good long look at it, and almost swore out loud. Almost.
Of all the places that could lure him in,...
An hour later, he found himself face to face with the familiar wooden door with the huge neon sign right above it. The one place that old flyer advertised.
It was the same place,... that changed his fate forever. Not to mention the others he intentionally and unintentionally dragged along with him and his blunders.
He opened the door, stepped in,...
... and saw, in his utter shock, the huge interior of a grand, old cathedral. He was now standing next to one of the pews, and when he looked down to his left, he saw (Y/N) actually sitting on it, her eyes transfixed to, most probably, the choir practicing from the far right corner of the cathedral.
"Willst du ihnen beitreten?" Came the voice of an older woman who suddenly went through V ( like how Alicia did ) and placed a hand on her shoulder. It was a middle - aged nun with the most gentle features he has ever seen.
The nun must have noticed (Y/N)'s confusion upon being asked in a different language, and shook her head. "Oh, vergib mir. I mean, forgive me. I was asking if you want to join them." She asked, then gestured towards the choir.
(Y/N)'s mouth opened as she was about to say something but, then, hesitated. She just smiled sheepishly and shook her head.
"You'll love it there."
"I'm sorry, I can't,... I really can't sing like that."
"Oh, is that so? Hmm, you do seem to like music." The nun sat down next to (Y/N). "Then, what brings you here? You do seem like you came from a very far place. I may be able to help." She asked as she looked at her casual clothes that were inappropriate for such a cold weather.
The girl, who looked like she was about to burst into tears, nodded as she bowed her head. She, then, looked at the nun's eyes and spoke, "I was looking for - "
"V?" Came a familiar voice. The poet glanced at the vicinity of the choir once more and noticed Dante standing just next to the old conductor, his arms crossed. "Hey!" His younger brother went towards him, looking confused, and when he finally patted him on the shoulder, his surroundings abruptly changed from German rustic to American modern. He was back to his own reality with the familiar atmosphere of the Devil May Cry office before him. "Finally came for a visit, eh?"
"I,... guess I' am. Yes."
Dante rolled his eyes and gestured for V to follow him towards his desk. "So, what happened with the Vergil disguise?"
"It wore off." It was the truth
"Can you put it back on?" Dante mildly asked as he collapsed on his chair and placed both of his feet on his messy table. "Be my brother for a while?"
"Do you want me to?" V inquired as he threw his cane in mid air and caught it with his right hand.
The Devil Hunter in red just shook his head. "Nah. Would it make any difference, though? We'll still try to kill each other anyway."
"Was that the only memory we had? Of us at each others' throats?"
"Seems like it."
There was a moment of awkward silence, and when Dante spoke once more, V felt that there really was a reason he was led back to this place.
"That day, when I was fighting the Dreadnought's horde, some names came up my head. Something like Andromeda, Cassandra, and Galatea?" His statement made V smirk as he shook his head in disbelief. And this very unexpected gesture irked Dante. "What?"
"You heard the man, Cassandra." V spoke, much to Dante's utter confusion. "It is time you explain everything."
For a few moments, Dante only stared at V, thinking that his "brother" has completely gone insane, and lo and behold, something materialized right next to him, and it made him almost fall off his chair in shock.
"Dante, I'd like to reintroduce you to Cassandra, the Aspect Of Future, eldest of the Sisters of Fate."
Dante raised an eyebrow. "Wait a second here, reintroduce? Did I hear that right?"
V's gaze felt like daggers against Cassandra's skin. She looked down in shame, unable to speak.
"Cassandra, if you please?" V asked. No. More like ordered.
The Sister of Fate nodded and went closer to Dante. The man quickly stood and drew back in terror, uncertain why a tall and lovely woman was approaching him. "Let your sight be opened." Cassandra spoke clearly as she took hold of Dante's head, making his eyes roll back and his muscles tense. After a few moments, she let go of his head, making him stumble to the ground. And the moment he opened his eyes, he finally remembered everything.
"H - how could I forget?!" He muttered. "Cassandra, were you the one who sealed our memories?"
"Yes." The woman answered with much guilt. "I only did it to protect you from Mundus and all of Sparda's enemies. I' am very sorry."
"Ha." The man mocked as he stood up and brushed some dirt off his jacket. "And surely you've realized that your bright idea did nothing to keep us safe!"
"That is enough, Dante." V quietly interjected.
"Can you explain what this is all about?"
Which was exactly what V did for the next couple of hours. He explained everything, from the day he commissioned him to take on the Demon King Urizen, to the day the Sisters returned to him. And, of course, he told him everything about (Y/N), how he felt about her, how he fell in love with her,...
... how he hurt her,...
"To be quite frank," Dante began as he rubbed his stubble. "... you've been a total douchebag, V. No offense. Just saying the plain truth."
"I know. And I'm sorry." The poet, now settled on one of the chairs beside the desk, answered.
