#to be clear this is in zero ways shippy they just enable each other's terrible caffeine habits
swarmkeepers · 4 years
okay but like i want kristen and riz to go get late night cortados together after spring break
riz is up working and is about to brew himself the third pot of coffee for the night when kristen’s like “do you wanna just take a field trip and get some actually good coffee though”
“i’m not gonna tell you to stop drinking coffee and go to sleep, riz, who do you think i am, jawbone? i’m just offering you some espresso. live a little.” 
and there isn’t really a big case he’s working on, not after the nightmare king, so riz grumbles a little but he says yes
it’s like 1am and kristen takes him to a janky musty 24-hour basement cafe near the elmville train station that tracker showed her. riz loves it instantly
it’s natural that riz loves the night, he’s a goblin and a rogue, but kristen’s coming into her own as a twilight domain cleric wielding the staff of doubt
just two very dangerous people who will literally see everything on the street before it sees them, walking down the street on an unstoppable quest for caffeine
riz drinks his tiny cup of cortado and is like “weird, it’s not acidic at all, is this even coffee” and kristen dumps half a can of condensed milk and cream into hers
they end up talking, because there’s something about good coffee and a friend in a basement cafe at 1am that makes you want to say things you wouldn’t say in daylight
(this got long; more feelings and shenanigans under the cut) 
kristen thinks, this is what cassandra means, the dark is full of secrets but they’re good secrets
do you ever think about how the two of them are now aligned with a celestial plane and what that would mean to riz, whose entire worldview is about work and love and things that are real and not believed (riz does not believe. riz thinks, and then he finds the things worth thinking about)
“how do you know?” riz asks “sometimes you don’t” kristen says
i think after this night and some secrets riz might take kristen to his dad’s grave sometime. now when he goes to the gravestone he knows his dad is listening, and there’s a difference in doing stuff bc it’s a comforting ritual and doing stuff bc it MEANS something. and kristen has a very practiced but also by now very innate sense of what is sacred and i think riz would appreciate that—she would know what to do at pok’s headstone (and also know when you need to break the sacred with the humorous)
and do you ever think about how kristen for all her sainthood is missing tracker and is missing her philosophy students, a little bit
thinking about a kristen who doesn’t call spirit guardians for a long time after the nightmare forest just because it’s so alien to think about what they might be
cleric homework is harder when your powers come from breaking an eight hundred fifty year old curse on a goddex who didn’t have a name for nearly a millennia but also kristen gets frustrated that this is what’s hard, this is what she’s dashing herself against now?
and riz, well, is very familiar with the fact that work is love is work, and that also sometimes work is just hard late nights
and is also chill with kristen spending a whole chunk of the summer just in a blanket burrito in his office heckling him weakly while he finishes up the reports for the nightmare king case (because both of them are the kind of people who just want another person in their space sometimes)
both of them seem like people who love the process (and the uncertainty, and the truth no matter how hard you have to work or how many gods you have to reject to find it) and therefore they thrive in the caffeinated late nights
(and don’t think about how for all the team rizten jokes both of them are people who care deeply about their friends under the jokes and i think “being 0 for 3″ would hurt)
riz thinks he failed kristen—she sacrificed herself to save him and he couldn’t get them out of the forest in time and she saved him again in the dusk moss ritual when he remembered what his friends have done for him and then he failed again, couldn’t get tracker with that tincture dart
riz is not usually anyone’s first choice to talk about feelings so when kristen starts being absurdly tactile and grabbing him into her blanket burrito it feels just a little like saint applebees’ forgiveness
they probably walk home (unafraid) from the cafe and end up sitting on the roof of riz’s office, because who’s gonna tell them to go to sleep
“wanna sneak up to the roof?” / “did you even have to ask?”
kristen probably almost impales herself on the corner of an AC unit or something - “aren’t humans supposed to have good dex?” / “guess i missed the memo while i was dying twice and creating two and a half gods” / “noted. i can’t pull you up though, so good luck”
they’re so overcaffeinated on 1am espressos they just stay up all night but it’s their native habitat and no one’s gonna stop them
tl;dr they’re FRIENDS they’re GOOD FRIENDS team rizten is now 1 for 4
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