"Nah. What's the point in falling in love when you don't make a blunder or two? It's called, falling in love. And, damn, it hurts. Look what happened to me." Dante shook his head and stood. "Speaking of (Y/N), I just remembered something. Wait here." He stated as he made his way to the back of the office, occasionally throwing weird glances at Cassandra, who was quietly standing at the far corner of the room.
When he got back, he was carrying a pale pink fur coat and what looked like an instrument case. "(Y/N) forgot this the last time she's here. Can you give this back to her for me?"
As V was about to take the parka - like clothing from his brother, his visions returned, flinging him back to the old rustic church where he saw the same nun from before handing him the thing instead of Dante. A pair of hands went through V, taking the parka from the kind, old woman. He moved aside to see (Y/N) lovingly clutching the warm, wooly parka close to her chest.
"Thank you so much, Sister,... ah?"
"You may call me Sister Christina." The old woman smiled. "May you finally see the man you've been searching for." The nun made the sign of the cross and kissed the younger woman on the forehead. "Möge dich Gott auf deinen Reisen segnen."
"V?" Dante's voice once again brought him back to the present. "You okay?"
"Yes. Forgive me."
Dante just stared at V with a raised eyebrow as he handed the coat to him. "Oh, and, ah, her birthday is coming soon, and I couldn't think of anything else to give. I mean, I don't know what movie she hasn't already seen, and I'm sure she's not gonna appreciate Twilight. So, I got her this." He handed him the instrument case he's been holding.
V was right. It was a violin. A real one, and not a weaponized version.
Dante scratched his head in confusion. "Ah, I know she's tone deaf. But, you can teach her, right?"
"Of course." V answered. "Can I open it?"
"Sure. Open it, play something with it, whatever you want."
V carefully opened the case and saw the exquisite, wooden thing inside. He took it and appraised it like an expert.
"Guarneri? You can afford Guarneri?!" For the first time since those stressful days, V actually felt the mirth going back to his system at the thought of Dante buying an expensive instrument for the girl he loves.
"Guava?" And he clearly sounded that he had no idea what he just got himself into.
"Guarneri." V repeated dryly. He just can't accept people being ignorant about the popular Italian Luthier - the maker of Paganini's violin.
"Guava. Guanini. Whatever. Besides, I just bought it from an antique shop and had it fixed."
And apparently, it cost too much, V thought, taking note of the dark atmosphere of the room. His brother wasn't able to pay the bills again and was probably fast approaching bankruptcy.
V pushed the thoughts aside as he positioned the violin below his left jaw and raised the bow,...
"Allmächtiger Vater, Segne diesen Mann auf seinen Wegen und Reisen. Segne ihn in seinem Denken und Handeln. Segne ihn in seiner Seele und seinem Herzen. Dass dein Licht ihn stets umgibt, und ihn auf deinen erwählten Pfad sicher leite. Geleite ihn durch die Stille und Leere, auf dass er an deiner Seite die Hoffnung und das Glück entdecke. Im Namen des Vaters, des Sohnes und des heiligen Geistes
The two brothers both looked at the other end of the room and saw (Y/N) standing there, her back turned against them.
"What the hell?!" Dante mumbled. "(Y/N)?!"
However, V was fully aware who she really was. And he knew she wasn't (Y/N).
The girl turned and finally revealed her face. It was, indeed, Galatea. "Almighty father," she went on with her prayer. "Bless this man on his roads and travels, bless him in his thoughts and actions, bless him in his soul and in his heart that your light always surrounds him and guide him safely on your chosen path. Guide him through the silence and the void so that by your side he may find hope and mirth. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. It's what (Y/N) always prays at night before she sleeps. It was taught to her by the nun who gave her that parka. She prays for you each night, Master."
"Galatea, is that you?!" Dante gasped, pointing at another one of the Sisters of Fate who kept materializing in his own office.
"That name was given by your father, Sparda. Before that, I was,... nothing. A shell of what truly mirrors the illusions made by him." Galatea explained.
"What do you mean by that?" V questioned.
The girl smiled. "Do you remember that night when I fixed that book of yours, Master?"
"Of course. As clear as day, dear."
The girl nodded, her expression very serious. "Then, please, take the cover off the book."
"NO!" Cassandra shrieked all of a sudden. She crossed the room and made her way to her younger sister, hugging her as tightly as she could.
Like Galatea was going to leave her,...
"You can't do this! Please! We'll lose you! I beg you, don't do this!"
The youngest sister only smiled as she embraced her sibling. "But, you've seen it?"
"Yes!" Cassandra was crying, and it unnerved both V and Dante. "So, I beg you! Don't make him do it! Please! I've lost mama and papa. I don't want to lose you!"
It's just a book. What would happen to her?
Galatea closed her eyes as a single tear rolled down her eye. She, then, looked at V. "Master, do it. And see for yourself. Do it for me."
Despite the heavy and unexplainable feeling that suddenly weighed on his chest, he placed the Guarneri and the bow back on their case, took out the William Blake anthology from his coat pocket, and opened it, noticing the part where the leather cover began. With mild curiosity, Dante inched closer to V, watching his brother tear off the brown leather cover. A few moments later, a single piece of paper fell from it to the floor, making all eyes focus on it and it alone.
And as V picked it up and noticed what it was, his eyes widened and his lips parted. It was a very old vintage photograph of a little girl holding a stuffed lamb.
It was an old photograph of (Y/N).
"I was created to mimic her image. To provide mama with a daughter. Without her, the girl in that old photograph, I' am nothing. The moment I came to life, I always dreamed of actually meeting her in person. And I found her," Galatea let go of Cassandra and went directly to V. "... and brought her to you."
All the pain in his chest went back, reminding him of every bit of mistake he has done to her. He clutched the photograph closer to his chest. "But, I don't deserve her. I,... hurt her."
"I know. So, promise me you'll find her and get her back."
"Find her? Galatea, what do you - ?" V was startled when her body was suddenly engulfed with multiple little orbs of light. "What's happening to your body?"
"I used up all of my powers. I found her, fulfilled your wish, healed her. My mission,... has ended." She answered. She was dying, and yet, there was a content look on her face.
She knew her fate all along. And she embraced it.
"Farewell, Master."
And with those final words, she vanished, leaving behind her true form: an antique porcelain doll clutching a stuffed lamb.
That image was still on his mind when he left Dante's office and made his way back to (Y/N)'s unit but, something else was bothering him.
Find her? What does that mean? It's not like (Y/N) suddenly vanished or anything. That’s impossible.
But, then, something flashed in his mind: an unknown visitor, a tear - stained note, an open door,...
V practically sprinted towards the building, his heart rate going higher and higher as the vision finally took over his mind.
It can't be! She can't do this! She can't - !
The poet flung open the door and saw the frantic look on Nico and Griffon's faces.
"Where is she?"
Nico and Griffon immediately went towards V. Something really was wrong.
"Okay, V. No need to stress yerself even more. We just went out to get some stuff and,... she's just - " Griffon began but, he was immediately cut off.
Nico, who was the calmer of the three of them, tried to stop V as he made his way towards (Y/N)'s room. "Calm down, man! She will go back. I know she will - "
She will go back?!
He almost rudely brushed the two aside and ran to her room. He flung open the door,...
... and didn't find her there.
But, just like in his vision, there was a single note on the bed. He picked it up and saw the shaky scribbles on it.
“One of these days, and it won’t be long,
You’ll call my name and I’ll be gone,
Fare thee well, my honey, fare thee well.”
And just like in the vision, the note,...
... was tear - stained.
🖤 Special thanks to @la-vita for the German dialogue and translations. And for introducing us to Sister Christina. 🖤
🖤 @beyond-the-mirror , @gothghoulfiend , @vergils-daughter , @micaelagua , @ehrzeth , @ceruleanworld , @simmy-ships , @boundbysoul , @diabeticsugarush , @lessy86 , @heaven-on-a-landslide , and @krazy06 . 🖤
As they made their way back to their home, he saw his wife stop at an antique shop, her eyes transfixed on something in a glass case. He took a curious look at it and realized it was a beautiful vintage porcelain doll holding what looked like a stuffed lamb. And just above the doll's glass case was a photograph of a real human girl, clutching the same stuffed lamb, who must have been the inspiration of whoever made the toy.
He smiled at her. "Do you want her? I'll get her for you."
His lovely wife looked up at him, her smile slowly diminishing. She shook her head and grasped her husband's hand, leading him away from the shop with a sad look on her face.
The week after that, the husband introduced his wife to three girls. And he called one of them Galatea.
"Galatea?" She gasped in wonder as her hands glided against the girl’s smooth porcelain - like skin. Like that of a doll's.
She was,... simply perfect,...
The little girl smiled at her as she carefully touched her hands with her own, little ones. "Mama?"
Little Lamb who made thee,
Dost thou know who made thee,... ?
🖤 P.S. I Love You 🖤
~ A V X Reader set in a modern Alternate Universe.
~ Life goes back to normal after the fall of Urizen, the Demon King. V, one of the Demon Hunters who survived the demonic invasion, officially joins Devil May Cry and takes on small jobs to make ends meet. One day, a female client hires him to drive away an evil spirit that haunts her home. Along with Nico, who brings along her new state - of - the - art gadgets to help him on his new mission, and his familiars, Griffon, Shadow, and Nightmare, V moves to his client's home - a mansion rich with history, both happy and dark. And in that mansion, he finds a diary that once belonged to the client's great grandmother, a woman named (Y/N) (L/N), who is, somehow, connected to the hauntings of the restless spirit he must drive out.
~ To be released on the 1st week of October.
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